Knight Sleep

I do not own RWBY it is the property of Roosterteeth

A pair of loud cries erupt through the household and a certain blond haired knight groaned as he laid there in the bed with a certain red haired rose.

"I'll get them." Ruby yawned as she rose up from the bed, but before she could grab her night robes Jaune was already out of the bed stretching his limbs.

"No I'll tend to them seeing you just got out of the hospital not long ago you need your rest." He said supressing a yawn while Ruby rolled her eyes seeing even after years of being married he was still the knight that had to protect his fair maiden.

"Jaune they might be hungry and a part from you can scream like one I'm pretty sure you can't feed them like a girl can do." Ruby said hiding her small grin as her husband pout referring to that one time he was caught screaming almost like a girl, which he is kind of glad Yang doesn't live with them or she would never let him hear the end of it.

"Ruby I can handle it am an Arc after all." Jaune said defending himself flexing a bit which Ruby rolled her eyes at her husband's antic before lying back down.

"Ok than Jaune I shall do as my knight commands." She joked as she made herself comfortable and started falling back to sleep and smiled as she felt Jaune pulled the blanket over her still small body even though she is in her 20s now, which her sister and dear husband can't help but joke about much to her chagrin.

"Rest well my little rose." Jaune said as kissed Ruby's temple which made her smile more. "Thanks Jaune." Was all she said before falling back asleep as Jaune left the room to deal with the noise.

He arrived in the nursey where two cribs were at and in both of them were two small bundles of his joy; his and Ruby's twin daughters Summer and Pyrrha.

Pyrrha was lying in her crib awake and was looking up at her father and she had a few tears down her face, but Jaune was glad she wasn't crying unlike her sister Summer who was crying so loudly that he was pretty sure people in Haven could hear it.

"What's wrong little sunshine?" Jaune asked as he picked up Summer who quieted down a bit when she felt her father's arms around her, but still was crying her head off and a certain smell hit Jaune's nose and he cringes at it. "Does someone need a diaper change?" He asked even though he knew that Summer wouldn't understand a word he was saying and it was obvious what was the problem as he left the room to solve it.

He soon returned to the room with a giggling Summer in his hands and he sighed seeing only to a baby that peeing on their father was funny. Jaune was glad there was a sink nearby and washed it off all while pouting before returning her to her crib. "Now sleep now little sunshine." He said to her as he tucked her in and was glad she instantly fell asleep, but a whimper from Pyrrha call his attention.

"What's wrong my little Spartan?" He asked looking down at her and he was glad that he didn't smell that smell of when a baby obviously pooped their diaper, but from her teared eyes he guesses she must have been woken up by her sister's crying and can't go back to sleep.

"Sleep now darling…let your sleep flood in…" Jaune tempted to sing, but a part from him being good on the guitar his singing skills were kind of not on the same level as it, it was no wonder Weiss wasn't impressed that time he tried convince her to come to the dance with him through song. 'Maybe I should have gone to those singing lessons Weiss offered…'

"Troubles?" He heard behind him and saw Ruby standing there with arms crossed over her chest giving him a smug look at her husband.

"Oh ha ha…" Jaune said not amused and Ruby walked next to him and looked at Pyrrha who cheered when she saw her mother there and Ruby smiled as she picked her up. "I guess someone is a little hungry huh?" She said poking Pyrrha in the stomach which made the baby giggled while her little tummy rumbled a bit and Ruby smirked at Jaune which was his turn to roll his eyes as he looked away as Ruby fed Pyrrha.

Soon Ruby puts a sleepy Pyrrha back in her crib and tucked her in before giving her a kiss on her little forehead as Pyrrha let sleep take her.

Jaune stood at the doorway watching his wife as she made sure Summer was asleep too before quietly walking to the door joining up with her husband as he quietly closes the door behind them hoping it didn't wake the twins. They both sigh in relief as the door closed and no crying was heard coming from the other side of the wood.

Jaune snaked an arm around Ruby as they walked back to their bedroom while he wondered if he was ever this bad for his mother and sisters when he was a baby and wondered how his father never went crazy from dealing with 8 children when they were children. He soon wondered if his father-in-law Taiyang ever had troubles with both Yang and Ruby when they were babies. He is just glad the twins haven't learned semblance yet and hoped it wasn't Ruby's because dealing with 2 speedy children will not be easy.

Soon both parents reach their bed and collapse onto the mattress while letting out another pair of sighs of relief as they started go to sleep and let unconsciousness claim them.


A pair of loudly shrill crying sounded throughout the house hold.

Both parents groaned knowing this was going to be a long night.