A/N: Hi, guys! I thank everyone that has R&R this story. Also don't forget to send votes for Naruto's deck in Dra-Empire G-quest.

Now I will continue with the story.

United Sanctuary HQ

One red head guy was sitting on his armchair and twirling his cup of tea in bore. The guy has spiky long red hair. He wore a short grey vest and black trousers.

"Man, I am so tired. Why the heck I even agree to take this job, after Ibukki left?" the red head whined like a baby.

In front of him was a beauty with blue long blue hair. She wore a vest as well, beneath it was a white shirt. She also wore a long grey skirt.

"Ren-sama, you are just to kindheart, that you can't deny a friend request" the bluenette interjected.

Suddenly Ren remembered something and looked up at Asaka, to ask her.

"I remembered that Naruto-kun has returned. Asaka, I want you to fetch him and register him as Fukuhara student. Currently, our team are busy with Una-San business. I need someone to take care of Foo Fighters as well"

Asaka raised her eyebrow in wonder. Of course, she could still remember the brat that constantly tease her about Ren-sama. He asked such outrageous questions such as: when will she marry Ren-sama? When will they bore some children? Or one question that always earned him some slap from, why is she so scary.

"Ren-sama, you can't be serious!" protested Asaka heatly. "That brat is so irresponsible! You can't possibly entrust Foo Fighters HQ to him"

Ren looked her with an airhead look and stated. "Eh? But Naruto-kun is a very capable fighter. Except Aichi-kun and Kai, he was the only one that give me difficulty in a fight"

"I am not talking about his abilities, but his sense of responsibility. All of us know just how much irresponsible that brat is! True, when it comes to passion to Vanguard nobody could compare to him. But he will slack off every chance he got to eat! I can't let someone irresponsible like that to lead Foo Fighters!" retort Asaka, shaking her head in protest.

"True, but I have another goal, Asaka. Since we left, Fukuhara has lost it's brilliance and capable fighters remained very little. But I believe that Naruto-kun can bring that brilliance back with his passion" explained Ren with a grin.

"As expect of Ren-sama! You thought through everything!" exclaimed Asaka clasping her hands, hers eyes is shining with stars in them.

True. Since AL4 has graduated, Fuluhara only have one champion, Yahagi Kyou, but Kyou didn't have the
quality of a leader, that's why Ren didn't entrust Foo Fighters to him. But Naruto is the other matter, he may act irresponsible and at times slacking to do what he wants. However when things got serious, he could become a true leader that you couldn't help but wonder on awe at his sudden change in personality.

With Naruto

Since his appearance in Magallanica G-quest, Naruto has become as much popular as Rummy Labyrinth. His appearance aside, the people were on awe at his ability to wield all the clans. The journalists were hunting him for interview like he was some kind of rare animal for hunters. That's why now we see him, hiding his appearance under a hoodie with huge hood and sunglasses. The hoodie was pretty exotic in snow-white colour and has the image of Dragruler Phantom on the back.

On free time, our hero as usual wanted to eat something tasty. This time he wanted to try something called 'Vanburger'. So right now he is standing at queue and anticipating his turn. However fate was cruel to the blond fighter, as out of nowhere a hand snatched his ear and dragged him somewhere.

Naruto cried out in pain, holding his poor ear and glared at the assailant with glistering eyes.

"Ahh! That hurt like a bitch! Who the heck dare to do that?"

Suddenly he felt a dread feeling and looked up carefully at the person that assault him. His face immediately as this was one of the women that he feared the most. His shaking gaze met up with the deadly and chilling eyes of Narumi Asaka.

"A-Asaka-san! H-how did you find me?" stuttered the blond fearfully. The poor blond has about 4 Nemesis in his life, and it just happened to be all women. One was Jilian Chen, the second was none other then the Assassin of AL4, Narumi Asaka. The third happened to be his foster sister, Tatsunagi Kourin. However the one that he even dread to glad have at from a kilometer away was Tokura Misaki.

Next to Asaka was another guy with neat white hair that reach to his neck. He was snickering at Naruto, because the later was cowering like a scaredy cat in front of Asakaя . That's right it was another member of AL4, that replacing Shinjou Tetsu, 'Crusher' Kyou.

"Look at how pathetic you make yourself appear, blondie! Ore-sama would never cover before a woman like that!" exclaimed Kyou arrogantly.

Asaka slowly and deadly turned to Kyou, which made the later pale. "Did you just say something, Kyou?"

"N-nothing at all, Asaka!" Kyou sweat and waving his hands forward in denial.

Naruto looked at Kyou with a deadpan gaze. Suddenly he felt himself being dragged by the scruff.

"We don't have any time to slack off! Naruto, you will come with us. I will explain everything on the way!" stated Asaka while dragging the poor blond away.

Naruto struggled and pulling a tantrum right in the shop. The people looked amusedly at the sight.

"No! Let me go! I want my freedom back! It's all your doing, right, Ren-shishou? I know it is and I curse you for that!" Naruto cried out loudly making the people looked at him strangely.

Scene change
Fukuhara High School

Asaka explained everything to Naruto on the way to Fukuhara. Naruto glared at the air all the time, imagining a certain red head and cursed him all over again. After Asaka had registered Naruto as Fukuhara student, she gave him a key to Foo Fighters HQ and left him with Kyou.

Things become more complicated, when the teacher wanted to introduce a new student to his class. The reaction was predictable. The boys looking at him with shiny eyes in admiration, while the girls basically swoon over him.

Kyou didn't feel jealous, but vice versa he pitied the blond because when the lesson over the blond might be ripped apart by his classmates girls.

Scene change
On the rooftop of Fukuhara

Naruto and Kyou were hiding themselves on the roof. Both decided to have a match. So far, Naruto was in lead, but Kyou quickly corner him with Spiky Brothers overwhelming power. But in the end Naruto barely win thanks to double trigger.

"Not bad, blondie! I see why Ren demanded for you to take over for him Fukuhara" comment Kyou with a smirk.

"You are one to talk, Kyou-san! You nearly killed my that turn!" Naruto smirked back and replied.

Both smirked at each other and bumped their fists. Vanguard fighters understand each other and could become friends very fast through the fight. Naruto and Kyou were no exception. Just after one fight, but Naruto could already call Kyou his buddy.

"Are you plan to stay here, forever Naruto? You've become a friend of the great me, so I will solve that problem for you" declared Kyou puffing his chest out.

Naruto rolled his eyes and retort. "Don't be foolish. Have you forget how frightful a female wrath can be?"

Kyou just shivered recalling how ruthless Asaka can be. Not once he has felt at the death door due to that woman.

Scene change

When Kyou and Naruto were about to head to the Foo Fighters building, someone has intercept them. It was a student of Fukuhara. He has silver hair that reach his back, but the front was spiked up though. He has a pretty arrogant expression with a smirk that said 'I am superior' on his face. It was one of the prick that caused Fukuhara's reputation got worse. His name is Takanami Shinji, one of the most dirty bastard that polluted Vanguard.

"I heard that the so called Vanguard Master has arrived in Fukuhara. So I decided to see him for myself" Shinji started with an arrogant grin, staring down at Naruto. "I should say I am not really impressed. So why don't we have a match, Vanguard Master-san yo?"

Naruto narrowed his eyes and stared at the guy in front of him. Asaka has already told him about the situation in Fukuhara, including those who responsible for tainting Fukuhara's reputation. He doesn't have doubt that Takanami will use some dirty trick. But he must teach him and the entire Fukuhara, that he won't tolerate anyone that shaming Vanguard. He will make an example out of this one for everyone to see.

Kyou knew that Takanami will use dirty tricks in this match and was about to warn Naruto to refuse it. But the blond made his move first.

"Ok, I accept your challenge" replied Naruto. "However I want for everyone to witness this match". Naruto turned to Kyou and request. "Can you please gather all the students at the school ground, Kyou-san?"

Kyou looked at the blond suspiciously, but shrugged his shoulder and did what he was told. After some minutes, all the students were gathered.

A fighting table rise up from the ground and both fighters put their deck to the respectful place. Naruto narrowed his eyes at Takanami's deck seeing it a bit thinner than his.

While two fighters prepare to fight, the audience wondered why they were gathered here. But they shook off that thought and paid their attention on the fight

"Stand up, Vanguard!" announced the system.

Both fighters than flipped up their first Vanguard.

"Judgebau Revenger" announced Naruto revealed his Vanguard. It was a dog with a collar that has broken chain on it.

"Composed Seeker, Lucius" Shinji's first Vanguard was a knight with long white hair in ponytail, holding a spear on his right hand.

On the side, Kyou observed the fight like others. "Ho! So this time he uses Ren's Revenger deck, eh? I see, that guy really could play for any clan. Interesting!"

Naruto decided to go first, so he drew a card then ride. "Revenger, Dark Bond Trumpeter, ride"

Revenger, Dark Bond Trumpeter
Grade: 1
Power: 6000

Naruto's field
Empty - Dark Bond - Empty
Empty - Judgebau - Empty

A small purple haired girl with two buns on her head appeared on VC. She also held a golden trumpet. Also Judgebau was moved behind him.

"Turn end"

End of turn 1
Naruto - Shinji
5 - Hand - 5
0 - Soul - 0
0 - Dmg - 0
0 - CB - 0
0 - G zone - 0

Shinji has that arrogant smirk all the time. "Draw. I ride Honest Seeker, Cynric. Also call one more to RC"

Honest Seeker, Cynric
Grade: 1
Power: 7000

Two identical knight appeared on Shinji's field. Both have white hair and clad in white armor. They held crossbows in their hand. Lucius was moved behind Cynric, that was in RG

Shinji's field
Empty - Cynric - Cynric
Empty - Empty - Lucius

"Battle!" shouted out Shinji in glee. "Cynric in VG, attack!"

"No guard" declared Naruto paying close attention to Shinji's right hand.

When it's time to drive check, Shinji activated the device that he hid behind his jacket on the wrist. The device opened up and thrust out a card on Shinji's right hand.

"Drive check!". [Seeker, Halo Breath Dragon - critical trigger]. "Critical trigger! Effect to Vanguard and power to RG!"

Honest Seeker, Cynric
Power: 7000
Cr: 2

Honest Seeker, Cynric
Power: 12000

Cynric shot his crossbow at Dark Bond causing the poor girl to cry out in pain.

Kyou widen his eyes when he saw Shinji cheated. He was about to intervene, but Naruto held his hand up and shook his head. The blond has his hair shadowed his eyes.

"Damage check". [Illusionary Revenger, Mordred Phantom]. [Freezing Revenger- draw trigger]. "Power to Vanguard and draw 1"

Revenger, Dark Bond Trumpeter
Total Power: 11000

"Hahaha! Do you really think that petty trigger will save you?" exclaimed Shinji arrogantly. "Lucius boost, Cynric, attack!"

Honest Seeker, Cynric
Total Power: 20000

"No guard" muttered Naruto. All this time, his eyes were shadowed by his bang. But if your look closely, you could feel a raging aura that the blond barely holding back.

"Damage check". [Freezing Revenger - draw trigger]. "Power to Vanguard then draw 1"

"Hmph, turn end. Hahaha, even the Vanguard Master is nothing before my might!" cried out Shinji gleefully.

End of turn 2
Naruto - Shinji
7 - Hand - 5
0 - Soul - 0
3 - Dmg - 0
0 - CB - 0
0 - G zone - 0

"Stand and draw" muttered Naruto then drew a card. "Ride, Nullity Revenger ,Masquerade. Call, Wily Revenger, Mana. Use her skill, to superior call Providing Revenger, Arkham. Skill, soul blast and draw 1"

Nullity Revenger, Masquerade
Grade: 2
Power: 9000

Wily Revenger, Mana
Grade: 2
Power: 8000

Providing Revenger, Arkham
Grade: 1
Power: 6000

First to appear was a knight in a blue armor that his his entire body. In his hand is a huge broad sword. Then next to him a witch appeared, wearing revealing outfit and a floating crystal in her hand. Behind her was a short knight with dark armor and holding twin daggers.

Naruto's field
Mana- Masquerade - Empty
Arkham - Judgebau - Empty

"Battle! Judgebau boost, Masquerade attack Cynric!"

Nullity Revenger, Masquerade
Total Power 14000

"No guard!"

"Drive check". [Healing Revenger- heal trigger]. "Power to Mana and recover 1 damage"

Wily Revenger, Mana
Power 13000

Masquerade slashed at Cynric with his broad blade causing the knight to wince in pain.

"Damage check". [Seeker, Light Saver Dragon].

"Boost by Arkham, Mana attack!"

Wily Revenger Mana
Total Power 20000

"No guard" growled Shinji with gritted teeth.

[Great Crossbow Seeker, Gildas]. The second damage was none trigger as well.

"Turn end" said Naruto. Arkham returned to the bottom deck due to Mana's skill.

End of turn 3
Naruto - Shinji
8 - Hand - 5
0 - Soul - 0
2 - Dmg - 2
0 - CB - 0
0 - G zone - 0

"Stand and draw" stated Shinji then chose a card to ride. "Natural Talent Seeker, Valrod, ride! I will end you on this turn. Call, Cerdic and Isbuzzard"

Natural Talent Seeker, Valrod
Grade: 2
Power: 10000

Full Bloom Seeker, Cerdic
Grade: 2
Power: 9000

Flail Seeker, Isbuzzard
Grade: 1
Power: 7000

Cynric was changed to a knight similar like Masquerade, wearing an armor that hide his body only in white color. But unlike Masquerade he held a javelin. Next to him a blond knight holding a round red shield appeared. Behind him is Isbuzzard, flailing his weapon.

Shinji's field
Cerdic - Valrod - Cynric
Isbuzzard - Empty - Lucius

"Battle! Valrod, attack Vanguard!" ordered Shinji with a crazy grin.

Naruto knew what is coming next but still declared. "No guard"

Like the previous turn, Shinji used the trick with his hidden device to got trigger. [Seeker, Halo Breath Dragon- critical trigger]. "Hahaha! Critical trigger! Triggers really only came to the strongest one and I am that one! Power to Cerdic, critical to Valrod!" Shinji, by that time, was cackling like a madman.

Kyou gripped his knuckles in anger at the cheater. But Naruto didn't want him to intervene so he won't.

Natural Talent Seeker, Valrod
Total Power: 10000
Cr: 2

Full Bloom Seeker, Cerdic
Power: 14000

"Damage check". [Dark Revenger, Mac Lir]. [Freezing Revenger- draw trigger]. "Power to Vanguard then draw"

Nulity Revenger, Masquerade
Total Power: 14000

"Pff, such petty power up won't be enough to stop my attacks" scoff Shinji arrogantly.

"Lucius boost, Cynric attack! Lucius skill, if I have three or more RG in the front he gets power +3000"

Honest Seeker, Cynric
Total Power 18000

"Guard" Naruto put Healing Revenger to GC.

"Then boosted by Isbuzzard, Cerdic attack!"

Full Bloom Seeker, Cerdic
Total Power 21000

"No guard" By this time, Naruto's patience has running thin.

"Damage check". [Revenger, Dragruler Phantom]

"Turn end! I will finish you on my next turn!" declared Shinji with an arrogant smirk.

End of turn 4
Naruto - Shinji
8 - Hand - 4
0 - Soul - 1
5 - Dmg - 2
0 - CB - 0
0 - G zone - 0

"Damage 5 vs 2! Can Naruto really wine ken this guy cheats like that" Kyou wondered out loud. However he suddenly felt chills down his spine when he looked at Naruto's furious icy eyes.

"I am done playing games with you, clown!" Naruto declared with his eyes widen scaring the shit it everybody present. "Final turn! Stand and draw!" The blond added the card to his hand then grinned with a chilling smirk.

The audience was shocked that Naruto had declared final turn in his condition.

"Oi, oi, did you hear that? Naruto-san had just declared a final turn!"

"Is he serious or joking? His opponent is still at 2 damages!"

"It's impossible to win on this turn!"

Shinji though narrowed his eyes and muttered. "Final turn? Are you perhaps blind or have problems with you head? I am still at 2 damages and you are at 5! How on Earth are you gonna deliver 4 damages to me? Even with double critical you can only inflict me 3 damages at max. So stop that bluffing!"

Naruto's mouth twitch to a wide grin making him look even more frightful. His expression remind Kyou of Ren when he was drunk by Psyqualia's power.

"I never bluff! It's time I teach you, trash a lesson!". Then he held a card up and began to chant. "Mythical beast that appears from beyond! Confuse his heart and crush his soul! Ride! Revenger, Dragruler Phantom!"

Revenger, Dragruler Phantom
Grade: 3
Power: 11000

A pitch black dragon holding Mordred's sword and wearing his armor replacing Masquerade. It has blazing red eyes.

Kyou widened his eyes and smirk upon seeing Dragruler. "Ah! I see with this unit he could finish that cheater off this turn!"

"Call! Overcoming Revenger, Rukea. Self-control Revenger, Rakia"

Overcoming Revenger, Rukea
Grade: 2
Power: 9000

Self-control Revenger, Rakia
Grade: 1
Power: 7000

Rukea was a knight with long white silky hair. If it was not for his muscular chest, he could easily by mistaken for a girl. Rakia was a knight with short spiky gray hair. A notable trait of him is the glasses on his eyes. On his left hand was a small shield, while on his right was a blade.

Naruto's field
Mana - Dragruler Phantom - Rukea
Empty - Judgebau - Rakia

"Heh..." Shinji looked at Naruto's formation with a bored look.

"What a fool! He didn't even realize in what condition he is in" scoffed Kyou shaking his head.

Naruto looked down at Shinji with a chilling gaze and said. "It seems you still not aware in what situation you are in, fool! Then let me show you a true despair! Limit Break, activate!"

Suddenly Dragruler roared to the sky and both Mana and Jusdbau turned to dust. Then Dragruler absorbed that dust and power up.

Revenger, Dragruler Phantom
Power: 21000

Naruto counter blasted and retired Mana and Judgebau. Dragruler roar loudly, it's eyes blazing up. Then he pointed his blade at Valrod and inflict him a damage.

[Great Crossbow Seeker, Gildas]. That was the damage caused by Dragruller LB.

Shinji widened his eyes in shock and screamed. "WHAT THE HECK? I DEMAND AN EXPLANATION!"

Naruto's smirk only widened and if possible his eyes turned more malicious. "That was Dragruler Phantom's Limit Break. By retiring two Revengers, Dragruler gets power +10000 and inflict 1 damage on your Vanguard. This skill otherwise known as Mirage Strike!"

"M-Mirage Strike?" muttered Shinji in horror.

Naruto continued to look down at Shinji and exclaimed. "I know from the beginning that you use that device on your wrist to cheat to fetch triggers. So what will you do, cheater? Putting trigger from device or checking damage hoping for trigger? Either way you've already lose this fight! Such a disgrace as you dare to call yourself a fighter! I will crush you so that you won't be able to look at Vanguard cards normally again, vermin!"

Everybody froze up at Naruto's outburst. There is so much fury in that eyes of his.

By this time, Shinji has already trembling and biting his lower lips in fright.

"That's not enough!" exclaimed Naruto voice still full of fury. "Dragruler's LB is an act skill. That means as long as I pay the cost, I can use it again!"

"NANI!" shouted out everybody except Kyou who was grinning and enjoying the scene.

Naruto then call two Healing Revenger. Both Rakia and Rukea lit up receiving power.

Overcoming Revenger, Rukea
Power: 15000

Self-control Revenger, Rakia
Power: 13000

Naruto again used Mirage Strike. Shinji decided that he won't wait for trigger to come and used his device. It was another Halo Breath Dragon. Naruto didn't stop there and called two Waking Angel and retired them. Shinji again used his trick and check the last Halo Breath. Naruto then called his last two cards from his hand.

Outstanding Revenger, Sega
Grade: 0
Power: 4000

Transient Revenger, Masquerade
Grade: 1
Power: 7000

Sega was a knight with a feral grin holding two guntlets that look like a dragon heads. He had the same dark armor like the rest of Revengers. Masquerade is a guy with short spiky white hair wearing an elegant business suit and had a metal left hand.

To sum it up what we have:

Revenger, Dragruler Phantom
Power: 41000

Overcoming Revenger, Rukea
Power: 27000

Self-control Revenger, Rakia
Power: 19000

Natural Talent Seeker, Valrod
Power: 20000

Naruto's current field
Masquerade - Dragruler - Rukea
Empty - Sega - Rakia

"Battle! First I will start by attacking Cerdic with Masquerade!"

Transient Revenger, Masquerade
Total Power: 10000

Shinji didn't react so Cerdic was disperse.

"Rakia boost, Rukea attack!"

Overcoming Revenger, Rukea
Total Power: 46000

"Chiron, perfect guard!" Shinji was sweating bullets and trembling in fear.

"Finale!" Naruto smirked coldly. "Sega boost, Dragruler attack Vanguard. Sega's skill, when this unit boost a unit with 'Dragruler' in the name if i have 3 or less cards in hand and the damages in my Dmg zone is 4 or more, you can't guard with grade 1 or higher!"

"What!" whispered Shinji in disbelief.

Revenger, Dragruler Phantom
Total Power: 45000

Shinji only has 2 Halo Breath in his hand left. He didn't have enough cards to guard this attack.

"No guard" declared Shinji helplessly with gritted teeth.

Naruto smirked and performed Twin Drive. "First check". [Dark Revenger, Mac Lir]. "Second check". [Revenger, Waking Angel- stand trigger]. "Rukea, power +5000 and stand"

Overcoming Revenger, Rukea
Total Power: 32000

"D-damage check!" Shinji checked his last damage with trembling hands, but Naruto's ruthless words completely destroyed any hopes for him.

"Do you really think that the trigger will come to a cheater like you? You disgust me to no end, worm! Check the last damage and disappear from my sight!"

Shinji slowly flipped up his last damage with trembling hand. Then he fell to his knees in despair as well as dropping all the triggers left from the device.

[Honest Seeker, Cynric]. The last damage was revealed and it wasn't a heal trigger. However even if Shinji got heal trigger, Rukea will finish him off. Yes, a true despair.

End of turn 5
Naruto - Shinji
2 - Hand - 0
1 - Soul - 1
5 - Dmg - 6
3 - CB - 0
0 - G zone - 0

Winner Naruto

After the fight, Shinji run off while crying like a baby. The other students of Fukuhara started to respect and fear Naruto even more. Since that day, glory has returned to Fukuhara and Naruto as the leader received respects from the entire school. Foo Fighters now is the HQ to all Fukuhara students as each one tried their best to become stronger. Also they didn't want to disappoint their leader that put faith in them.

News spread quickly and soon everybody knew what happened in Fukuhara. Having Vanguard Master as a leader was truly a blessing to Fukuhara. None the less, everybody are looking forward for Dragon Empire G-quest.

With Tokoha

Tokoha was in her room lying on her bed to remodel her deck.

"I will not lose to you, Naruto! No matter how strong you are I must overcome you to show Shion and Chrono that Anjou Tokoha is not a pushover!" exclaimed Tokoha with blazing eyes. Also she took out a magazine and opened to the centre of it. There was a poster in it. Tokoha slowly opened it up and flushed slightly at the image of someone.

"To be truthfully, he is kinda attractive and looked more cuter than Jaime" admitted Tokoha looking at the poster of none other than Tatsunagi Naruto. Suddenly, she shook her head furiously and shouted. "Gahh! What am I thinking? I should focus on remodeling my deck! Not daydreaming at my target!"

A/N: Ok, finally finished. As I said before next chapter is Dragon Empire G-quest. Don't forget to vote for the deck for G-quest.

Ja ne