"Caleb don't." Spencer's voice was filled with fear as she watched her boyfriend climb over the railing. She raced over to the edge, her heart thrashed against her chest as she realised the immediate danger this situation was filled with.

"I'll just be a second." Caleb told her, before he had turned back to focus on his footwork. They shouldn't have been there, they should be tucked up together in the barn, watching a film or listening to music. This wasn't what a couple should be doing on a Thursday evening.

"Caleb." She shook her head, but he was too determined. He clung to the railing of the bridge as he shuffled along it's barriers until Spencer was too far away to talk to him.

"Sara, this isn't the way..." He spoke with a pained voice, trying his hardest not to let go of this foundation. He looked down towards the water, watching the current beneath their hanging bodies. If either of them fell, there would be no knowing where they'd end up.

The sky was dark like a raven in mid flight, he let out a shaky breath as he reached across towards Sara, who hadn't said a word. She clung to the side of the bridge like a kitten digging it's claws into a ball of yarn. Caleb was slightly terrified, and he could hear Spencer in the distance calling out his name. It was faint, but he knew she was still calling for him.

"You don't have to do this. We can fix this." He tried to plead, taking hold of Sara's arm. She felt cold beneath his fingertips, shaking like a leaf in a winter breeze. "Sara." He spoke in a whisper, turned his head to take another look at her.

Her eyes bore into him as she glanced in his direction. All she wanted was for this to be over, she didn't want to be involved any longer. Her life was in shambles, a bigger mess than anybody could even imagine. Caleb didn't understand the look on her face, it was filled with too many mixed emotions for him to decipher. His foot started to slip, his eyes closed as he felt himself starting to fall.

"Caleb!" Spencer's wails filled the air, echoing across the bridge like a banshees call. She rushed out towards the middle of the rusted out roadway, she could feel it shaking beneath her from every step. Caleb's grip on both the bridge and Sara Harvey tightened as he tried to find his footing.

"You'll kill both of us." He called up to Sara, who was still frozen with fear. She looked him in the eye and tried to pull him up, but her strength had nothing to it. Her arms shook as he body left the side of the bridge. She held onto the frame as tightly as she could with damaged hands, as Caleb tried his hardest to pull her up with his own strength.

"Just let me go I deserve it." Sara screamed up at him, all of her dangled out over the side of the steel framed bridge. Caleb was stubborn, he wasn't going to let this girl fall to her death, no matter how much trouble she was worth. He leaned over and took hold of her arm, but Sara shook her head. Her eyes were filled with tears as she let go with her second hand.

Caleb tried his hardest to hold both of their weight, his fingers struggled to maintain his grip. There Sara dangled out in the cold air, the water growled as if waiting for her fall.

"Caleb!" Spencer yelled as she climbed over the edge to be by his side. She reached out to take hold of Sara's arm, but it was too late.

The blonde fell in what felt like slow motion. The couple stared out into the dark waters, and no trace of her was left.

The moment they set foot on the roadway, back in the bosom of safety, Caleb's arms wrapped around Spencer's shaking body. This wasn't her first time around death, this probably won't be her last, but there was something about watching a person fall to their death that shook her right to her core.

There was silence on the ride home, an eerie one at that, the radio was switched off and Spencer's silent sobs were the only indication that they weren't alone. Caleb hadn't said a word, all he could do was focus on the road, on keeping one person safe that night. He didn't know what this feeling in his chest was, the devastation that loomed over his pounding chest. He never liked Sara Harvey, never cared about her dead or alive, but this was not what he wanted. He didn't want to feel this way, over someone who taunted his girlfriend, someone who helped make her life a living hell.

To be continued...