Hello everyone, I haven't uploaded any 'Wicked' stuff in awhile, mostly due to being swamped with other stuff. However I have been wanting to upload a Gelphie story for some time, and try my hand at the pairing, I don't know how long it will be, I guess it depends on your guys reviews and feedback, if you want more, I will try and write more, simple as that.

Now this story is going to contain some mature Themes and sexual content with Elphaba and Glinda, as well as Glinda's 'secret' which will be revealed at the end of this chapter.

This will be my first time uploading anything of that nature, though have written some drafts before of the SwanQueen pairing for ' Once Upon a Time', and even some M-rated content for my other Wicked story 'Wicked Fan's 2'.

Now, this first chapter might not be very long, but it sets up the circumstances for Ephaba and Glinda to come together ( pun possibly intended XD ) as a couple.

Timeline wise this is about a month after Ozdust, Elphaba has begun to have feelings for her perky blond roommate, and this chapter will kick things off.

(Chapter 1: Elphaba's Discovery)

The sun was already long gone in the sky by the time Elphaba Thropp departed from the Library, her reason for this was due to her paper on 'modern transfiguration', it was meant to be handed in tomorrow to Madam Morrible, and she had spent the last several hours working on it until it was later into the night.

Now usually she would have completed the assignment with plenty of time to spare, and had actually finished the paper last week. However it was accidentally destroyed by a certain Prince of the Vinkus.

Elphaba had taken the paper with her when she had decided to go for lunch the following day, she was going to go over it one final time and correct any mistakes or weak points in the paper before handing it in for grading, however it just so happened that at the very same time the girl had decided to sit down and look over the work, that Fiyero and his posse of idiotic jock friends had decided to enter the lawn area where several students where eating and talking with friends.

Fiyero and his friends were running around and tossing a football to each other, weaving through people and laughing in their enjoyment, when one of the guys was about to tosss the ball to Fiyero when he spotted the green girl sitting under a tree looking over her paper.

He then had the idea to throw the ball at her as hard as he could, hoping to hit the 'artichoke' right on the head.

Fiyero noticed his friend change course and throw the ball harder then expected, and saw it was heading towards Elphaba. Now they weren't best friends or anything, but he had grown to be on speaking terms with the girl over the past month, since Ozdust, and Glinda and her were now apparently best friends.

Thus Fiyero made the quick decision to stop the ball in mid-air, by running over quickly and jumping up to intercept it.

However he misinterpreted his footing and ended up crashing into the grass and skidding across in front of Elphaba who ended up being hit in the head with the ball anyway.

This led to her blue knit hat being knocked off her head as she fell to the ground. The budding young sorceress managed to regain her senses a few moments later and got up with a slight mark on her forehead and a pissed off expression on her face as she saw what had happened, and Fiyero lying in front of her didn't seem to help her mood.

The prince had unintentionally landed directly on Elphaba's paper and due to him skidding across the grass, her assignment was now nothing but a torn and ripped bit of paper with grass stains on it.

Needless to say she had been furious.

While Fiyero's friends merely ran off laughing obnoxiously thinking the prince had done it on purpose, Fiyero had tried to explain his actions and apologise to Elphaba.

She was too distracted by her ruined assignment and quickly grabbed her things and hastily exited the area, and as soon as she made it back to her room she proceeded to angrily rant about he incident to Glinda.


Speaking of her roommate, Elphaba had been noticing some things about the blonde recently. Small things at first, ever since Glinda and her had put aside their differences and become friends.

She now noticed the way Glinda would brush her hair, not just once, but several times a day, the girl would sit in front of her mirror perched on her make-up cabinet, which Elphaba was convinced was somehow enchanted, as it seemed to hold more make-up then it should have been physically possible, and brush her golden curls until she deemed them perfect.

Elphaba kept finding herself distracted by the way Glinda would slowly brush each section of her, occasionally throwing in a 'Toss Toss', before continuing on for a short while.

The green girl didn't think much of it at first, until she found herself also noticing Glinda's morning ritual, when she would come out of the on-suite bathroom, looking fresh and clean and ready for the day. She would then proceed to lay out several outfits and spend at least ten minutes trying to decide which one to wear, as well as which accessories went with which shirt and so on.

Elphaba would watch from the corner of her eye as Glinda racked her brain over which choice, before finally picking up the ensemble and retreating back into the bathroom and changing.

That did seem a little bit peculiar, that Glinda would always change in the bathroom, with the door locked.

Elphaba assumed she just didn't want her roommate seeing her naked, though Elphaba didn't really see the point, they were both girls, and had grown closer as friend during the past month.

Another thing she had found, was Glinda seemed to be distancing herself from Fiyero, the guy she once proclaimed was her future husband, despite him not being informed. And while the two still seemed to be good friends, Elphaba could see that Glinda had backed away from any romantic prospects with the prince.

This was a shock to her initially, and she had been meaning to ask Glinda as to why she had backed out of her pursuit of the man, but had kept putting it off, not sure how to approach the subject.

Though she shook off the thoughts as she finally made I back to her dorm and proceeded to where her and Glinda's room was.

Elphaba stopped at the door and made sure to wipe her boots on the mat place on the floor, before fishing her key out of her blue coat pocket and inserting it into the lock. She turned it softly and opened the door slowly, in order to not make too much noise.

Glinda was surely asleep by now, and Elphaba didn't want to wake her up, unless she be treated to another one of Glinda's lectures on the necessity of her beauty sleep.

Entering the room and closing the door, she turned to see Glinda's bed was empty. The large pink comforter was untidily pushed down and left where it was, as if Glinda had thrown the blankets off and not bothered to put them back where they were.

'That's strange?' Elphaba thought glancing around the dimly lit room.

'She's usually asleep by now, unless of course she went to another party. But that cant be it, she would have told me about it'

Glinda had tried to invite her to many parties over the course of the past month, and every one Elphaba had politely decline, not really into the whole party scene. As well as the duty of looking after a drunken Glinda afterwards.

Elphaba was curious as to where her roommate was, when a light caught her eye. It was coming from the bathroom. The door was open just a crack and the light from inside was shining through.

'She must have just gotten up to go to the bathroom' Elphaba thought, now knowing Glinda's whereabouts.

Walking over to her bed she placed her book bag down gently and was about to start getting ready to go to sleep, when a noise caught her attention.

It sounded like a moan coming from the bathroom.

Elphaba's right eyebrow lifted up as she turned to the bathroom door, she was about to turn away and begin undressing when another moan suddenly came from the same direction.

Narrowing her eyes slightly, Elphaba slowly walked over to the bathroom door, her curiosity getting the better of her. She could hear Glinda moaning more clearly now that she was closer, however the sounds weren't made out of pain.

Moving over slightly Elphaba peeked in through the crack in the doorway, only for her eyes to widen at the sight.

Glinda was sitting on the toilet, her rose coloured panties lay on the floor by her feet. In one hand Glinda was holding a pair of Elphaba's black panties and was pressing them to her face as she inhaled their scent, her eyes were shut as she did this, seemingly lost in her own fantasies.

However, despite the fact that Elphaba was currently seeing her roommate and best friend using her previously worn underwear in such a way, was not what shocked her the most.

It was the fact that Glinda had an eight inch penis currently being pumped up and down by her other hand.

Her fingers wrapped around the length and continued to work the shaft as she let out another pleasurable moan, completely oblivious that she was being watched by her roommate.

'B-But...how!...Glinda's a girl, and yet she has a...a.' Elphaba's thoughts filled her head, however her eyes were still locked onto Glinda as she continued to pleasure herself.

The next thing that came out of Glinda's mouth was enough to shock the emerald witch out of her thoughts and back into reality.

"...Oooooh yes!... Elphaba!"

Immediately after hearing her name pass through Glinda's lips, Elphaba froze in place. The whole situation was overwhelming her brain. Her roommate, Glinda Uppland, not only had a penis, but she was currently fantasising about her as she...pleasured herself.

Glinda meanwhile brought Elphaba's panties off of her face and moved them down, taking her hand off her length and placing the underwear around it before she resumed stroking herself to orgasm, her eyes fluttered in pleasure as she brought her now free hand up to massage one of her breasts, making sure to pay attention to her now perky nipple, letting out a louder groan as she tweaked the bud.

Her movements sped up as she became more and more engrossed in her fantasies, Elphaba's panties began to moisten around the head of her shaft as the tip let out copious amounts of lubrication.

"Oh yes! Elphie, yes yes yes!" Glinda exclaimed as she began to pant louder, her forehead covered in a sheen of sweat as Glinda's hand pumped vigorously.

Elphaba, in a mixture of shock and a strange sense of curiosity failed to realise she was leaning heavier upon the door and suddenly a loud creaking sound filled the area as the door opened further.

Glinda's eyes immediately shot open at the sound and she released her appendage as her head shot around to see Elphaba standing there.

Elphaba starred, mouth agape at Glinda, who looked like a spooked animal who had been pounced upon.

Glinda quickly reached for a nearby towel to cover herself with as she tried to stutter out an explanation.

"E-Elphie! Th-This isn't what it looks like!" she exclaimed loudly, her voice going up several octaves as she tried to desperately cover up her lower body.

Elphaba however barely heard her as she shot to her feet and proceeded to head for the door to their room as fast as she could, quickly throwing it open and exiting the room, slamming it shut.

Glinda merely fell to her knees in shock, unable to believe her rooommate had caught her doing that, and had stumbled onto her most guarded secret.

A whirlwind of emotions was going on inside the petite blond, and she could only sob into the towel she now clutched to herself tightly.

So, there you have it.


As I said this is the first time I have published anything sexual in content.

I thought it would be interesting to see a gelphie story, where Glinda has an extra appendage, and to see how this would work out between the two of them.

So, what do you guys think? What are your thoughts on this? And should I continue it?

Leave a review and let me know.

And thanks for reading