A/N YAY! NEW CHAPTER. Sorry for the long wait life got in the way. Hopefully this wait won't be so long (can't promise anything though).

Disclaimer: Don't own Thundermans

Learning, and Pranks

As much as I enjoy being part of a secret organization that's designed to keep track and protect superhero's. There are a few things I despise.

I gasped as my sparing instructor through me to the ground again momentarily knocking the breath out of me.

I turned to glare at the woman who had done it. "Are you just about done kicking my ass?"

"No. Now Again, Agent C" The woman said.

"I thought all this job entailed was protecting their secret identity? Wouldn't it be better to learn more about hacking then about the 12 separate ways I can kill with my thumb?" I asked annoyed.

"You protect superhero's identity, you make sure that evil villains never find out, and sometimes that will mean fighting your way out of several scrapes when a villain inevitably realises you're close to a hero"

"So, this is like training for the damsels in distress?" I asked. The woman who was training her raised an eyebrow, but didn't answer.

"That happen a lot?" I ask taking the silence as her answer.

The woman nodded. "The founders of SPA were actually what you would consider Damsels in Distress, this was originally created to help Supers loved one's from getting into too much trouble. When it became apparent that half the problem were villains knowing Super's identities, we made it one of our goals."

I raised an eyebrow. "Wow" She said.

"Yeah" The woman said. "Besides, the only means we have to remove memories would mean getting close to people." The woman said holding a small cylinder that she had pulled from her pocket.

"Those look like the neurolizers from the Men in Black movies!"

"Where do you think the idea came from?" The woman said with a smile.

My eyes widened. The woman put the neurolizer back in her pocket.

"Now" The woman said redoing her fighting stance. "Again"

"Hey Cher" Phoebe said walking up to me. "How's it going?"

I can barely walk. My arms hurt, my legs hurt, I think I strained my neck and oh yeah, I joined a top-secret organization dedicated to keeping superpowered people's identities secret. I thought before she started to smile. "I'm great!"

She said. "You ready for picture day?"

Phoebe nodded excitedly. "This will be fun" Phoebe said.

"Yeah if you're a loser" Max said. "Oh yeah, I forgot, you are"

Phoebe glared at Max.

Phoebe glared at Max. "Come on Cher" Phoebe said pulling her to class.

"It's… not… so bad" I said as Phoebe stormed out of the photo room. She was covered in cheese and chocolate and was glaring at any student who dared to smirk her way.

"Not so bad!" Phoebe shrieked. "He ruined my yearbook photo."

"It's just one bad photo, you'll have tons more to make up." I said hurrying out after Phoebe.

"He's always doing things like this." Phoebe said. "It's time someone beat him at his own game"

I tilted my head. "What exactly do you mean?"

"I need to head home and change" Phoebe said heading out. "I'll call you tonight ok?"

Before I had a chance to respond Phoebe walked off.

I sighed and pulled out my phone and walked off somewhere private.

"Keep an eye on this" My supervisor said. "But unless, they do something completely unexplainable… I wouldn't worry, a lot of superkids do stupid things, and they walk away mostly unscathed."

I nodded against my phone. "Alright, I just thought I'd let you know."

"Phoebe's still Phoebe" My supervisor reminded me. "You knowing she has powers doesn't change that. They are still under obligations to keep their powers secret, remember that I."

"I know" I said. "But…"

"it's unsettling" My supervisor finished. "A girl who you thought you could trust, is now found out to be hiding a huge secret and it changes everything and nothing at the same time."

"I should go" I said. "Sorry I bothered you."

"I" My supervisor sighed. "I'm your supervisor, it's my job to make sure your doing well, don't be afraid to call, if your unsure."

"Phoebe the girl I know, is smart resourceful and always follows the rules" I said. "But she's a teenager too, and I know that if I-" I stopped closed her eyes and smiled. "But she's not me, so I should calm down, keep an eye on her, and only step in, if what Phoebe and Max are doing are completely unexplainable."

"Yes, Agent C" She said. "Now you need to get to HQ after school, you have training to do"

I bit back a groan. "Yes ma'am"

"Oh, and Cherry?" Her supervisor said.


"You'll be learning about different hacking techniques today, so bring something with internet."

I bit back a squeal of delight. "Yay!" She said tempted to jump up an down before she caught herself. "Uh- I mean, Yes ma'am"

Her supervisor laughed. "It won't be quite that exciting. I'll see you soon, Agent C."

I was typing away on her phone attempting to remember what she had learned the night before. Attempting to hack the school's system. I kept telling myself it was to 'just to see if I could' (and if I happened to accidently change certain grades from 'c's to 'b's well then who would know?) I was lucky to have decided to enter school early because there happened to be a bed in the middle of the hallway.

And most unfortunately my best friend happened to be sleeping in that bed. I leaned forward. "Pheebs" I whispered. "Phoebe" I said nudging her slightly.

She groaned and turned over. "Five more minutes" She mumbled.

"Phoebe…" I sighed. "Hey look it's Cole"

She jumped up. "Huh what where?" She looked down at herself, then her bed, then at the fact that she was at school. "What happened?"

I shrugged. "I just found you here sleeping" I said. "Any idea what happened?"

She glared. "Max" She groaned.

I held out my hand. "Come on" I said. "Kids will start showing up in like half an hour, I have an extra set of clothes you can change into" I said. "If you don't mind changing into gym clothes" I remedied.

"Thanks" Phoebe said. "Why are you here so early anyway?"

I shrugged. "Because I felt like it"

Phoebe nodded. "Thanks Cher" She said as I led her down to my locker and pulled out a couple of leggings and loose T. (Often training was right after school so I had taken to hiding a couple changes of clothes in my locker.

"Thanks, so much Cher" She said giving me a hug before rushing into the bathroom.

I called my supervisor. "Umm, what do I do about a bed in the middle of a hallway?"

"Ah that's a common one among kids with telekinesis" Her supervisor said. "I'll hack into the school's computer"

"I can delete the video myself" Cherrie said.

"It's more then that" Her supervisor said. "Deleting will look suspicious, don't worry, Agent C, just make sure Phoebe's retaliation doesn't require memory wipes."

Cherrie sighed. "I'll do my best."

The prank war went on for a week. Cherrie worked overtime to make sure that their pranks (especially the pranks that had required the use of telekinesis) weren't questioned by anyone.

They were getting worse and worse until one day… they just stopped. No pranks, no beds in the hallway, no cheese and chocolate being poured on someone's head no, person being forced to wearing outrages clothing. Nothing.

"What happened?" Cherrie said after the third day of nothing happening.

Phoebe smiled mischievously. "Let's just say my brother learned not to mess with me"

Normally words like that would have terrified Cherry. Except that Cherry had seen Max head to class a few minutes before. "Oh kay?"

Phoebe laughed and wrapped an arm around Cherry's. "Come on let's get to class, can't afford to have my GPA go down, can I?"