Don: (Walking into a big blue room full of computer screens and four dark blue chairs) Welcome everyone to the second Cartoon Crafts Ridonculous Race! Our first season came to a close as the suffering sidekicks Edd and Squidward triumphed over everyone and claimed the million dollars but now it's time for the next story to unfold. We have a brand new cast making up 25 teams ready to race around worlds and dimensions for the million dollar prize! But you might see some old faces form last season pop up. Isn't that right guys?

The four dark blue chairs turned around to reveal Edd, Reporter, Squidward and Tycho.

Edd: That's right. We're here to keep things on track.
Reporter: Here in our brand new control room.
Tycho: We'll be talking about the challenges in here where it's safe.
Squidward: Finally some rest from that previous chaos!
Don: And other familiar faces might pop up too. But now it's time to get things started! Let us begin the second season of….
Everyone in the control room: (Gathering together)THE RIDONCULOUS RACE! CARTOON CRAFTS STYLE!


Don: (Outside a portal station) Welcome to the Cartoon Crafts Portal Exchange Station! This is where cartoon dimensions and other worlds can be accessed. Loads of cartoons pass by and stop around here for many things. There's even a café around here. (Drinks a coffee and then throws it away in a bin) But we're here to see out 25 teams arrive for the start of the race. (Is now standing outside a lot of portals) Let's meet the teams. We've even got some cool new intros for them.


The cameras were set on the portals as the teams started to arrive. The first thing to be seen was a specially designed police car that crashed onto the scene and skidded to a halt. A dog in a suit and hat walked out with a white rabbit.

[Team: Sam & Max]
[Occupation: Freelance Police Officers]
[Series: Sam and Max]
[Speciality: Brute force and creative thinking]

Sam: (Breaths in the air) Ah! The smell of a new adventure! How do you feel buddy?
Max: Incredible! (Draws out his gun) I got my gun ready and she's fighting the urge to go crazy!

Sam: We're Sam and Max. Professional Freelance Police Officers.
Max: We destroy crime on the streets but the only big thing we're going to get is the one million!
Sam: We'll give it a go. (Draws out his luger) As long as I get to use this girl out!


A yellow taxi appeared out of a portal and stopped as a boy with brown hair wearing a backpack got out with a blue sort of creature.

[Team: Mac & Bloo]
[Occupation: Best friends]
[Series: Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends]
[Speciality: Brotherhood bonds of friendship]

Mac: We've been best friends since I imagined Bloo.
Bloo: And we've raced against each other before so we've got the experience to claim that sweet million!

The two thanked the Taxi driver who waved at them but looked scared as he jumped out of the car before it was exploded by a wumpa fruit. The three males looked to see an orange male bandicoot wearing shots that fired the wumpa fruit from a bazooka. A female bandicoot with blonde hair and overalls walked up to Crash while sighing.

[Team: Crash & Coco]
[Occupation: Brother and sister]
[Series: Crash Bandicoot]
[Speciality: Brain and brawn]

Coco: Crash. Be careful when you use your fruit bazooka.

[CONFESSIONAL: Crash & Coco]
Coco: Crash and have dealt with a lot of life threatening situations. We can handle this race without breaking a sweat.

Crash made some noises as he raised his fists in the air.

Coco: He doesn't talk properly, but he has a lot of heart.


A white floating vehicle exited a portal as a boy and a goth girl hopped out of it.

[Team: Danny & Sam]
[Occupation: Teenage ghost hunters]
[Series: Danny Phantom]
[Speciality: Skill and experience]

Danny: Sam and I are together so our close bonds give us an advantage.
Sam: And if anyone tries to mess with us, we'll give them a beating.
Danny: Bring it on Ridonculous Race!

A girl with orange hair flipped onto the scene with a boy wearing blonde hair but as he jumped out of the portal, his pants go ripped off and got sucked back into the portal. The boy screamed 'Come on!' as the girl handed him another pair of pants while giggling.

[Team: Kim & Ron]
[Occupation: Double life agents]
[Series: Kim Possible]
[Speciality: Skill and experience in tough situations]

Kim: We're in this thing for two reasons. One it's a great experience so we can have some fun.
Ron: That's true.
Kim: But we're also here to FINALLY get away from the bad guys in Middleton.
Ron: Booyah!


A smoke ball rolled onto the floor and smoke exploded onto the scene and once it died down, a green bean boy in a red and yellow jacket arrived onto the scene.

?: Ladies and mentlegen! Witness the entrance of Fawful! Here to encounter the banquet of chaos with Fawful's fury that is sweet like a freshly tossed salad!

A green girl wearing a yellow dress with white circles on it walked onto the scene.

?: Ok Fawful, they know who you are now. Save the chaos for later.
Fawful: (Grumbles) Fine. The fink-rats are lucky for now.

[Team: Fawful & Mimi]
[Occupation: Chaos experts]
[Series: Mario & Luigi series / Super Paper Mario]
[Speciality: Randomness]

[CONFESSIONAL: Fawful & Mimi]
Mimi: We've got the power over the other teams.
Fawful: And if anyone tries to mess with the Mighty Fawful and the Marvellous Mimi…
Both: They'll feel our wrath!
Fawful: The jar of chortles will be released upon them!

A creature wearing a blue cloak arrived out of a portal on a broom and landed as a white ghost appeared beside him.

[Team: Boo & Kamek]
[Occupation: Minions of Lord Bowser]
[Series: Mario Series]
[Speciality: Magic]

Kamek: This one is for Lord Bowser!

Kamek: Bowser saw Peach competing in the last series and wanted us to claim the million for him to use to get Peach.
Boo: Why can't he just compete himself? That's just laziness.
Kamek: Be careful what you say. Bowser could be watching this!
Boo: I'm dead. What's he going to do?
Kamek: If you're dead, that means you can't pick up anything. How are you going to…
Boo: (Disappears and then reappears with specially designed gloves) With these babies! Stole them from E. Gadd's lab. They allow ghosts to touch things! This race is so on!


Two homemade cars exited a portal and landed on the scene. A boy with red hair and an orange and white striped t-shirt stepped out of one of the cars with a black haired girl wearing a pink dress and a pink bow.

[Team: Phineas & Isabella]
[Occupation: Young, gifted creators]
[Series: Phineas and Ferb]
[Speciality: Unbreakable bonds of friendship (and love for one of them)]

Phineas: Wow. This feels so cool up close when you're actually competing! Right Isabella?
Isabella: (Has wide shining eyes staring at Phineas) Oh yes it is Phineas!

[CONFESSIONAL: Phineas & Isabella]
Isabella: Phineas and I have been friends for a LONG time so it's only natural that we do this race together.
Phineas: We're the perfect team! We're both smart, brave, creative….
Isabella: I know! (Smiles) I know.
Phineas: And Ferb was away at a weekend camp.
Isabella: (Drops the smile) ….

A boy with black hair and blue overalls came onto the scene next to Phineas and Isabella. He was about to speak but a boy with brown hair and a black t-shirt with a skull on it barged into him sending him onto the floor.

[Team: Buford & Baljeet]
[Occupation: Frenemies]
[Series: Phineas and Ferb]
[Speciality: Brain and brawn]

Buford: Oh yeah! Buford on the scene!
Baljeet: (Groans) This is going to be a long race.

[CONFESSIONAL: Buford & Baljeet]
Baljeet: We followed Phineas and Isabella to this race. We want to have a nice experience.
Buford: Experience? Yeah right. Buford is in it for the million!
Baljeet: (Whispers to the camera) We'll see how long we survive before Buford messes it up for us.
Buford: (Grabs Baljeet) I heard that!


A boy with a sailor's outfit and a blue creature dressing like a pirate exited through a portal with a splash of water landing on the floor. The boy got up and yelled with joy.

?: Yay! Adventure!

[Team: Flapjack & Captain K'nuckles]
[Occupation: Candy Obsessed Adventurers]
[Series: The Marvellous Misadventures Of Flapjack]
[Speciality: Uh?]

[CONFESSIONAL: Flapjack & Captain K'nuckles]
Flapjack: We are finally here for an adventure!
C.K: I don't care how this turns out. I just want to get this over with and find some candy and some drinks.
Flapjack: Maybe we'll find some candy during this race.
C.K: Or even better. Candy Island!
Flapjack: Candy Island!
Both: Candy Island!


An orange creature with a green hat riding a blue horse female creature landed on the scene in a bubble before it disappeared.

[Team: Wander & Sylvia]
[Occupation: World-wide travelling helpers]
[Series: Wander Over Yonder]
[Speciality: Big hearted and brave]

[CONFESSIONAL: Wander & Sylvia]
Wander: So many places to visit in this race. It will be fun!
Sylvia: As long as I get some action out of this, I'll be fine.
Wander: Woo-hoo!

Wander and Sylvia walked off just before a green energy bolt blasted onto the floor as a skeleton man ran onto the scene followed by a creature with an eyeball for a head.

[Team: Lord Hater & Peepers]
[Occupation: Planet conquerors]
[Series: Wander Over Yonder]
[Speciality: Power]

Lord Hater: Argh! I almost got Wander that time!
Peepers: (Sighs) Sure you did.
Lord Hater: (Angrily) What did you say?

[CONFESSIONAL: Lord Hater & Peepers]
Lord Hater: We are here to dominate this competition! I've conquered plants so this should be a walk in the park! Go Hater!
Peepers: (Quietly to the cameras) All he did was follow Wander and Sylvia to this place so he can try and beat them in this race.


?: We're back baby!

A robot skidded onto the scene on his knees as a male with orange hair and a red outfit walked onto the scene drinking some sort of weird beverage.

[Team: Fry & Bender]
[Occupation: Planetary delivery dudes]
[Series: Futurama]
[Specialty: Crazy minds]

[CONFESSIONAL: Fry & Bender]
Bender: Racing around the world without our annoying associates! This is going to be awesome!
Fry: You're just in it for the money.
Bender: True. But Bender always has his way.
Fry: We'll see if that's true or not later.


A blond haired boy with an orange shirt and a black haired girl with a green outfit hopped out of a portal. The girl squealed.

?: Eee! We're here! So cool! (Hugs the boy) Isn't this fun?
?: Stop hugging me!

[Team: Number 3 & Number 4 (A.K.A: Kuki & Wally]
[Occupation: KND agents]
[Series: Codename Kids Next Door]
[Specialty: Happiness and anger]

[CONFESSIONAL: Number 3 & Number 4]
Number 4: The other guys wanted us to get out of the treehouse for a vacation but I didn't expect it to turn out to be a race.
Number 3: But it will be fun! You need to be happier at times!
Number: (Sighs) I'll try. Ok?
Number 3: (Hugs Number 4) Yay!
Number 4: Quit hugging me!

As the two kids walked away, a green portal appeared as a boy with a big nose and a skeleton in a black robe appeared on the scene.

[Team: Grim Reaper & Billy]
[Occupation: The Grim Reaper and the idiot]
[Series: The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy]
[Speciality: Undead powers]

[CONFESSIONAL: Grim Reaper & Billy]
Grim Reaper: Now this is more like it! Away from Mandy and ready to compete!
Billy: And no one messes with Grim!
Grim Reaper: Or they'll deal with (Swings his scythe) my scythe. This beauty is my trusty weapon!


A golf cart landed onto the scene and spun around in circles before stopping. A man spinning his blue shirt around in the air hopped off the cart and a ghost with a hand on his ghostly head floated next to him.

[Team: Muscle Man & High Five Ghost]
[Occupation: Park workers]
[Series: Regular Show]
[Speciality: Randomness]

Muscle Man: You know who else competes in races? MY MOM! YEAH!

[CONFESSIONAL: Muscle Man & High Five Ghost]
Muscle Man: We saw Mordecai and Rigby compete last season so we decided to give it a go!
HFG: We'll storm through this competition!
Muscle Man: And get the money we deserve!


Two girls exited a portal and flipped around like ninjas as they posed for the cameras.

[Team: Kat & Ana]
[Occupation: Ninjas]
[Series: WarioWare]
[Speciality: Skill]

A boy with a helmet exited the same portal on a skateboard and zoomed around before stopping by the ninja girls and smiled. A bigger boy exited the portal and caught up to the others while trying to catch his breath back.

[Team: 9 Volt & 18 Volt]
[Occupation: Gamers]
[Series: WarioWare]
[Speciality: Skill]

Kat: Mona told us about her experience in the race so we decided to try it out.
Ana: (Has wide sparkly eyes) We even got 9 Volt and his big friend to join!
Kat: Maybe you and 9 Volt can develop throughout this race. Wink. Wink. Nudge. Nudge.
9 Volt: Well this is an interesting place.
18 Volt: I still don't get why we agreed to this. We're gamers. Not runners.
9 Volt: Well….I guess it will be fun to do this with our friends and make new ones.
18 Volt: (Thinks for a bit then smiles at 9 Volt) Sure. New friends are great. (Winks to the camera) Let's do it.


A yellow boy wearing a red robe flipped onto the scene followed by a taller boy with black hair and clothes that made him look like he's ready to hit the town.

[Team: Raimundo & Omi]
[Occupation: Xiaolin warriors]
[Series: Xiaolin Showdown]
[Speciality: Elemental Skill]

[CONFESSIONAL: Raimundo & Omi]
Raimundo: Eh, Master Fung told us to get out and develop s stronger bond of brotherhood.
Omi: I think it will be a great time of fun. It's time for us to look at the sound!
Raimundo: (Sighs) Face the music.

A boy with red hair and a dark outfit with a jetpack on his back bumped into Raimundo and Omi sending them onto the floor off camera.

?: Oh yeah! Jack Spicer! Evil boy genius is here to dominate this competition! The prince of darkness will be unstoppable in this competition with no distractions!

A girl in a pink dress and blonde hair grabbed onto Jack's shoulders and covered his eyes.

?: No distractions huh Jack? Try to not be evil for at least 5 minutes.
Jack: Ugh. Stop prying into m y own life Megan.

[Team: Jack Spicer & Megan Spicer]
[Occupation: Evil boy genius and innocent little girl]
[Series: Xiaolin Showdown]
[Speciality: Good and evil]

[CONFESSIONAL: Jack Spicer & Megan]
Jack Spicer: This is what happens when you refuse to spend time with your cousin and your family punishes you.
Megan: One long race with loads of time to annoy each other like family!
Jack Spicer: (Groans) Great. Looking forward to it.


Two girls entered the Portal station. One wore glasses and looked intelligent while the other looked stronger but not as smart.

[Team: Candy & Grenda]
[Occupation: Friends]
[Series: Gravity Falls]
[Speciality: Brain and brawn]

[CONFESSIONAL: Candy & Grenda]
Candy: We saw our friend Mabel and her friend Dipper compete last season. We decided it would be a great experience here so we are here to race.
Grenda: Let's race and run like the wind! Yeah!

As the two girls left, a portal opened up as a blonde haired girl exited the portal with some special scissors in her hands and a wand in the other. A boy with a red hoodie walked out of the portal and checked to see if he was ok.

[Team: Star & Marco]
[Occupation: Monster fighters]
[Series: Star V.S the Forces of Evil]
[Speciality: Magic and skill]

[CONFESSIONAL: Star & Marco]
Star: OH MY GOD! We're actually here! It's SO COOL up close!
Marco: We watched the last season and she was really interested in all of the action. So here we are. Ready to face the threats and go as far as we can.


A boy was sent flying out of a portal and landed against a wall. He had orange hair and wore a blue shirt. A girl with a helmet, ponytail and roller-skates skated near the boy.

?: (Sighs romantically) Oh Todd. We're here at last. On a romantic trip around worlds and dimensions!
Todd: Ugh. Maurecia, it's not a romantic trip. It's a race.
Maurecia: A ROMANTIC race.
Todd: (Sighs) Oh brother.

[Team: Todd & Maurecia]
[Occupation: School students]
[Series: Wayside]
[Speciality: Brain and brawn]

[CONFESSIONAL: Todd & Maurecia]
Todd: Go on the race with her, they said. It'll be fun they said. You need to get a stronger bond with her they said. Why couldn't I have been transferred to a normal school?
Maurecia: Because you wouldn't have met me and Dana and Myron and the others!
Todd: (Slumps) Well I GUESS it could be fun.
Maurecia: Yes! (Punches Todd out of the confessional) This race is on!

Over in a different corner, a squirrel in an outfit that was like an astronaut's suit exited a portal with a blue man in a karate uniform.

[Team: Sandy Cheeks & Karate Joe]
[Occupation: Karate experts]
[Series: Sponge Bob Square Pants / Rhythm Heaven Series]
[Speciality: Power and intelligence]

[CONFESSIONAL: Sandy & Karate Joe]
Sandy: My plans from under the sea were in the last season so I decided it was time for this squirrel to get racing! And I met Joe here at a karate convention.
Karate Joe: Miss Cheeks has potential and intelligence. A worthy karate companion indeed. I also met the sponge. He might not be as advanced as us but he did a satisfactory performance in the last season.
Sandy: Let's get this shin-dig started!

The last team to arrive was two mushroom shaped kids. One had a headlight while the other was pink and female.

[Team: Captain Toad & Toadette]
[Occupation: Treasure Tracking Kids]
[Series: Captain Toad Treasure Tracker / Mario Series]
[Speciality: Keen sense of direction]

[CONFESSIONAL: Captain Toad & Toadette]
C. Toad: Ready for an adventure!
Toadette: We've had experiences with adventuring around different places. We've faced some bad threats and some serious challenges so we've got the upper hand.
C. Toad: We may be small, but we can provide some big damage on our enemies so watch out other teams!
Toadette: The Toads are coming for you!


All 25 teams gathered around Don who was standing next to a giant Tele-Vortex Circle installed onto the floor. Anyone who walked over it would fall into it.

Don: Welcome teams to the starting point of the second Cartoon Crafts Ridonculous Race! This is our newly designed Mega Tele-Vortex. It will take you to each location every episode. Things are going to be slightly different and our previous contestants will explain the rules. Over to you guys.

[Voices over an intercom]

Edd: Thanks Don. Listen up contestants! Once you enter a new world, you'll have to find a Tycho Talk Box.
Tycho: Activate the Tycho Talk Box to hear my voice for instructions on how to progress.
Reporter: There will be six challenge types but you'll find out what types they are along the way.
Squidward: Apart from that, usual rules apply. Last team to reach the chill zone may be eliminated. Insert stupid dialogue here. (Gets whacked on the head) OW!
Reporter: Stick to the script!
Squidward: Forget this. Back to you Don. (Gets hit again) OW!
Don: Uh thanks, I guess. When I give the signal, all the teams can start the race and jump into the portal. Ready…..

The cameras showed screenshots passing one by one showing expressions that our competitors had. Fawful had his usual cheery expression with his wide smile. Muscle Man was spinning his shirt around in the air and 18 Volt had a smug look.

Don: Set….

The screen was divided into four sections showing Crash and Coco on the upper left. Fry and Bender on the upper right. Phineas, Isabella, Baljeet and Buford on the lower left and an annoyed Jack Spicer on the lower right.

Don: …GO!

Everyone ran and jumped into the Mega Tele-Vortex. Some jumped with joy like Fawful, Sandy, Billy, Star and Wander while others had cold looks like Jack Spicer, Sam Manson, Number 4 and the Grim Reaper.

Don: And the race begins!


The teams were travelling through the giant blue and purple portal time stream.

Baljeet: Hmm. This place isn't as bad as I thought it would be. The colours make it look like a relaxing vacation. (Lies back) Nice.
Buford: Too relaxing. Don't worry! Buford will bring back the harmony and balance! (Gives Baljeet a big wedgie) Balance restored!
Baljeet: (In pain) Why? Oh why?

[CONFESSIONAL: Buford & Baljeet]
Baljeet: (Annoyed) Great. Now you can add portals to your list of places that you have twisted my pants.
Buford: (Writing on a clipboard) Done and dusted.


The teams landed inside a long hallway with many floors and loads of doors with pictures of different people on it.

Max: Woah! Are we in a prison? I don't want to be in a prison! I'm a cop!
Danny: I don't think it's a prison.
?: You are correct young boy.

Every looked and saw Wrestler in a warden uniform but he still had his red wrestling mask on.

Ana: Aren't you that Wrestler guy from last season?
Wrestler: Indeed I am. I work here as the security for this place. A lot of people live here in the Cartoon Crafts world and this is where everyone stays.
C. Toad: So you're saying this is a…



Don: Hotel! (Is walking across one of the floors of the place) Welcome to the Cartoon Crafts Hotel. Here, cartoons can stay and have the room of their dreams. Lots of things are in store for our teams as they check into this place.


Sylvia: So big guy. Where's the…..
Wrestler: Tycho Talk Box? Over there in reception.
Raimundo: You seem to have a good amount of information about this whole thing.
Wrestler: It's a combination of power, skill and mind power. And the fact that I read the script. See you around.

And with that, Wrestler left the room and everyone headed for reception.

Kat: Did you see how big that guy was?
Ana: And I wonder what's under his mask.
Kat: Mysteries. So many of them.


Everyone ran inside the reception and found a Tycho Talk Box next to a desk. Everyone got around it but Star was the one who pressed the button.

Tycho: Okay. You just pressed the first Tycho Don Box. These will tell you the challenges. But the first one is an All In!
Star: Yay. That's a challenge that everyone can do!
Tycho: Correct Star.
Boo: Wait. Is this being spoken live?
Tycho: Yes now be quiet. This one is called 'Persuasive Room Service!' Each team will have to run around the floors until they find a door with their faces on it. Enter the door and try to get past whatever is inside it to reach the door inside the rooms. Exit that door to find the next Tycho Talk Box. That is all.


The teams were seen running around the floors of the hotel while cliché music was being played. Eventually, each team found their own room.

Don: We'll it seems our teams have checked into our hotel. Stay tuned for the chaotic second part of the first leg with the next instalment of THE RIDONCULOUS RACE CARTOON CRAFTS STYLE which is to be continued.
