"Only 9 months left," said Valka randomly one morning over her tea. She knew certain herbs would improve baby's health.

"Nine month's 'til what?" Stoick questioned. Valka noticed he had dark circles under his eyes and his hair was messy, not in it's usual tight braid. He must have not had enough sleep the previous night due to another dragon raid. Although, as it sounds, staring at her husband brings her back to the night before.


It was just another dragon raid, and because she didn't like the unnessecary killing she hid out in the healers house. Valka learned she had a knack for curing people of their ailments. Gothi didn't seem to mind one bit, as a matter of fact she enjoyed Valka's presence.

This meant Valka was the only woman on Berk that didn't fight, but Stoick defended her decision fiercely. Stoick's argument included that Gothi can get overwhelmed with so many people rushing into her house at the same time and at least she was making herself useful during raids.

It was only after she salved a mans face- it had been scorched by the sticky fire of a monstrous nightmare. Thankfully the man would recover.- that Gothi noticed the tell tale signs of pregnancy. Valka was paler than usual, and sweating a lot more. It obviously wasn't a fever though.

Gothi walked over to Valka and had her sit down. The healer then placed a withered hand over Valka's stomach and her eyes went wide. This made Valka a little nervous.

"What?" Questioned Valka in a timid voice.

Gothi backed away and grabbed her wooden staff that was leaning against the wall, then she started drawing in a pile of sand. Valka, being one of the few on the island that can translate Gothi's drawings understood immediately as and nearly jumped out of her skin.

"I-I-I'm preg-pre-pregnant," Valka stuttered. She immediately jumped out of her chair and started running towards the door of the healers house as nd turned around, but Gothi only shook her head at her. Valka turned around and made a mad dash towards her house. She had to tell her husband the good news. Finally she could give Stoick a heir.

Valka ran through the fray of busy vikings who were cleaning up the village. She reached her destination and burst through the door, and stopped short. There he was, asleep in his chair, exhausted after the fight. She could hardly blame him. He needed what little sleep he could get at a time like now.

She planted a kiss on her husbands cheek and whispered softly."I'll tell you later my love."

End of Flashback

Valka mentally slapped herself back to the present. Right, focus.

"Oh you know its not a big deal." Valka took a deep breath. How does one explain to their overtired husband that they recently found out that they are pregnant? Like ripping off a nadder's spines. (Which incidentally is one of the many outcast torture methods they use on their dragon prisoners.) She mentally cringed at the analogy. She knew there had to be as mother way besides killing, but they were vikings, and vikings never, ever, backed down from a fight. Valka mentally slapped herself again. 'Curse my short attention span,' she thought bitterly. Its time to just spit it out.

"ItsnoteverydayI'mpregnantandyou'regoingtobeafatherandwehaveachildandyouhaveaheirtopassthethronto." Valka took a breath to recompose herself and started to to twist one of her braids nervously. She honestly didn't know how Stoick was going to react. Valka didn't think he was ready to help her raise a kid. Always wanting to be on the battlefield and not at home.

Stoick looked dazed as all the new information hit him like a gronkle's bludgeon like tail, then he looked like he just woke out of a dream as realization struck him like lightning from a skrill. "Wait you're preg-" Stoick started but Valka interrupted.

"Yes I'm pregnant." Valka looked up and gave Stoick a tentative half smile.

Stoick returned the smile, but it reached his eyes. He carefully took Valka's hand in his and caressed it, then he wrapped his other arm around her shoulders and kissed her fully on the lips. When he broke away he noticed tears streaming down Valka's face.

"What's wrong my love?"

Valka only shook her head and tried to wipe away her tears, but Stoick reached up and wipe her tears away for her. "C'mon, you can tell me." Stoick gently whispered.

"I'm just worried you're not going to be a good father to our child," Valka whimpered.

Stoick pulled Valka a little closer and knelt down. He the n placed a hand on Valka's not-yet protruding stomach, and whispered promises about how he would never let anything happen to the life his beloved wife was holding. Finally, he gently kissed Valka's belly.

This made Valka silently cry. Stoick noticed a change in the way Valka was holding herself, and he noticed that she was shaking. Stoick stood up and kissed Valka on the forehead. "I promise I'll be a good father." Valka just smiled.

"I love you my child and I'll be the father ever," Stoick quietly murmured.

"I have to get over to the great hall for a meeting but I'll be back in a few hours, I promise." Valka nodded and when Stoick turned to leave, Valka whispered "I know." After the door closed behind Stoick, Valka said aloud, "I know he'll be a good father."