Me: Hey guys! Nice to see ya here on my new story, We're an Anime! This is just a story I thought up of when I read the reactions by Authorgirl27 and celd16(Huge shoutout to you two!), and it wouldn't get off of my head. It was there for months.

Gohan: Seriously, Pixel was babbling to me about it for forever!

Me: And since cecld hasn't updated in around five months and authorgirl is having trouble writing(I feel your pain!), I decided, hey, what the heck? I'll write one!

Gohan: And one more thing. This story is going to be second to The Basement and later, Journey into the Unknown. Updates will be extremely sporadic. It might be a week, could be a couple months.

Me: Anyways, I hope you enjoy the story!

So here…We...GO!

The mess hall of the 104th Training Corps was lively, cadets talking to each other happily or nervously. The late summer air hung heavy as Eren, Mikasa, and Armin talked quietly to each other. A couple of tables over, Jean bragged about what he was going to do once he made the Military Police (didn't even know what his score was to know that he was going to make it) as Marco groaned, slightly embarrassed. Annie, Reiner, and Bertolt all talked about who knows what, and Connie attempted to keep Sasha out of his food (key word: attempted) as Ymir flirted with an uncomfortable-looking Krista.

Suddenly, a huge, ear-popping "bang!" echoed through the barracks. The future top-ten and several other cadets instinctively covered their ears.

"What was that?!" Eren yelled once the ringing in his ears had subsided.

"What?" Connie yelled back, a finger trying to clear out an invisible clot in his ear.

"I don't get it?" Armin said loudly, massaging his head. "What just—?"

Abruptly, some of the trainees cried out. All felt a pulling in their guts, folding them in on themselves. In a pop, Eren and his friends, plus all of the best cadets, were nowhere to be found.

"What in the world?" Thomas exclaimed. "They're…gone!"

In the Survey Corps headquarters, Squad Levi was taking off their 3DM gear after a hard day of training. The air was damp with sweat as Hanji took off the last bit of her gear.

"Wow," Eld huffed. "Heichou must've been in a bad mood today. That exercise was a lot harder than normal."

Oluo rolled his eyes. "No it wasn't," he replied in a Levi-ish fashion. Petra elbowed him in the gut.

"I still don't see why he needed me with you guys," Hanji whined. "I was planning to do experiments on Sonny and Bean!"

Gunther scooted away from the Squad Leader.

Suddenly, everyone in the room felt as if they were kicked in the gut, and disappeared.

In conference with Erwin, Mike, Levi, and Nabana felt the same, and all three vanished.

Alone in his house, Hannes disappeared.


Eren grunted as someone landed on his stomach. Groaning, he thrusted whoever-it-was off. Rubbing his head, he sat up, opening his eyes as he rubbed his head.

"Big oaf," he muttered.

"Nice choice of words," the person replied, and Eren was instantly wide-eyed, scrambling to his feet in shock. Stumbling upright, he saluted, though internally wondering whether that bang had knocked him out and this was a bad dream.

"S-sir!" he stammered. "I apologize!"

Commander Erwin Smith waved off the cadet, standing up himself, slightly amused, though still on guard. "No hard feelings," he replied. "Now, do you have any idea where we are?"

Eren, still reeling from meeting the leader of the Survey Corps, shook his head. They had landed in a large room, with a polished wooden floor and a colorful woolen carpet in the middle. Chairs with large cushions—at least twenty of them—lined the room. A black something—neither man could figure out just what it was—was mounted on the wall. Around the room, everyone groaned and stood up, recovering from the ordeal.

"No, sir!" Eren finally answered, regaining his head. "My comrades and I were eating dinner before we were somehow brought here, sir!"

Erwin smiled slightly at the teenager. He did seem to be respectful. "At ease," he said, waving him off. "No need for formalities here. Name, cadet?"

"Eren Yeager, of the 104th Training Corps!"

"Well, Yeager, looks like we got ourselves into quite the predicament here."

"Commander Erwin, sir! Are you okay?" A woman with short blond hair walked up to the pair.

"Quite, Nabana," Erwin replied. "Any idea what this place is?"

"No, sir!"

"Eren! Are you alright?"

The green-eyed teenager turned around to find Mikasa and Armin jogging towards him. The Oriental felt only worry for her adoptive brother, while Armin ran over the statistics in his head, yet couldn't even begin to form a theory on why they were here.

"Fine, Mikasa," Eren answered.

A ways away, Jean looked around in awe and confusion, sticking close to Marco. Petra and Gunther, who were the only people in the room to have their 3DM gear, were wary, blades drawn as they surveyed the area, patrolling the borders. Ymir stood protectively over a distressed Krista, and practically snarled at Reiner when he got close. Annie was a cool-headed as ever, and Bertolt stuck close the Reiner. Levi crossed his arms and was overall awesome about the situation, and Oluo attempted to copy the corporal. Eld and Mike talked over this new development, while Mina, Sasha, and Connie watched everything with bewildered faces.

"Hey!" Marco called. "There's a window over here!"

"And a door here!" Gunther echoed. "But it's locked."

Scowling, Levi moved as if to kick down the door, but his foot suddenly rebounded, as if hitting rubber, a couple inches away from the wood, and he stumbled slightly before regaining his balance with a load of swear words.

"That's odd," Petra remarked. "Gunther was able to touch the door easily."

"The same happens over here, too!" Moblit called, massaging his hand from where he had tried to hit the glass window.

Eren walked over and glanced out of the windowpane. Nothing could be seen, a swirl of white blocking any view. This was getting weird.

"Ohmygosh!" Hanji squealed, stars practically lighting in her eyes. "The science behind this must be amazing! You can only touch the ways out if you don't want to harm it! Amazing!" She drooled.

"Hey!" Krista yelled, bringing the talking to a close. "That black screen-thingy's showing words!"

Everyone paused and looked at the black thing mounted on the wall. Sure enough, words had formed on its surface.

Hello, it read.

"Who are you?" Erwin asked the thing, frowning as he instantly took the lead. "Why are we here?"

The words changed, more text appearing. I am Ever, it replied. And you are here to see your future.

That made everyone start talking to each other. Hanji almost fainted from excitement, Moblit barely catching her in time. Jean cried out a disbelieving protest as Mike and Nabana shared a doubtful look. Hannes frowned.

"Tch," Levi announced, the others quieting to see what he had to say. "Impossible. If you really know our destinies, prove it!"

Very well, Ever replied. You are Levi Ackerman, nephew of Kenny Ackerman and was raised by him for the first few years of your life. You grew up to become one of the Underground City's greatest criminals, and only joined the Survey Corps when Erwin caught you as a pardon. Although you originally planned to kill him, you eventually warmed up to the morals of the Survey Corps and went on to become its greatest soldier.

Silence. Complete and utter silence. Anger rose in Levi's throat, the worst he had felt since Isabel and Farlan's deaths. The trainees and Levi Squad just stared at Ackerman, and the Corporal barely restrained himself from beating them all to a pulp. At least his murderous glare kept all the questions at bay. Mike and Erwin shared a glance. This thing could be a real threat.

Eren looked at Mikasa, who was just as shocked as he was. Levi's last name was Ackerman?

"So…" Armin put in quietly. "I guess you and Levi are related."

You asked. Ever's text changed once again. I have not had such fun for a long time. Anyways, let's get down to business. What you are looking at is a Television, or a TV for short. This will show you your pasts, presents, and futures. I warn you, prepare yourself for part one. It is some of your worst days. Feel free to comment; the show will stop whenever someone talks.

"Wait!" Armin called out. "How are the door and window blocked? And why did you choose us to see this?"

Erwin raised an eyebrow, slightly impressed. The kid prioritized.

The door will open in its own time, the words read. And a blizzard is currently roaring outside of the house. I wouldn't want you to die of hypothermia.

"A blizzard!" Jean and Eren exclaimed at the same time, and then glared at each other.

"What?" Krista asked. "But it's summer!"

All will be revealed in due time. I chose you because you either will influence or know Eren Yeager the best. He is a focal point in your world: the hero, you could say. For now, though: welcome to your pasts.

"EREN you—!" Jean cut himself off when he noticed just who was watching him, but still fumed quietly, seating himself in a chair. Marco, doing the same, smiled nervously at the looks his best friend got.

Yeager himself was completely shell-shocked, eyes wide. Armin and Mikasa looked at each other before staring at their best friend. Hannes smirked to himself. He knew that kid was special.

"It's starting!" Mina called. Everyone hurriedly took a seat, preparing to watch the first episode of Attack on Titan.

Me: Yeah, minor cliffy there, but I hope you don't mind too much. Next chappie will focus on the first half of aot's first episode. Can't wait!

Gohan: With nothing else to say, we'll see you guys later! Bye!