Title TBC

Chapter 1

Your head was throbbing. Everything around you was black, you tried to focus on something, but all you could see was the outlines of objects. Where were you? You tried to move but your arms and legs were restricted, you began to panic, trying to force the restraints off, but to no avail and you ended up just tiring yourself out even more. What happened? You tried desperately to remember what happened, but thinking back just caused you even more pain. How long have you been here? You tried once more to move, but the restraints were far too tight. fuck. You looked around, searching for anything that could give you an idea of where you were, but everything was too dark. What did you do to get here? You closed your eyes and tried to calm yourself. You thought about how thirsty you were, your throat and lips were so dry, there was a lump in your throat which you couldn't swallow. You had no idea how long you had been here, or how long it was since you last drank something. Licking your lips you tasted blood, and there was slight pain as your tongue traced over a cut. You wondered if you had been attacked. But by who? and why? You had no energy, and just staying awake was a task that required all of your effort. Despite being asleep for who knows how long there was nothing else to do, and you didn't feel anything when you slept, so you let yourself drift painfully and slowly back to sleep.

Waking up again you felt far more refreshed, your head was pounding less and your vision was far more clear. There was more light in the room, which seeped in from the crack under the door. Although, even with the increase of light there was very little to see in the room, it was almost entirely empty except a few scarce chairs. The walls were black, as was the floor, there were a few dim lights on the wall, which barely made a difference, but other than that there was no help from the room in figuring out where you were.

Your neck ached from being in the same position for an extended amount of time. Infact, everything ached. You wondered if you were going to die in here, and you began to panic again. You inhaled slowly, then exhaled, your breath shaky. Had your capturers forgotten about you? Part of you hoped they had, but the other part decided you wouldn't want to die slowly, forgotten about in a dark room. Halfway through your thought the door opened, the room flooded with light, causing you to wince from the sudden change. There was the sound of footsteps, and then silence.

"You're awake" A distorted voice startled you. You tried to talk but your throat was too dry causing you to cough.

"Whe-Where..." You pause to cough "...am I?" The figure stepped closer, you got a clear look at them as your eyes adjusted to the new light. They were dressed entirely in black, they had long black robes, black leather boots and a mask that covered their entire face, all hiding any traces of who could be under it all. But you knew. You knew from the rumours. It was Kylo thinking of his name struck fear into you. The stories you heard about him, his ruthlessness, his anger, his tendency to kill with the slightest trigger. You were almost certain you were about to be killed.

"You don't remember?" The voice broke your thoughts. You shook your head slowly, looking away from the tall figure inching dangerously close to you. He raised his hand towards you, you flinched back as much as you could, fearing what he'd do. Nothing seemed to be happening until you felt a sudden pain in your head, you let out an inaudible gasp. Your head felt as though it was on fire. You realised he must be using the force on you, you had heard stories of how he could do all sorts of things, such as mind reading.

"Mm." He sounded content, although it was hard to tell with the distortion of his voice. "So you really don't remember?" He asked rhetorically, already knowing the answer. You continued to cough, unable to say anything. Kylo gestured to one of the guards standing at the door, who then nodded and left hastily. A few moments later the guard returned with water. They handed it to Kylo who pressed it against your lips. You were hesitant at first, refusing, but then came to the realisation that poison was not the kind of thing Kylo would do, he definitely prefered a much more... bold way of killing, your thirst was too hard to resist anyway and so you drank the entire thing. Water had never tasted better to you, you had to contain a sigh of relief. "Thank you" you managed to whisper. The guard was gestured at again and they left room leaving you and Kylo alone together. Kylo paced around the room slowly, taking a few glances at you once a while, as though expecting you to say something. There was a long silence before he finally said something.

"What is your name?"


"What is the last thing you remember?"

You thought about it. Thinking about it still caused you slight pain, but you were too scared to refuse to try, the pain he would cause you if you didn't answer would be far greater than this anyway. You closed your eyes and focused. Hard. A few memories returned to you slowly. You remembered being hot, everything was hot. Everything was burning.

"Fire, I think… Nothing else"

"Then let us keep it that way" You wanted to protest, ask what was going on, but restrained yourself.

The calmness of the entire situation surprised you, the stories you heard were not as accurate as you once thought, he didn't seem to be angry, or seem to have any urgency to kill you. Not that you weren't grateful, you were… but just confused as to why you were still alive. "You can be of use to me" the voice broke your thoughts again. You realised he must have read your mind for the second time. You made a quick mental note to be more careful about what you think when around him.

"U-Use?" You trembled. "How…?"

"You will be my assistant. You will get me what I want and when I want. You will sort everything out, such as ensuring everything is tidy and in order."

"Why? I'm not a threat to you, I don't remember anything. Can't I just leave?"

You watched his hand grip onto his lightsaber and you instantly regretted your question, he leaned in closer to you and towered over you.

"That was an order, do not question my decision" You could feel the anger radiating off of him. You nodded quickly, the colour draining from your face. "You will address me as Sir from now on. Do not ask questions, do not speak to me unless told to."

You had so many questions, Why were you here? Why did he want you specifically to do this? Why couldn't you leave? But you decided you wanted to live and chose not to ask.

"Yes, Sir"

"You will continue to be monitored so I can ensure you will not attempt an escape."

Monitored? You're a slave-prisoner now? You thought about resisting but once again decided working for him would still be better than death.

"Yes, Sir"

Kylo reached forward and unstrapped the restraints around your wrists and ankles, the relief was overwhelming. It was short lived though.

"Shackle them" Kylo said to the guard. The guard walked towards you and tightened shackles around your wrists tightly. The restraints were even tighter than before. How will you work for him with these around you constantly? "These will remain on for the foreseeable future, do not attempt to remove them." You took a step forward and collapsed to the floor. You realised you hadn't walked in a really long time. "Up" Kylo demanded. you struggled to stand up, your ankles collapsed underneath you. "UP" He said again, this time with an increasing sense of impatience. You tried to get to your feet but your ankles were not going to support you.

"I can't, Sir" There was a long sigh before you felt strong arms around you as you were picked up off the ground by Kylo, he carried you in his arms. You could feel his chest against you, his soft breathing and his heartbeat. This reminded you that he was human, just like you. He passed you to the guard, and you were almost disappointed, you somehow enjoyed being in his arms. You felt protected. Realising your thoughts could be read at any moment you quickly dismissed it. Kylo left the room and you were carried by the guard who followed him.