Title:Hell Hath No Fury



Summary:After getting his memories back and remembering that he is now a Dark One, Hook decides to use his new powers to bring back an old enemy to help him make Emma pay for her mistake.

Warnings:dark themes, OOCness, captainswan bashing, probably smut, canon-twisting, character deaths, violence, maybe torture...that's all for now.

Disclaimer:obviously don't own

So basically this is my remedy for the fact that Hook was only the Dark One for like 2 episodes and then for some reason he decided he loved Emma more or whatever. That was dumb as fuck. And CaptainPan stuff was greatly needed.

Chapter 1

When he'd set out on his mission to find out what had happened in Camelot that Emma didn't want him to remember, he'd never thought it would be something like this. What he was seeing in the dreamcatcher Zelena currently held in front of him, he could hardly believe it. He didn't want to believe it.

"No,"Killian said hoarsely, clutching his chest and shaking his head in fierce denial as he backed away from the imagine in that glowing, gold-ringed circle, "That can't be,"

The Wicked Witch let out a cold, cruel chuckle. "Finding the truth a little hard to swallow, are you?Well, my dear captain,"she lowered the dreamcatcher and went to retrieve Excalibur from where Emma had dropped it when Killian had immobilized her. Then, she sidled back up to Hook, closer this time, holding the sword up so the flat side was facing him and he could see what was engraved there, "I think you'll find it most certainly can be,"

Killian's aquamarine orbs narrowed. It was no longer Emma's name written across the wavy blade-it was his own.

"There,"Zelena continued with a vicious grim, seeming to derive some sadistic pleasure from the anguished expression that came over the former pirate's rugged features, "Your so-called true love turned you into a Dark One,"

Killian truly didn't know what to say to that. It had never even crossed his mind that this was what Emma had been hiding from him. He was truly horrified-but then, that horror turned into anger when Zelena added, "And she was never even going to tell you,"

"Killian,"Emma started, tone beseeching-but the dark-haired man cut her off. "So that's what this was all about?"he queried softly, jaw working furiously as he tried to keep himself from shouting.

"I was never in any danger tonight, was I?"he asked accusingly, crossing his arms over his chest. "You were just trying to keep me from the truth. That's why you took way everyone's memories. Isn't it?"

"I wanted to fix it first, to make up for what I'd done,"Emma tried to defend herself a second time, but this time, Zelena was the one to interrupt. "By killing me?Oh, how sweet,"she sneered mockingly, rolling her eyes.

Emma let out a heavy breath before trying to justify that action, directing her words at her boyfriend. "Killian, I didn't have a choice. It was the only way to get rid of the darkness in both of us;everything I've done since we got back to Storybrooke was to save you."

The new Dark One gave her a withering glare. "And if you had just told me that in the first place, I might have believed you,"he retorted disparagingly, shaking his head again with a grim expression, "But, even after I never stopped believing in you, you obviously didn't believe in me enough to tell me the truth. How could you keep something like this from me?"

"I'm sorry,"Emma said in a small voice, her blue-grey eyes starting to water. She didn't know what else she could say;she didn't know if there was anything that would make this better-and Hook didn't look as if he were in the mood to give her a chance to find out.

He stepped past Zelena and leaned in, almost touching their foreheads together. "Not yet, you're not,"he replied in barely above a whisper, breaths wavering with the force of his words, "But you will be,"

His voice was so utterly void of emotion that Emma had to suppress a shiver-which that only became more difficult when Zelena let out another mirthless giggle from beside her. However, before she could say anything, Killian had already turned his attention back to the Witch.

"Are you ready to learn what else happened in Camelot?"the green-skinned woman asked, lifting the dreamcatcher again temptingly.

Emma felt her heart stutter in her chest. The last thing she wanted was for Killian to see the rest of the memories she'd taken from him. Unfortunately, though, there was nothing she could do to stop it:she was completely frozen and, if Killian said yes, she didn't think there was anything she could say to change his mind.

Her stomach dropped when Killian responded in that same cold, emotionless tone: "Aye-but first we have to take care of her,"

Emma's eyes widened as they darted warily from him to Zelena, who was grinning and clapping her hands together in excitement, and then back.

"Killian, what are you doing?"she asked in a strained voice, heart pounding in her chest as Killian once again invaded her personal space with a look in his eyes that she definitely didn't like.

Her boyfriend-or maybe her ex boyfriend would be a more appropriate term at this point-didn't answer her. Instead, when his face was once again mere centimeters away from hers, he addressed Zelena, holding out his good hand, "Now how about you give me that cuff and we can finish this before the squid ink wears off?"he said, phrasing it like a suggestion-but his tone made it clear that it wasn't one.

A cold feeling of dread washed through Emma's body at those words. She knew what Killian was planning:she knew what ''cuff'' he was talking about. He was going to take away her magic.

"Killian, please,"she begged desperately in one last attempt to get through to him-but the new Dark One wasn't having it. He didn't even respond to her plea, simply waiting patiently as Zelena pulled out the leather cuff from inside her cloak and placed it in his outstretched palm with a smile;she was obviously a fan of this plan.

Emma nearly jumped when she felt Killian's lips touch her ear-or she would have if she wasn't immobilized. "You really should have told me the truth, Swan,"he intoned with an air of someone scolding a child. She winced when she felt him fasten the piece of leather around her wrist as he finished, "But because you didn't, you're not going to be the only one who suffers the consequences,"

He pulled back, once again shifting his gaze back to the Wicked Witch and directing his next words at her. "You know what to do."

There was a sudden white hot pain in Emma's left temple and then everything went black.

Hook and Zelena had left Emma lying on the floor, unconscious and still immobilized by the quid ink. The pirate knew he should have felt a modicum of regret for what he'd done to her, but, after what she'd done to him, what he was feeling was quite the opposite.

The Wicked Witch had exposed everything. Every single thing that Emma had tried to conceal from him, everything that had happened between them while they were in Camelot, he knew it all now. And Emma turning him into a Dark One was the least of it.

Perhaps the most troubling sight-or what should have been the most troubling sight, anyways-was watching himself murder the sorcerer, Merlin. He'd torn out Merlin's heart and crushed it in his fist in order to enact the curse that had brought hem all back to Storybrooke. He knew he probably should have felt horrified by that-but what was truly troubling was that he didn't.

Killian inhaled deeply, watching his breath condense in the night air. He remembered what the darkness had shown him as it had consumed his body:his memories of Milah's murder, of all of the horrible things Rumplestiltskin had done to him, all of the misery that that bloody crocodile had caused him. His thirst for vengeance had been restored-but at the time, Rumplestiltskin had been in Storybrooke and he had been in Camelot, which was why he'd cast that curse:to get back.

But then, Emma had taken his memories:she'd interfered with his revenge for the second time. Now Killian was standing outside the Crocodile's shop, he had his memories back, and Emma wasn't going to be able to stop him this time. No one was.

He strode purposefully up to the shop's front entrance, feeling a sort of dark thrill at the prospect of what he had planned. The darkness was leading the way, its power crackling inside of him like currents of electricity. It had been a long time since he'd last felt this alive-ironic, really, when you considered the fact that what had brought him here was him nearly dying.

There was a "CLOSED"sign in the window of the front door, but Killian disregarded it completely. He wasn't here as a customer, after all, and what he wanted couldn't wait.

"Killian,"the Crocodile's girlfriend, Belle, greeted him from in front of the glass counter at the back of the shop. She didn't look exactly pleased to see him. "What are you doing here?"

Rather than being offended, Killian simply appeared amused by the red-haired woman's less-than-welcoming expression. "I'm here to see your boyfriend, love,"he replied smoothly, stopping just feet away from the sales' desk to wait for Belle to get the message.

The redhead frowned, obviously confused. "Can I ask why?"she questioned carefully, unable to keep the note of uneasiness out of her voice. Killian, of course, heard it all too clearly-and it only served to amuse him further. He knew Belle wasn't stupid:she could probably sense that she wasn't dealing with the same man she'd talked to only a day ago. He knew he even looked different-she was wise to be unsettled.

Of course, that didn't mean he was going to treat her as anything more than an obstacle-or that he wouldn't get rid of her if she stood in his way.

"Let's just say he and I have some unfinished business,"he replied evasively, tapping his chin with the curve of his metal hook.

"And what business would that be, pirate?"the Crocodile's distinctive accent cut in as the shop owner stepped out from behind the curtain that separated the shop's display area from his office. Suspicion was written all over the elder man's weathered features and he came to a stop next to his girlfriend, knuckles whitening where they covered the top of his cane.

Killian's lips twisted into a cold smirk.

"I think you'll find it's ''Dark One" now, actually,"he corrected, blue eyes gleaming with mirth as he watched his companions for their reactions.

Belle's brown eyes widened in a mix of shock and fear and a crease appeared between Rumplestiltskin's brows. "What are you talking about?"the redhead asked, voice trembling audibly. That was the absolute last thing she had expected to ever hear.

"Your boyfriend pawned the darkness off on Emma, love,"the pirate reminded her in a deceptively casual tone. Then he let out a low, malevolent chuckle before adding, "And she pawned it off on me,"

A muscle jumped in the former Dark One's jaw as he recognized the truth in what his nemesis was saying and put the final piece in place. "And now you're here to take your revenge,"he finished flatly, affecting an air of exaggerated boredom.

The pirate's expression turned predatory. He'd never pegged Rumplestiltskin as a fool-but if he really thought that it was going to be that simple, then Killian had severely overestimated him all this time. Granted, that had been his initial goal-but now he was aiming for something a little more...complicated.

"Well, for this lovely piece of hardware,"he gestured theatrically toward his hook, "I had planned to take you hand. For Milah, your heart. For filling Emma with the darkness,"He paused, feigning thoughtfulness-then he snapped his fingers, "Right!I thought your head would do quiet nicely."

"So what are you waiting for?"the elder man retorted calmly, "Get on with it,"

"No, no, no, no,"Killian wagged his index finger reprovingly, "That's not how this is going to work. You see, it's no longer just revenge that I want,"

Rumple couldn't conceal the surprise he felt at that statement. "So what do you want from me?"he asked shrewdly, eyes narrowing with unconcealed disquiet.

His trepidation only increased when Killian suddenly vanished, and then reappeared directly in front of him.

The pirate leaned in close, steel-blue orbs blazing like cold fire. "For now, dearie,"he whispered, Irish accent thick with mockery as he uttered Rumple's favourite term of condescension, "I'll just take your blood,"

Before the elder man could react, Killian lunged, pinning him back against the shop counter and plunging his hook into Rumple's chest.

"Rumple!"Belle cried out in alarm as her boyfriend gasped in shock and pain. She couldn't help him, though-she couldn't even move.

Killian let out a heavy, exhilarated breath as he withdrew his hook and watched with vindicated as his nemesis sank to the floor, clutching in agony at his chest.

"Don't worry, crocodile:your wound will heal, It's not your life I want, either,"the new Dark One gave a wolfish grin, "So you'll live. For now."

He tilted his head forward in a cheeky salute before disappearing again, leaving Rumplestiltskin to lick his wounds.

It was time to put the next phase of his plan into action.

I'm not really sure how I feel about this chapter but eh.