Disclaimer: I don't own Ghost Hunt

Case File Number 1


Year 1, Month 1, Day 1 – Late Evening, Rain Storm…


Standing there, the rain falling down from the sky, the heavens were reflecting my own emotions it would have seemed. Rain falling on my own skin…mixing with my tears as I stood there watching the empty space where Naru, or Oliver Davis, was once standing. His words echoing in my mind as I continued to watch the mist of rain fill the emptiness.

Me…or Gene… his words echoed inside my mind, almost as if he was still in front of me, even though he was long gone. So was everyone else…the whole group of SPR was gone. My family had died not so long before I had met everyone and now after I was finally getting a whole new one, it was ripped away from me. Alone, I'm all alone again. Was I really unwanted?

Tears mixing with the rain drops on my face clouded my vision as I finally moved my feet. Not looking were I was going, only watching the rain fall as it's mist covered everything, I never mustered a word nor a sound as I seemed to have found my way back to the road from the forest where I had once stayed for I don't know how long any more. The thought of being unwanted had hit me all the more as I had found that the cars to lead back into town was gone…SPR, even though we had all come together, was gone, they had all left me in the forest. None of them waited for me to come out of the woods, nor it seemed they had made any attempt to stay… no sounds of cars…no sounds of voices of the SPR…no sounds…nothing…not even…from my own voice…only the sound was the rain was heard, while even then, it gave me no sound to my ears.

My eyes started to burn from my own tears, they now felt like acid that was burning me. Slowly, the feeling of hurt that Naru gave me was gone and replaced with abandonment…my sorrow from empty space of SPR was replaced with hatred as I turned to walk down the rain fill road. Leaving anyone in the forest in such a storm…abandoning me here…the harsh words my long time crush had spoken to me once I told him the truth… Walking in the rain, my tears that had dried to turn to acid for me…my sadness that had held me still in that spot for so long had turned into my own anger and hatred for those who seemed to forget the smallest member of their odd ball family. The smallest and most alone in the world…

Or was I never even considered a member of that as well? So they saw me as someone who helped out everyone once in a while… After all the things I did for them…for them to throw the fact I am unwanted is really horrible…to forget me in the rain in the middle of nowhere… After I did everything I could, risk my life for them…only to be thrown away like dirt…like…a dirty orphan…

Slowly my clouded vision with the rains mist was gone and I saw the town. Ignoring the fact that I must look like a half drowned cat, I made my way towards my home. After all…I'm going to continue my life without anyone. If I'm so unwanted, and if anyone wants me to help them only for something like this to happen again…then I will just survive on my own…maybe, they'll see I was gone…that they forgot me…

Finally…I'm home…

I walked up the stairs to see that a sign on the door to my apartment, reading it I saw it was a notice of closing… The apartment building was closing? Wait…what?! Looking quickly around, I saw that every door had it and also that most of the ones that I knew had lively people living in them, now was oddly silent. As if they had already left… I pulled out my keys and opened the door, only to find most of my furniture was gone…

Looking at the clock that had on my cell phone, it had enough life to show me that I had spent at least 2 days in the forest…at least that's what I gathered…SPR had all went to the forest on the 21st and now it's the 24th…Quickly I went back to the notice and saw it was finalized yesterday. As in…the bank owned this building…and all my items inside…

Why? Why wasn't I notified on the closing before now?! Even as an unwanted orphan, I had paid everything! I wasn't rowdy or a bother! So…why?

Realization hit me as I saw all my more or less expensive things gone…Quickly I ran into my bedroom and saw that everything that I was left from my birth parents, the things I held dear, gone…seized as I knew it was called… slowly I sank to the floor. Everything…was taken from me…not just my friends…not just my family…my home…my mementos…everything I had loved…was gone. Torn away…leaving me…alone… All…Alone…

Hearing the sounds of footsteps, I got up quickly and left the once home I had. After all, I would be trespassing if I was caught in a room that was now the banks. Leaving quickly, I noticed that the rain had picked back up and so did my mood. My anger was hitting new heights…as was my sadness as well…

Walking down the road now, I had to calm myself to think properly…I was only 17…17, homeless and alone. I could go to a homeless shelter…or an orphanage…no… No, I won't go somewhere where I'll be taken advantage of or where I'll be given the false sense of being wanted. I won't set myself for that pain again…I'll stand on my own two feet… Making my way towards the forest that was thick and near the city, on the other side of where the SPR was last seen, I quickly found a place that would be easy to clear.

Looking at the trees, I saw that I was lucky enough to find one that had an oddly abandoned tree house. The tree house was far enough away from the city and high enough in the tree that it would be easy to defend from wild animals or other things. The steps that would have been otherwise known as stairs were rotten and falling apart. But I found that some would hold my weight if I was quick enough to step off them. Moving up and out of the random drops of rain that fell from the thicket of branches, I found myself in front of a pretty crappy state of a tree house. But it was better than nothing, plus I knew I could easily fix it up. I had the knowledge and I intended to use it. Both my own physical and spiritual abilities, I won't be left helpless and dependent…

As I curled up in the wooden floor that seemed to be one of the only things that wasn't rotting on before hand, I watched the ceiling was the rain was being deflected by the tree branches. While thinking of the science of how I was going to survive now I had started to drift off and fall into a oddly peaceful slumber, the first one in a long time now that I was no longer around SPR…


Year 1, Month 1, Day 2 – Morning, Sun Rise, Early Morning Mist…


Waking up to the sounds of soft birds chirping had made me smile a bit as I realized that I had no nightmare for the first time in almost 3 years. Stretching my arms and legs I rolled off to my side and to my feet as I began to make my new home livable. After all, I had the money in my wallet from when I did work for Naru and in my bank, so now I was going to put it to good use. Hmm, maybe I should take the money I had put in my college fund out too just in case I hit a rough month… Looking around my new home project, I made a list of things I would need…

Hmm, so I will need something to make getting water easier, I'll climb up my tree in a second to see if there's anything like a lake close by… I'll need food…I know how to garden so some Seeds would also be a good idea, plus I'll need clothing so I don't look like a wild child during my stay here…uh…something to help my keep warm would be a good idea since winter is coming around the bend…and of course some wood repair things and tools for everything else…

Wow, today's going to be busy…well, I better get started.

Over the course of the day I was able to get everything I had needed…gardening tools and seeds, water purifier items and containers, camping kitchen ware, clothing for winter and spring as well as some fabric I had found on sale for much later…a thick blanket and a single pillow…wood repair plus tools…I had found someone who was willing to give me a crate to hold all my stuff after I was leaving the store… I had found that my tree was almost dead smack in the middle of my forest plus it was one of the tallest trees, so I was able to locate a lake that was clearer than the other ones that were closer that I could get water from and bathing water. I had also learned that my tree was prefect for improving, I could add on while going up if I had chose to stay longer. Plus the forest was healthy enough for my soon to be crops and the fact that wild life here was plentiful. While I had no experience in hunting and such, my tree house gave me a good stand point to practice. Overall today was a good day except for one moment…

As I was getting the last of my things and heading down the street towards my new home in the forest, I saw SPR, minus Naru and Lin, sitting in a café laughing and having a good time. Completely a bliss to the fact that they had left me behind in the hands of the cruel world…enjoying the wonders of modern day items, such as electricity and warm food…all available at the snap of a hand…my negative emotions had started to flare up, but I pushed them aside. If they could simply forget me then I could do the same…

That was the only thing that seemed to be wrong with today, while I had continued to put together my home, I was becoming happy with it…after all it was mine and no one could take that from me…


Year 1, Month 1, Day 15 – Afternoon, Sunny, Cloudy


A lot of improvement was made to my tree; I had added a second floor in the branches. It wasn't huge nor was it overly small, just a simple space for a bedroom and window in case I need to be quick to defend my crops from wild animals. The first and original part of the tree house had improved with a small futon on the floor with an area off to the side that I had added for preparing any wild animal kills I had gotten, plus somewhere to put any crops I was harvesting. I had a single bird family in my tree that I had a peace treaty with…oddly enough I could understand them and they me…I would give them any dunce seeds and they would alert me of any dangers in the area.

It was going good for me… I had a working system, good safety net and a way to live on my own without anyone else… It was just perfect. I had found comfort in songwriting when my emotions became too much and with the sounds of the forest it was rare, only when people came near is when it's dangerous. But it's still just perfect.