Hey there, just a quick note before the story, but I received a question about how old Percy and Annabeth were, so I thought it would make the most sense if in the first chapter they were 18/19, and in the next chapters they're 21/22. So yeah... *Hides face and runs away*

Annabeth shoved a branch out of her face, wincing as her golden hair wrapped around the twigs, pulling her head along with the branch. She turned around, waiting for her husband, who was having the same amount of difficulty navigating through the dark forest. Percy turned to look at her as he once again pushed against the stubborn branch that refused to let go of him.

"Are you sure we're going the right way?

Annabeth sighed and turned around, holding the branch that was attacking Percy as he scrambled away.

"Yes, Seaweed Brain, I'm sure."

Furrowing her eyebrows, she turned to look at the dark path ahead of her, squinting to see if there was anything other than trees in the dark forest.

"This forest was the place that beast crashed. It's the only place that could give us any hint of where he could be!"

"And why, exactly, are we looking for this beast who could very well be dangerous and like, kill us?"

She turned around once more, sighing, as Percy folded his arms expectantly.

"Because, as you said before, we really don't know anything about Harry. He's the only person we know that does."

Percy laughed, not in the normal, happy way, but more of the empty tired way.

"And you're willing to...um...trust this person?"

Annabeth stopped walking, dipping her head down, and letting her golden hair fall over her eyes and cover her face. She reached out and took Percy's hand in her own. Sensing the dangerous feeling of tears stinging in her eyes, she breathed in deeply.

Stay determined, Annabeth.

She squeezed his hand and looked up to meet his face. A soft, but sad smile appeared on her face.

"We have no choice."

Deep breath in. Deep breath out.

"For Harry."

Hours had passed since they first stepped into the forest in which she first met Harry and the beast. Annabeth was starting to give up hope on finding him, and she could tell that Percy was losing hope too. She began to walk faster, intent on finding at least a hint, a promise, a bit of hope, that would at least say that she wasn't crazy in wanting to go into the forest.

Please. Let there be something in this forest. Anything.

Percy grabbed her arm. Annabeth ignored him and began to walk faster, almost jogging.

"Hey, Wise Girl."

Something. Anything.


Harry is fine. We just need to find this beast, get him to tell us that Harry is perfectly normal, and then tell my mother and Poseidon that he's just a normal kid. Right. Everything is going to be just fine. Don't overthink things.


Percy yanked on her arm, hard, pulling her towards him, and snapping her out of her thoughts.


Annabeth looked at his face, at his sad eyes, and his downwards tilted mouth. He was ready to give up.

"No. No!"

"Annabeth. Do you even know how long we've been here?"

Annabeth began picking at her nails, thinking back to the past couple of hours.

"Two. Three at the most."

Percy placed a hand gently on her shoulder, his expression still sad.

"Seven hours. Seven hours. Seven hours of walking around this forest with no clue of where we're going."

Annabeth shook her head, shaking his hand off her shoulder, and began walking further into the forest.

"Don't look at me like that. We're so close, Percy! I can feel it! We're almost there! We can't stop now!"

To her horror, she felt tears prick at her eyes for what must be the tenth time that day.

"We can't. He's our...He's our son!"

"Woah, woah, woah."

Confused, Annabeth looked at Percy, who was no longer looking tired and sad, but somewhat amused.

"You thought that I would just...Give up on him?"

"I...But you..."

And then Percy started full on laughing.

"Don't get me wrong. I love you Annabeth, but sometimes you can be kind of an idiot."


"All I meant was that we should get some rest, and carry on tomorrow. He's not just your sun. He's our son."

Annabeth ducked her head, embarrassed, and walked up to Percy. He wrapped an arm around her waist as she tucked her head in his shoulder. Somehow making a shelter-like structure out of nearby sources (creds to camp half blood), they were quickly lost to happy slumber.

A leaf that was stuck on Percy's hair drifted away in the wind, landing on a couple of footprints that were too big for normal human footprints. The leaf kept on blowing, and then stopped, tangled onto a hand of another sleeping form, not so far away.

The form of a huge beast, and on his jacket, was engraved the name... Rubeus Hagrid.