Nicolas couldn't say who he loved 3 years ago. But now... He could say who he loved now.

Amelia was surprised when she saw Nic take a step in her direction. One after another, he came to her.

'Oh god... Oh god what do I do? He's coming this way. I don't think I can actually tell him. But now I have to tell him. It's my chance. Shit shit shit.' Amelia's face turned to one of panic. She gulped her drink nervously, watching as Nic only came closer. Her chest felt tight, her heart ready to explode with nerves. 'Maybe he wants to switch places with me. Yea, it might just be work related. This is the bar maybe he wants a drink... Nic doesn't drink though... fuck just calm down it's not like you haven't talked to him before.'

"... Emila?" Amelia looked up at Nic who was now standing right in front of her. He must have been trying to get her attention and obviously she didn't notice or else he wouldn't feel the need to use his voice. Especially in such a crowded place.

She smiled, doing her best to hide her nerves. She had become surprisingly good at that. "Sorry, I zoned out," she smiled and signed along with her words.

Nic raised a brow before rolling his eyes. That earned a pout from Amelia. Before she could protest and say 'don't you roll your eyes at me', Nic reached out for her hand, startling her.

"Nic?" The blonde's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she glanced down at her tiny hand clasped in his own large one. She never thought of her hand as necessarily small but when compared to Nic's in definitely seemed small. She blushed and bit her lip. 'This is why I can't get over him. Always doing stuff like this without thinking...'

'Dance with me?' The signs were strong and confident. He didn't do that cute nervous tick of rubbing his neck or adverting his eyes either. Pure confidence in his words.

Amelia stared at the signs he made. She must have read it wrong. She replayed the motions in her head, seeing the same sentence over and over. Nic was asking her to dance?

Amelia didn't realize how long she was hesitating in answering until she suddenly saw that confidence in Nic waver, his arm raising to scratch the back of his neck like he did when nervous. His hand was stopped before it could reach his neck. Amelia's hand was now wrapped around his wrist, pulling it back down gently. Nic locked his dark eyes to those bright blue ones that were now smiling at him.

"I'd love to dance with you, Nic," Amelia smiled lovingly. Her hand moved to intertwine their fingers before she stood up. For a second, she could have sworn she saw a smile on his lips, however, when she looked back at him again, all signs of a smile were gone. She shook her head, as if to forget about the possibility of making Nic smile, and continued on to the dancefloor.

Alex's song ended and she only paused long enough to take a drink of water before starting a new song. She looked down to see Amelia and Nic making their way into the crowd, her eyes flickering to their connected hands. 'Good job, Amelia,' she smiled to herself. She turned to the band, said something, and then turned back to the audience. Holding the mic in her hand firmly and bringing it to her lips, singing out the first lyrics.

Amelia looked up as a beautiful love song filled her ears. Alex's voice was so lovely.

The petite woman smiled and looked at the large speaker on the edge of the dance floor. She situated herself and Nic right in front of it, a little more secluded from everyone hoped it would make him feel a bit more comfortable. If he could feel the vibrations of the song they were dancing to, maybe it would help. She knew he worried at times about getting off beat or ruining the dance for her because he couldn't hear. She wished he would understand that she was just happy to dance with him. She didn't care if they were off beat or even stepping on each others toes.

"Good timing. This is a good song," the girl smiled at the deaf male. She broke their hands away to sign but quickly took his hands back in her own.

Nic looked down at the floor as he started to feel the vibrations from the speaker travel through the concrete and up his legs. It was a mellow song so there wasn't a lot of vibration from the intruments but when Alex started singing he could tell with ease.

He looked at Amelia who had already started situating his hands to where they needed to be. He was still lost when it came to dancing but he knew Amelia loved it. Dancing made her smile so bright and big and he wanted to see that right now so he could tell her what he wanted to.

"This goes here... and this goes here... and we're good," Amelia said, more to herself then to Nicolas but still keeping her lips visible for him. She placed his hands on her waist and her own hands on his broad shoulders. She then took a step closer so they weren't straight armed but still not too close. She wanted to be closer but she didn't know what he wanted so she settled with a friendly distance. She looked up when she was done and gave a closed eyed smile.

Nic scrunched his nose awkwardly, feeling the urge to scratch the back of his neck but refusing to remove his hands from their proper places. She was just so stunning and it made him feel things and that made him feel awkward.

"Ready?" Amelia caught the males attention again and waited for a nod before continuing. "Step like this and then this..." She lead him through the steps until they got into the steady rhythm of the music, stepping this way and that, rocking together. 1, 2, 3... 1, 2, 3...

When she stopped correcting him and seemed to just be enjoying the music, Nic took lead without really realizing it and danced to the same rhythm she had set up. 'I guess it's not that hard. I didn't step on her this time,' Nic thought to himself, noticing his own improvement.

The tag looked down at the girl he had known for years. He could remember her at 16, shy and quiet anytime the handymen were around. 18, when she was broken and distant thanks to the asshole of a boyfriend she thought loved her. 21 when she moved in with them and slowly gained back that beautiful smile. 23, when she smiled for him. 23... when he made that smile disappear...

A small thumb was pressed to the middle of Nicolas' forehead, ripping him out of his thoughts. He looked at Amelia. Her eyebrows were knitted together in worry as she smoothed her thumb over his forehead.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked softly, smoothing the crease that had formed in his forehead. "You'll get wrinkles if you keep a face like that," she teased gently.

'I'll be dead before I get wrinkles,' was what Nic wanted to say but he didn't want her to get upset so he opted to keep quiet.

"So, what is it? You suddenly got all gloomy. Are you ok?"

Nic never understood how she could so easily tell what was going on inside his head. Sometimes her persistance could get annoying but then again, he was kind of glad someone actually cared about him. He didn't know why anyone would.

"R...eerr..." Nic felt for the vibrations in his throat, hoping he was loud enough to be heard over the club's music. "Ah fine," he finally answered, assuring the woman that he was perfectly fine.

Amelia sighed as if defeated. He was always so stubborn. "Ok but can you at least try to look like your enjoying yourself?" She smiled, wrapping her arms back around his neck.

Nic scrunched his nose slightly as if to say sorry before doing his best to relax his face. It was a lot harder to do when you were thinking about it. Maybe he could think of some calming memories... hell he didn't have calming memories.

Amelia saw how distracted Nic was now, trying to relax his face. It made her smile softly. Why was he so cute? She sighed and moved one hand to the back of Nic's head, rubbing the short hairs of his head like she knew he liked. He seemed to instantly relax into her. She watched him close his eyes and lower his head so she could reach better. She smiled and continued, loving the peaceful look on his face.

'Why wasn't it always this easy?' Nic thought, letting Amelia calm him down. 'I could have saved her a lot of heart break if I just...'

A beaming smile lit up Amelia's face as she curled into Nicolas' chest. He was sitting on his chair when Amelia had come down and asked if she could sit with him. He had agreed and now she was sitting on his lap, leaning into him like a child.

He watched as she bit her lip, obviously debating something before leaning up and kissing Nic right on the cheek. He blinked at her, a little surprised by the kiss. This only made her giggle and apologize.

Nic shook his head as if to say it didn't bother him. He then leaned down and kissed her lips gently, now taking her off guard.

Her mouth hung open for a moment, cheeks turning red. He watched as her lips formed what he had come to recognize as his name being spoken. Her eyes darted away, embarrassment and nervousness written all over her face.

Nic felt his mouth twitch upwards and before he could second guess himself, he took Amelia's chin between his thumb and forefinger and tilted her face to look at him. Her face was beat red now. He slowly leaned down until he felt her soft lips against his own rough ones. Her soft hand held his rough one. Her gentle heart took over his dark one.

He was completely at ease in that moment. He wasn't a monster. He was able to be something other than destroy. He could be... calm...

The memory felt almost real. As if it had just happened yesturday and not 3 years ago. He needed to talk to her. Worrick was right for once. He couldn't just ignore it. He had to atleast see if she felt the same.

Nicolas opened his eyes, ready to come out and say it but was beat to the punch. Or rather...

The kiss.

Soft lips barely brushed against his own. Amelia's eyes were squeezed shut and she balanced on her tip toes to reach the tag's lips. Nic couldn't do anything but stare in shock as she held her lips in place. His hands instinctively tightened their grip on her waist, his whole body tensed with shock.

Amelia tried to hold the kiss for a few seconds, hoping to god she didn't just make the worst decision of her life. He wasn't kissing back and she was getting more and more terrified. She couldn't even open her eyes. Just when she was going to step back, and hopefully make a cool exit, she felt it. Her lips were no longer brushing against his. The rough lips of Nicolas were now pressing down against her own. Her heart fluttered in her chest and she thought she might die right then and there.

However, with her luck, that might become too true in a matter of minutes.

The power cut. All lights in bastard shut off and the speakers cut out. Nicolas and Amelia quickly noticed the change in surroundings and pulled away from each other. Nic instinctively reached for his katana.

Clubgoers began yelling for the lights to be turned back on. Some murmured around asking questions as if someone might know what the hell was going on. A power outtage? The weather was fine. No reason for it to go out. The back up generator should have kicked in by now anyway.

"H-hey? Hey! The doors are locked! What kinda sick joke is this?" A man yelled from the otherside of the club. He began to fight with the door handle vigorously, cursing when it didn't budge.

Clubbers looked at one another as they took in the information. Suddenly everyone started yelling and running for the doors in a panic. Worick came into view as the floor emptied and Amelia quickly waved him over as Nic looked around and sniffed the air for trouble. Alex was still standing on the stage, unsure of where to go. She looked at the trio below her but she couldn't quiet hear what they were saying.

"Whats going on?" Amelia asked Worick, avoiding eyecontact with Nic at the moment. If she looked at him she might just embarrass herself more.

"I don't know. I'm sure its nothing we can't handle but keep on your toes just in case." Worick looked at the pile of people struggling to get out. He couldn't see anyone out of the ordinary. Maybe it was just a power problem, as unlikely as that was.

"Worick." The blond turned to see his small female employer of the night. Loretta had hard eyes tonight, proving that something was wrong. "One of my girls is dead. This isn't just a black out. Do what I pay you to do."

"Wait, dead? Do you think it was a client?" Amelia asked.

"I doubt it. Unless he slit his own throat after he slit hers," the large bartender, Galahad, retorted as he came up behind his young leader.

"Maybe he had a Romeo and Juliet fantasy?" Amelia sighed. "This was supposed to be easy money. Why do people always have to make things difficult?"

Amelia looked up when she was nudged on the arm, hoping her face wasn't as red as it felt when she met Nic's eyes staring down at her. She couldn't let the kiss affect her judgment, especially now.

Nic pointed into a dark corner on the upper part of the club. Amelia looked where he was pointing, squinting a bit before furrowing her brows. Her eyes hardened and nodded at the other twilight. They both went to take a step when the lights flashed onto the stage suddenly.

"Alex get down here," Worick quickly helped the mocha skinned girl down off the stage, voice serious.

Alex didn't protest although she was confused. She turned around when she was finally on the ground, looking up at the stage.

"You guys sound so disgusting. I love it." A sultry voice poured out of the speakers despite no one being on the stage. "A few lights go off, doors lock, and your fight or flight senses kick in. A lot of your chose flight."

'N-I-C, someone's here. They're talking but I can't see them,' Amelia signed to the deaf tag, making sure he knew what was happening.

He nodded and started peering around again, hoping his sharpened eyes could catch someone in the darkness. He didn't look long before seeing a slender figure in some rather odd appearal. A womanly figure slinked through the darkness with a cape dragging behind her dress cladded body.

"You're disgusting. Twilights and Normals alike." Before Nic could even decide on how he would put her down, she gracefully stepped up to the stage. A tall woman with dark hair, falling straight over her shoulder, came into the light. Her skin was pale which contrasted with her dark purple dress. Her lips were coloured a dark red and her grey eyes popped out from the dark eyeshadow. "Isn't this fun? My first debut!" She snickered softly as she took center stage.

"What do you want? This club is not for you to play with. I will give you the opportunity to leave now. Just leave," Loretta warned, sounding strong and confident like her father.

The tall woman blinked and tilted her head. "Aren't you a cutie? Now I have a few problems with that. First, don't you want to know who I am?"


"Hm, well, if you insist. I, my dear, am Ophelia. It is my pleasure to meet you, Loretta Christiano. Ah, and you, too, Worick. I've heard great things about you," the woman smirked, glancing down at the blond.

Worick raised an eyebrow, giving his usual flirty smirk to the dark enchantress. "Oh? I'm flattered. But I'm afraid I don't know you. Maybe we could get to know each other in a different way?" He suggested cockily.

"Aren't you cute," Ophelia scoffed. "This is what I live for, honey. Chaos. Now why don't you scream for me."

"Excuse me-?"

"AAAHHHHHH!" Screams broke out from the crowd of people by the doors. Suddenly, a few people dropped to the ground, blood splattering on the floor. Black figures jumped back up to the balcony they had been hiding on before attacking.

Worick looked at Amelia who nodded and hit Nic on the back. The two twilights took off after the black figures, easily jumping to hang from the balcony and then using their strength to swing up and land on the upper part of the club.

Amelia looked back as she swung up, looking at Worick as he drew his gun and pointed it at the woman. Who was she? What did she want? Could Worick handle her?

Amelia shook the worry from her head as she landed on the balcony. She barely had time to get her footing before she was tackled back into the railing by a big, buff man. He was the size of Galahad and probably just as heavy.

"Fucker," she growled as she pressed her hands to his chest and pushed. He didn't budge. She kept trying until suddenly he went flying back. Amelia looked up and smiled. "Thanks, Nic," she said smiling, noticing that it was Nicolas who got the brute off of her. He looked her over to make sure she was ok. Feeling she wasn't injured, he turned to take care of the big guy so he wouldn't bother Amelia.

Amelia looked to the side just in time to see a man closer to her own size leaping towards her. Her eyes widened and she instinctively threw her leg out to kick him in the side of the head. The force threw him against the railing. Unable to catch himself, he started to go over only for Amelia to grab onto a fistful of his long locks.

"Ah! Bitch let go!" The male cried as he hung from the balcony, Amelia holding him by the hair.

"I can't have you attacking any more civilians. Since even Normals wouldn't die after falling from this height, I'll keep you up here... whatever you are," Amelia smirked, letting a bit of her sadistic side show. This guy didn't have tags but his other friend was too powerful to be a normal. It was possible this guy was a normal but if he was, he was offly cocky to challenge her

"You bitch," he hissed in pain, clawing at her hands.

Amelia looked over what was happening down stairs, ignoring the man clawing at her. Alex, along with some of Loretta's men, was helping fallen civilians that were hurt. Galahad and Marco were heading up to the top to help Nic and Amelia out. Worick and Loretta were still standing in front of the stage, weapons at the ready but not attacking. What was going on?

"Ah-" Amelia bit her lip as the male actually scratched her. She furrowed her brows and reached her other hand down to grab the man by the neck. "What do you guys want? What are you?" Amelia demanded.

"Fuck you," the man spat angrily as he continued to claw at Amelia in hopes of getting free and getting back up.

"Ugh, fine, I'll ask someone else," the blonde sighed and twisted her hands in a sudden motion, making the male fall limp. She dropped him to the main floor where he laid dead. A few citizens screamed but there was no way Amelia was pulling his limp, heavy body back up just to get in her way. "Why do they never talk? Its a lot easier."

"We have dignity unlike you," a snotty, girly voice sneered, pulling Amelia's attention to her left. There stood a girl with firey red hair tied into two long braids that fell over her shoulders and ended at her belly button. She looked to be around 20 years old and was quite a bit taller than Amelia- 5'9 to be exact. She was thin and wore a black crop top that hugged her round C's and black leggings to match. She was awfully thin. She didn't seem to possess any fat or muscle on her body.

The only thing that really made Amelia think she may be a challenge was the fierce look on her face. She looked like she wanted to kill somebody. Since she was now looking at Amelia, the blonde figured that 'somebody' was her.

"Hey, was that your friend? Sorry but he did attack me first," Amelia shrugged, stepping away from the railing and fully facing the woman. "Maybe you want to talk instead? Or you can join him?" She smirked, stretching out her shoulders which were starting to bother her thanks to holding that man over the balcony. It definitely wasn't good for her joints.

A few things cracked, although she couldn't tell you what. She shook out her arms as if it helped to put everything back in its comfortable place and then looked at the woman. "I haven't heard any talking? Does that mean you're ready to join him?"

"Like hell, bitch!" The girl snapped as she lunged forward.

Amelia's eyes widened as she saw the girl pull out a knife, ready to attack the strictly hand-to-hand combat trained blonde. "Fuck."

Gosh I'm sorry. That took a while. I hope this is worth it though. Fighting is actually starting now yay! And I got my cuties to kiss finally ^-^ I hope you all liked this. I'm sorry if the fighting isn't that great. This is pretty much my first time writing fight scenes so bare with me please.

So like do the usual. Follow and favourite so you know when the next chapter comes out. The next chapter should be a lot of fighting again. And also please review for me because I love to hear what you guys think. Do you like the story so far? Do you like Amelia? Do you like my writing? Don't flame but I mean I'd like to hear from you guys. Thanks ^-^

April 14, 2016