A/N: First fanfic for this fandom, I've had this idea for a while and I really want to see where this could go…! Please note that this story could have some triggering points as there is going to be abuse, violence and delicate themes (I don't even know if they are even going to show up and if they do it would only be in a dialogue, but better safe than sorry!)

Oh, and did I mention that there is going to be an overflow of angst and feels?


Too bad.

I'm not a native English-speaker, so constructive feedback is more than appreciated!

A week later, when he would be asked whose fault the events of those damned days were, Adrien would just reply that everything that had happened to him was pure coincidence or, as he liked to put it, simple bad luck.

With his experience as the black cat of the city of Paris, he had learned to acknowledge the fact that coincidence played an important role in everyone's daily life. After all, Ladybug's powers and his very own relied greatly on this factor, as their luck could affect an entire fight.

That, however, didn't mean that it made things any easier for them. Luck wasn't forgiving; once it had given you something, it wanted it back.
He, Chat Noir, was the living reminder that coincidence could be merciless at times, retrieving all the happiness and the joy that they had given out for free. Luck could hurt.

It was a fair exchange to make things balanced.

And so, when he found himself kneeled down before Hawkmoth himself he couldn't help but wonder what sort of outstanding gift he had received in order to have to pay such a high price. He struggled one last time, his wrists' skin aching and burning at the contact with the tight rope, and closed his eyes.

He didn't need to watch it to see it come: he could feel it. With each elegant flutter, the black butterfly came closer to him, the whispers that haunted his ears getting louder in his head. Adrien didn't even try to deny that what they offered was appealing, but something in him told him that maybe he would have liked to achieve such things in another, clean way. He almost laughed out loud when he realised that he was acting as if he actually had another possibility.

There was no other way of doing this, and regret could only affect him so little when he knew that he was in the right.

Because Hawkmoth was right.

His dad had been right all along.

He gasped, a sharp pain in his chest forcing him to open his eyes in an unconscious reaction. Every part of his body was on fire, an overwhelming warmth coming from what he guessed was his heart, and the powerful, frequent stabs almost made him want to scream. If it hadn't been for the fact that he wasn't actually bleeding, he would have swore that his insides had been torn apart by now.

He wasn't surprised when he saw the purple edges of the Hawkmoth's butterfly corner his vision.

The fact that he could somehow attribute the source of his suffering to the akuma's doing made him feel relieved, but also excited at the same time.

It was time to get this over with.

"Let's make you proud, Father."

A/N: Something really quick to just set things out! I tried as hard as I could not to let too many details slip out in order to not give too many spoilers... I am unsure whether I'll continue this or not... The plot that I have in mind right now for this would make me write a 20 or plus chapter story, which is something great but difficult if I'm not motivated enough. Also, writing fiction for a non-native English speaker can be quite scary sometimes.

So it is mostly up to you guys! Do you like the story? Do you think I should continue it or at least upload a new chapter to see where things are going?

Let me know!

Thank you for reading and see you soon (hopefully!)
