OK so I decided to write a new fanfic and I don't know how this one is gonna turn out. It might turn out good or it might turn put bad depending on what happens. But otherwise I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 1:

It was Azami's first day at Cross Academy and she wasn't exactly looking forward to it like any normal person would. She was a student to the night class and knowing the fact that there would be other vampires there she didn't like it. Yeah it was her kind but she didn't want to be around anyone of her kind because wherever other vampires stood there would always be humans and she had a problem controlling her thirst. Often she would get really thirsty for blood and she couldn't control eating anyone or anything in her path. Sometimes she would drink from pureblood vampires by mistake and they would come after her.

As she walked into the front gate and to the headmaster's office she saw the day class students surrounding the night class students' dorm. She didn't want to be caught in all the drama that would occur so she just continued walking forward without looking back. But as she continued to walk she felt a cold pair of eyes watching her. Before she could see who was there watching her they left and she found herself putting her guard up more.

When she got to the headmasters office he was sitting at his desk. "Miss Kuramoto. Such a pleasant surprise to see you."

"Hello Headmaster. How are you today?" she wanted to sound polite but deep down she didn't want to be there. She just wanted to be in a place where no one was around and it was quiet. And knowing the headmaster he wasn't the exact type to be quiet in some certain situations.

"I am fine. I would like to thank you for joining Cross Academy on such short notice"

"It's fine. I wasn't doing anything interesting so this will be a good change I think." But it wasn't. She didn't want to have anything to do. She didn't want to have any work piled in front of her but she knew that she couldn't deny the opportunity she was waiting for. She wanted to meet Zero Kiryu and Kaname Kuran. The human turned into a vampire and almost turning into a level E and the pureblood vampire who she knew hid secrets. Not everyone was perfect, not even the pureblood vampire Kuran.

"That's good. Now, to get down to business. I want you to see if there is anything wrong going on in the school. Something has been bothering me but I just can't put my finger on it. So I want to you to investigate since you know more about the school than anyone else."

It was true. She did know the school more than anyone else. She was a child of one of the people who helped design and work on it. It might seem strange knowing that a vampire helped humans out in the middle of the day but her dad was one of those vampires who loved helping humans no matter what they did.

Her father knew that they had to kill certain vampires but he didn't like them killing innocent ones. So from time to time the humans and he would get in an argument around her. He tried his best to keep everything clean and not bloody while she was around but everything always had to take a turn to for worst. That's how she had learned to survive from the humans. But from other vampires it would be a whole other story to get into.

"Yes headmaster. Would you like me to start right away or tomorrow?"

"You can start tomorrow at whatever time but please start tomorrow."

"Ok. Goodnight Headmaster."

After she left she realized it was dark out. It was her time of the day that she loved the most. Mostly because it wasn't so bright but also because it was nice and cool and more peaceful when the humans weren't around to be loud and obnoxious.

She walked to the moon dorm and opened the door. It was oddly quiet considering that it was night time and she knew other vampires would be awake. She walked up the stairs but when she got to the very top she saw one of the people she was dying to meet. Kaname Kuran. He looked like he wasn't in the mood to speak to anyone but knowing that he had a reputation to keep up he had to talk and greet her into the moon dorm. "Hello Miss Kuramoto."

"Hello. But please call me Azami. You don't have to be formal with me."

"Ok Azami. Welcome to Cross Academy. I hope you will be comfortable at our school."

"Thank you"

And with that she walked passed him to her room. She didn't want to attend lessons because she was too tired. But yet, she also didn't want to sleep. She felt like she wanted to run outside but also that she had to see if anything different in the school occurred. So she jumped out her window after changing into more comfortable clothes. When she landed on the ground she land peacefully, almost as if she floated to the ground. When she began running around the school she began to smell different things and caught the scent of one peculiar thing, blood. She smelled blood in the air and tried holding back the urge to go and find the person with the delicious aroma but failed and started looking for her victim.

When she got to the scene everything was taken care of. Kaname and Zero trying to protect a girl she hadn't known. She grew disappointed as she saw that the blood that she smelled had stopped sticking in the air and walked away.

Little did she know that Kaname and Zero sensed her there and were going to find as much about her as possible.

Ok everyone that is the end of this chapter. Surprisingly it didn't take long to write but I still liked writing it. I hope you enjoy!