I know I'm probably going to regret this and I suck at writing tragedy, but for a couple of hours now, this was kind of stuck in my head and I can't get it out. So now, so I can finally go to bed and sleep without these pictures turning in my head. Here it is, my one shot. I hope you have fun (probably not). Let me know what you think.

They were kneeling in the middle of the battle field surrounded by the remains of dozens of unmentionables. It had been a glories battle. The dead had fallen left and right at their hand and the joy of fighting side by side had been as exhilarating as ever. But now the battle was over, their weapons forgotten on the muddy ground.

They both had tears in their eyes. Full of gentleness and love did they caress each others faces, whispers of affection, devotion and unbearable pain.

"Please, my love, please. We promised each other. Please, I beg of you." she whispered.

"I can't. I can't! Oh please don't make me do this. I need you." he whispered, desperately pressing kisses to her face.

"Please, I can feel it!" she begged of him, her voice growing more and more desperate and panicked with every passing moment. "Please don't let me become one of them. I couldn't bare it!"

Her last words finally woke him from frenzy. He looked at her, studied her face. He knew ever inch of it, had studied every laugh line. So many emotions. Five years, five wonderful perfect years, full of laughter and teasing, fighting and arguing, full of challenges and adventures. So much time and yet so little. It was not enough. It could never be enough. Slowly he rose to his feet and turned from her.

Panicked she called his name, but he only moved a few feet away. He picked up his trusted sword, his katana, how many battles they had fought together. This would be the last. No matter what, after this he would never again be able to touch a sword. Too strong would be the pain of the memories. How could he fight, if she wasn't next to him, fighting with him? How could he even imagine it.

Slowly he returned to his beloved, still kneeling in the mud. He stood over her, looking down at her, trying not to feel, trying not to think about what he had to do. His beautiful Elizabeth, his wonderful wife, his soulmate.

She looked up at him, smiling happily. "I love you." she whispered. "I will always love you. Thank you." She didn't close her eyes. She knew what was coming, she welcomed it. His face should be the last think she ever saw.

He hesitated, the katana risen, but not yet ready to strike. Finally he fell to his knees cradled her in his arms and pressed his lips to hers for one last kiss of love. They both had tears in their eyes. Unseen by her, he rose his sword arm and stroke down his last unmentionable.

Hours had passed. The army had finally arrived to clean up and document the fallen. It was one young soldier who found them. Still wrapped in each others arms. He dress was torn at the shoulder and an ugly bite wound disfigured her soft skin. Out of her back stuck the end of a katana. He had stabbed it straight through her heart ... and his.

The young soldier, recognizing them from a time he had met them in London, took of his jacket and respectfully covered the loving pair. They would not be burned with the others. They would find their final resting place together on a beautiful hill surrounded by a sea of flowers. He turned around to find his superior.

ok, so that was depressing. Sorry if there were any major mistakes in here. As mentioned before I wrote this so I can finally go to bed and sleep, but if you tell me, I'm more than happy to correct them.

So, what do you think?