Darcy Lewis - Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. or How I got a High Paying Government Job without even Trying

AN – This is my first attempt at a fan fiction and is a Harry Potter/Thor. I'm planning on taking it through both the first Thor movie, and the first Avengers movie. It's a Fem!Harry is Darcy Lewis fic, and while no pairings are planned yet, if I do include one it will be a yuri pairing so if that's not your thing, don't read. As this is my first fan fic, any constructive criticism or advice is much appreciated. Hope you enjoy. It should also be noted that I'll likely go back and make small edits and additions to previous chapters, either to add substance, or simply because I realized there was something I missed.

Prologue: or All you need to know about Darcy Lewis.

If you were to ask someone what they could tell you about Darcy Lewis, the most common response would be "Who is Darcy Lewis?" Which would usually be followed by the rather more important question of "Who the hell are you; and how did you get in my house?" However, if you were to ask someone who knew Darcy Lewis, the response would be quite different. More often than not the first thing they would comment on would be her chest, either in awe ("You should see the tits on her!") or jealousy ("There is no way those things are real!") After you got through the people who could only comment on Darcy's chest however, you would start to learn something about the woman behind it, mostly things like how she's cynical, sarcastic, and at times, bitchy, and that she had a somewhat worrying love of her Taser. Above all, you would hear that Darcy Lewis; is normal. She isn't a genius, billionaire, playgirl, philanthropist, who flies around in a suit of armour fighting terrorists. She isn't a world travelling doctor with startling anger issues. She isn't a master marksman, capable of shooting the balls of a fly from fifty yards with a bow and arrow, nor is she a world class super assassin able to kill people with nothing more than three eggs, a whisk and a jar of pickles. She definitely isn't a super soldier from World War Two, who has spent the last 70 years frozen. She certainly isn't a Norse god/alien capable of turning the law of gravity into little more than a suggestion. Yes, according to anyone who knows her Darcy Lewis, is as normal as they come. Of course just because that's what everyone who knows her thinks, doesn't necessarily make it true. In point of fact, Darcy Lewis is not normal. Nor is her name actually Darcy Lewis. Her parents are not Jack and Miranda Lewis. Despite what people think she was not born on the twelfth of June, 1987, nor was she born in Charleston, West Virginia. In fact she wasn't even born in the United States of America, or for that matter, in this universe at all. No, Darcy Lewis wasn't normal at all.

Darcy Lewis, was born not as most believe, on the twelfth of June, 1987, but rather on the thirty-first of July 1980. She was not born in Charleston, West Virginia, but in a little place called Godric's Hollow, in England. Her parents were not named Jack and Miranda Lewis, but rather James and Lily Potter. Her name was not Darcy Lewis, it was Darcy Rose Potter. Most importantly, Darcy Lewis was NOT normal. Darcy Lewis was a witch.

Darcy Rose Potter's life began as most people's lives (whether magical or otherwise) do, with crying, screaming, and bright lights, and frankly it didn't get much better from there. Her first year or so of life was pretty much fine and normal; that is to say, as normal as a magical baby's first year of life ever is. She spent her time doing the usual magical baby things, sleeping, eating, pooping, making things float or change colour when she sneezed, in fact sometimes she did several of these things at once, usually while being held by someone, proving to her Godfather Sirius Black, that people who thought babies were cute, innocent, little bundles of joy, clearly had not spent much time with one. All in all, Darcy Rose Potter lived, for the first year or so an entirely average life, completely unaware that it was set to be ruined due the idiocy of a drunk seer, a meddling old man with the fashion sense of a chameleon tripping on acid, and an evil, dark lord with terrifying mummy issues, who frankly, was in serious need of a hobby. The downfall of Darcy Rose Potter's happy childhood began the way most clichéd fantasy tales do, with a prophecy.

A/N - Before going to far into this rewritten version, I thought I would quickly answer a question a few people asked in reviews, that being "Why is Darcy a lesbian?"

The answer is simple, I had to think about who I could pair her with if I add a pairing. Of the Avengers and supporting cast, the options are; Clint (married), Tony (married), Pepper (married to Tony), Thor (with Jane), Bruce (Darcy and Bruce's personalities don't really work together in my opinion), Steve (same as with Bruce), Bucky/Winter Soldier (undeveloped character), Sam/Falcon (same as Bucky), Coulson (No), Fury (No), Loki (I know I can't write Loki in a relationship without ruining his character), and Quicksilver (honestly I just don't like him). That leaves Scarlet Witch (doubtful, as it takes too long for her too turn up), Maria Hill (maybe), and Black Widow (leaning towards her, seeing as Darcy and Widow have somewhat similar backstories from a certain perspective, both were raised by cruel guardians, both were essentially made child soldiers. Widow was raised to be an assassin, Darcy to be a martyr, both for causes that shouldn't have had anything to do with them.