"Wake up Lucy-san! We are here!"

"What's that noise?" Levy was referring to the squealing Juvia, who was obviously excited that the train finally had stopped. They had waited for over seven hours to get here, but not every one was exited as Juvia. Lucy laid in her seat, burring her face in her pillow. Erza sat next to her, as she calmly where polishing her pocketknife. She had watched the girls while they were gathering their stuff. Except Lucy. She gave Lucy a light nudge with her arm. Erza was well aware that Lucy were only faking her slumber.

"Come on Lucy, it won't be that bad." Said her comforting.

"You promised there would be no boys! It was supposed to be a girls only trip!" Lucy lifted her eyes up from her pillow, while she glared at Juvia. "You lied Juvia." She didn't look at Lucy twice, she was too busy gathering her things. Beside, she didn't bother it at all, her plan was working perfectly fine.

"It's only a weekend Lu-chan!" Erza nodded confirming, confident Lucy would survive those few days..

"Ok, fine!" She hesitated before she answered.

"You heard that Juvia?" Levy looked over her shoulder , but she wasn't there. "Juvia?" They looked out the window, as they saw her blue hair sprinting over to Gray, who stood there waiting.


The rest of the girls walked out after Juvia. It was cold and snow covered the ground. Not to mention, it was freezing cold. Levy were already prepared, as she wore this humongous jacket. But it was hilarious thought Lucy, because it was yellow and that made her look like a chicken.

They were greeted by Gray, who stood there only in his shirt. Juvia stood beside him, as she hold a firm grip on his hand, while Gray tried to jank his hand free. He blushed meeting Lucy's eyes, when he saw her smirking at their touch.

"This is Gray-sama, Juvia's future husband!" Gray smiled weakly at them as he looked away, he was to embarrassed to look them in the eyes. Them introduce them self's to each other.

They followed after Gray who were leading the way. They were going to spend a week at Gray's cabin, who laid far away from Magnolia. But from the train station, were there only a few minutes walk.

Lucy and Gray knew each other from school, in fact, Lucy were the one who introduced Juvia and Gray to each other. They were good friends, but they hadn't been much together with his guy friends. Gray said he didn't want her to meet his friends, he called them 'bastards', so he was doing her a favor he always said.

"Hey, Gray. How many bedrooms did you say there were again." Asked Lucy, afraid she had to spend a week on the floor.


"I'll sleep with Gray-sama!" Tugging harder at his arm, as she snuggled up closer.

"Ok, and how many of your friends did you bring?"

"Three.." That meant one of the girls had to share a room with one of the guys, and that were not going to be Lucy.

"Levy-chan! Lets be roomies!" Lucy jumped over at Levy.

"Sorry.. Lu-chan, Erza and I decided that it was best that we two shared a room together."

"Why?" Lucy came up with her best pleading face, trying to get one of them to share a room with her instead.

"That's the best way to get over a crush, like-" Said Juvia with a devilish tone in her voice.

"Don't you dare say his name!" Cutting Juvia off, with anger in her voice. They knew they couldn't say his name around her, or else she would get mad. It was a constant reminded of what he did to her. "I don't want to get over my crush with one of Gray's friends. No, thank you!"

"Hey." He thought about it for a second. "No, you're right."

"See! Even Gray agrees with me. I will rather share a room with Gray.

"Love rival." Juvia glared over at Lucy.

"I was only joking!"

"We're here!" They stood outside a large house, two floors high. The girls was stunned of the size of the so called cabin. Besides Juvia, she had already been here.

"I want to look inside!" Lucy stormed to the door. When she opened it, was she met by a boy who stood in the hallway, taking on his shoes.

"You're already here? I thought that I would help you girls carry your luggage." Smiling warmly at her. Erza and Levy walked in behind her. The man was older, but handsome thought Lucy. He had a tattoo on his face and had blue hair. She knew he was familiar, but Lucy couldn't put her finger on where she had seen him.

"Erza?" He looked at the tall red haired girl, as he smiled wider when he saw her face.

"Jellal?" Erza looked surprised when she laid her eyes at the familiar man.

"You two know each other?" Asked Lucy curious.

"Yeah, we went to ToH School together."

"I knew you were familiar! You were the guy Erza were in-" In panic, Erza covered Lucy's mouth.

"School with! Yes!" Gray and Juvia finally walked in, and Lucy knew they had been sharing some kisses outside. "Gray! Where shall I lay my luggage?" Desperately tried Erza to get out of this uncomfortable reunion. Juvia took of her shoes and asked them to follow her upstairs. To no surprise, were Erza the first one to run up the stairs, leading to their rooms. Both Levy and Lucy couldn't help but to smile awkwardly at Jellal, who stood there confused.

"Erza-san and Levy-san will sleep in room 4." Opening the door for them so they could go in. They laid down their bags and followed after Juvia. "And Lucy-san will probably sleep in room 3.." But the door was already open. The girls looked carefully inside the room. A confused male sat on his bed looking at the girls, who stared at him. He had piercings all over his face, and with long black hair.

"Can I help you girls?"
"Gajeel-kun, Juvia didn't know this was your room." She bowed respectfully to Gajeel who only laughed at her.

"So this is your friends, Juvia?

"Hai!" She pointed over at the girls. "This is Erza-san, Lucy-" Before she could finish introducing them, cut Gajeel her off.

"Bunny girl" Looking at Lucy before his eyes went over to Levy. "And Shrimp."

"...Where came the bunny thing from? Lucy looked down at her clothes, thinking she wore clothes sending the wrong message. Levy was offended of the nickname she already had been given, only after a few seconds. Erza smiled over at her, as her cheeks were burning.

"Be nice Gajeel-kun." Juvia pointed a warning finger. "Juvia will show you your room Lucy-san." Lucy wasn't pleased with the rooms so far, all she wanted was too sleep with one of her friends. "This is Lucy-san's bedroom." She opened the door, who had the number two on it.

"Thank you."

"Juvia will go change now. The girls went to each of their rooms, to pack out their stuff and changed into something more comfortable. After a few minutes were all the girls done.

The new group sat downstairs in the sofa. Sitting there in awkward silence, after a not so good start.

"So-" Gray clapped his hands together, to break the awkward silence in the room. "Should we get something to eat?" Every one agreed to Gray's suggestion. The girls hadn't eaten for a while now, and they were starting to get hungry.

"I'll start with it." Jellal rose up from on of the chairs. Swiftly Lucy sen Erza a devilish look.

"Why don't Erza help you? She's a great cook." Erza instantly gave Lucy a dark glare, making her regret her bold move.

"That would be great." She followed after Jellal into the kitchen, not letting Lucy out of her sight. Lucy melted into the sofa as she was afraid she was going to die.

"Where is Natsu by the way?" Asked Gray curious, not to have seen him since he got back.

"Taking a bath." Answered Gajeel.

"I'm done now." They looked up at the pink haired male approaching them, only in a towel wrapped around his waist. Levy covered her eyes in panic, while Lucy couldn't help but stare.

"Get some clothes on, you're scaring the girls." Nodding over to the little girl.

"That's because you're here." Making Gray laugh at Natsu's comment. Gajeel crossed his arms in annoyance.

"Oh, Natsu." Gray smiled at him. "You have to move your stuff."


"Juvia will sleep there now." Natsu gave Gray's girlfriend an annoyed look, but Juvia only smiled satisfied back at him.

"Why can't she sleep with her friends?" Nodding over to where Lucy and Levy sat.

"You're going to sleep with bunny girl." The girls looked at each other surprised, where these nicknames going to stay?

"Bunny girl?" Natsu looked over at Lucy who started playing with her sweater in embarrassment. "Do you call yourself 'Bunny girl'?" He stared at the blond girl who had red cheeks, with her bangs slightly covering her face.

"NO! It's Lucy!" She waited for him to reply something but he only stared at her, making her uncomfortably.

"Why can't one of the others share room with her, why me?" Lucy felt the annoyance building up in her. This guy would be lucky to share a room with her!

"If he doesn't want to share a room with me, then he should just stay with you two." Lucy directed her attention to over at Gray and Juvia, satisfied at the thought she might have a room for herself. She sat in the corner of the sofa next to Levy, giggling to each other.

"Gray-sama!" Juvia looked angry at Gray, wanting him to do something.

"Forget it, Natsu." Natsu looked over at the blond, who turned away insulted. He sighed before he went upstairs to get his stuff. It didn't take long before Natsu came running back down, still only wearing his towel.


"It's Lucy!"

"What ever. Your stuff is in the way! Did you bring your whole wardrobe!? Lucy rose up with her fists clenched while she walked up the stairs. The others could hear their loud voice arguing down stairs, loud and clear.

"Are you sure about this Juvia?" Asked Levy concerned. Juvia looked up where the two of them were arguing. The girls had planned this from the start. To help Lucy get over, you know who. Juvia were sure of that Natsu and Lucy would be a great fit. But what they didn't know, were that she had fixed all of them up too.

"Time will show, Juvia is sure of-"

"Why did you bring this? What the hell even is this?!" You heard Natsu shout from above. The others couldn't resist not to listen to their conversation.

"That's my comfortable shorts!" Defending her choice of clothing.

"What about this-" The sound of a great force hitting skin, silenced them. Everyone waited impatiently to know what was happening up there. "I might have deserved that." Lucy came storming down the stairs, as she was burning red in her face. Everyone instantly pretended to do something else. But Levy was the only one who gave her a curious look, as she knew exactly what he had held up.

"Not a word Lu-chan!" She stormed into the kitchen. Shortly after came Natsu walking down the stairs with heavy steps. He had a glowing red hand mark on his face.

"I saw a piece of heaven." Said Natsu calmly.

"Lace?" Asked Gajeel seriously.

"A G" Added Natsu


Later that night sat them around the table in the living room. Juvia and Gray sat in the corner of the couch, something that seemed to be their spot. She sat on his lap, while she were whispering in his ear. While Erza and Jellal had found the tone, as they were passionately talking about politics. Gajeel had brought his guitar on the trip, so he played a relaxed song for the others. But that was only after he was forbidden to sing. Levy and Lucy were talking with Gajeel and Natsu, as they were curious about them. Except Lucy, she were completely ignored Natsu.

They had just finished eating the lovely food Jellal and Erza had cooked for them. Lucy had offered her help when she stormed into the kitchen, but she ended up on the counter, while she talked a whole in their heads. They had made a homemade pizza, it was a hit in the group, but especially for Natsu and Gajeel.

"I'll get more booze." Gray lifted his beautiful girlfriend off and went over to the fridge.

After a while came them to the conclusion that they should watch a movie, but they couldn't decide witch one. The boys and Erza wanted to see 'Karate Kid' while the girls wanted to see 'The Ugly Truth'. Of course they ended up with the girls choice of film, who can say no to those girls. Shortly after sat they around the TV, squeezed together. Lucy was skeptical, as she had to sit next to Natsu.

Only a few minutes later, had already Gajeel fallen asleep. Probably of free will. While Lucy and Juvia were exhausted and couldn't keep their eyes up. Gray had kept an eye on them, so he could leave when Juvia fell asleep. Juvia and Lucy laid with their heads against each other.

Gray had his arm around Juvia, but gently moved it, as he pushed Lucy's head with two of his fingers, over to Natsu's chest. Gray smirked at the pink haired male, when he figured out what he had done. To Gray's surprise had Natsu rested his head on top of Lucy's, while he watched the rest of the film. But it didn't take long before he had fallen asleep.

The movie finally ended and half of the group were asleep.

"Good night." Gray lifted Juvia carefully up in his arms, while he carried her up to their room. Levy pushed Gajeel lightly in the side, waking him up. He looked surprised over at Levy, as she pointed over at Natsu and Lucy. As the rest of them went up to bed.

After a few hours later woke Natsu up. He looked around to see where the others was. Looking down at he's watch, to see it was over three am. His gaze fell down on the blond next to him, as she were sleeping peacefully on his chest.

"Lucy?" He gave her a nudge, but no reaction. "Oi." He tried once more, nothing. She was a heavy sleeper and hand no intentions on waking up. Natsu rose up from the couch, making her facepalm down on the sofa cousin.

"What?" Said her with her face faced down, to tired to move.

"Let's go to bed." Reaching out his hand for her to take it. She looked skeptical at him, but then she realized they were the only one left. Lucy grabbed he's hand, letting him pull her up. She didn't realize she was that tired. They walked up to their bedroom. Natsu had stopped and waited for Lucy to go to bed, but she just kept leaning onto him.

"You have to let go off my hand." Lucy hadn't realized she was still holding his hand. She looked down at their hands before she looked back up at him. Her fingers slipped one after one out of his grip.

"Sorry." Embarrassed started Lucy to undress herself, as she was changing into her pajamas. It was dark in the room, but not dark enough for Natsu to get a look at the beauty. He tried not to look at her, but it was hard not to, when the moonlight coming from the window touched her curves. She looked beautiful. To get on other thought, had Natsu to turn around, while he undressed himself. Lucy slowly slipped in underneath their blanket, Natsu had already jumped in. Lying with their backs facing each other. They lay there for a while, not able to sleep.



"Keep your hands to yourself." Said Lucy seriously as she pulled the blanket over at her side. He could only laugh at the blond beauty as he pulled it back to his side.

"I'll try."

"I mean it." She turned around, facing Natsu.

"So do I" He turned towards her and looked into her eyes. He could swear that he could she her blushing in the dark.

"Good night." Said her with a low voice.

"Good night." Natsu kept looking at her until he fell asleep once more.


Well, it's winter.. and my friends birthday! She wanted me to write a story for her, so I did.

So this one is for her! This have been a secret now, for ages.. (proud I manage to keep it from her.) But this story will only have 7 chapters and I will post one for everyday of the holiday. In my country starts the vacation on monday for most people at least. I worked really hard on this, so you better like it!

Happy birthday!

Hope you like it and I would love to hear what you have to say about this story. Look forward to all the smut!
Leave a review and let me know what you think. Or send me a PM if you have any questions.

Have a nice holiday!