Marinette was hurrying, the ceremony was starting soon and she was so busy she wasn't ready herself. If Alya hadn't interfered, Marinette would never have gotten dressed. Alya rushed in wearing a pink dress with white flowers in her hair.

"Marinette, you've done enough already. You need to get ready."

"I know, I know. I just wanted to be sure the dress is perfect."

"It is Mari, your work is impeccable and everyone knows it. Now come, we must make haste!"

"Marinette! Why aren't you ready," cried Sabine. She wore a golden yellow dress.

"You know how much of perfectionist she is," sighed Alya.

"I concur; she changed my dress so often I was afraid it would not be finished for my wedding," snickered Alix who also was wearing a pink dress.

"Not to mention mine," chimed Mylene in a pink dress.

"Or mine," snickered Alya.

"Alright, yes I am a perfectionist," groaned Marinette.

"She admits it," cried Rose, her pink dress billowing.

"Hurry Marinette, we can't keep Adrien waiting," smiled Juleka in her pink dress.

In a different room, Adrien and Nino were taking with Nathanael, Ivan, Max and Kim. They were all dressed in suits with pink flowers in their lapels.

"You ready for this," asked Nino.

"I believe so," said Adrien. "I hope so," he said nervously.

"Relax my friend, you seem more nervous than I was," chuckled Kim.

"It's just, I waited so long for this; it almost seems too good to be true."

"After everything you two went through, you deserve some happiness," said Nathanael.

"Indeed, I can't think of anyone else more deserving than you two," smiled Ivan.

"I predict a 100 percent chance of success for you both," beamed Max.

"I truly appreciate it all, I couldn't have asked for better friends," said Adrien.

A knock was soon heard and the priest entered.

"Gentleman, it is time."

The priest lead the groom to the altar. Adrien tried to steady his nerves. Nino gently patted his back as he sat next to Alya. Soon, all eyes turned to the doors of the church and in walked the bride. She wore a stunning white dress that was short sleeved and lace detailing. A simple lace veil adorned her head with a pink rose crown on her head and pink and white roses in her hands. Marinette smiled sweetly at Adrien and he smiled back. When she reached the altar, he took her hand and place a chaste kiss on her knuckles. They turned and faced the priest who began the ceremony.

"Dearest friends and family, we gather here to join this man and this woman in the bonds of marriage. There is no greater bond in the world than this. It is a sign to your spouse, your family, your friends and to God above that you will love and honor them. Make no mistake that the vows you will speak before God and these witnesses are not to taken lightly. The sacred word you two will speak carry tremendous weight and it should be shared between the both of you. The bride and groom have both written vows that they now would like to speak."

Marinette and Adrien faced each other, clasping their hands together. Adrien smiled brightly as he began his vows.

"Marinette, not a day goes by where I don't thank God for you. You've brought me so much joy and love into my sad and lonely life. From the moment I saw you, there was a connection and when I first looked into your sapphire eyes I had the urge to protect you, to care for you, to love you. Despite the hardships life will send us, knowing that you will be by my side makes it easier and I feel I can accomplish anything. I love you with all my heart, my Ladybug Princess."

Marinette tried her best to keep her tears in but a few managed to escape. With a deep breath, she began her vows.

"Adrien, my dear sweet Adrien. Each day with you is a gift I will always treasure. You've made me feel loved, special and valued. There was something that drew me to you and when I first looked into your emerald green eyes, I saw how life had made them dull but not completely dark. I wanted to do everything I could to make those eyes shine and I will continue to do so with every hug, sweet word, kiss and gesture directed to you. I will love you forever, my Knight Chat Noir."

By now, nearly everyone was crying; Adrien being the worst, followed by Marinette's parents and then Alya. The priest then continued with the ceremony. He asked the two if they were to take the other for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, in good times and worse times, forsaking all others, for as long as they both should live. To which they responded with.

"I do."

"Then by powers vested in me by the grace of God and this country, I hear by pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

And Adrien did wholeheartedly. After the ceremony and brief reception, the newlyweds boarded the train to their honeymoon.

"We're in first class? I'm impressed Mr. Agreste," smirked Marinette.

"Only the best for Mrs. Agreste," beamed Adrien.

Once they settled into their seats, the two wasted no time in embracing the other.

"Finally," Marinette sighed.

"Indeed. I've waited for this day for so long."

"Well, we have been a bit busy," she smiled. "When do you start your apprenticeship?"

"A few days after we return. Professor Cartier was very generous in letting have this time for you. He told me to treasure it and I intend to follow my mentor's advice."

"Well, with him being the head of the physics department at the university you should."

"Are you sure you won't be behind on your work," Adrien asked worriedly.

"My clients understand. And I made sure I finished everything before this. Plus being a top designer and seamstress does afford me the privilege of deciding when I work."

"And being your top model allows me first glances," smirked Adrien.

"That you do." They let silence fall between them for a moment. "I'm glad you're with me, Chaton," Marinette whispered out.

"And I'm glad you're here with me, Princess," Adrien whispered back.

The two shared a heated kiss; one of many more to come for the rest of their lives.

And that's it. This took a long time to finish. It's always sad to see a story end but it has to at some point. But I always more waiting in the wings so stayed tuned and thank you to those who stayed on till the end.