A/N: Hi all! This is my take on the pureblood Hermione AU. Please note this story has no update schedule as of right now because the only chapters that have been written is this and the first chapter. I will update as I see fit but I do also have my hands full with TCC so please be patient with me. If you have any questions or comments, Tumblr is the best place to reach me since I can access it easier through my phone (link is on my profile).



For as long as I can remember, I've kept a book of all the truths that I know. When I was eleven years old and I got my Hogwarts letter, I wrote down that I finally knew why I was different. I was a witch. After the Sorting, I wrote down that I was in Gryffindor. After the troll attack, I wrote about my new friendship with Harry and Ron. I'm sure you can get the idea from there.

This book has been my companion and reassurance for the last twenty-four years of my life. In school, it was a reassurance that I was more than what the whispers were saying; I was more than just a mudblood or a know-it-all. During the war, it was a reminder of what I was fighting for, of what I wanted to accomplish. After Ron and I broke up, it was a companion that kept me company as I healed from a broken heart.

Now… now, this book means nothing to me. This book no longer holds everything I've ever known to be true; instead, it holds hundreds and hundreds of lies that I have been told over the years. What once contained memories (good and bad) now only contains falsehoods.

As I stare at the book, I feel a strong urge to throw it in the fireplace and watch it burn. I want to set it ablaze and watch as all the lies that book contains burns up until it's nothing more than a pile of ashes.

I want to do this, but I don't. Despite the hundreds of lies the book holds, it also holds a few truths; not many, but enough for me to hold off from burning it. For now.

The few truths that I'm holding onto are these: my name is Hermione, I was born September 19, 1979. I was a Gryffindor at Hogwarts and saved the world by helping destroy Voldemort's horcruxes and fighting in the final battle of the war.

After that, everything I've ever known to be true in my life is a lie.

Please review!