Reckless... Or Selfless?

A HttyD Fanfiction


Rated T for Graphic/Detailed Blood and Injury.

Genres are Hurt/Comfort/General

Set in Race to the Edge, mid-Season 2, after Ep.9

Warnings- Head canons, such as the cousin-relationship between Hiccup and Snotlout will be displayed. Also, most likely Hiccstrid later on.


Having a slowly dying person in your arms after being attacked is bad enough. Change the details to, I don't know, maybe a RAPIDLY dying cousin, trapped in an unstable icy cavern with a CANIBALLISTIC dragon, after being ambushed and currently hunted by Dragon Hunters, with ABSOLUTELY no means to call for help? Welcome to Snotlout's amazing weekend.



"OWW! Hookfang?! Hook- Er...Ugh... Hiccup?!"

A voice screeched through the silence, and the sound of ice shards hitting the floor pierced his ears. Snotlout gasped, pain shooting through his arm. As he shifted the last piece of ice off his back, he staggered to his feet, already breaking into a desperate run.

He began to search through the rubble, hoping, praying, he would find...

"Hiccup? Is that you, you reckless idiot?" His remark was barely a whisper, his throat parched, and sore from screaming and calling out. He heard an faint moan, and he rushed forward, spotting a limp hand from under a shard of ice. He rushed over, trying to ignore the obviously broken arm he held to his chest; something told him he got lucky...

Unfortunately, he was proven right. Just as he threw that chunk of ice away, he could tell the arm was broken. In one of the weirdest ways, too.

Trying to push away the rising lump in his throat, he proceeded to remove each piece of ice, one by one, off his cousin's limp body. He occasionally heard a whimper or a moan, but the dark-haired youth was more concerned when he tried to lift off a large one over his body, only to find it was in a rather... Odd angle. Moving to the others, he finally got Hiccup's head free. Luckily, it was a matter of it was just blocked from sight, and nothing actually landed on it. Snotlout couldn't help but heave in relief.

"S-s-sn-n-no-o-o-o-t-tt-l-l-l-o-o-u-ttt?" He chattered, his normally cheery and energetically nasally voice soft and quiet. It shattered his heart, and all he could do was give him a frightened look as he released him from an icy prison-

-Well, not completely.

He could see it clear as day... It was somewhat hard to miss the large ice chunk lodged in his side.

"Oh Thor..." Snotlout whispered, hand hovering just over his gaping mouth. Hiccup looked completely oblivious to it, his expression blank with what Snotlout knew was pain. "Right, right... Hold it together, Snotlout... Ok, Hiccup? No, you're not listening... Oh no... Are you going into hypothermia? Oh no... Oh no no no..."

"SNOTLOUT!" Hiccup snapped, lifting his head slightly. Tears threatened to fall from his eyelids, but he somehow held them back. No point in crying, he told himself roughly. We all die in the end anyway. Hiccup reached up with one hand, shaking as he laid it on the cold ice, gruesomely covered in red blood. His blood.

Hiccup attempted to avoid throwing up, but soon the sense of nausea conquered him and forced him to the side, agony erupting throughput his entire body as he retched.

Snotlout wrinkled his nose, although Hiccup couldn't blame him.

It wasn't exactly a very pretty sight.


"Ok, that's it... There we go, oh, that's disgusting... Right... Better?" Snotlout asked, as Hiccup finally stopped, gratefully resting his head in a very disgusted and concerned Snotlout's lap. He apologised weakly in a tiny voice, as his cousin assured him they would be fine and get out... Which while it sounded amazing, Hiccup knew how slim the chances were he would even survive the next five hours; To get out alive didn't sound exactly promising.

"To-ooth-l-l-less... Tooth... Less. We need... Dragons." Hiccup groaned and gasped, occasionally biting his tongue in a vain attempt to dim the burning pain in every single corner of his body. He swallowed back the bile in his throat, although the taste lingered horribly in his mouth.

Snotlout agreed quietly, looking around. They were trapped in an icy cave, surrounded by spiky walls of strange, turquoise ice. The surface had caved in, trapping them inside with large shards and spikes of ice as big as a dragon scattered everywhere. The cave was rather dark, only light enough to see the walls and the dangerous shards.

He saw absolutely no way to escape, a light source of any kind, or a possible entrance to another cave, or at least something useful... All he saw was ice, blood, and unfortunately, vomit... The cavern's temperature rivalled that of Berk's winters.

He sighed in defeat. "There's nothing here but ice. No means of escape, light, as far as I can see... I have no idea where they are, if they're hurt..."

"Or dead." Hiccup dead panned in a hoarse whisper, crying out in pain when he shifted slightly.

"Whoa... Calm down, come on, work with me here." Snotlout cried, desperate to keep Hiccup as still and calm as possible in his condition.

"Well, I would, gladly in this situation, but as you can clearly see... I can't." Hiccup hissed, eyes narrowing up at the youth. Snotlout cursed under his breath, looking up at the ceiling... No, that was definitely not an option. Even if Toothless was here to shoot the roof, Snotlout was certain the ceiling would wind up collapsing on them all, killing them all- or at least Hiccup... So yeah, that plan was out of the question.

He turned his attention back to the fatally injured young man, wishing he could do more... Or could he?

Obviously, with the giant ice spike pierced through him. He thought bitterly, very tempted to punch himself. He was practically reeking with concern and frustration, made generally from Hiccup's condition and his overall helplessness. And he hated it. What he hated even more, was the horrible feeling that was guilt, resting in his chest. Wasn't he the one who suggested they go together like this...?


The previous night, as everyone else was settling for bed Snotlout and Fishlegs were instead having a heated argument, which in itself, wasn't that strange or uncommon at all.

What was different was their choice of topic- Hiccup. Just because Hiccup and Snotlout were cousins, didn't mean they spent all the time together in a warm light. To be honest, they just looked more like close friends to the naked eye, who didn't really address their relations and hid their real feelings for each other.

The dragon geek was telling Snotlout he should spend more time with his cousin, especially since their leader had no family at all aside from his father his uncle, and Snotlout, everyone aside from the latter being on Berk; so Snotlout was his nearest family member, at least by blood.

Hiccup had been spending the next morning doing nothing, until a certain had come up to him with a surprising request; to spend some quality time together.

Snotlout had been spending the night thinking about his argument with Fishlegs, and wondering if it was true. In the end, he had realised Fishlegs, as much as he hated to admit it, was beyond the description of right.

They both had colliding interests; Snotlout liked fighting and creating or helping with the occasional prank, while Hiccup enjoyed things like blacksmithing, reading or drawing- So they spent the day doing the one thing they both loved. Flying. The dragons were also loving it, especially when they raced across the ocean, and joined one another in a daring free fall. Everything had been perfect, but of course, nothing stayed perfect... Not for long.

It was just then, in that very moment, that Hookfang came to an abrupt halt, nearly crashing into a surprised Toothless. Only moments later, Hookfang was struck by an arrow to the ribs, which accidentally threw Snotlout from the saddle, sending the Dragon Rider hurtling towards the ground. Hiccup and Toothless went diving after him, catching the boy just in the nick of time.

Unfortunately, this left Hookfang fighting to stay aloft, eventually falling into the freezing ocean. He had to fight to overcome the nets in the water, by some miracle escaping the trap.

Meanwhile, Hiccup and Snotlout on Toothless were avoiding nets and arrows of their own, which they soon realised was done by Ryker and the Dragon Hunters. Toothless was soon hit, and sent flying towards the large glacier with his two passengers, and after that, everything was black.


So, ironically, it was Fishlegs who was responsible, but Snotlout had suggested it and chose to offer the day, that was supposed to be fun, that instead turned into a living hell.

Snotlout winced, unable to take his gaze off of the ice shard in his cousin's side, dug in like a knife through butter; He could tell it would likely become infected soon if he didn't do anything. Which he knew translated into death. And who knew what else could be going on there- internal damage was a certain, internal bleeding, nearly impossible to avoid. But that was only the start, he knew. What if his nerves were... No, he couldn't think like that.

Snotlout knew that ice shard couldn't stay there...

But what could he do?



Yeah, so this isn't anything amazing or glorious, but I wanted to start my whole 'Snotlout and Hiccup' trend. It's a topic I feel needs to be explored, a heck of a lot more, and I do believe they are cousins, like in the books... It just makes sense.

So heh. That's it for now, but I really don't know how long this'll go for. Sorry if Snotlout seems a bit OOC, but I'll definitely try my best to be as accurate as can be.

Also, another little notice; I will be doing a One-Shot probably relatively soon, and I think it'll be a well received Humour fic... Hopefully.

