First off. Let me say that I am sorry for not updating in months. I have no excuse, and that I am just extremely lazy. Secondly, this story starts off on episode 385, in case you were wondering. Third of all, if I add a filler from the anime, it was by accident. Lastly, I am thinking of adding lots of more stories, but it is hard to write it out, so… yeah. Expect possibly new stories.

Disclaimer: I do not own jack shit in this story, except my character (kinda).

after being guided through the ship (I could tell by the rocking) by chopper for a good minute, I made it to the deck. when I got there, everyone stopped doing what they were doing and looked at me. the three sitting on the side of the ship turned around to look at me, while the other four sitting around a small table glanced at me, then continued drinking. The one guy with green hair, however, didn't even spare his time to look over. The man with the straw hat ran up to me, very energetically, and asked,"Who are you? Where did you come from? Are you strong? Can you poop? Why and how did you suddenly appear on the ship from out of nowh-."

He stopped, however, when a girl with orange/red hair beat the shit out of him in a couple of punches. After waiting a couple of seconds awkwardly, I was laughing my ass off, with tears in my eyes because of how funny that was.

I have never seen anything that funny in the past 200 years (technically). When I hear a long nosed man say, "Hey look, there is a big school of fish down there. We finally hit the jackpot!" with that, a sitting ghostly skeleton replies with, "see as they say, good things come to those who wait." the boy who gave me lots of questions earlier said "hee hee hee I changed my mind," and continued the sentence by saying, "whoa, they're heading straight for us."

I had so many questions about what was happening. The really busty redhead looked over the side of the ship with an anonymous look in her eyes, but no one said anything. After watching the straw hat kid shout off to his left about how the fish should get back here, the swordsman looked up to see something. I looked up the same time everyone else did, and saw a bunch of dark clouds come out of seemingly nowhere. Apparently the only one smart enough to actually point out that the clouds were making what appears to be a god awful storm was the red head. The long nosed man complained to the red head about saying foreboding things like the way that she just recently spoke.

The scenery goes from 0-100 real quick, as the sky in the background goes black and whirlpools appear. The redhead then says, "it's a sea snake current." My mind was shooting questions that needed to be answered in a rapid fire rate. Where was I? Who are these people? Why was i brought here of all places? She suddenly shouted for us to brace ourselves. However, due to being to in thought, I didn't. There was no need to since I didn't really feel a thing. Everyone was saying their own thing, so i tuned them all out. The swordsman with green hair jumped up and sliced the shit out of one of the giant water- funnel- things. the water from it poured all over him. The popeye looking man opened up a latch from his hand and shouted something. He then shot what appeared to be compressed air shot out of it. I have officially gone crazy. From ghouls to talking skeletons to Popeye.

I have seen it all. The talking skeleton did the same as the swordsman and cut it up, although I wasn't really paying attention. Everyone kept going at it for a while. The only time I gave a shit about anybody beating a large water snake at this point was when the youngest looking human on this ship punched what appeared to be a thousand or so times in a few seconds at three funnels at once. I joined in because I knew it would help, so I took out my big boy, and i shot it at one of the snakes. The water came rushing from every direction when the mini nukes shot out differently.

The redhead said something along the lines of, "there is no end to these snake things in sight," as a reply to popeye who asked if we could use something called a 'Coup de Burst' to get out of here. After a few seconds, the skeleton asked if he could play a song for everyone. When the kid in a straw hat said it was fine, he lifted his violin to play. However, right before he could, the ship started to shake and move upward. The straw hat kid asked if we were going up. then , the guy with blue hair shouted dramatically, "oh hell no… we're FALLING!" Chopper fell off shortly after the man screamed, and the very busty woman with black hair ran up, crossed her arms, and arms started to grow out of, first the ship, than out of the palm of the last hand. At this point, I give up.

Later on, everyone was on the deck. The red headed lady said, "look!" on cue, everyone gasped. With the exception of me, of course, considering I didn't know what the hell that giant red wall was. Everyone was marveled at the wall, which was kind of weird to me, but whatever. However, once I saw the biggest water funnel yet, I jumped, due to the fact that it rivalled the nuke i saw 211 years ago. I felt like an ant in comparison.

Half the ship members prepared to what seemed like attack it, while the rest simply talked about ways of getting through this. Then, everyone's next topic of apparent casual conversation was about something called the knock up stream. The curvy red head shouted to hoist the sails. Then, the man in swim trunks shouted, "Coup… de BURST!" Since I was near the rail but didn't hold on, I (very) unfortunately fell off. This was officially the weirdest day I have ever had.