Questioning Glass Perception
Story One: I Wish I Knew

Okay, bad Tai, I didn't fully explain the title change. The series, as in all of the fics in it, is called Questioning Glass Perception. At the moment that includes IWIK and Icy Violets, my Yamaken side story…I need to re-do that one as well though. Anyway, it's still I Wish I Knew, I'll fix it on the site.

LIME! Yeah, I know, I'm a pervert, but you all love me for it. You know you do…right? Anyway, it's just a little citrus twist, I wouldn't even call it Lime, but I'm like…desensitized. So, whatever.

Chapter Two
Found out
Daisuke stared out of his bedroom window thoughtfully. After what had happened the other day he couldn't sit still for more then a few minutes at a time and he could tell it was irritating everyone who was around him, though Takeru looked amused by Daisuke's constant movement.

Stupid smug blond…even if he was a little cute…and had those amazing blue eyes…

Daisuke could feel those blue eyes watching him the all day and it only made him squirm more. He was really close to yelling at Takeru but that would have made for a very long uncomfortable silence afterwards. Complete with funny looks from his friends, and they already looked at him funny.

He hated the way they looked at him sometimes, but there wasn't a lot he could do about it.

Before the group had broken up, Takeru had pulled him aside and kissed him again, then said that he would come by. Oh…and the thought of the kiss still made Daisuke tingly all over. He didn't know what kind of experience Takeru had, but he was really good regardless.

Kari had seemed a little miffed that they had disappeared again, though it was only for a short time. Takeru had put on an innocent face and pretended to have no idea what she was talking about, then charmed her into forgetting she was the least bit mad at him at all.

But Daisuke hadn't been jealous of course. He hadn't liked Takeru at all this morning and he only liked him a little bit more now. Or, maybe a little more then a little bit…and maybe he had liked Takeru before today and he might have been a little jealous. Or a lot jealous, but Takeru had said he liked him and then he had kissed him. And a few hours later he was flirting with Kari.

He was perfectly justified in being jealous in his mind.

Sighing to himself he stood up and walked down the hall to the bathroom, stopping by Jun's room to tell her to let Takeru in if he came by while he was in the shower. Jun muttered about having a life of her own but nodded all the same.

She was a self-absorbed brat and anyone who said differently was insane, but she wasn't all bad all of the time. Sometimes Daisuke even liked her.

Daisuke walked into the bathroom and shut the door after him. Turning on the shower he wondered how things between he and Takeru were going to work from now on. Both he and Takeru could act like nothing had happened, but knowing Takeru he doubted that a lot. Takeru wasn't the type to just let something pass. Or maybe they could get together, which Daisuke wouldn't mind too much…he didn't he would mind…he wasn't too sure.

It…was…it was different.

But if it didn't end well they might as well have pretended it never happened, except with a lot more tension and people knowing. And if it did turn out well and he and Takeru stayed together then what?

What would they do? What would Daisuke's family do? They hated things like that, hated abnormal things. He already made them sick; did he really want to make it any worse for himself? Could he take it getting any worse?

He rubbed his arm absently and lowered his head.

But Takeru's family probably wouldn't hate him for it. They probably already knew. Takeru was lucky like. Sure, his parents weren't together, but at least they were proud of Takeru and didn't…need to make him better.

What does not kill you makes you stronger. He was kind of wishing it would just kill him and be done with but he wasn't supposed to want those things. Wasn't normal.

Matt probably knew about Takeru at least. Matt and Takeru were pretty close.

Daisuke swept some water from his eyes and sighed heavily. This was why he liked everyone thinking he liked Kari. No one expected him to get her, so there was never any complicated 'what ifs'.

It was simple, exactly the way he liked things, easy and utterly simple.


Takeru looked at Matt apologetically "I'm really sorry. I kind of forgot. But I guess I can call him and say I'm not coming..." The look on Takeru's face said he really didn't want to do anything of the kind.

"And make me the bad guy?" Matt shook his head "Go ahead, we can hang out later."

"Thanks." Takeru said, smiling sweetly. "You are the best older brother in the whole world. Even if you have an apartment yet always seem to be over here eating all of our food, you freeloader. And then there's the fact you like to ditch me for Joe and-"

"Can we go back to me being the best brother in the world?" Matt questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"What? Yeah, of course. You're the best."

"Whatever." Matt said sitting down on the couch "I'll just call Joe or something."

"Kay." Takeru said, glancing at the clock.

"So..." Something Takeru had said finally registered in Matt's brain "Did you say 'Him'? As in a date with a him? As in my innocent little brother is going out with another guy and has finally found the benefits of same sex partnerships?"

Takeru rolled his eyes. "I think I knew 'the benefits of same sex partnerships' before you did. And I'm not half as innocent as you think I am you know."

Matt blinked and sat up some. "Really? Is there some guy whose ass I need to kick for sleeping with my little brother?"

"…no." Seeing that Matt wasn't buying this, Takeru decided to try a different approach. "Now, it would look really bad if you were hauled off to jail before your concert wouldn't it? And either way I'm just talking with this guy. Mostly."

"Just...don't do anything I wouldn't do." Matt said finally.

"And just out of curiosity, what wouldn't you do?" Takeru asked. "Because according to Joe's brother you two do quite a lot and do it none to quietly."

Matt smiled slightly. He wasn't the loud one, Joe was. Reminding himself to call the blue-haired man as soon as Takeru left, he corrected himself.

"Don't do anything I would do."

Takeru made a face. "Looks like we'll actually talk then."

Matt shrugged. "Mind if I ask who 'He' is?"

"Yes." Takeru said "And to keep you from asking and getting mad when I tell you to it's none of your business, I'm going to leave to go see 'Him'."

Matt waved as his brothers retreating back then leaned over to pick up the phone. He dialed Joe's number and wondered if he got points with his boyfriend for giving his brother decent advice.

And whom was the boy his little brother going to see? There were only so many possibilities. It was probably a digidestined and it wasn't Kari because she wasn't a he, which excluded the three other girls. So it was one of the boys and it wasn't Joe, because Joe was, Matt's end of story. Somehow he doubted it was Iori, he was a bit to young and Tai was a little too old...and going out with Izzy. That left that Ken guy or Daisuke.

Matt turned thoughtful at the last possibility. Maybe, opposites are said to attract and he and Joe were opposites. And the fighting could just be due to pent up stress and tension. It seemed like an option.

He could always ask Joe what he thought.


Takeru greeted Jun who waved hurriedly then ran out of the apartment, yelling that Daisuke was in the shower and that she had to go and their parents weren't coming home tonight and that Daisuke had to make dinner cause it was his day. Takeru grinned and nodded.

Looks like they didn't have to worry about being interrupted by anybody. And a very cute redhead was in the shower. That was quite a set up if you asked him. For after they talked of course.

Talk first; play later.

He walked down the hall, following the sound of running water. Just as he was getting ready to knock on the bathroom door it swung open to reveal a towel clad Daisuke. The two boys stared at each other, blushes creeping into both of their cheeks. Daisuke shut the door in Takeru face, not that the blonde minded. He would have done the same.

Either that or he would have...

Takeru shook his head. "Very bad thoughts." He was going to have to do something about that. He pushed the image of Daisuke, with the towel around his waist and hair matted to his head, an attractive blush staining his cheeks, away. Then replaced it with an image of Angemon.

Which lead to him seeing the shocked expression on Daisuke's face the first time he had seen Angemon. It hadn't been the boy's best moment but it had been funny.

In the bathroom Daisuke had splashed cold water on his face. That shouldn't have happened. Takeru seeing him in a towel was not a good way to start this talk. There was no way he would be able to look Takeru in the eye now. No matter how beautiful those blue eyes were. And judging by his expression, Takeru would not be able to look him in the eye as well.

After a few moments he opened the door again and found Takeru gone. Hoping that Takeru had gone into the living room Daisuke walked down to his bedroom to get dressed.

Daisuke looked around for a minute. What was he going to wear? Sighing and muttering about acting like a girl he pulled something out his drawer. He bit his bottom lip and debated between what he usually wore and something…else.

Why did he suddenly fill like a giant slut? Here he was, considering wearing short-shorts and a tank top and he wasn't even sure what he wanted out of this discussion yet. He sighed and rested his head against he mirror on the back of his drawers, taking a deep breath. Okay, he could do this.
A few minutes later, which, in Takeru's mind, seemed like hours Daisuke walked down the hall. Takeru took one look at Daisuke and nearly falling off of the couch.

"Are you okay?" Daisuke asked, eyes going wide.

"Fine." Takeru said quickly and resting his hands over his lap, blushing brightly.

It took Daisuke all of five seconds to guess what was wrong, before blushing violently. "I…I'll be back."

Takeru nodded then watched as Daisuke walked away, feeling slightly dirty as he watched the way the shorts hugged Daisuke's…never mind. Bad dirty thoughts. Takeru scowled at the ceiling as if asking it for answers.

Sadly the ceiling gods didn't feel like sharing at the moment. Stupid selfish bastard ceiling gods…no, this was not a sign he was losing his mind; acting as if the ceiling were an animate object was perfectly normal.

Damnit, what the hell was Daisuke doing wearing that stuff anyway? Those tight little shorts and skin-tight tank top were just as bad as the towel. He couldn't take that kind of stuff! He wanted to be good and helpful and…stuff, not turned into a dirty pervert.

On the other hand he was fifteen, could he be blamed if he was clinically horny?
Daisuke flushed as he walked back into the living room. Takeru looked at him out of the corner of his eye as Daisuke sat on the couch opposite the chair he was in, thankfully wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

"I'm sorry about that."

"It's okay." Takeru lied, careful to look above Daisuke's head

Daisuke nodded then stared at the floor. "This isn't too awkward is it?"

" About what happened before, Daisuke, I'm should apologize for umm..."

"Chasing? Stalking?" Daisuke supplied


Daisuke paused thoughtfully. "How about taking advantage of a very fragile mental state?"

Takeru looked scandalized. "You asked me to kiss you, not-"

Daisuke covered up a laugh with a fake cough. Takeru raised a questioning eyebrow at him.

"It's just that you looked so serious about it. I wasn't serious or anything, you should know by now I just…crack jokes sometimes."

Takeru scowled at him "Can't you be serious for a minute?" Daisuke sobered up instantly and looked a little guilty as well.

"I'm sorry. It's…just stress messes me up. It's hard to be serious sometimes."

Takeru nodded. "I understand. It's easier to laugh then let things get to be too much."

"But we still need to talk about this." Daisuke said, finishing the statement.

"Well yeah." Takeru looked at his hands then let out a sigh. "I guess…it isn't so hard really. Are you interested in me?"

"I like you." Daisuke said truthfully. "And in a more then friendly way, obviously, but other then that I don't know. I don't…want to be gay I guess. Life is hard and that'll just make it worse." He rubbed at his arm, glad for the long sleeves. Wearing the short sleeved shirt had been a dumb idea anyway, he was lucky Takeru hadn't been looking at his arms.

"I don't need my life to be any more complicated."

Takeru nodded, starting to push himself up. "That's fine. I'll see you in school tomorrow."

"N-no." Daisuke stood up and held out a hand to keep Takeru where he was. "I *do* like you, really. Which is weird, because I thought I couldn't stand you, but whatever. And…I'm not really sure if I'm gay, but I need to know…and you offered to help and I want you to…if that makes sense.

Takeru was silent for a moment then motioned Daisuke forward. Daisuke waked forward and for the first time the redhead noticed the two or three inch difference between the two of them. Takeru put a hand under his chin and tilted his face up.

Daisuke shut his eyes as slightly chapped lips touched his own. It was a firm kiss and it sent chills up his spine as Takeru's lips worked over his own. Arms wrapped around his waist and calloused hands worked up the back of his shirt, making him groan softly, lips parting slightly. Takeru's tongue flicked over his lips, which parted more.

Takeru's tongue slid into his mouth, tangling with his own. Daisuke let Takeru take the led with no protest and wrapped one arm around Takeru's neck to draw him even closer. Takeru began exploring deeper into his mouth and Daisuke shivered at the feeling.

He decided after a moment that he really liked this.

Takeru pushed him back, breaking the kiss in order to do so. Still his face hovered close to Daisuke's, just out of reach. Daisuke fell back onto the couch with a breathless yelp. Takeru seemed to take him in for a moment, a small smile tugging his lips.

Takeru had to admit that Daisuke looked…edible, sprawled out on the couch. His lips were a little swollen and a flush had colored his cheeks. He was breathing heavily and biting his lower lip absently. One leg was over the edge of the couch and the other was bent slightly.

Daisuke shifted a little as Takeru climbed onto him, straddling his waist as he put his hands on Daisuke's shoulders to steady himself. Blue eyes had darkened with lust and Daisuke shivered again. Takeru bent down and used his teeth to tug his bottom lip into his mouth and sucked. He rocked his hips against Daisuke and earned a strangled gasp from the shorter boy.

That was…new, but in a very, very, good way. A few moments of this continued as one of Takeru's hands once again found it's way up his shirt. Daisuke knew he should stop this…or at least some of this, because Takeru was getting dangerously close to seeing something Daisuke didn't want anyone seeing, ever.

Oh, but it was hard to hold a coherent thought. Takeru's mouth had left his own and was busy doing almost sinful things to his neck. The hand under his shirt ran over his left nipple then rubbed it, making Daisuke not only moan but arch up against Takeru, eyes shutting tight.

Takeru licked Daisuke's neck then pushed up a little bit to observe the mahogany haired boy, who looked…properly debauched. Takeru fought to not move and waited until glazed over brown eyes opened and stared up at him pleadingly.

"Yeah…damn." Takeru grinned slightly. "Now…do you think you might be gay?"

"Oh fuck." Daisuke let out a noise of frustration.

Takeru almost giggled. "Maybe. Would you rather sleep with me or Kari?"

"You!" Daisuke said, looking on the verge of screaming. It felt like his body was on fire and he was resting on the edge of being consumed by it. And he really wanted to be consumed and it would extremely helpful is the blond would move again instead of asking him stupid questions.

Takeru smiled some and rolled his hips, making Daisuke cry out. The friction his actions caused were leaving Takeru a little breathless as well. He shifted his wait some and wrapped his other arm around Daisuke's neck. He was almost lying on the redhead at this point and Daisuke was breathing harshly in his ear.

Soon Daisuke's breathing was even more erratic. One of his hands was gripping the couch cushion and the other was resting on the small of Takeru's back. He tilted his head back, exposing a tan neck, as one of his legs wrapped around the blond's waist to pull his closer.

Daisuke shut his eyes again and turned his head off to the side as a hoarse cry announced his completion. Takeru came after him, muffling his own cry in Daisuke's neck. Then they lie still, Takeru laying on top of Daisuke and panting for breath.

Daisuke groaned softly and turned back to Takeru who raised an eyebrow at him and blinked, looking a little worn out. Daisuke felt more then a little worn out and couldn't hold off a yawn.

"What, was that boring?"

Daisuke laughed. "No."

"Mmm." Takeru shifted some so he was on Daisuke's side instead of on top of him. "We should…clean up."

"In a minute." Daisuke muttered, cuddling into Takeru's arms. The blond looked a little awkward but wrapped his arms around the mahogany haired boy anyway, a little hesitant. He wasn't really used to this kind of…thing.

Daisuke seemed to like it though, because he was almost asleep within seconds. Takeru brushed back a strand of hair from his eyes and shook his head. This was going to be really uncomfortable later.


Takeru leaned back against he couch. Daisuke was still asleep but Takeru hadn't really been tired and his jeans had been…sticky. So he'd borrowed a pair of Daisuke's pants, hoping the redhead wouldn't mind, and had changed.

A hand touched his shoulder and he turned some. "You're still here." Daisuke didn't add sitting in the dark because it seemed fairly obvious that Takeru was sitting in the dark.

"Where else would I be?"

Daisuke blushed and pushed himself up some. "I…don't know."

"Well, you should have more faith in me." Takeru leaned back some and placed a light kiss on Daisuke's lips.

So…did this mean Daisuke was his boyfriend? Did Daisuke want to be his boyfriend? It was amazing how you could do some pretty…important things with a person yet not actually achieve anything. Except more confusion. Which is why he'd wanted to talk.

And it hadn't worked out that way.

Light flooded the room and a sharp gasp made the two part. Daisuke went pale and jumped away from Takeru as he took in the two people standing not ten feet away form him.

"Mom, Dad..." Daisuke stopped, trying to think of something then looked at Takeru for help. Takeru blinked at the two adults.


Tiffany Motomiya looked at her husband then back at her son and the boy he had just been kissing. She cleared her throat.

"Daisuke, show your *friend* to the door. Your father and I will talk to you in a minute."

Daisuke nodded. He and Takeru walked past his parents. Takeru tugged on Daisuke's shoulder and blank brown eyes meet his own. It was almost scary how quickly all emotion had left Daisuke's face. .

"Are you in trouble?"

Daisuke nodded mutely.

"A lot of trouble."

Another nod.

"Umm…should I-"

"Just go." Daisuke gave him a little push. "We'll talk later, I promise."


Daisuke winced at his mother's biting tone then looked at Takeru He leaned forward some but his mother shouted for him again, this time she sounded almost murderous.

He certainly wouldn't put it past her. He sighed and stepped back inside, shutting the door. He stayed there, listening for the sound of Takeru walking away then swallowed.

He had the sudden urge to run but shuffled back into the living room anyway.

In the back of his mind he didn't feel bad or guilty like he usually did. He wondered if that change meant anything.

…probably not though.