A quick note: This fic is parallel to In Person (an MxM fic). You don't have to have read that story to read this one. Both fics can be read as stand-alones, but there will be some spoilers for In Person in this one and vise versa.

Disclaimer: If I owned Death Note the rain scene would be several episodes long and not end in L's death.


L only wanted to bring one suit case. He had explained this to his family. Well, he had stated it at least. In one suitcase, he could fit a tooth brush, and clothes. This was all he would need and he didn't see the need in bringing along multiple items that he would not need.

"You have to brush your hair," Mello told him.

Wammy had asked Mello to help L pack. L suspected this was because Mello was the most superficial and would insist on him bringing things such as the dreaded hair brush. This was also because Mello cared the most, and was the most upset, about L going away. That wasn't to say Near didn't care, but Near handled emotions in an entirely different way. Not to mention Near would insist on L filling his bags with toys instead of necessities. Beyond acted like he didn't care that L would soon be attending school in another country, when in reality he did. However, everyone in the house knew that it would be best for L's health if Beyond was kept far away from the suitcase.

"Why?" L complained to Mello.

"Do you want to look like an emo kid who makes their hair look like a bird's nest on purpose?" Mello gave him the we-are-not-amused glare. "Because that's what you're going to look like if you don't brush your hair."

"You said look three times in that sentence," L informed him as he shoved the brush into his bag. "And I already don't brush my hair."

"Computer?" Mello moved to the next item on his list.

"Check," L's laptop bag was sitting on his bed with the suitcase.


"Are the devil in the form of clothing," L said flatly.

"We'll pass on those then," Mello complied. "But wear shoes at least."

"Fine," L huffed, plopping on the bed next to his things.

"Why can't you go to school here?" Mello complained, sitting next to him.

"We've been over this," L did not want to have the conversation again.

"You're abandoning me, you know?" Mello told him.

"I know."

"I'm going to be stuck with the crazy one and the soulless one until I graduate!"

"Beyond might go to university," L argued.

"And get kicked out in the first month," Mello deadpanned.

"I'm sure he'll be able to cover up the murder," L was only slightly joking.

"Until he brags about it," Mello exclaimed.

"You're right," L laughed. "But we won't have to deal with him when he's in prison."

"Haha," Mello rolled his eyes.

"Be nice to Near," L chanced giving this instruction.

"He's the rude one," Mello said dully.

"But you're louder about it," L reminded him.

"Fine," Mello sighed and stood up again. "Did you pack underwear?"

"I'm not completely insanitary," L crossed his arms as he spoke.

"Did you or did you not?" Mello asked again.

"I'll get it now," L groaned, standing up and walking to his draw.

"Thought so," Mello laughed.

"I did plan on packing them," L muttered in his defense.

"Sure," Mello rolled his eyes. "You realize I will die of boredom without you."

"Maybe you'll meet a boy at that school of yours," L smirked. "And fall so madly in love that you won't have time to be bored."

"Our school is a collection of socially adept brats," Mello said with annoyance. "I'd sooner meet someone online."

"Please don't."

"Maybe you'll meet a cute Japanese boy," Mello teased. "At least you being in another country will make it hard for B to kill the sod."

"I already told you," L sighed dramatically. "I don't date anymore."

"Sorry," Mello muttered. "At least make one friend then."

"You only think I'll be able to make one?"

"No, I don't think you'll try to make any," Mello said flatly. "Promise you'll be nice to one person."

"You're never nice to anyone," L pointed out.

"I'm not running off to a foreign country," Mello argued. "One friend. Deal?"

"Fine," L promised.

"Good," there was a slight sense of triumph to Mello's voice. "Headphones?"

"Beyond put jam in them." L retrieved the broken device and tossed them to his adopted brother.

"And you kept them?" Mello was clearly flabbergasted

L merely shrugged.

L didn't sleep at all on the plane ride (or the night before for that matter), and was annoyed to admit that he was feeling groggy before he reached To-Oh University. Deciding it was better to nip tiredness in the bud, he bought a few handfuls of candy at the airport. He was pleased that the woman at the counter of the candy store hadn't tried to communicate with him in broken English. L was fluent in Japanese, but knew that he didn't come off as a local.

Once L reached the campus, it wasn't hard to find his dorm room. This was good, considering classes would start in an hour. L knew he would be cutting it close when he had booked his flight, but hadn't seen the need in settling in. Therefore, it didn't surprise him that the poor soul doomed to share a room with him had unpacked his bags before L's arrival.

"Oh, you showed up," a boy with honey brown hair observed when L walked through the door of their room.

"I believe the first day is mandatory," L remarked dryly.

"Most people get here earlier," the boy told him.

"I know." L watched the boy try to read his expression, and wasn't surprised to see him come away with disappointment at the lack of information he had gained.

"This is my side." the boy gestured to the bed and closet that already neatly contained his possessions.

A little too neatly, L mused. There's something to be said about someone needing to have a room organized after only living there for an hour or so.

As if to prove a point, L flung his suit case of his bed and began shuffling through the contents in as disorderly of a fashion as he could muster. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his roommate wrinkle his nose. Were L the type to openly display his amusement, he may have laughed our right.

"I'm Yagami Raito," L's roommate introduced himself.

"Hideki Ryuga," L said without turning to face Raito.

"Yeah right," he heard the boy scoff.

"What?" L looked at the boy now, his expression feigning innocence.

"That's not your name," Raito stated.

"Why not?"

"Because Hideki Ryuga is a famous pop-star," Raito's irritation was starting to show.

"It's possible for more than one person to have the same first and last name," L replied.

"True, but that doesn't mean you're not lying," Raito said. "Besides, you're not from Japan are you?"

"I wasn't aware that you had to be from Japan to have a Japanese name," L pretended to muse.

"You know what I mean."

"You shouldn't assume that I do," L said.

"Never mind," Raito seemed close to loosing his patients. "You don't have to tell me your name."

With that the boy picked up a book bag and left the room. L chuckled. Yagami Raito was the exact sort of person that L liked to annoy. This school year was going to be interesting.

L could tell that half of his world literature class had not read all three of the books assigned to them over the break. For such a prestigious school, this lack of effort more than annoyed him. The class was currently discussing the third book, and L was mentally picking out which ones of his peers knew what was going on.

"Um, well I kinda thought…" A girl with bleached blonde hair and a high voice stammered. "I kinda thought that scene represented sex."

The girl was sitting three desks away from L. If he craned his neck he could get a clear view of her and the book that her hands were nervously fiddling with. Going out of his way to stare at her was something he knew others would deem creepy, but fortunately the rest of the class was gaping at her as well. True, her read on the scene the class was discussing was a little unorthodox and, in L's opinion, incorrect.

"Amane," another girl spoke now. "I know practically everything reminds your hormones of sex, but if you're going to comment maybe you should at least read the text first."

"I did read it," the blonde tried to protest, but it was clear that no one was taking her seriously. L, however, didn't doubt her.

From his angle, he could see that the pages of her book were dog-tagged and clearly had notes on them. The accusatory remark from the other girl wasn't in an attempt to add to the discussion. She had only said this to insult the blonde and make her look even more foolish. This irritated L.

"What was your read on the passage, then?" L spoke up.

"What?" The girl's eyes narrowed.

"If you think her read on it was so incorrect, what did you think that the subtext was?" L resisted smiling at the flustered expression on the girl's face, instead he kept his tone and appearance neutral. "Personally, I think that the build up in tension at this moment of the story was definitely meant to signify the relationship between the protagonist and his friend."

"You actually think that it signifies sex?"

"That is one way to interoperate it. One could say that the tension build up throughout the pervious chapters is suddenly resolved is almost orgasmic. Not to mention the suggested early on of a romantic relationship between the characters." L paused. "And if my use of the word 'orgasmic' offends your as much as the word 'sex' seemed to earlier, then I suggest you remind yourself on what subject this class is."

The girl blinked, dumbfounded.

"Literature is full of sexual symbols, wether you acknowledge them or not," L buttoned his argument. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the blonde girl stifle a giggle.

When the period was over, L's plan had been to get from the Literature classroom and to his next class without speaking or making eye contact with any of his peers. This plan was quickly demolished when a small hand grabbed his arm, stopping him from his retreat.

"Thanks for saying that," the blonde girl gave him a bright smile.

"You're welcome," L took his arm back from her, but didn't continue walking. "But, you do realize you were wrong, right?"

"Yeah." The girl sighed, and let her head tilt downward, her pigtails swayed slightly. "Literature isn't my thing."

"That was no reason for our classmate to be so hard on you," L pointed this out to stop the girl's sulking.

"Kiyomi hates me," the girl laughed. "I'm Misa, by the way."


"That's an interesting name," she giggled.

"Yes," L said dryly.

"Hey, Misa?" a familiar voice broke through the conversation.

"Hi, Raito!" Misa grinned at the boy approaching them. She turned to L. "That's Rai—"

"We've met," L told her shortly.

"What are you doing here?" L's roommate gave him an irritated look.

"I attend this school as well, if you recall that's the reason we have to share a room," L's voice was monotone.

"Your roommates?" Misa's amusement showed in her voice.

"Unfortunately for Yagami-san," L drawled, giving the girl a slightly less neutral expression.

"Did he tell you his name?" Raito asked Misa as if L had already walked away.

"It's Ryuzaki," L decided.

"No, it's not," the boy dismissed. "What is it with you and fake names?"

"I'm amused by your reaction," he answered honestly. "However, if that had been my actual name I would have been offended."

"But it's not—"

"I think I'm offended anyway," L told him. "It was nice to meet you, Misa-chan."

Misa only laughed.

"What the hell…" Raito sighed, shaking his head.

L smiled once he had turned his back on Raito and Misa. He was definitely going to enjoy annoying his roommate.

Okay...it's been three months. I've finally written this and hope that those of you who mentioned wanting to read it while I was writing In Person will enjoy it! Thanks for read, please review!