Hey guys! So it's been a long time for this story! A very long time. Apparently two years haha. It wasn't really intentional, but I got crazy busy with life. I'm almost done with my bachelor's though, so hopefully I won't be crazy slammed as much as I am now. I haven't been able to really write as much as I would like, which is why this story has been neglected for so long. The other stories I have written were ideas that I had pop into my head, and wrote them spur of the moment when I had free time.

Anyways, I definitely did not give up on this story at all! Just got busy like I said. I did however choose to update this one last from my other ones because I plan to rehaul a few things. I won't be making drastic changes, but I will be revamping a few chapters eventually just to fix some continuity issues as well as character issues. I wanted the characters to be close to the source material, yet young and irrational like typical teenagers are. I might have missed the mark with Raven in this story, so I plan on changing some minor details. This story is very much experimental though, as it will have a lot of elements in it that I would not have in my other stories.

You don't have to reread those chapters though. It won't be a big deviation from the story and its plot. Just adding more believable aspects I guess. Though once they are up and you want a refresher for the story go for it. I'll let you know when the chapters have been rehauled. I do want to say however that I am very confident in my ability to handle the characters, especially Raven. There are some parts that I might fix, but for the early stage of being teenagers, I think her irrationality and erratic behavior are pretty realistic for her character. Plus, all of it is for comedic effect anyways. If you want a more serious undertone, you can check out my other story "Writing Romance". It has a lot of comical aspects, but the story handling is more traditional and the characters are more "mature" for a lack of a better term. My other stories are just one-shots, and Raven is a bit more bold in each of them so I can't say they are 100% closer to the source material.

I don't have time to sort through reviews right now, maybe one day I'll address them all haha. I am not at all offended by any of the "harsh" or "critical" reviews. I'm no snowflake, and I am completely understanding of them. As an "author" (if you can call me that), it is my job to create something that engages readers. Part of engaging them is keeping it immersive, which looks like I had a few misses with this story. I'm not the type to overlook my failures, nor am I the kind to take offense to others' opinions. I value them all, and will take them with me as I go forward with this story. Thanks for taking the time to both read and write about it, as well as still appreciating it for what it is. I personally had to re-read everything to remember where I was with the story, and I enjoyed it and laughed my butt off at my own writing. Some parts were genius, other parts were cringey. But I'm definitely not at all ashamed of the story. I feel like I can take it somewhere special over time.

To PSI-Triforce, no you didn't offend me or keep me from writing hahaha. Like I said before, I have had to hurdle some time constraints unfortunately. Sorry to keep you waiting. Hopefully this chapter will entertain you and be a little nostalgic I guess… since it has been a few years (hard to believe LOL).

I hope the rest of you as well as newcomers enjoy this chapter. Please, continue to review, follow, fave, criticize, demolish, hate, whatever fits your fancy for this story. I read it all.


God, you don't even know how great is to have my penis back. No, seriously. Stop for a moment and just reflect on what it's like to have your life completely altered by changing genitalia…

Heck, I'm so happy just to be able to pee while standing again! The convenience of being able to pee on the go, anywhere you want! Well, as long as you don't get caught anyways.

Dude. No one will be able to understand how thankful I am to be able to take a shower, look down and seeing my green machine dangling in all of its splendor and glory! It is definitely a unique feeling given the circumstances, so I doubt anyone else will be able to experience it.

Well, I guess it's kinda like when someone gets their leg chopped off, but was able to have it re-attached.

Heh, I got my third leg re-attached.


Anywho, I figured I'd jot down some more stuff that was important to mention to my future self in case I forgot. I mean, it's not like I'm BAD at forgetting things… I'm just, really good at not remembering things.

So the whole gender bend fiasco took a long time for me to get over. Occasionally, I would still have ghost pains in my stomach from the trauma my poor body went through. I also have found myself totally avoiding soy milk, as for some reason I'm super sensitive to the stuff now to the point where I basically cry at nothing for no reason.

Eventually though, I began my recovery.

So, new thing. Starfire lost Silkie. Not like lost as in Old Yeller lost (aka the BIG death). Nah, I'm talkin' she legit couldn't FIND the thing. Okay, so I know he's not the biggest thing, but still. How do you lose something that… useless? Don't tell Star I called Silkie useless. I think she'd actually stick me with that gluzenbagluff or glutenboogaloo or whatever the heck it was.

But yeah. Silkie was GONE. MIA. Sayonara. Asta la vista, baby. The worm was nowhere to be found.

Neither was Starfire's joy.

Unfortunately with that, came to the detriment of the team. Since her power to fly really relies on her emotions, she hasn't been effective enough for combat purposes. Plus, her heart wasn't in it either. She would get distracted, which was so unlike her incredible laser-like focus she usually had during fights. Robin, Cyborg, and I knew that we need to find Silkie… and fast. Raven didn't care more or less. Or at least, it didn't look like it at the time.

It was settled. We were on a quest to find Silkie, to be the heroes of our dear damsel in distress. We were the Raiders of the Lost Silkie.

"So, uh… where should we start looking?" Robin asked.

"Man, Starfire is your girl! You should know all about Silkie since you know all about Star!" Cyborg complained.

"I don't know what you're talking about Cyborg." Robin reluctantly denied, blush appearing on his face.

"Oh come on, we all know you're into her." Cyborg prodded.

"Yeah dude. We've seen you gawking at her so many times." I added in.

I mean seriously. There is no way the dude wasn't all in that orange business. He gotta be digging those jugs at least. He need some milk.

"Sh-shut up." Robin responded embarrassingly.

"Well, if you don't know where to start, I definitely don't." Cyborg mused.

Since I was so clever and totally awesome, I decided to lend my magnificent powers for the sake of the squad.

"If we can find something that has Silkie's scent on it, I could be able to track him down!" I suggested.

"There's a start at least." Robin agreed.

"Yeah, so where could we find something that would have his scent on it?" Cyborg questioned.

The boys and I mustered all of our thinking prowess and stood together pondering for a moment. As if on cue, Robin spoke up.

"Why don't we go to Star's room? She's out shopping with Raven, so we should be able to go in no problem." Robin explained.

"Uh, you sure that's a good idea Rob? You don't just barge in a girl's room like you own the place." Cyborg contended.

"Ah, it'll be fine Chrome Dome. We'll be in and out so fast it would be like we weren't even there in the first place!" I confidently proclaimed.

"I don't know guys, I have a bad feeling about this." Cyborg said hesitantly.

"Oh shut up Luke Skywalker," I said as I patted our friendly neighborhood cybernetic teen on the shoulder. "It's all clear skies from here."

So amazingly enough yet totally unsurprisingly, we made it into Starfire's room. It was pink, and pink, and well… you guessed it, it was girly.

Ha. You thought I was gonna say pink again. Sike!

But seriously. It was pink.

There was so much pink and fluffiness and cutsie stuff in there that I'm pretty sure Raven would vomit if she was exposed to it for more than fifteen minutes. This chick really loved everything girly.

Which was fitting I guess, after all, she is super girly and princess-y.

"Alright, where should we start?" Robin asked to no one in particular.

"How about her bed? She lets Silkie sleep with her sometimes, so his scent could be there." Cyborg suggested.

"Dude. I'm not sniffing her bed. That's just weird man." I protested.

"Well, there's gotta be something in here for us to use." Robin pressed.

I'm pretty sure this dude was just happy to be there.


"Let's start looking around then." Cyborg replied.

So we did. We started looking and looking for things that would have Silkie's scent on it. It was kinda hard, cause we weren't too sure what all involved Silkie. I was scanning the floor, Cyborg was checking the walls, and Robin was bouncing between the floor, walls, drawers and closet. This guy was a maniac.

"Wait, if Silkie is with Starfire 90% of the time, shouldn't her clothes have his scent?" Cyborg asked.

"That's true I guess." I casually agreed.

"That would make sense." Robin nodded.

Me and Cyborg began double teaming her closet, while the traffic light himself took the honors of searching her drawers. After a few minutes, we heard a sharp and girly gasp.

Cyborg and I whipped around fast, eyes wide in horror in fear; thinking we were absolutely totally busted.

Great. First Raven and now this. I'm just a world-class perv.

But neither Starfire nor Raven were anywhere to be found. As far as the source of the gasp, it came from none other than our glorious leader himself.

Before us stood a blushing, nervous, and a very stiff Robin holding up in front of him the pinkest panties I have ever seen in my life. The way he was holding them out in front of himself reminded me of that scene from the Lion King where that monkey was holding Simba up on that cliff. Golden material right there.

I wasn't sure which was funnier; Robin holding Starfire's panties, or the fact that he just gave out the girliest and unmanliest gasp I have ever heard.

Both had the same energy.

"Bahahahaha oh man, Robin is sniffing some panties!" Cyborg said while dying of laughter.

"Dang Rob, you dirty boy!" I joined in, laughing my butt off.

"It-it's not like that guys! Stop! I j-just… I f-f-found this while… l-looking f-f-for.." Robin responded incoherently.

Me and Cyborg looked at each other for a moment, then burst into tears.

"BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" We cried in wonderous unison.

Robin's face turned redder than his entire uniform, partly in embarrassment and the other half in anger. He then threw those sacred panties directly at us in frustration.

"GAAAAAAAAAGH!" I yelped as it landed on my face.

Cyborg turned to me and became even more hysterical.

"OH MY- BAHAHAHAHA! OH GOD HAHAHA! Can you smell the scent now Beasty?! AHAHAHAHA!" Cyborg wheezed.

"Shut it Robo Retard!" I yelled.

I took those soft, delicate pink panties and smacked Cyborg across the face with them. He looked back at me in total shock, which then made me start laughing again.

"Hahaha, oh dude. That was priceless!" I squealed.

"Guys, guys! Stop! That's really inappropriate!" Robin huffed.

Cyborg and I turned our gazes back to Robin, both in sync.

"Oh look who's talking Mr. Inappropriate." Cyborg rebutted.

"Yeah. You can have your panties back." I said to him before throwing them back at Robin.

He yelped, but caught them in the process; slightly jumbling them a bit before having a grip on them.

"Let's just… put this back." Robin said.

After a moment, he managed to find resolve and placed them back in the drawer he found them in before slamming it shut.

We all were silent, staring at each other in bewilderment as well as entertainment. Well, me and Cyborg were looking in entertainment. Robin was the one who was just bewildered.

"Come on guys, we have to actually find something useful here." Robin stated more sternly.

I nodded my head along with Cyborg, getting serious. After all, this was a serious matter. We were looking for Silkie, and genuinely trying to help a dear friend.

Enough playing around.

I scanned the room a few more times before performing the biggest facepalm of my entire life.

"Guys…" I began.

They all turned and looked at me.

I pointed to a corner while drooping my head in shame.

"Silkie's bed is right there…"

Yay! Hopefully this was a good comeback chapter for you guys! I hope it was enjoyable as everyone can look forward to this arc of trying to find Silkie. It's kind of a filler for what I have planned, but it might drag on for a bit for some comedic relief. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the much needed vengeance for Beast Boy. Raven will have her reckoning for sure!