Class went about the same routine like every day. Yuki fell asleep in class, the teacher yells, then she's punished with supplementary classes and I just watch all this happen from the sidelines. It gets pretty annoying to witness this occur over and over again. Not wanting to be a carbon copy of Yuki, I eventually caught up with the school work and I'm doing okay, better than how I was doing the first day. I'm not an awesome genius like Zero though, I could easily fall back to Yuki's grading level in just an easy slip.

The bell rang for dismissal and Yuki was still sound asleep. Yori didn't bother in trying to wake her up knowing that me and Zero were still in the classroom; however, she most likely just didn't want to stick around and stay with her for more supplementary classes.

"Lets get going. C'mon Akira" Zero called my name. I couldn't help but be slightly annoyed despite finishing my coffee. I glanced over to see Yuki sound asleep and couldn't help feel envious. My supplementary class was rescheduled for next month possibly because the teachers wanted me and Yuki to be separated.

I trudged down the steps following behind Zero. When we were down to the last step, I knew Zero didn't like how peacefully Yuki was sleeping.

"Yo! Yuki" Zero said loudly causing sleeping beauty to stir raising her head up.

"Hmmm? What Zero?" She murmured still half asleep.

"Don't what me. Akira and I are going to start disciplinary committee duties. Finish up your supplementary classes then run over."

"Yeah Yuki! Don't be late" I couldn't help give her childish cheeky grin. Yuki always had the best reaction to things and getting her frustrated was secretly what gave me a bit of happiness in this series.

Just as I expected she shot up from her desk. "I SHOULD BE TELLING YOU THAT!"

"Quit wasting time and let's go" Zero sighed with annoyance grabbing hold of my collar dragging me out the room with the heels of my feet.

Once we were down the halls heading outside the school, Zero had finally let go of my shirt. Instantly, I gulped fresh air.

"You don't have to drag me." I grumbled rubbing my now sore neck.

"Then you should make a better effort in helping out during disciplinary hours" he replied deepening his hands in his pockets. I wanted to tell him that I don't sneak off at nights more than he does behind me and Yuki's back but that would just lead to more heavy arguments and questioning. I let out a sigh figuring it was best to keep my mouth shut and just try to get through the day.

Less and less students were starting to disperse until loud whispers emerged. I didn't think anything of it assuming it was just girls trying to talk about their favorite Night class. My face smack against Zero's back not realizing I was walking behind him rather than beside him.

"W-what the heck Zero! Don't just stop out of no- oh its Kaname" I said at the end slightly surprised. I don't exactly have every detail on what goes on in Vampire knight memorize which I probably should just to keep in mind of scenes to avoid. Following Kaname was another well known vampire Ruka Souen.

"How strange, Yuki isn't with you two today?" Kaname said with a perfect fake genuine composure. Immediately, I remembered this part in the manga. It was a small part in the scene where I knew that Kaname can be a prick.

"She has supplementary class, Kuran" Zero answered coldly walking passed him.

"Kiryu" and here it comes. "How are you now days?" Kaname questioned before he could completely walk away.

"He's fine." I couldn't help add a bit of attitude with the tone of my answer. "So like can you hurry up and do whatever you came here to do." Kaname seemed surprised by my tone of voice and Ruka wasn't happy at all by my-, well Ruka never liked me.

"Of course, Akira. I wasn't trying to upset you. I was only concerned for your friend." He smiled which I couldn't tell again if it was real or not.

"Take care" He patted my head and left with Ruka tagging along after him.

When they were finally out of sight I turned around to find Zero gone. I wasn't surprised by this. I mean this is Zero we're talking about. With him gone, I had the chance to head straight to my dorm. Leaving the school, I headed straight for the Sun dorms.

" Miss Cross, aren't you suppose to be at the gates by now" I couldn't help but jump. I turned around to find my homeroom teacher with his arms crossed sternly. Are all these flat characters out to get me! "The reason we had Yuki and you have different supplementary classes was to not have it interfere with your duties. Please return to your post at once."

My shoulders immediately slumped as I turned to the opposite direction. Why did the author create a disciplinary committee? Why not an ice cream committee or something.

In the distance I can hear the girls screaming their lungs out again. I absolutely hate my job.

Night fell quickly and I remained on the side of the school while Yuki stayed above us. She was proud to have spotted me actually patrolling. Zero was a little away from me but I was still able to see him from a distance.

Not knowing what to do with my time I decided to gaze up at the stars. I didn't think anything could go wrong today. Well at least not for me. I found that when I'm not by Zero or Yuki the plot usually doesn't follow me. The universe turns a blind. That's what I like to believe anyways.

"Hey!" A stinging a pinch was pulled on my face. "You can't even keep a good look out" Zero said suddenly appearing beside me.

"That hurts, you jerk!" I whined quickly slapping his hand away. "And speak for yourself at least I'm at my post."

"I'm heading back now. Keep your eyes back on the ground-" a small breeze whooshed through causing Zero to instantly pull out his gun from the pocket inside his jacket.

"What do you want Night Class?" Zero had the gun pointed directly at Ruka's neck. At the beginning of the series I was rooting for Zero to pull the trigger. But seeing we were surrounded by vampires, I don't think that would have been a pretty good idea. If I didn't know any better, I would have freaked out and start swinging my sword like a maniac. I couldn't help but smirk to imagine that happening.

"Is something amusing Akira?" Ruka said her voice was like slick ice. "Why does Kaname-sama show considerations to a human like you? I can't allow it"

I couldn't help tilt my head in confusion. " is that question for me or for Zero? Because I don't think Kaname likes Zero enough to even consider him human. More like a bug. No offence Zero" I said quickly at the end.

"You don't even say his name with proper respect" she seethed. To be fair, I never understood honorific titles. Just to play it safe, I kept myself from saying them.

"Don't be too jealous. And for the rest of you. If president Kuran found out, he would reprimand you." Akatsuki remind the rest of the vampires. " Hey you put that away too Kiyr-

"You really shouldn't do that carrot top" I sighed. He looked at me with confusion and then was flipped harshly on his back with Zero's strong grip. Poor guy just wanted to ease the tension.

"How embarrassing" said Rima leaning one hand on her hip. Shiki agreed along beside her.

"Why are you guys here? Did you two come to fight for Kaname's honor or just to be in the drama?" I grinned love seeing their blank expression. These two vampires besides Takuma of course were my favorite characters

"Actually, we came along because your a close friend of Takuma and make sure nothing happened to you" Shiki answered coolly.

"And also to give you this" Rima pulled out a white envelope. Zero didn't notice being too busy imagining a killing frenzy only to be interrupted.

"HOLD IT! FIGHTING IS PROHIBITED. IT SAYS SO ON THE HANDBOOK!" Yuki jumped right next to Zero. I always found this scene funny. As soon as Yuki arrives everybody leaves.

"Zero what were you doing? I wasn't sure whether I should say this...but you've been acting strangely lately." Yuki said worriedly.

"I second that." I added. As much as I hated being attach to these characters. It really sucks to see them in pain especially Zero.

"Both of you. Leave me alone"

He walked away leaving Yuki and I. A small shiver went done my back. This is where the plot thickens. Yuki and Zero are going to have twisted fate and there nothing I can do stop it.

"We should go find Zero"

Did she seriously say 'we'? I gave her one of my famously used expression that words don't need to be said out loud.

"Yes. I'm being serious. Zero is our friend and something isn't right with him." Of course there isn't something right with him. He is transitioning to vampire! She grabbed hold of my wrist and immediately started running toward the school.

No. No. This isn't happening. "Yuki wait let's just take a second and think about this" I said trying hard to rip the grip she had on my wrist. Damn it, was she always this strong?

She swung the door open to the school and was heading up the stairs. The melody of the Vampire Knight opening started to to ring in my ears "Yuki I don't think I should be here" I found myself suddenly saying. I didn't know if Yuki heard me or she just completely ignored it.

"ZERO!" She instantly spotted him. He was against the wooden rail panting sickly.

"I told you two to leave me alone.. Yuki"

"Yuki! wait stop!" It was no use. This was destined to happen. But why does it feel like I'm the one to blame when she gets hurt. Everything would be so much easier if I wasn't here.

Zero had already had Yuki trapped holding her tightly from behind. Her eyes widen in fear realizing what was about to happen. "Zero let Yuki go!"

Instantly his fangs shot out and roughly pierced her neck. I don't know how long Zero was suppose to drink Yuki's blood but seeing the blood and fangs... I wished I stopped it the second it started. I wanted to pretend that all of this was fake but it wasn't. I grabbed Yuki trying my best to pull him away from her.

"Akira" Zero growled his eyes were bloody crimson.

"Sorry about this Zero." I grabbed my anti- vampire knife with my other hand. I didn't want to hurt him but Kaname is taking way to long for my liking. My anti- weapon could at shock him enough to realization. The moment the metal touch his skin electricity coursed through him and Yuki was free.

"Are you okay!" I held Yuki knowing too well that she lost a lot of blood.

"Z-zero is a vamp-"

"Yeah Yuki I think that's pretty obvious-" my body hit the wall hard with Zero pining my arm tightly against it. I couldn't move my body. He was all around me and I immediately felt claustrophobic.

"Akira..." Zero huffed. My body suddenly went into fight mode instinctively. I didn't want to be bitten. I didn't want to die like that not...a fragment image exploded in my mind.

"Take your pick."said one man in a dark cloak. "We have the finest humans with the rarest blood type."

"Good choice. Akira (3401) she's a favorite amongst vampires." His deep voice awed.

Before Zero could pierce his fangs at me his weight was suddenly off of me. Kaname had finally came through with the headmaster behind him.

"You have been reduced to blood thirsty beast Zero Kiryu." Said Kaname his eyes redden with anger.

"K-kaname" I heard Yuki in the background as Zero stood in full shock. She ran up to protect Zero despite being harshly bitten. I wasn't even bitten but yet I was shaking. I'm scared and I cant find myself to control it. Yuki fainted once she was in front of Zero leaving Kaname to say his last words.

"Akira let's take you and Yuki to the nurses office." The headmaster said gently.

"Akira... I am sorry" I heard Zero whisper but I couldn't make myself turn to him. I wanted to say that it was okay but I couldn't.

When we reached the office I couldn't find myself speaking. Kaname was comforting Yuki even though Yuki didn't want any of it. All she wanted was to see Zero while I want sadly to be far from him as possible.

"Are you afraid of vampires now?" Kaname asked Yuki. She immediately shook her head no; however, my insides were screaming yes.
I am afraid.

A/N: man this took me awhile to figure out how I wanted this scene to go. I didn't want my OC to get bitten by Zero like most VK stories including my own. And didn't want her to be in the scene either like most but I felt like she needed to be there. Well I hoped you guys liked it. I hope to have the rest uploaded soon. Dont be ghost readers. :)

~question which character from VK do you hate the most and why :)