
The modern day assassin allowed his head to fall onto the table in front of him in exasperation as soon as he heard his name. He was tired, hungry, and just wanted to be able to finish reading this one post on the internet before he had to go back to using his brain for smart things again.

Too bad his ancestors had deemed him as the go to guy whenever they got into an argument.

"Desmond! I need you to explain to this idiot that finders are keepers and losers are weepers!" Edward Kenway's voice floated in from the family room and was followed by a growl of frustration from whoever the pirate had decided to annoy this time around.

"That cannot apply when you stole my hat!"

It just had to be those two! Why did Edward insist on pissing Jacob off? Was it because he was British? Maybe it was because from the first moment Edward had laid his eyes on the Industrialism age assassin, the pirate had kept his eyes on the odd cap the other wore.

"It does! Right, son?"

There was silence from the room for a moment, then Desmond heard a growl that sounded oddly like: 'Shut up, Father'. This led Edward to laugh in his loud way, but that stopped as soon as a smack was heard from the room. Then Desmond heard sounds of what was undoubtedly a scuffle between Jacob and Edward, which made him shake his head, even though it still lay on the table.

He had just wanted some food before beginning the day. After a night filled with waking up every few minutes to order someone or another to shut up, he had just wanted some food to sustain himself. But when he went down to the kitchen, Desmond found that his ancestors had quite literally taken everything edible and fast to make from the fridge and had left him with foods that would need to be cooked for some time before they were able to be eaten. After that, he had decided to just drink some milk and read the internet. But now he was seated at the table with his phone in hand with his ancestors yelling out for him to help them.

"Ow!" Jacob was suddenly heard yelling out and Desmond could hear Edward shout out in victory. "Desmond! The bastard bit me!"

"See? I told you I had won this cap justly- what are you doing, lad? Are you going to call on your sister to help you reclaim your hat?" Edward taunted and Desmond groaned in exasperation. "Wouldn't surprise me if you were too weak to do anything by yourself. Clearly the lass is the one with the brains and brawns between you two."

This was all Altaïr's fault. The Master Assassin had been the first to arrive and after him had come the rest. The modern assassins still didn't understand just how or why the assassins of old had popped up in the world, but they knew they were all pains in the ass. Especially when they were together.

"I don't need my sister! I'll show you!" Jacob growled in rage, then Desmond cringed when he heard what was the sound of glass shattering.

He didn't freak out too much, though, because he and Willaim had hidden the more technologically advanced machines away from the main rooms so the people out of time wouldn't be too shocked by the sight of them. At least the television was safe for one more day.

The funniest part about how tired he was must have been that they had been taking care of his ancestors for only one day. But it had been one hell of a day. Extremely tiring, too.

After a few seconds of scuffling, which Desmond spent with his head still on the table, Aveline's head appeared in the doorway of the kitchen, light green eyes shining of curiosity and slight worry.

"Desmond, are you not going to stop the fight between Edward and Jacob?"

The young man only groaned out a noncommittal answer, all the while he waved his hand at her.

"They broke the coffee table."

But Desmond only groaned again. He didn't even look up.

The dark skinned woman pursed her lips at Desmond's reaction, but shook her head and went back into the family room. There, Edward and Jacob were busy rolling around the floor in a mess of limbs and curses while Haytham looked over a book that was in his hands and Altaïr glared at them both.

When she had first appeared in this world, Aveline had been stunned to know that both great Mentors, Altaïr and Ezio, were alive and well, and even more so when she found out they were not the stoic and calm leaders she had been taught to believe. Ezio was rather annoying with his constant flirting, but he at least could crack a good joke every now and then. Altaïr, though, seemed to possess the most easily annoyed personality she had ever come across.

"Are you not going to stop them, Altaïr?" Aveline asked with a raised eyebrow as she crossed her arms over her chest.

The Syrian man glanced at her for a moment, scoffed, but stood up and walked towards the tangle of bodies that were Jacob Frye and Edward Kenway. With a stern frown in place, Altaïr raised his leg and kicked the closest body part as harshly as possible, which earned him a surprised gasp that came from none other than Jacob.

"Master Altaïr..." He wheezed, body releasing Edward's to grab at his stomach. "Why have you betrayed me?" He whispered dramatically, looking up at the man with wide eyes.

Altaïr didn't even blink as he delivered an equally strong kick to Edward's ribs. "Stop acting like such novices." He growled before stalking back towards the sofa, where he sat down and resumed reading the book Shaun had given him a few days ago.

As he ignored them, both Jacob and Edward wheezed and gasped in pain, but Aveline couldn't help but smile softly at them. They both deserved the punishment Altaïr had dished out.


The woman looked up upon hearing Desmond's call, then asked, "What, Desmond?"

"Why has the room suddenly gone quiet?" He questioned and Aveline could not blame him.

Whenever Edward or Jacob- or God forbid, both- were involved, there was no such thing as silence. So when something like quiet actually managed to blossom whenever they were around, it was reason to worry.

"They are both too busy crying like babes to bother each other right now."

"Oh! Okay!" Desmond answered dumbly, "Does that mean that Edward gave back Jacob's cap?"


Suddenly Edward sprang up from the floor with said hat clutched tightly in his hand, even though his other was wrapped around his stomach. "The prize is mine!"

Haytham sighed heavily upon hearing his father declare victory while he shook his head. Sometimes he really wondered if he did, in fact, share any type of DNA with Edward Kenway because most of the time it seemed like it just wasn't possible. Still, the blonde man didn't seem to care about his son's clear annoyance because he only waved the hat around as if he really had won something of importance, then turned around and ran out of the room.

Aveline could hear him giggling wildly as he ran up the stairs, then she swore she heard a thud that would come from someone falling while going up the stairs, but soon enough Edward was laughing once more and she guessed he had just shaken the fall off. Still, she decided that her sanity was more important than stopping the petty squabbles between Jacob and Edward, so she made her way towards the kitchen to see if she could get Desmond to respond.

A few minutes after both Edward and Aveline had left the room, Jacob got up from the floor with a small struggle, then turned his glare on Altaïr. The man had cost him his hat. That stupid, parrot-loving, rum-abusing, and plaid old idiotic dumbass had gotten his prized hat only because Altaïr had stunned him before he could recover it. Master Assassin or not, Altaïr would pay.

With these dark thoughts and a final glare in Altaïr's direction, Jacob slinked out of the family room and went in search of his twin sister. The use of twin magic would be needed to achieve the level of revenge he wanted against Altaïr.