Bill's Daughter Chapter 1
Just A Few More Days 'Til Freedom

My pov

I locked myself in my room in the mindscape. Dad always never lets me go out of the mindscape to try and make new friends. I figured in a few more days, I'll make my escape.

"Caitlin, come here please!" Dad shouts. I sigh and snap my fingers, appearing in front of him.

"Yes, dad?" I asked, annoyed.

"Stay here while I go mess with the Pines some more. Don't leave this house." Dad orders and leaves. I sigh and snap my fingers, going into my room again. I have two forms. Demon, and human. When I escape, I'll be in my human form. I want to escape this, insanity of a father called Bill Cipher. I walked towards my dresser and began to draw. I liked the music those humans made, so I played a song on my phone that dad got for me. I never really liked some of the gifts he got me, but my phone and my drawing kit were the best ones. I drew a cat with no feet and arms, but just a tail, ears, and a really cute face. I giggled and grabbed my drawing kit. I colored it's ears and tail purple and colored over the lines on it's face. I giggled and pinned the picture on the wall of other pictures I've drawn. One song came on that reminded me of dad. It was Animals. I scowled at the song and changed it. Drive By came on. It was my favorite song out of all of the songs in the universe combined. I started dancing and singing to it. I'm a professional dancer, what my dad says. He also says I'm a good singer. Again, what dad says. I did one more spin and snapped my fingers, ending up on my bed. I snapped my fingers again, wearing a pair of purple and black pajamas. I covered myself up and fell asleep.

*time skip 'til next morning*

I woke up and stretched. I snapped my fingers and my clothes changed into white skinny jeans, a purple tank top, and my purple hair in a ponytail. I looked at the mark on my arm and sighed. It was of dad's demon form. I hated that mark. Wanna know why it's there? He used my demon form once against the Pines. I don't know why he hates them so much. Oh, just to make him so mad and annoyed, I'll stay with the Pines! Ha, show you! You can't keep me locked up forever father! Just you wait. In just a few more days, my freedom will come...

Sorry guys that was so short! Anyways, next chapter will be longer than this one. This is the introduction chapter so yeah. Anyways, peace!