Pairing: Lucy Heartfilia / Laxus Dreyar

A/N: I just finished watching all of Fairy Tail and there were so many feels in the whole season! I loved how it ended as well and have now started reading the FT 100 Year Quest manga :)

Also, in case you guys don't know, I've been writing another story called Electric Metal on My Mind. It's a threesome pairing which I know isn't everyone's cup of tea. It's Lucy, Gajeel and Laxus. No proper plot on that one but that may change in the future. It's a bit of a slow burn but still rated M. Please enjoy if you do like threesome pairings :D

Hope you're all doing well!

Thanks for reading!


Disclaimer: I wish I owned Fairy Tail! But sadly, I do not :(

'…' Thoughts

"…" Words

Chapter 9

Laxus locked their room as they headed out once more to the cold. Walking back through the town centre, they noticed that the streets were even quieter than before. They could see that the sun was slowly making its descent behind the snow capped mountains.

"So who's the client anyway?" Lucy asked while she followed a little behind Laxus, as he seemed to know where he was going.

"Gramps said the mayor was the one that requested this mission. Was told to meet him in his office around 4 o'clock. I noticed a sign to his office earlier." Laxus answered, occasionally glancing around them. His dragon senses were telling him that they were being watched closely. With the few curtains he saw being hurriedly shut, he assumed it was the townspeople being curious about strangers. 'They must not get a lot of new faces around here.' He couldn't help being more vigilant on their walk to the mayor's office, especially with his mate walking along beside him.

After roughly another five minutes of walking, they had reached the mayor's office. It looked more modern compared to the rest of the town. It was a two story double brick building with a fresh coat of paint. A shiny gold plate was mounted above the archway entrance stating 'Mayor's Office'. Once they entered the building they approached a pretty brunette secretary who was lazily flicking through the most recent issue of Sorcerer's Weekly. The secretary did not bother to look up but continued to peruse the magazine.

"Ehem…" Lucy cleared her throat to get the secretary's attention.

The secretary gave a sigh in irritation and looked up. "What do you want?" she rudely asked, giving a small glare towards Lucy before her eyes fell on Laxus. Her eyes widened and greedily looked him up and down before her whole demeanor changed. "I mean, how can I help you?" she sultry asked, now completely ignoring Lucy. Laxus just looked bored and said nothing as he had already dealt with someone similar to her earlier in the day. He was not in the mood to deal with another woman's ridiculous attempt at flirting. Why would he be instructed in their advances when he had someone as beautiful as the stellar mage next to him?

Lucy rolled her eyes at the blatant change in the woman's attitude and leaned over her desk impatiently. "We're from Fairy Tail about the job request. The mayor should be expecting us." Lucy informed her crisply.

Laxus smirked in amusement as the secretary turned her nose up with a huff before she picking up her phone. "Sir? The mages from Fairy Tail are here," she announced. "Sure…. Yes….Understood. I'll have it ready." Ending the call, she stood up and motioned for them to follow her. "This way, please. The mayor will see you now." her tone still brisk but slightly more respectful.

Reaching the very end of the corridor, they stopped in front of a set of ornate double doors. The secretary promptly knocked twice, before opening the doors and indicating for the two mages to enter. Once the two were inside, the secretary immediately left and closed the doors behind them.

The two blondes saw a slim and well dressed man, in his late thirties, sitting behind a large oak desk. His office was lavishly decorated in red and gold tones; a garish and stark contrast with the rest of the humble looking town. He silently observed both Laxus and Lucy as they entered. Lucy figured that some women would find him attractive, but to her, he seemed a little creepy. It was in the way he was watching her. It made her feel as if he was undressing her with his eyes. Lucy couldn't help the involuntary shudder she gave when his eyes finally met hers. She was used to dealing with perverts and creeps but for some reason this man made her skin crawl.

After another few seconds of silence, the mayor indicated for Laxus and Lucy to take the two seats in front of him. "Welcome and thank you for coming. My name is Roger Borg. I'm a little surprised to see two of you as I had only requested one specific mage for this job." Giving Laxus a cursory glance before his eyes returned to Lucy appreciatively. "Not that I have a problem with the extra help I'm sure you would provide." complimented the mayor.

Lucy merely smiled as politely as she could before sitting down. Laxus not liking the way the mayor was staring at Lucy, stayed standing and got straight to the point. "So what can you tell us about this dark guild?"

Hearing the sharp tone in his voice, Mayor Borg peeled his eyes away from the beautiful blonde for a minute to answer Laxus. "As I explained to your guild master, some of our townspeople have gone missing over the last few weeks. Our farmers also say that they have heard loud noises in the middle of the night and have found large and deep holes in the ground the next morning. We have tried to investigate ourselves what is at the bottom of these holes but they're all sealed with strong dark magic. These things started happening after a small group of dark mages came past our town around a month ago. We initially assumed they were merely travelers passing through, until one of them caused trouble at the local tavern. That was the last time we heard from them before they went into the forest and they haven't been seen since."

"You also mentioned to our master that you specifically wanted a lightning mage for this job. Why's that?" Laxus enquired further. Something wasn't sitting right with the dragon slayer. He could tell that Mayor Borg was hiding something.

"Before the mages disappeared into the forest, one of the townspeople identified their leader and said that his powers were weak to lightning. Unfortunately, before I could speak to that man any further, he has since disappeared as well. That was about two weeks ago now." the mayor answered.

Laxus nodded. "That ain't much to go on. Can you point us to these holes in the ground? We'll start from there." He wanted to leave Mayor Borg's office soon so he would stop eyeing Lucy like a piece of meat. Plus he wanted to find out what the mayor wasn't telling them.

"Of course, Mr Dreyar and Miss…?" he asked Lucy expectantly.

"Lucy Heartfilia," Lucy replied promptly. She too wanted to leave as soon as possible.

The mayor gave her a wink. "Ah.. Lucy. Such a sweet name. I look forward to your help. And my secretary, Sara, should have a map marked with all the areas that have been reported by the farmers."

Taking their leave, Lucy and Laxus wasted no time in walking out of the mayor's office. As they passed Sara's desk, they were handed a map with crosses marking where all the disturbances and holes have been discovered. "I'm sure you'll find all that you need here." Sara flirtatiously said towards Laxus. "But if you ever need anything else. And I mean absolutely anything….my number is on there as well."

Lucy snatched the map off her desk and briskly replied, "Thanks. I'm sure we've got it covered from here. Come on, Sparky. I need some fresh air." Lucy stomped towards the front doors in a huff whilst a smirking Laxus followed closely behind.

Stepping outside, Laxus turned to Lucy and asked, "So what do you think?"

"He gives me the creeps, that's what I think," Lucy answered, giving another shudder at the encounter with the mayor. "I frankly don't trust or like either of them." the celestial mage frowned in annoyance.

"I could tell that he wasn't giving us the whole story. I can smell a lie from a mile away and he wasn't upfront with a lot of things. As for his secretary, she didn't seem like she was hiding anything." Laxus replied wanting to rile the blonde a little. He wanted to see if Lucy was jealous.

Lucy simply rolled his eyes and quietly muttered. "Men! Seriously." In a normal tone of voice, she asked, "Should we take a look around at the sites marked?" Ignoring the shit eating grin the lightning mage had on from her previous comment.

"Not tonight, Blondie. It's getting dark and it'd be hard to check 'em out if we can't see or get lost." Laxus pointed out. Although he wanted to get the job over and done with, so he can pursue wooing Lucy, he wanted to get more information and formulate a plan accordingly.

They slowly made their way back to the tavern. It had gotten very dark during their meeting with mayor Borg. Lucy looked up at the town clock and was surprised to see that it was only 4:23 pm.

"Wow! The sun sure sets early here!" she exclaimed out loud just before they got to the tavern. She could even see a few stars starting to peek out from the darkening horizon.

Laxus made a noise of agreement, deep in thought about the conversation they had with the mayor. 'There's something not right with what he's told us.' As a dragon slayer, he's always trusted his instincts. It's helped him and the Thunder Legion get out of trouble time and time again. Another thing that was bothering Laxus was the seemingly lack of worry or concern that the mayor displayed for his townspeople. The talk they had with him seemed more rehearsed than anything.

Seeing Laxus mulling things over, Lucy made a suggestion. "Since he mentioned about the mages making trouble at the tavern, we should probably have a chat with Joe about it."

"You read my mind, Blondie. Let's go see what else we can find out." Laxus answered as they walked in and headed straight to the bar. They couldn't see the tavern owner around so they waved down the barmaid to ask his whereabouts.

"Excuse me but we checked in earlier and was wondering if Joe was around?" Lucy enquired the barmaid who looked to be around Lucy's age.

"Oh! You just missed him! He just stepped out for a bit." she answered them. "He should be back in about an hour or so."

Laxus decided to wait for Joe to come back while Lucy opted for a quick nap in their room, since she didn't sleep too well last night nor during their train ride here.

"I'll come and get you when he comes back," Laxus told Lucy. He could see she was tired and needed some rest. Laxus on the other hand felt energised from his sleep on her lap earlier in the day.

Lucy muttered a quick thanks and started heading back to their room. Laxus sat in front of the bar, about to order a drink, when he became mesmerised by the tantalising sashay of her hips as Lucy steadily climbed up the stairs.

Hearing an amused giggle, the lightning mage snapped his head towards the sound and saw that the barmaid they were just speaking with was in front of him. "Girlfriend?" she smiled knowingly. It eerily reminded him of Mira when she was plotting something.

Laxus very rarely blushed but she had caught him gawking at Lucy, just like a teenage boy with his first crush. "Something like that," he grunted evasively. "Can I get a scotch and soda?"

"Sure thing! Coming right up!" the barmaid chirped. She expertly prepared the drink and placed it in front of the hulking blonde before serving the other patrons sitting at the tables.

Laxus continued to mull over the job at hand while he nursed his drink. He was bothered by the whole thing in general and started to think that he should've taken the Thunder Legion as well as a precaution.

It was during a small lull in the conversations going on around him that he heard a muffled shout and thump coming from upstairs. Instantly worried for his mate, he raced up the stairs and was alert for any signs of trouble. As he reached the landing, he witnessed half of Lucy's body being forcefully dragged into what looked like a black hole through the wall of their room.

"Laxus!" the celestial mage cried out before a hand came out and smothered half her face to silence her.

Incensed that someone would dare take her away from him, he rushed down the corridor so he could pull her back but was too late. The last thing he saw before the portal closed were Lucy's frightened eyes.

"FUCK!" the lightning slayer screamed in anger, currents of electricity running around his body.

A/N: Oh, oh! Someone's gonna get a beating for sure!

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