To whom it may concern: One Piece and it's cast are the works of the mangaka Eiichiro Oda. Seeing as I am not he, the only part of this fic that belongs to me is the storyline. Please enjoy, nonetheless.

Thank all of you Luffy x Vivi fans for hanging in there. The romance in this story has been a bit slow for some obvious reasons (ie. They just met, and Luffy is a moron; just saying.)

Hopefully their friendship will develop more in this chapter.


'This island is so cool! There are lots of mystery plants and animals to discover! I can't see why my crew didn't join me on my adventure on this island… They must be weird or something. I mean, who wouldn't want to explore a very cool mystery island?!'

Thoughts like these were quickly running through Luffy's brain. The first two islands of the Grand Line were fun, but they were too… safe for his tastes.

He came to the Grand Line to live his dream, not get involved in boring things that Nami was interested in.

He was pleasantly surprised when Vivi asked to come along on his adventure. He had a feeling that she was a bit more adventurous than she always showed, and he was pleased that he was right.

"Oi Vivi! Look at what I found; a clam-squid!"

Vivi and Carue walked over to where Luffy was.

Vivi looked at the clam-squid in his hands.

"It looks like an ammonite if you ask me… "

Luffy was about to ask what an ammon-thingy was, when a huge crash filled the jungle. They looked in the direction of the crash, and…

… Vivi screamed.

For lo and behold, in front of them in a clearing was a large, long necked herbivorous dinosaur.



Luffy's grin was impossibly huge.

'There are dinosaurs on this island?! That's… so cool!'

Vivi, though rather startled, kept her wits about her.

"The dinosaur… This must be a prehistoric island!

Due to the difficulty of navigating the Grand Line, some islands can practically isolated for years, leading to the development of unique cultures on each island. So it's possible for some islands to be extremely advanced, while others to be in prehistoric times! This kind of marvel is only possible on the Grand Line, due to its seven magnettic fields…

And so this island, Little Garden, is just one of many examples of the perils of the Grand Line… It's an island stuck in the time of the dinosaurs!"

Luffy paid attention to this speech… for about five seconds. Then he had a great idea.

Because Vivi was too busy explaining, she didn't notice him wander off…

… Until she saw him climbing the dinosaur's neck.


Luffy, now atop the dino's head, was looking all around him and enjoying the view of the island.

"Woah! There are volcanoes, and weird looking rocks with holes in 'em! I wanna eat my lunch up here!"

"Get down here Luffy!", Vivi shouted up to him. "It may seem docile, but it's still a dinosaur, remember?!"

"Oi, it's fine! This big guy's just happy eating plants! I bet he hasn't even noticed me ye… "

Suddenly, the dinosaur flipped Luffy off its head and swallowed him whole.


If Vivi hadn't been so terrified, the scene would have doubtlessly been hilarious. As it was, she was too busy worrying about the rather scatterbrained captain.

Then the already weird situation got even weirder. A giant wielding a huge long sword stepped out of the jungle (you'd think someone would've noticed him, but hey, anything can happen in One Piece) and chopped off the dino's head, freeing Luffy. The giant caught Luffy in the palm of his hand before he hit the ground.

"Gegyayayaya!" The giant laughed, "You're a lively one, for being so small!"

Luffy looked at the giant in amazement.

"Man, you're huuuuge! Are you human?!"

This set the giant to laughing his unique laugh again.

"Gegyayayayayaya! I am Dorry, Elbaf's mightiest warrior!"

Meanwhile, down below Carue had fainted and was foaming at the mouth in terror. Vivi was tending to him, and looking up at the giant.

"A giant… I've heard the rumors, but… "

Dorry looked down at them, making Vivi a bit nervous.

"I haven't had guests in many years. Would you folks like to come over to my place?"

"This is really good Mr. Giant!" Luffy said as he ate some dinosaur meat.

"Gegyayaya! Your lunchbox is tasty as well, though it is a bit small!"

"You bet it is! If you had insulted Sanji by saying it was terrible, I would have kicked your butt!"

At this, the giant roared.

"Gegyayayayayaya! You're a funny little one!"

Whilst this was happening, Vivi and Carue were sitting a small distance away and observing the two interact. Carue was taking long draughts from his drink, and Vivi was lost in thought.

'The way they're talking, you'd think that they had been friends for years… '

Vivi sweatdropped as the two idiots burst out into uproarious laughter again.

After their laughing fit, Luffy asked Dorry a question.

"So, do you live here alone, or do you belong to a village?"

"I'm from Elbaf, a land of giants located in the Grand Line.

But in Elbaf, there is a law for warriors. If you have a conflict with another warrior of Elbaf and you cannot settle it peacefully, you and your foe must fight in single combat 'till one of you wins. The winner is the one in the right, seeing as God Elbaf is on the side of the righteous.

I have gotten myself into a quarrel, and because of that, this island is the battleground of me and another warrior of Elbaf. The one in the right will win the duel.

But we've been fighting for 100 years, and there is no clear winner in sight! We're too evenly matched! Gegyayayaya!"

At this last statement, Luffy shouted out in shock.

"You've been fighting for 100 years?!"

"It's nothing to get excited about. Our lifespan is about three times that of a human's."

Vivi took this opportunity to project her thoughts on the matter.

"But why are you still fighting after all this time? Even if you live longer than us, do you even still want to fight anymore?!"

At that moment, a giant volcano erupted in the background. Dorry noticed it and started to get up.

"Welp, looks like it's time to fight again… The volcano is our signal to resume battle… "

Vivi, being the peaceful person that she was, was horrified at the thought and began to object, when Luffy's hand covered her mouth. She was about to object, but Luffy's face had drastically changed from his happy go lucky one to one that was a bit more… mature and serious.

"Don't interrupt. It's not about that anymore… "

Vivi was confused.

'It's not about what anymore?!'

At Luffy's sudden contact, she became a bit flustered, but this also confused her considerably.

The giant picked up his longsword and shield, and turned his back on his new friends.

"That's right… It's all about our self esteem now... "

As he was talking, another giant, somewhat shorter, but wider in girth, stepped out from the dense jungle.

The two giants began to charge at each other, and as they clashed their weapons together, Dorry finished his sentence,

"... For we both have forgotten why we are fighting!"

As they watched this epic duel of giants, Luffy dropped onto the ground, catching Vivi's attention.

"What's wrong, Luffy?", she asked, curious as to his weird behaviour.

"They're just so… big… ", was Luffy's response.

Vivi was somewhat surprised. For once, her and Luffy were thinking of the exact same thing.

(Elsewhere in the Grand Line… )

"Pardon me, Mr. Three?"

This voice belonged to a well mannered woman with a british accent.

A rather bored voice responded.

"What is it? Ah, wait a moment… "

A man wearing glasses was sipping tea under the shade of a large table umbrella.

"Ahhh… When it comes to black tea, nothing beats Earl Gray, no?"

"I'm bored."

This was the first voice. It's owner was a small woman wearing a long skirt and a sun hat, with two small dots on her face, and two pigtails.

The man responded.

"Ahhh… You claim to be bored, yet you hate hard work, no? So you should learn to enjoy your down time while you can, before the boss calls us to active duty again...

And don't call me by my code name in public, Ms. Goldenweek, … "

The man stepped out of the shadow. His hair was somehow braided in a gravity defying '3' shape, and the number '3' was all the way around the rim of his mug.

"... Or people may just find out that I am Mr. 3!"

(and the readers all think, 'no duh, genius… ')

Ms. Goldenweek's only response is,

"Oh really… "

"By the by Ms. Goldenweek, what is that piece of paper that you have been staring at so intently for the past week?"

"Oh, this? Just orders from the boss."

Mr. 3 spat out the tea he was drinking in panic.

"Why the #$*% didn't you tell me?!"

A few minutes and a pot of tea later, Mr. 3 had regained his composure and finished reading the letter from Mr. 0.

"It would seem as though someone has beaten Mr. 5. Bother, if only it had been Mr. 2, then we could have been promoted… Ah, but if it was just Mr. 5, then no big deal… The man who did it was just an overconfident rookie, who will soon be put in his place… by none other than us… "

Mr. 3's eyes became rather twisted looking.

"Come, let's show this man what happens when he messes with our business… "

(Back on Little Garden)

The giants were still fighting. The shorter one said to Dorry:

"Don't you yearn for Elbaf, Dorry?"

"That's exactly why I shall defeat you and go home, Brogy!"

Though they seemed to be enemies in their quarrel, they were both talking and smiling as if they were old friends.

At this point, their weapons had been knocked from their hands, and they ended up up hitting each other in the face simultaneously with their shields.

Before they collapsed, Brogy said,

"73,446 fights…"

And Dorry said,

"And 73,446…"

At this they both fell over and said

"... Draws… "

It was quiet in the clearing caused by their fight, until

Brogy began to laugh his unique laugh.

"Gababababa! Hey Dorry, I've got some rum from my guests (for those of you who don't know about this arc of One Piece, whilst Luffy, Vivi, and Carue were exploring the jungle, Sanji and Zoro decided to have a hunting contest, leaving Nami and Usopp to guard the Merry. During this time, they met Brogy, and he invited them to his cave.), want some?!"

"Excellent! I haven't had rum for so long! Pour me some will ya, Brogy?! Gegyayayaya!"

(Later, at Dorry's cave)

"Gegyayayaya! Say, could Brogy's guests be your crew mates? He said that they were a woman and a man with a long nose."

"Those must be Nami and Usopp.", Luffy said.

"I thought those two made a huge fuss about leaving the ship, so maybe they like adventures after all!"

Vivi was troubled.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but you said earlier that the log pose for this island takes a full year to record. Is that true?"

Dorry's answer made her heart sink.

"Aye, it's true. Notice the skeletons of previous pirate crews all around the island. Most humans who come here end up kicking the bucket before the time is done.

Some are eaten by dinosaurs, some succumb to the heat and hunger. Some even try to kill us. Whatever the case, most end up dead. This island must be too tough for you humans."

Vivi put her head in her hands. When she spoke, her voice trembled.

"What do I do? Even supposing I survive, what would become of Alabasta?"

Luffy was of a like mind.

"Yeah, and spending a year here would be boring too. Isn't there a quicker way?"

"Well I do have an eternal pose, but it's for Elbalf. Seeing as you're not going there, it won't do you any good."

"Yeah, and I wouldn't take it from you, it's your way home, right?"

Luffy said to the giant.

"Gegyayayaya! So why don't you just try your luck and sail ahead?! Who knows, you might get lucky?!"

Luffy began to laugh too.

"Shishishishi! That's a great idea! It might actually work too!"

Then they both started laughing again, causing Vivi to sweatdrop at their antics again.

Then that's when something bad happened.

Dorry took a swig of rum, only to have it blow up in his mouth, stomach and face!

The two humans and a duck shouted (or quacked) in horror and shock.


They ran over to him to make sure that he was still alive.

"Why did the rum explode, wasn't it from our ship, Vivi?!"

"I don't know, the only person I could think of that would have a reason to do it would be the other giant!"

Luffy turned to her with an upset expression.

"C'mon, don't be stupid! Why would someone who's been fighting for 100 years stoop to such crap?!"

A shadow fell over the two arguing humans, and a furious voice interrupted their argument.

"Then… It must have been you two runts…!"

They turned around to see Dorry towering above them with pure wrath on his expression!

Hello again ladies and gentlemen. This is probably been my longest chapter yet, so I am rather pleased with myself. If you enjoyed it, please leave a review, and if not, you are still free to review, so long as you do so with courtesy.

I will be out of town for a few days, so another update may be later than usual. My apologies.

Another thing to note, I may be writing a new story fairly soon, so keep an eye out for it. It will be a One Piece fic, with a Luffy x (someone) couple. I'm open to suggestions, but I won't write for yaoi or Luffy x Nami. Thank you.