Well guys, I know what you are thinking: Who the heck is echgrl? What is this story even about again? Did I even follow this?

I apologize for the long wait but I haven't forgotten about fanfiction. I've just been supremely busy (and lazy).

I plan to update as many of my stories as I can as part of an early New Year's Resolution, starting with this one.

Synopsis: After Phantom goes on a killing spree in Amity Park, the world deems him as public enemy #1. But no one knows what really happened. In a story filled with family, friendship, and tears, Danny Phantom must find it in himself to prove to the world and his family that he didn't commit the terrible crime if he ever wants to learn to love himself again.


Phantom Planet happened but no one ever found out Danny's secret and neither did Jazz. Being controlled by a ghost named The Master, Danny attacked Amity Park against his own will and killed several people. He left his family for a couple of years to get away from the hatred and depression. He lived in the Ghost Zone in the Far Frozen, working from the inside to keep ghosts from entering the human world. Sam and Tucker visited and urged him to come home because his family was in despair. Once home, he was faced with many questions he did not give answers to. Upset by this, Jazz makes it her purpose to figure out what he is hiding.

Ghost armies controlled by The Master attack Amity Park, and the family as well as other ghost-hunters (including Sam and Dean Winchester - random crossover but not enough of one to call this a crossover fic) fight. Danny Phantom shows up to people's dismay but only briefly. Jazz and the parents are suspicious that DP shows up at the same time as Danny. Jazz finds out DP=DF when he saves her from Dorothea.

Jazz and Danny go to the Ghost Zone to find the source of the armies- The Master. Danny tries to battle but is controlled to kill Jazz. He almost succeeds, but Jazz puts a Specter Deflector on him which dissipates the Master's voice. This reminds Danny of something…the Fenton Phones!

Maddie is injured and Jack takes her to the hospital. They get a call from Danny and Jazz. Jazz tries to get the parents to believe DP is innocent but they do not comply. They then relay the info about Fenton Phones and Jack comes up with an invention to stop the ghost armies in Amity.

Just when the hunters - Sam, Tucker, Dean and Sam - think the fight is over, they find out that there is yet another army of ghosts coming and they decide to try to take the ghosts by surprise.

With the Fenton Phones in, Danny and Jazz traverse back into the Zone.

Jack Fenton wiped sweat off his forehead as he slaved over the project, alongside Damon Gray and five others. Though Jack had most of the parts in his lab, he needed a lot of speakers and poles to set up around the city. When he had called up Damon Gray, he had told him to gather as many techies as he could find to do this project - many of which had been involved in the big project to turn the Earth intangible a couple years back. These men and women stopped by abandoned warehouses as well as electronic stores on the way to Fenton Works to get the supplies needed to complete the project.

"So we will need to create 25 of these Fenton Mufflers and set them up around town - particularly along Spirit's Way Blvd," Jack stated. "Vick, do you think you can call in some friends to help do the job - preferably ones with big trucks so they can fit in the equipment?"

"Will do," Victor nodded, picking up his cellphone and stepping to the side.

"I think this is going to work," Jack smiled. "I just hope Danny boy and Jazz are okay out there…"

"Oh no. Nonononono. This is not good," Sam said, staring at the large portal that was letting in several thousand ghosts.

"That's the understatement of the day," Tucker said.

The four remaining hunters sat inside an abandoned diner in a booth. Sam and Tuck on one side and the Winchesters on the other.

"Look, I think we can handle this. Trust me, we've been through a lot worse," Dean said.

Sam nodded, agreeing with his older brother. "But we need to remember to save our energy in case anything bigger and badder comes. These ghouls haven't caused much harm to anyone so far. Also, our thermoses are all full again. One of us needs to go back and empty them."

"We also need more fighters. We've lost over half of the ghost-hunters to wounds and the big project," Dean pointed out.

Tucker shrugged. "Maybe we should wait it out."

"No," Sam said. "If we are gonna have any chance to put those speakers up, we need to at least minimize the amount of ghosts. There's thousands coming out of that portal…" Sam shook her head in disbelief. "But like you guys said, we need more people and we need empty thermoses. I'm gonna call for back up."

The only backup Sam knew of was Valerie, but she hadn't spoken to her or even seen her in over a year. "it's her or nothing," she whispered to herself before dialing Valerie's number.


"Hey, Valerie. It's Sam Manson. From high school, remember?"

"Oh my gosh! Sam! I could never forget you. What's up?"

"You mean you don't know? Amity Park is under a major ghost attack."

"…I had no idea. Is my dad -?"

"Yes, your dad is great. He's working with Mr. Fenton on some tech we need. I was calling you to see if you are available to - "

"Help out? Hell yes!" There was a couple seconds of silence, then Valerie whispered. "Sorry, I'm at work, but the answer is yes. I live 20 minutes outside of town but I'll come in on my glider and get there in 10."

"Awesome. We are at Emmy's Diner on Spirit's Way Blvd. We will need you to take our thermoses and get them filled. Also, if you know anyone else who would be willing to help out that would be great too."

"I think I can make a few calls."

"Once we get to the headquarters, what are we going to do?" Jazz asked. Though they had discussed the plans before leaving, she was feeling increasingly nervous that she would somehow manage to screw up the mission even though it was incredibly simple.

"If my theory is right, these Fenton Phones will help to filter out ghost noise so I won't be tempted by The Master. When he tries to control me, I'll pretend to submit, but just as I'm about to strike you, I'll attack him. Hopefully catching him off-guard will do the trick."

"And if it doesn't?"

"Let's try not to think of that."

Jazz frowned. She knew Danny was a powerful halfa, but this Master guy seemed like the real deal. He was controlling Clockwork, the most powerful ghost in the Zone according to Danny. And besides, even if he did manage to sneak attack him, who's to say that The Master's mind-controlled minions wouldn't attack Danny as a reaction? She could only hope that her suspicions were wrong. Danny had been fighting ghosts for a long time. Surely he knew better on this subject than her.

"There and back again," Danny muttered, staring straight ahead at the intimidating group of ghosts in front of the castle.

Thanks for reading!