Sam got home to see his wife sitting on the sofa so he joined her "Emily I brought some holiday brochures with me" Sam told her as him gave them to her. Sam and Emily were looking at the Holiday brochures Sam had picked up from the store. They need to get away because they haven't had time to themselves so they wanted the chance to get away from the Pack life being so busy and constant patrols ever since the Cullen's returned to Forks. Sam noticed Emily looking apprehensively over at Jacob who was sitting on the floor playing with his X-box. Sam looked at Emily realising what the problem was that she didn't want to leave Jacob.

"Emily I know that you don't like leaving him because he is at that age but we need a holiday. We have not had a break from the reservation since Jacob was younger and with the Pack responsibilities we have earned a bit of me and you time." Sam informed his wife. Emily looked at Sam before looking back to Jacob who was now in the middle of an on-line game with Embry and by the sounds of it Jacob is winning. She smiled at them as Jacob winning and Embry trying to win.

"I know it's just who's going to look after him so he doesn't throw a party here with his friends or get in to any trouble by the police, last thing we need is the police calling us saying that Jacob is in the police station that he is drunk or gotten into a fight . And before you say the pack can keep an eye on him, they have their own lives, imprints and families and minus their jobs. We need to find someone responsible and mature to keep an eye on Jacob and make sure that his stays in line with them and some one who he knows. Mrs Black is just to old now to keep an eye on him, is just who could we ask?" Emily told him with a frown on her face.

Sam looked at Emily thinking about it then he realising the perfect person they could ask. "How about we get Bella to babysitter Jacob because he looks up to her and he will not dare to mess around with the chief daughter because he does not want to upset her dad! also I overheard Charlie say to Billy that Bella was looking for a job to earn some extra cash especially saving up to go to college next year. Maybe we could ask her if she would not mind staying over for a few days to make sure that Jacob behaves himself. Would that reassure you that he won't go off the rails? He is a good lad Emily, a little mischievous some times but we brought him to nice and to polite to others. He is 15 not 10 and he does have a little crush on Bella come on Emily, it's just for a couple of days away from the Reservation, me and you in a hotel no business just relaxing?" Sam looked hopefully at Emily with those puppy dog eyes he knew that she can't not resist.

"OK, go and call Charlie see if Bella would be willing to do it for us then we will make the decision.'' Emily smiled watching Sam practically run to the phone. This time away would be good for them, they had been busy with pack life they needed a bit of rest and relaxation even just for a couple of days.

Sam quickly phoned the Swan's house "Charlie here" he heard a males voice "hey chief" Sam said though the phone to him "Hey Sam how are you" Charlie said to him "I'm fine I was calling to talk to Bella" Sam asked Charlie with a worried voice just in case she says no to him "sure I just go and get her" Sam heard Charlie say to him. about 2 minutes later "hey Sam Dad said to want to talk to me" he heard Bella say to him "yeah I know you looking for a job" he trailed off "yes I do why are asking" Bella asked him "well me and Emily were thinking of going away and we want you to stay at our place to make sure Jacob doesn't do something why we are away and we will pay you" Sam explained it to her "sure I do it Jacob is a good boy and I was coming to visit Emily anyway" Bella said to him with excited voice "that's great see you soon" Sam said in a happy and calm voice and hanged up the phone.

Sam returned 10 minutes later with a big smile on his face. He looked at Emily pulled her into a hug and whispered in her ear '' Bella said she could do it, she is popping over now to see you anyway, so you can give her any information you need to ok, is that alight with you to have a babysitter for him?''

Emily was about to respond when Jacob practically shouted at them as he paused the game on the X-box. '' I DON'T NEED A BABYSITTER! I CAN COPE FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS! GOSH YOU GUYS ARE SO EMBARRASSING! WHY CAN'T YOU TRUST ME!'' Sam looked at Jacob and started to tremble at how he had just spoken to them, Emily placed her hand cautiously on Sams calming him down by her touch then the shaking stopped. Emily looked down at her teenage son who was the spitting image of his father right now, she stroked his cheek looked him in the face and calmly told him how it was.

''Jacob you are 15 and we know you can be trusted to behave we also know that you are a teenage boy, you are 15 still too young to stay at home on your own. We have someone i am sure you will love looking after you... and no it is not Mrs Black! Bella Swan the chiefs daughter, you remember her? Well she has offered to come and stay over for a couple of days so i want you on your best behaviour. She is popping over now to visit us, so please, please be good.''

Jacob looked at his mums eyes, he couldn't disappoint his mum and anyway he remembered Bella, all his friends found her hot when she came down to the beach for the Bonfires. Jacob smiled at the thought that he could brag to his friends about this. Maybe these couple of days would not be as bad as he thought.

A hour later there was a knock at the door, Jacob rushed down the stairs to get to the door first. He knew he had to make a good impression. He opened the door and looked at Bella, he just froze, like the whole world had stopped and it was only him and Bella, he stood there staring at her, Bella looked a little confused as he had not replied or let her in yet.

''Oh Bella, you are here, Jacob invite her in then, sorry about him he just has a habit of tuning out sometimes. JACOB!'' Jacob growled without realising it, Emily looked shocked and was about to say something when Sam came through the door. Emily looked back to Bella and ushered her into the kitchen whilst silently communicating with her eyes at Sam to have words with Jacob. Sam spoke to Jacob, and followed him through to the Kitchen. After giving Bella the low down of what she needed to know, it was getting late.

' Hey Jacob, look i will see you in the morning bright and early ok. I can give you a lift to school if you want, i have borrowed my dad's car?''

Jacob looked at her with the biggest smile on his face. ''I'd love that Bella thanks! And thanks again for staying over to reassure my parent's, i really appreciate it and i promise i will be on my best behaviour!"

Emily and Sam looked shocked, waving goodbye to Bella. Emily put her hand on Jacobs forehead looking at him with a smile on her face ''Who are you and what have you done with my son?!'' Jacob laughs and walks off. Sam and Emily stand there watching their once little boy all grown up walking away, reassured that he would be in good hands whilst they were away. It was a couple of days what could go wrong?

The next day Bella arrive early, Jacob was up and ready eating breakfast in the kitchen. Much to the surprise of Emily who was rushing round doing the last minute packing. They were only going for a few days but seemed to be packing the whole house. Emily was surprised to wake up and see Jacob already changed and getting ready, even taking time to do his hair. Maybe her little boy was no longer her little boy he was growing into a man. Emily looked up to the door to see Bella in the hall way. She went over to greet her with a warm hug followed by Jacob who seemed to embrace Bella for a long time.

''Jacob let Bella breathe! Bella come on in, there is fresh croissants on the die help yourself. we are just loading up the car, then we will be off''

Bella looks at Sam and Emily who are rushing around. Jacob stands there watching her.

''Have i got something on my face Jake? Because you keep staring at me so i am starting to think i have something on my face?'' Bella looked at him confusingly wondering why he was staring. She did not find it uncomfortable just strange it gave her a warm fuzzy feeling whenever she was near Jacob. Ever since yesterday, he had never had this effect on her before yesterday?

''No you've got nothing on your face, just you are beautiful that is all'' Jacob looked at her, Bella blushed and was about to reply when Sam and Emily came in, unaware of the previous comments made. Emily looked like she was about to cry to see that her son is growing up to fast.

''Jacob, you will be ok? Look if you want us to come home at any point..'' She was cut off by Sam who laughed.

''Emily he is 15 not 5, come on give the boy a break, Jacob behave please, Bella is very kind staying here and keeping an eye on you. No other funny business till we get back, i have told the rest of the guys ok? and NO PARTIES!''

Jacob laughed giving them both an hug. Bella and Jacob walked Sam and Emily out to their car which was fully loaded up and ready to go.

''Any problems Bella, give us a call.'' Emily smiled reassuringly at Bella. Bella smiled nodding her head in agreement, she waved them off, before looking at her watch realising he will be late for school if they did not get a move on.

''Come on Jacob we got to go'' They climbed into Bella car and drove off to La Push school.

Bella dropped off Jacob, he opened the car door installing they heard whistling from everyone but Bella ignored it but Jacob growled at them "do you want me to pick you after school" Bella asked Jacob "yes please soon you after school" Jacob said to her with a grin on his face as he walked up to his friends while Bella drive off to go to school herself. Jacob's friends saw her before she drive off "was that Bella" he heard Quil whisper "yeah it was so stay away from her" he told his friends in an angry voice with a frown on his face because they were talking about his Bella.