
"Abby, how are you still alive?" moaned Olivia.

The pair was sitting in side-by-side chairs at the end of the terminal, each waiting for their man. Abby was wide awake, her leg bouncing and eyes darting around the room. She was dressed, showered, and looking good. Olivia, on the other hand, was wearing her pajamas with her hair in a messy bun. She still looked radiant. Olivia was basically asleep in Abby's lap, but couldn't fully drift off because of Abby constantly jiggling her leg.

"What?" Abby asked, not paying attention.

"Will you please calm the fuck down? It's like five in the morning. They'll be here. Just stop moving," Olivia groaned. Abby rolled her eyes and kept bouncing her leg.

"Liv they should be here, like, any minute," she cried, checking the time for the fifth time that minute.

"You said that thirty seconds ago," mumbled Olivia from her lap, her eyes still closed.

The woman overhead just then announced that a flight had landed.

"That is it!" cried Abby. Olivia just ignored her, but groaned when Abby bounced up. Her head hit the other seat and she sighed, fulling sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

After a couple minutes men and women wearing their Navy uniforms started coming out of the terminal. Liv wasn't even looking for Fitz—she knew that he would find her. She sat with her back to the terminal. Soon some of the members of the Navy started siting down, waiting for their rides. A man sat down next to her. She could tell that he was eyeing her but Olivia was too tired to even do anything about it.

Then she felt his hands. They were surprisingly soft as they covered her eyes.

"Guess who?" he whispered into her ear. She felt the grin come on to her face.

Now she was awake.

He was standing behind her, and she quickly jumped out of her seat, moving his hands off her eyes so that she could see his handsome face. There he was, the boyish grin and all.

Standing inches away from her.

He looked good. He was tanner, his muscles were more defined than ever, if that was even possible, clear through the navy-blue t-shit that he was sporting. His camouflage jacket was in his arms, his pants the same pattern.

Without a second thought she ran into his arms, finding comfort in his body after being away from each other for strong.

Fitz was back.


When he finally loosened his grip around her small frame after what seemed like an eternity, he pulled back just enough to look at her.

She was more beautiful then he could of ever remembered, her brown eyes looking softly into his.

"I'm digging the pajamas," he said with a grin.

"Somebody got here too early. If there's one thing that you take away from being with me it's that I hate being woken up early," she said.

Fitz grinned.


"I love learning new things about you," he whispered.

That got a smile back on her face.

"Do I get my kiss now?" he asked innocently.

"I guess so," Olivia said, closing in.

Fitz had literally never felt anything so good.

Kissing her was…


Her soft lips brushed his, and as soon as they touched the couple felt the spark.

Fitz grinned, and dove in again, this time with more passion. Their lips clashed against each other's hungrily, moving in perfect sync.

They finally broke apart, and Fitz, without hesitation, picked his girlfriend up and spun Liv around in a hug.

"Hi," he said, gently setting her down.

"Hi," Olivia whispered.


Despite herself, she yawned.

"You're tired," he said immediately.

She laughed. "I'm fine Fitz. Next time just don't have your plane come in so early."

He eyed her up and down. "I'm seriously digging the pajamas," he commented.

She rolled her eyes. "They're kinda not so warm actually, so next time I come to pick you up I won't be sporting them."

He put his face into an adorable fake-pout, but proceeded to quickly put his jacket around her. She smiled, feeling is warmth and smelling him through the jacket. She brushed her hands lightly over the letters spelling out GRANT above the pocket.

He was hers.

The two were now sitting down in some chairs, Olivia in his lap. She was brushing her hands absentmindedly through his hair and he was just staring, memorizing her face even more.

"I want Jamba Juice," said Olivia abruptly, standing up, and grabbing FItz's hand. The two walked over to the smoothie place and waited patiently in line.

"After this we're going to your place and you can take a nap—" Fitz started.

"An you can unpack your stuff," finished Olivia.

"Liv, we talked about this, I don't—"

"Stop it! We agreed. You would stay at my place. It's pointless for you to stay at a hotel when I have such a big apartment. Unless you want to go back to be with your parents—"

"No," he said firmly. "I want to be with you. It's just… you're in law school, I don't want to get all over your stuff…"

"Fitz, you're staying with me. End of discussion."

Fitz sighed. "Fine. Come here," he said, pulling her closer and giving her a light kiss on the lips.

A woman cleared her through softly. The two pulled away, realizing that it was their turn in line.

"Sorry," Liv mumbled, embarrassed. Fitz stood behind her and wrapped his strong arms around her waist, putting his chin on top of her head and giving the woman the charming smile he always sported. The cashier woman smiled.

"No biggie, honey. From the sounds of it you two have been away from each other for a while. Glad that your back together," she said warmly.

Fitz kissed the top of Olivia's head, and the two placed their smoothie orders.

They got a seat.

"So guess what?" Liv asked.


"I grabbed the car keys from Abby's purse…"

"They can always call a taxi," Fitz said catching on.

"Exactly what I was thinking!" Liv said, winking. "And they have a reservation tonight, so we can cook at Abby's since she has the nicer kitchen. I have the good TV, she has the good kitchen. It's how we role. And tomorrow we'll like, you know, actually meet one another. You'll love Abby," explained Liv.

"Okay, well first we are going to sleep," said Fitz.

Olivia grinned. "Great minds think alike," she said, agreeing with him. Fitz leaned over and kissed her nose.

Olivia noticed the man that had been eyeing her before Fitz had arrived; he was in the navy too, his uniform unmistakable.

I wonder who he is she thought. She decided she would ask Fitz later if he knew him. The way he was looking at her kind of creeped Olivia out

"Come on, I want to see your place. And I promised my mom I would call her," Fitz said, interrupting her thoughts.

Shit, thought Olivia. Our parents.

"Yeah, about that…"

"Parents, yeah, I know," Fitz sighed, reality crashing back a bit early than they wanted. "I know that you told your mom, and I think that when I call my mom now I'm going to tell her. And I want to tell my dad, too… look, our parents knowing about us isn't my first priority. But they are going to have to know eventually."

"Yeah, sooner or later I'll drop the bomb on my dad, I guess," Liv said.

"I wouldn't bother, I never have told my dad about relationships in the past, but because of who your father is, and the feeling that we'll probably be together for longer than any of my other relationships…" mumbled Fitz.

Olivia's stomach swooped at the thought of spending the rest of her life with Fitz. I need to stop getting ahead of myself! she reminded herself. But she couldn't help it.

She was just so obsessed with Fitzgerald Grant.


The windows were rolled down because of the unnaturally warm D.C. fall weather. Liv was at the wheel and she looked so beautiful and at ease; the wind blowing her hair around, and even her pajamas some how made her look sexy.

She was humming to a song and he couldn't help but just stare at her as he had his phone to his ear.

He waiting impatiently for his mother to pick up. The line at the other end clicked, finally.

"Fitz?" he immediately heard his mother's soft voice. He had missed her, though not half as much as he had missed Liv.

"HI, mom," he said, smiling. Olivia, realizing that his mom had picked up, looked over and wiggled her eyebrows at him. He laughed.

"Keep your eyes on the road, danger," he joked.

"Fitz?" his mom asked again.

"Sorry, I was talking to someone else… how are you?" he asked quickly.

He was only half paying attention to his mom talk, giving simple answers to her questions for him, but for the most part just staring at his girlfriend.

"What?" he asked, not hearing her.

"Fitz, sweetheart, I asked if you were going to be staying with Stephen. I know you mentioned staying in D.C…"

"Oh! About that, well… I've actually started seeing someone. She lives in D.C., so I'll be staying with her," he said. Olivia sat up, hearing the subject that they had gotten to.

"You have?" Fitz could hear the surprise in his mom's voice, because he had never before mentioned one of his relationships to his parents. "Well, that's fantastic! We would love to meet her, and you know that you must come and visit us before you leave again. When did you guys meet?"

"We met right before I left, at that state dinner? We kind of just hit it off, and wrote each other all the time while I was gone… I really like her mom," he said softly. He could see Olivia blushing and smiling out of the corner of his eye.

"I'm so glad," his mother said. He could hear the smile in his voice. "You said you two met at the state dinner… does she have parents in politics?" his mom asked.

Here we go Fitz thought.

"Yeah… um, actually. You and dad might know her father. He is also a senator."

"Oh, well then of course we will know him! Does—"

"He's a democrat," he said quickly.

Fitz heard his mother chuckle. You're laughing now…

"Fitz, I'm not your father. It's okay if you date a democrat."

"Well, see, not just any democrat… her last name is… well her father is Senator Pope," Fitz mumbled.

Fitz could of heard a pin drop from the other end.

Then his mom burst into a full on laugh. A laugh that made him start to laugh, nervously.


"Oh, God. I'm sorry, but this is hilarious. Out of all the people… Of course it's Eli Pope's daughter," she laughed again.

"So you're not going to bury me alive?"

His mom sighed. "Fitz, I can tell by the fact that you are actually telling me about her that you care about this woman. All I want is for you to be happy. That's all I'm ever going to want. You've only known her for a little bit, but in that short time… well, does she make you happy."

"Yes," whispered Fitz. "She does."

"Then I'll take her," Fitz mom said. Fitz smiled, feeling as if a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders.

Still on the phone with his mom, he leaned over and kissed Olivia's cheek. She gave him a wink, but kept driving.

"It's just funny. What's her name?"

"Olivia," he responded.

"I like it."

"I like her," he countered. His mom laughed again.

"I can tell. I love you Fitz, and I'm happy that you've found some one. Just…" she paused.


"Well, you'll have to bring her. I really want to meet Olivia. When you come and visit, bring her… oh, and have fun telling your father. He might not take it the way I did," Mrs. Grant said.

Olivia laughed, hearing what his mom had said. Fitz hung up on the phone, and turned to look at his girlfriend, who was grinning.


That weight came crashing back down onto his back.
