New York - 5 ½ Months Later – Jet - Evening

"You know you could have stayed home with Garcia." Reid reminded him.

"I know that Reid but she insisted that I go with the team. This was supposed to be an easy case but we've been gone three weeks now!"

"Relax man, we'll be landing in ten minutes."

"I can't miss the birth of my son! She's all alone I'm supposed to be there! I promised her!"


"No you don't understand! The baby isn't due for another two weeks. I tried to tell Hotch to use another tech on this one but he wouldn't listen."

"It was Garcia's call. She wanted to help on this case. You know once her mind is made up there's no changing it."

"I know that, Pretty Boy."

"So, then why are you blaming Hotch?"

"I'm not mad! It's just that Hotch always takes Pen's side! He never tells her, no!"

"Really, Morgan?"

"Just once, I'd like to see him tell my wife, no!"

"Good luck with that!"

Potomac General Hospital – Evening –

"Just relax Mrs. Morgan. You're doing just fine."

She wanted to scream and strangle the confident, mild mannered woman at the end of the bed. She didn't want to relax, she wasn't doing fine…she wanted her husband…NOW!

"Derek! Where's Derek? He promised he'd be here for our baby's birth!"

"I had the nurse check and he's coming. He'll be landing in a few minutes."

Her voice was so soothing. Penelope wondered it they taught them that in medical school.

"Breathe…that's it…nice and easy. Everything is going just fine."

Derek was up and out of his seat before the wheels of the jet touched the ground. He felt his heart beating wildly in his chest and he wanted to wrench the door off the hinges. Penelope would never forgive him for missing their son's birth… it didn't matter that she was two weeks early…he wouldn't forgive himself. Things had still been rocky between them after the run in with Mark Baylor. He'd tried to change, to be more considerate of her feelings but he was who he was and he still found himself the first one through the doors chasing unsubs and dodging the angry daggers from Hotch and the others. Penelope had threatened many times to strangle him herself but she never threatened to leave him again. He was grateful for that.

"I can see his head!"

"No, no, no! I need Derek! I need my husband!"

"I'm afraid this little one isn't going to wait much longer."

Hotch pulled the SUV as close to the Emergency Room doors as possible. Morgan jumped out of the front passenger seat and without a word ran through the door nearly colliding with an elderly woman on a walker. Apologizing profusely he continued toward the elevators. Reid caught up with him just before he stepped inside and the two nervously made the ride to the fourth floor.

Morgan could hear her scream down the hall and he picked up speed leaving Reid behind struggling to keep up.



He'd tried so hard to make it. He didn't want to be too late for her, not again.

"Come on…you're doing great!"

"Derek! I need you!"

On cue he pushed the door open, out of breath and with a hopeful glint in his eyes.

"Baby Girl? I'm sorry…"

"Handsome! You made it! You made it!"

He quickly moved to the bed and kissed her on the lips. She was a sweaty, exhausted mess but she'd never looked so beautiful. He felt his knees and they felt like jelly. He'd indeed made it in time. He was almost giddy as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I told you I would, right?"

She shook her head and braced herself for another contraction.

"Okay, this is it! When I say, I need you to push and your son will be here! Are you ready?"

Glancing up into the eyes of the man that meant everything to her she looked back at the doctor with a renewed confidence. She shook her head as another contraction barreled through her body.


Home of Derek and Penelope Morgan – 1 Year Later –

Derek smiled and watched from the porch as Penelope supervised the workmen. He'd warned her not to get carried away. After all, little Hank was only a year old and he'd never remember the oversized castle filled with colorful balls and screaming kids. But as he knew she would, she'd insisted on getting the biggest and the brightest monstrosity she could find. He had to admit his wife was an expert when it came to throwing parties and this one his son's first birthday party was going to be amazing.

"Wow! She's really outdone herself!"

Morgan, so deep in thought hadn't heard his best friend come up behind him. Reid had a key so he'd let himself in, his arms filled with presents and a wide child-like smile on his face.

"Yeah she did, Pretty Boy. She did indeed."

The two men stood shoulder to shoulder watching the woman who'd brought so much joy into all of their lives. Neither of them had to say a word. Last year this time had been such a time of turmoil and grief. Hank had changed everything when he came into the world kicking and screaming. Reid saw the changes in his friend, he saw how his rough edges had softened and how he finally realized that the world wasn't his to save alone. He'd learned to trust that his team had his back and that sometimes he too needed to allow someone else to kick down the door.

After a few minutes, Garcia joined the two men on the porch. She hugged Spencer tightly giving him a quick peck on the cheek. Shyly he smiled, his face turning beet red. Garcia then turned her attention to her husband she loved the contentment she saw in his eyes. Kissing him on the lips she turned facing the yard proudly while he pulled her back against his chest.

"You did good, Baby Girl."

"Thank you, Handsome. Nothing is too good for my little Hotstuff."

"I know my godson will love it." Reid interjected.

He was still holding his armful of presents and he decided this was as good a time as ever to find a place to set them all. Besides, he had faded to the background now that the two were together. Morgan wrapped his arms around her body placing both of his hands on her expanding belly. She loved when he did that it made her feel safe.

"Just think, this time next year we'll have another little one running around this place."

He was full and words escaped him. He was beyond happy. She was more than he deserved and now she had given him the greatest gift of all. His son and the new baby on the way made him realize that life was worth living and he owed it to them all to fight to come home each and every night. He placed a gentle kiss on the side of her face and buried his face in her neck inhaling her sweet fragrance.

"Hey, I've got a great idea."

"You do, do you?"

"Yes. Hank is still asleep and our guests aren't due to arrive for another hour…"

"Derek Morgan are you suggesting…"

"Come on, Baby, Daddy needs some quality time."

"It's quality time that's got us where we are now!"

She joked pointing to her stomach and then turning in his arms. He looked deeply into her eyes and he saw his meaning, his purpose and his joy.

"Do you regret it?"

"The babies? No, of course not."

"No, Baby Girl that's not what I mean."

"Then what?"

"Do you regret staying with me? I know I haven't changed much since you decided to leave…"

She placed a hand on each side of his face and looked deep into his eyes past his question and past his self-doubt. She was certain that her decision to stay was the right one.

"Listen to me, Derek Michael Morgan. I am here for always. I'm not going anywhere and I don't regret staying. I should have never left."

He pulled her close and kissed her, devouring her in a swell of emotions that he'd held pent up for months.

"Thank you." He said breathlessly.

"For what?"

"For loving me and showing me what's really important in life."

"No, it's me who should be thanking you."


"For being my hero, for saving my life and for showing me each day what it feels like to truly be loved."

"You are my God-given Solace and I will never stop showing you just how much I love you."

"I love you Derek Morgan."

"I love you too, Penelope Morgan."

Reid smiled as he watched the man who'd become the big brother he never had wipe the tears from her eyes. Penelope had become more than a friend. She'd become his confidante and his sister. The two deserved the happiness they had managed to salvage from the many trials and tribulations that life had thrown them. Reid had seen what their jobs had done to them all, the loss, the pain and even the unspeakable grief. Watching the two gave him hope that one day he'd find what Morgan and Penelope had found…hope…hope for a better tomorrow…hope for the impossible and hope for love.

"Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for." Joseph Addison