"A Tribute To The "Yes" Man"

Disclaimer: I do not own anything associated with WWE or any of it's wrestlers. The WWE and it's wrestlers are owned by its chairman, Vince McMahon. Anyway, this is a little tribute I'm doing in honor of Daniel Bryan, who is retiring from wrestling due to concussion. And it's in poem form, so I hope you enjoy!

Daniel Bryan, ultimate underdog
Never backs away from a fight

No matter how big or tough they were
He'll knee them out like a light

He traveled all across the world
From the indies to Ring of Honor
He was inspired by millions of fans
Especially from a crusher named Connor

D-Bry flew with the best of them
From Ziggler to Cena to Kane
Whether it be a diving headbutt or Yes Lock
Makes people wonder, "Is he insane?"

He fought with the heart of a lion
But people mistook him for a goat
Yet he had the style of Bob Backlund
And the speed of Ricky Steamboat

From the looks of his signature beard
He knew he was destined for gold
He won every title that was given to him
Regardless if it was Tag Team, IC, or the World

No kind of Authority could slow him down
He's the one never to be discreet
Bryan beat all members of Evolution
All leading to a "Miracle In Bourbon Street"

He wouldn't be there for a reason
That's why he started a movement
With chants of "Yes!" flowing around him
He built the excellent blueprint

It was the pinnacle of a career
That started out in good ol' Aberdeen
He pulled out all the stops
Of which it could never be seen

But now he's retired
And now we're all grieving with sadness
Dedicating our love to a man
Who made us all chant "Yes!" to total madness

No matter where he goes
We'll always have his back
He's the real "A-Plus" player
A true leader of the pack

The "Yes" Movement will never die
For that we all know whatsoever
His wrestling career may end
But his legend will truly live forever.

I hope you fans all enjoyed it. I will never get over his retirement ever again, but I hope he gets the huge send-off he should definitely deserve. So all in all, I should say: "Thank you, Daniel Bryan."

Anyway, feedbacks are welcome! Until next time, same Warrior time, same Warrior channel!