Just don't think about it.

That's been the motto for so long about so much of this stuff and yet…

Just don't think about it.

But these kids, all this stuff, everything that's going on. I can't let it slide. I just can't… Day in day out, they train, they grow together, they… they…

"Kari, don't think about it. Your mission isn't the care about those kids, it's to get information. With everything you've given us so far, we've come leaps and bounds ahead of where we were before. Soon, our own Evangelion unit will be complete."

"Yes sir… I'm sorry sir… just tired is all." It's what I should say. She thought to herself, drinking slowly from her beer bottle. At her apartment, she had made off with yet another confidential document from a research and development workers desk. A collected paper that was copied and put back into the file that was sent off, and her copy was kept with her. A detailed picture, scanned and sent to her boss. Mission complete. Money made. Day done right?

"Honestly you should be proud of your work. With this, we can begin a new era of making these weapons. After the first one succeeds, we can begin mass producing them and start creating something so we don't have to endanger those kids! Look at it that way. You are helping them!"

It sure doesn't fuckin' feel like it. It feels like I'm two-timing them. Which I am. I'm hurting them still if anything. Trying to justify this is hurting more than helping me. This whole phone call is. My body, brain, and just being hurts.

"… we've come so far and thanks to you we are able to nearly complete our own Mass Produced Unit's here at NERV US…" Her boss droned on about her accomplishments. This wasn't what she needed right now. So, she stopped him. "Hey. Thank you boss, but I think I hear someone at the door. Call me tomorrow alright? Thank you very much. See ya." She ended the call and tossed the phone on the bed before falling after it, planting her face into her pillow. She let out a long and forceful moan into the pillow, letting the sound soak into it before she turned over. She stared at the ceiling for a few minutes before her mind began to fill with thoughts again. She shot up quickly and moved into her living room to her balcony instead, letting the cool air lap at her as she leaned over the railing. Out across the dark ocean she could see where the stars meet the curve of the water. It looked nearly the same color and infinite before her, as if one flowed right into the other. She felt like if she kept staring at it, something would happen; like something would come out of it, or she would be able to see something looking back. For her, it was very therapeutic. The ocean and sky; just staring at them seemed to put her mind at ease and help her breath easier. This calls for some wine. Some wine and deep thought. She went to the fridge and pulled a bottle from it, uncorked it, and began to pour a large glass of a deep red liquid for herself. She moved back to the balcony and swirled the wine around in her glass before drinking it, and as it moved its way through her she could feel it bite slightly. It was a pleasant feeling. She was alone, but the stars were with her; the sea breeze the drifting waves she could hear from her apartment within the quiet city. Peace was something no one had heard in a while, and many took it for granted. There were people coming back to the city instead of fleeing to other places, schools, businesses, jobs were coming back. And no one knew really who was to thank or blame. Some didn't care. Others did, but not enough to pursue answers. Indifference was so wide spread that it felt like they were saving the world for… no one. Or that's how Kari thought anyway. Everyone took the attacks like it was an inconvenience most of the time. Sure, they might be happy when the kids won the day and the city got back into shape, but once that time of peace set in, everyone forgot it like it was nothing at all. Thousands of feet tall creatures destroying buildings and looking for something, while other thousands of feet tall creatures fight them to protect the city and its people. It's a huge event, and even Kari was a part of the problem she thought so much about. Day in and day out, everything felt so… so…


She let out a loud groan before drinking some of her wine. It tasted different than the last time she drank it. It was with someone… Maybe that was it.

"God. What's the point?" She downed it quickly, feeling it hit her all at once. She made her way to the couch, flopped onto it, and turned on her television, and began scanning the channels.

I know what I am going to do. It'll help more than whatever the boss says is helping. They aren't going to stop me either.

With outstretched arms and heavy sighs, the children and their caretaker all flopped onto the floor and stared at the ceiling. Sena yawned loudly and looked over at the others. "So… what are we doing now?"

Katsuragi sat up and looked around the room. Some of the furnishings had already been set up for them, but there was one thing that they hadn't gotten since arriving. He stood up and motioned for the door, "It's time for food. Let's go get some groceries and fill these cabinets and fridge up with stuff. We'll need it soon if we are going to be living here." He said with a smile. The others reluctantly got up and made their way to the door, slipping on their shoes and heading out. They all crammed into Katsuragi's car, and off they went. The city was busy and the streets were bustling for the weekend and the eventual coming of colder weather. Still warm enough to ride with the top down on his car however, they sped down the city streets to the stores they needed. Groceries were bought, booze were obtained for their surrogate parent, and as they finished out most of the day, the realization came all to quickly that something in the apartment was amiss.

"How the hell did they… just…" Katsuragi looked at the stove, and balled his hands into fists. "God…. Dammit!" He yelled.

The stove was not operational, and still needed a bit of work to get it done. The soonest they could fix it would be in the morning.

"Alright! Change of plans! We're going out for food! Anyone got a preference?" With a stare, she scanned over all of them. They looked at each other, and then just blurted out what they wanted.




They all looked to each other and said it again, like infants learning their first word.

"Are you serious? You want that?" Akihiko said with a scoff. "Curry's the way to go. It's so filling and it's the best at the end of the day."

"Says you!" Sena retorted, "Kaoru at least wanted barbeque. Yours just sounds bad right now. I don't want to have an upset stomach on our first day here!"

"Yakitori didn't get any complaints. Why don't we agree on that?" Kaoru said with a big smile. His words were met with two glares from Sena and Akihiko.


The arguments began to fly back and forth, expletives and questions of authority and worth were the ammunition they used against each other. Back and forth they went, over and over again until Katsuragi stepped in.

"Kids…" He said with a look of rage and anger. "Now… if you two keep this up, Kaoru and I will be the only ones enjoying any food. Now. If you both cannot come to a decision, I have a compromise. Just this once… We'll go out for sushi. Does that sound good?"

Minutes later, they were in the car and on their way to the nearest sushi place. They all talked about things that were going on, how they were excited for school to resume eventually, and things they didn't know about one another. It felt peaceful, and everyone in the car felt uneasy at the same time. Something was off to them. This peace couldn't last forever. Something was bound to happen soon. But what? And what is going on with Reiji? Is he alright? What are they doing to him?

As they drove, they eventually got quiet and the low noise of the radio took hold of them. The melody was sweet and easy to listen to. The vocals took a hold of them, and they swayed to it easily as they pulled into the little shop. Before turning off the car, Katsuragi turned to them all, and made sure that he had their attention. "I know it is rough guys, but we are going to get through this. I promise. Reiji's going to be fine, and the Angels are going to stop coming down sooner or later. You all stay strong and so will I okay?" With a nod, they all listened and understood the reassurance from him, and met it with a smile. "Alright. Now that that's settled, let's get some sushi!"

It is time. Time to descend. Everyone is still bickering. These heavens feel as if a war will break out amongst the angels soon. And I want no part of it. I will go down, and change myself like the others have done before me. I will learn… and I will see just what is going on with these… people below us. Something must be happening for them to fight us so willingly… What are they protecting? Is it out of fear? Hate?

The angel broke through the clouds and touched down not far from the shore of Japan. With whatever machinations it had in mind, and with its divine gifts from whatever thing created it, none noticed it touch down slowly on the crashing waves of the ocean. None could feel or sense its presence. Nothing in NERV reacted, and no one paid any attention as a young boy made his way out of the sea, walking across the water to the shore. None were around, and a car or two passed by on the nearby highway. No one paid any attention.

Wonderful… Now… to find the Lilin that have been combating my brothers… and watch them. I must find out what is going on between all of us, so this can end. No more bloodshed, and no more hate. I have had enough.

He walked slowly, getting used to his body. As he moved, he made his way to a small shack, and outside of it, saw a poster for a clothing store. The people on it were about the age of those he wished to observe, and they all looked very happy. Perhaps these clothes will be appropriate to greet them in? A female wore a sundress of white, with a large brimmed straw hat, and smiled to the onlooker with a bag at her side, while the male winked to the reader in a set of longer shorts, a t-shirt and light jacket combo, and a set of stylish sneakers. After looking at it a bit, and after concentrating for a moment, out of his body grew a set of clothes that fit him perfectly, mimicking the style depicted on the poster. This… should do well enough… He thought to himself, before ascending the stairs and began his journey to find those he sought.