Epilogue: Revelation

*Narrated by Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste*

The crimson sun began to set, illuminating the city with a bright orange light before it disappeared completely. My lady and I stood on top of the Louvre, staring out into the city. I was perched much like a cat would if it were in my position, but she stood tall and firm. We were about to set out on our night patrol, but she asked me to hang around a bit first. I was happier than a cat with a ball of yarn! She almost never wants to hang with me casually like this. Despite our silence, I savoured each and every moment with her. I would purr if I could.

"I never did thank you, did I?" she spoke up, breaking the silence. I tilted my head inquisitively; unable to recall any reason she might have for thanking me. "For what?"

"The Agreste case from a month ago. I heard that you were the one to find him and convince him to return home."

It took me a moment to clue in to what she was talking about, but I managed to remember. In all reality, it was Plagg and Marinette that led me on the road to return home, but I had told Marinette as Adrien that it was Chat that was responsible for the act.

"Oh, that, you don't need to mention it my lady. I was just doing my job, you know?"

Her face quickly developed a large and beautiful smile after my response. "Even still, that case was important to quite a lot of people and I'm glad you pulled through."

"You know LB, a while back, you mentioned that you had people rely on you. For a while… I had trouble thinking about that in the cases of certain people. But… thanks to that incident, I know what you mean now. Whether one realizes it or not, there's always someone in their life that relies on you for different things. Whether it's something as complex as being by someone's side to help them with their problems or something as simple as seeing their smile in the morning to brighten your day, you mean a lot to someone."

She nodded. "That's exactly right. I'm glad you were able to figure it out for yourself, for real this time."

"Yeah, I know back then I was a bit hesitant and confused by what you meant. But not any longer!"

It was back to silence once more. The two of us just stared at the horizon once more and enjoyed the sight.

"We do great work Chat. Never forget that." Ladybug spoke, breaking the silence moments later.

"Don't worry, I won't, and I never will."

She bent down until she was on my level, and to my surprise, she began scratching me underneath my chin. My eyes began to roll to the back of my head as satisfied noises leaked out from my mouth. It felt sooo good. I'd purr right now if I could.



Two figures ran across the street in front of us, interrupting our moment. It was yet another Akuma attack on Chloe Bourgeois, and like always, it was up to Ladybug and I to save the day.

Ladybug rose up and plucked her yo-yo from her belt, swinging it around and prepping herself to go into battle. She looked at me. "You up for some more heroics?"

I stood up and stretched myself out and retrieved my staff from my pocket as soon as I was loosened up. "You betcha. I'll always be by your side my lady."

I stood up and bowed, waving way for Ladybug to leap down. "After you."

"Why thank you."

The End

Author's Note: Welp everyone, sad to say that's it for this story XD All good things must come to an end unfortunately ^^;
I just wanted to take the time and thank you all for all the love and support and encouragement over these past few months :D It's been so much fun to write and post these chapters for y'all and I'm SUPER happy y'all loved the story :D
Honestly, I've been reading all of your reviews and took them all to heart :'D I wish there was a simple reply system on here so I could've replied to them :D But I didn't want to spam everyone's inboxes with thank yous and what not ^^; Unless that was alright XD Idk, I overthink things tbh XD But do know that y'all are really awesome and I truly appreciate all the support :D

But this isn't the end of my writing~ :D I'll be writing an Adrienette oneshot next that's going to be REALLY fluffy and then after that, I'll be working on another longer story that's Adrienette, Ladrien, and LadyNoir heavy~ So keep your eyes peeled for them! :D Hopefully y'all will like them too~

Thanks again everyone! Until next time! :D