Title : Guardian Angel - 守護天使 (Pronunc : Shugo Tenshi)

Summary : It was just my luck that I was reincarnated into a female version of the guy with the largest protective streak in all of anime history. SI/OC-as-Fem!Ichigo, Slight AU

Disclaimer : Bleach belongs to Tite Kubo.

Rated : Teen

Language : English will be the main language, alongside a dash of Japanese, Spanish and German words for each supernatural species.

Posted : 02/21

Author Note : Wtf is wrong with me, I should be working on my other stories yet here I am making another SI/OC. (I should especially be working on that SI!Monet fic!) Fml. (readies a shotgun) Anybody want to go hunting for plot bunnies with me?

Introduction Arc

Chapter 1 : What Comes After Death

"It's meaningless to just live. It's meaningless to just fight. I want to win!" - Kurosaki Ichigo

It was all so very tiring and blurry. My birth, I mean. In the nine months I'd spent within my mother's womb, I've made various realizations judging my from the last moments of my life. I was dead. That was a fact. I was, no, am alive to be precise. Another fact. Why? I wondered, questioning myself, while floating within the dark, warm waters of my mother's womb. I put any questions I had out of my mind as it would be useless to for me to continue giving my situation at a time.

I was nothing but a fetus, so very tiny and fragile, so it was best not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

I also learned to make my peace for not only myself but my family as well. I'd miss my father's gentle gestures, my mother's overly zealous aura, my sister's spunky attitude and my brother... the poor newborn hardly knew me. It was all so very heartbreaking and I mourned for each and every one of them.

I had to move on, otherwise I'd never be able to live in peace with my new family. Looking for the brightside of every situation wasn't my thing, it was my mother's and sister's but I made an effort to at least think positively, for them at least.

It was a new family with new people, new friends and hopefully new places. Whoever my parents were must have planned for a child given the excited whispers I heard throughout whenever I gave a light punch or a kick. At least I knew I would be loved.

And finally, on Saturday of July 15 at 1:50 AM, I was born kicking and screaming because hey, birth is not just strenuous for the mother but for the baby as well. The whole thing felt like something out of a nightmare, riding a crazy water slide and oh my god I justrealizedIcameoutofmymother'svagina.

Gross and oh so very traumatizing. And I swore I cried tears of joy when the doctor finally wrapped me up in a warm blanket and handed me towards my mother. I don't even give a flying fuck if I was reborn as a boy - though I'm pretty sure I was still a girl, I checked twice - I just wanted to be away from the cold and brightness of the world, like, holy shit! How long have I been in the dark!? A millennium!? Because it sure feels like it!

My mother, who I should really start referring as Mother some time soon, mumbled something before humming and pressing my little face against her neck, blocking my sensitive eyes from the light. Oh dear sweet Mother, bless your heart because I though for sure I was going to be blind!

Taking in my mother's scent, jasmine with a hint of fresh rain, I succumbed into the darkness of sleep.

Isshin couldn't define the fluttering emotion overwhelming his chest as soon as his eyes landed on the pink bundle within his wife's arms. She was just so... "Beautiful.", he murmured, reaching a hand out to caress her face. Masaki smiled, her own hand taking her husband's squeezing it tightly.

Amongst all the blood, sweat and tears, in Isshin's eyes, Masaki would always be the most beautiful of them all. And now it would seem that their newborn daughter rivaled her mother's beauty. Our daughter. His and Masaki's. If only Toshiro and Rangiku could see me now, a wistful smiled adorned his face for a brief moment before replacing it with a his usual lackadaisical grin. Now was not the time to reminisce of the past.

"What will you name her?"

In the background, Ryuuken occupied himself cleaning the blood off his instruments while listening to the soft chattering of his cousin and the ex-shinigami. A daughter, he mused in silence, the daughter of a blue blooded Shinigami and an Echt Quincy. The blue eyed albino clenched his teeth, shutting his eyes if only for a brief moment and let his mind wander. If they had children, would she feel the same? Would she look at their child with the same wonder and love, even if the father wasn't her true love?

Ryuuken smiled softly.

She would. Regardless of blood, regardless of heritage or even race, his dear cousin would love that child all the same. He was almost envious of the little one, clue word : almost. He pushed said thoughts into the back of his mind once more, focusing on the present. For the briefest of moments, Ryuuken wondered what Masaki was feeling. Pain, exhaustion and no doubt about it, happiness.

The albino cleaned his glasses, wondering if he could get away with throwing the ex-shinigami out the window. The man was starting to grate on his nerves.

Masaki laughed at his expression, making him glare at her. "Oh come now, Ryuu-chan! Stop making such a pouty face." The head of the Karakura Clinic pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment, letting out a resigned sigh. It certainly told a lot of how close these two are if Ryuuken's expression is anything to go by. He knew better than to argue with the woman, she'd talk circles with you, never getting anything done.

It wasn't necessarily her fault, Masaki mused while brushing her fingers against her daughter's face eliciting a sneeze from her. Isshin cooed how cute she sneezed while Ryuuken muttered something about her being sensitive but Masaki put them out of her mind and focused on the now. She has a daughter. The one thing she'd wanted for years : a family. Her Mother was gone the moment she was born leaving her at the hands of an emotionally broken Father and her older siblings who worked to survive.

Eventually they split at their Father's final breath who drowned himself in training and work, barely sparing his children a single glance while her brothers and sisters went missing. As far as she knew, one of them was already dead and the other was hidden in Berlin, Germany.

It was very lonely for the longest of time but then she met Ryuuken, Kanae, her Uncle and finally the love of her life, Isshin. She wasn't alone. She had her husband, her cousin, her best friend and now a daughter. I promise, no matter what happens, I'll do everything in my power to protect you. Masaki sniffed as tears pooled around her eyes. She didn't regret it. Not a single thing. Not when she abandoned the mansion to rescue Isshin, she risked herself to kill the Hollow, not when she lost her powers, no, there was nothing in this world that would make Masaki regret a single moment of her life.

"M-Masa-chan a-are you alright?" Teary orbs met with two pairs of worried eyes and realizing she was crying, lifted her arm to dry the waterworks. "S-Sorry, I'm just... sniff... I'm just so happy! A-And in so much pain too! Ryuu-chan, why didn't you tell me giving birth hurts!" Ryuuken stared at her for a moment before taking a deep breath and letting out some chuckles while listening to her 'Don't laugh at me!'. "Because I'm not a mother Masaki, I'm a father."

"Then what about Kana-chan!" Masaki whined like a spoilt child while Isshin rubbed circles on her back, trying to calm her down. Good luck with that, Ryuuken mentally snorted before treating his cousin with a glare. "If you keep complaining, you'll wake her up." At this, any words the light haired woman planned to say died on her lips as she took not of the girl's expression.

Still sleeping. She sighed in relief before glaring at her cousin. "You see that, sweetie? Your dear Ryuu-oji-chan is a jerk." Isshin snorted at his best friend's - no matter how many times he denied it, they were best friends - expression at being called uncle. He looked something akin to someone who had been harassed, a similar expression often found on another white haired person. And a bucket hat friend. And one can't forget about Shinji either. "What's the matter Ryuuken? Are you going to argue that you're too young to be an Uncle?" His eye twitched. "What about you Shinigami? Aren't you a little too old to be a father? I wouldn't be surprised if her first word happened to be Grandfather" The dark haired man gaped with an expression not unlike a fish while his wife laughed softly.

"Our family may be a little weird but no matter what, we love you honey." Masaki placed a gentle kiss on her daughters head and relaxed to the sound of her two favorite men bickering.

Author Note : There is so much wrong with me... WHY CAN'T MY BRAIN STOP COMING UP WITH THESE IDEAS!? WHY!? If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to jump off a cliff and hopeful fall headfirst to rid myself of the plot bunnies.

If I can get over 5 reviews, I'll update this fanfic before the end of the month

Review whether you're a guest or an author.