

Landon Richardson

Official Disclaimer

The characters of Steve McGarrett, Danny Williams, Chin Ho Kelly, Kono Kalakaua, Adam 'Toast' Charles, Amy Hanamoa, Eric Russo, Meka Hanamoa, Catherine Rollins, Joe White and anyone else within the story who might sound familiar do not belong to me in any shape or form, I am merely using them for my own entertainment purposes.

The character of Danni Richardson, David Richardson, Joshua Richardson, Summer Richardson, Libby Richardson, Ronnie Chen, Kevin Matthews, Lee Martin and Nurse Aliana Judd do belong to me though. I should also add that if a character is mentioned who you don't recognise from the show then they probably belong to me as well.

Author Note

Welcome to final chapter of Ensoleillement.

It's always an amazing feeling to finish a story, especially one which has been a work in process for so long, I'm sure no one actually expected me to go back and finish this lol. I always love the process of writing and seeing how a story and the characters in it evolve. This story was originally meant to be a stand-alone story and now instead it's merely part one of a trilogy!

I really appreciate everyone who has read this story, reviewed, followed or made it a favourite. I'm extremely aware that I write in a very niche area of the fandom so any response to my work is always amazing.

Part two of the saga is in the works (especially as I'm in isolation for the foreseeable future) so I may place it up once I've finished Emily or Missing the obvious but we shall see how things go, there are plenty of other work in progress for me to complete after all.

Please note as well that on my profile is my new updating schedule which will be ongoing during the period of the Corona virus and my subsequent isolation due to it. When this situation finally resolves itself, I'll go back and update it again.

Anyway, please enjoy the chapter and once again thank you!

Overall Summary

Danni moved with her small family to Hawaii in an attempt to get away from everything and to heal after the death of her husband. What she didn't expect was Steve McGarrett bursting into her life and taking over it. Danni isn't sure that she's ready for another relationship but that isn't going to stop Steve from trying to show her otherwise. (McDanni, feature OC and also male Danny)

Chapter Summary

A decision has to be made

Overall Romance

Steve McGarrett/ Danni Richardson (McDanni)

Meka Hanamoa / Amy Hanamoa (Mekmy)

Lee Martin / Catherine Rollins (Marllins)

Mentions of past Duncan Taylor / Danni Richardson (Dunni)

Mentions of past Steve McGarrett / Catherine Rollins (McRollins)

One sided Eric Russo / Ronnie Chen (Ronnic)

Chapter Romance

Steve McGarrett/ Danni Richardson (McDanni)

Mentions of past Duncan Taylor / Danni Richardson (Dunni)

Meka Hanamoa / Amy Hanamoa (Mekmy)

Another note

Please keep in mind that I don't have a Beta for this story so the odd mistake may creep in without me meaning it to. I have also never been to Hawaii so all locations are either from the show, google or made up in my own mind.


Part one of the 'Bakery' saga

Chapter Nineteen

Amy tapped her fingertips against the surface of the table and glanced around her at the crowded bakery before her eyes rested on the clock on the wall, noting that it was already twelve thirty in the afternoon and that Danielle, for the first time since Amy had known her, was late.

She shifted in the comfortable seat, pulling out her cell phone from the pocket of her jeans and looked down at it, frowning slightly when she realised that she had no text or miscall from her best friend either, all of which pointed to something being up.

Danielle was one of those people in life who was never late to anything and if they knew they were going to be even a minute late would message or call to let the person they were meeting know.

"You want another one Amy?" A familiar voice asked her, cutting into her musings. Amy blinked, looking up at Eric with a questioning look on his face which he clearly picked up on since he repeated his question, fleshing it out with more detail this time as though he was unsure whether Amy had simply not heard the question or didn't quite understand it. "Your latte, it looks like you've finished it, so do you want me to get you another one or are you good for the time being?"

"Right, the drink." Amy said, reaching out and grasping the handle of the mug, tilting it towards her to see that Eric had been right and it was empty. "You know, I'm actually good, I'm going to shoot off soon." She told him, letting go of it and allowing Eric to pick it up and put it on the tray which she noticed that he was holding.

"You were meant to be meeting Danni-girl, right? Did she cancel on you?" He asked her, a flicker of concern coming across his features.

"She didn't cancel on me, the location just changed, I'm going to head over to her place instead." Amy said, instantly coming to the decision in her mind. "How is everything here, she's bound to ask me."

"All good here, we're surviving the lunch hour, Kev is in the back and Toast is due in at two to do the closing shift with me today. Ronnie is heading home when he comes in and Kev will go at five." Eric answered her promptly.

"Good to know" Amy said as she pushed the chair up and came to her feet, leaning down and picking her bag up, placing it on the table for a moment so she could gather herself, aware even as she did it, that her table was already being eyed up by a few people in the queue, the sight of which made her smile. "Any problems then call me today, not Danni okay. She deserves a break more than any of us especially as she'll be in tomorrow for a week straight." She pointed out; a firm note to her voice.

"We're already well head of you, Boss number two" Eric assured her. "We all have a pact that unless the place is burning down then we won't ever contact Danni for anything on her day off. This place is as good as it is because of her but she needs some chill time as well"

"Good, if she won't look after herself then its up to us to make sure she does." Amy agreed, flashing the teen a smile as she shouldered her bag. "Tell Kev he's in charge until he goes and then it be Toast."

"Will do" Eric promised her before looking back over his shoulder. "Looks like the second wave are coming in, so I best get back. I'm not in tomorrow or the day after but I'll see you later."

"Have a good one" She said with a nod to him before they separated, Eric heading back to the counter to lend a hand while Amy moved out of the door, sparing a quick glance back and smiling when she saw that her table had already been taken.

Amy moved down the street a bit to where she had parked her car and climbed in, quickly starting the car and heading into the direction of Danielle's house, humming in time to the music, safe in the knowledge that her husband and son were having a boys day together which no doubt would mean they would be building forts out of her sheets and pillows and playing make believe pirates. She made a mental note to speak to Meka to see whether the next time he did that, he could include Joshua in it, knowing that the small boy would have fun spending time with them both.

Hitting the indicator, Amy parked up outside of Danielle's house and climbed up, sparing the large home a quick look before she grabbed her bag and closed the door, locking it out of habit and headed up the garden path. She stopped in front of the door, taking a moment to run her hand down her hair before she reached out and rang the bell, waiting patiently.

A moment later, the door opened revealing David, his blond hair ruffled and a streak of what looked like blue chalk across his cheek.

"Amy hey, what are you doing here? Everything okay?" He asked her, leaning down at the sound of running footsteps and sweeping his daughter up into his arms.

"All good here thanks, I was looking for your sister, is she in?" Amy asked, reaching out and stroking Libby's cheek, smiling when the dark-haired girl grinned at her in response. Amy had spent so much time with the three Richardson children that it felt as though they were her nieces and nephew.

"Danni is in the kitchen at the moment, head straight through, you know where everything is." David told her with a smile, identical to his daughter's as he stepped back and waved her into the hallway.

"Thanks" Amy said with a nod at him, before she slipped off her shoes and made her way across the wooden floorboard, through the various rooms until she found herself outside the door which led to the kitchen which was closed. She pushed it open and stepped in, closing it behind her, her eyes already focused on her friend.

Danielle was standing in front of the counter, a bowl filled with ingredients in front of her with a far away look on her face as she slowly stirred them using a wooden spoon. She was dressed casually in a pair of dark blue denim shorts and an oversized football jersey, her blond hair tied up in a messy bun at the top of her head, the overall look, and the fact she had no make up on, making her look as though she was a teenager or at least in her early twenties and not a woman who owned her own successful business and was a mother to two small children.

Amy waited for the younger woman to acknowledge her, her eyebrow shooting up when Danielle remained silent. Finally having enough, she spoke.

"Are you planning on just stirring that mixture forever or are you actually planning on doing something with it because it looks done from here." She said, surprised when Danielle reacted by jumping. "Everything okay Danni?" She queried.

"Amy" The blonde responded, staring at her with wide grey eyes before she looked down at the mixture, blinking at it and immediately putting the wooden spoon down on the counter top.

"Danni" Amy responded when the younger woman remained silent.

"Sorry, I'm here" Danielle said, flashing her a smile which didn't quite reach her eyes. "What's up, not that it's not good to see you but why are you here? We're meeting up, shortly aren't we?" She asked.

Amy blinked, tilting her head slightly to the side.

"We were meeting at the bakery at twelve and it's nearly one now" Amy pointed out gently, watching as Danielle quickly looked at the clock she had on the wall before her face paled.

"Jesus, I'm sorry Amy, time just got away from me, I didn't realise what the time was, were you waiting for me ages?" She asked.

"A bit but it was fine, I spoke to the guys on duty and then came here." Amy told her with a shrug as she moved over to the wooden table and pulled out one of the seats sinking down onto it.

"Was everything okay?" Danielle asked automatically as she filled the tray with the mixture and placed them into the oven, setting a timer.

"Everything was fine." Amy told her. "Busy but the guys were coping easily enough."

"Good" Danielle said, filling up the kettle with water and putting it on the point, hitting the power button before she headed over to the table and took one of the other seats with a sigh. For a moment Amy let the silence stand before she spoke, purposefully keeping her voice light.

"So yesterday was your date with McGarrett wasn't it, how did it go?" She asked, her eyes fixed on her friend, noting the smile which came to Danielle's face before it fell from her face as her shoulders hunched up slightly.

"It was… it was really good actually" Danielle admitted, shifting in her chair awkwardly.

"That's a good thing, right?" Amy questioned, continuing when Danielle merely shrugged at her. "So, what did you end up doing together?"

"We just went for dinner together and then we went for a short walk before going our separate ways." Danielle told her, suddenly coming to her feet and moving back towards the kettle even though it wasn't ready. Amy blinked watching as Danielle pulled out two mugs from the cupboard and placed them on the side, flipping open the lid of a container.

"It sounds nice" Amy said finally.

"It was" Danielle confirmed, dropping the tea bags into the mugs before she moved towards the fridge to get the milk out.

"Danni" Amy said, waiting until Danielle looked over at her before she nodded towards the chair. "Forget the tea for a moment and come and sit down." She instructed, thankful when Danielle breathed out before moving back over to her and taking the chair. "Now tell me what is going on in your mind because you're acting…" She hesitated, trying to pick out the best word to describe Danielle's behaviour. "Strange." She said finally.

"Strange" Danielle repeated, looking away from her before shaking her head. "I'm fine."

"Sure" Amy agreed. "Which is why you're so on edge and you forgot our lunch date, because you're fine." Danielle looked at her for a moment, opening her mouth as though she was going to refute Amy's comment before she closed it and looked away, her eyes falling on the table surface. "What is it Danni? Talk to me, was the date with McGarrett bad?" She pressed, her eyes narrowing slightly when Danielle shook her head at her.

"It wasn't bad, it was fine, good, great even." Danielle told her.

"Right" Amy said, considering the comment for a moment before she sighed. "Danni" She breathed, waiting until the blond looked at her again before she spoke, keeping her voice gentle. "It's not betraying Duncan if you had a good time out with McGarrett, from everything you've told me about your husband, he would have wanted you to move on and be happy." Danielle stared at her, her mouth partly open as her eyes filled with tears before she looked away, bringing her fingers up shakily and rubbing at her eyes. "Oh Danni" Amy said, coming to her feet and moving over to the younger woman, wrapping her arms around her and pulling her into a hug.

"I don't know what to do." Danielle admitted after a moment.

"Because you didn't expect to have a good time with him?" Amy prompted, sighing silently when Danielle nodded.

"I went planning to tell him that I just wanted to be friends and it was too early for anything else but…" Her voice trailed off.

"But then you had a really good time with him, did he ask you out again?" Amy queried.

"He did and I told him I would let him know and it's all I've been thinking about today, about what I should do and what I should say." Danielle told her.

"Danni" Amy said as she leaned back and looked at her, meeting her eyes directly. "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know Amy" Danielle admitted. "I just don't know."

Author Note

Thanks for taking the time to read. An especially big thank you if you have left me a review, favourite the story or decided to follow it.

I really appreciate it