Booth stood looking up at the front of the church. It was the church that he had gone to with his grandparents as a child. Where he had received communion. Where he had confessed his sins on a regular basis. Where he had come for the funeral of his beloved Granny. Where he had come with Pops to pray for her for months and months after she had died. And then Pops stopped coming here. And so did he. And now, here he was. Waiting for the hearse that carried his Pops here for one last time.

Brennan stood under the large old oak tree to the side of the entrance to the church. Christine was fidgeting with the buckles on her handbag.

"Christine, please" she said.

"Mommy can we go home now? Can we go for icecream on the way home? Daddy loves icecream. And I love icecream too. Can we get icecream now? Mommy I'm bored" Christine's voice, somewhat whiney.

Brennan sighed. Angela had said that perhaps Christine was too young to go to a funeral. She offered to have Christine come to her house and stay with Michael Vincent and the sitter, but Brennan had insisted that children were never too young to learn about death and the archaic Christian tradition of laying a body to rest. She believed that many native tribes were far more efficient at sending their loved ones to join their ancestors.

"Mommy. Mommy? Mommy. Where's Daddy? Why is Daddy standing over there?" Christine's voice broke through the thoughts in her head. She looked down and sighed, wishing she had listened to Angela.

Angela and Jack were walking across the lawns towards her. She saw them stop and hesitate, then walk over to Booth. Angela hugged his stiff form and Jack stood by nodding, then they walked over to Brennan.

"He's not doing so good is he" Jack said shaking his head.

Angela reached out and hugged Brennan "I'm so sorry sweetie. But Pops wasn't in pain, right? We haven't had a chance to talk to you properly"

Booth and Brennan had only been home for a couple of days and hadn't really spoken to anyone. They spent the few days straight after Pops death, arranging his funeral and finalising things with the nursing home. They donated his furniture and clothing. Booth had kept his photo's and a few little personal things. The rest was disposed of.

Brennan shook her head "No. He wasn't conscious. It was fairly text book. And Pops was old." she said.

Angela stared at her friend, frowning for a moment. "Well, anyway. Booth is lucky that you were with him. I wouldn't think that he took it very well. So, is Jared coming?" she asked.

"Oh no. And don't mention him to Booth please." Brennan answered, shaking her head. "Booth tried calling, but of course, you know Jared. He never answered the phone. Or any of the text messages he sent to him. He's had four days to get in touch, but nothing. I'm fairly confident that if he turns up now? Booth will grab him by the collar and literally drag him out of the church and throw him into the street.

Angela tried not to smile. Jack laughed out loud, lightening the uncomfortable mood. "I'd actually pay money to see that" he said.

"Jack!" Angela admonished him.

"The hearse is here" Brennan said solemnly, making Angela and Jack turn around. Booth was walking towards them.

"Uh. Jack. I know it's kind of late notice. But, uh. Would you?" Booth stammered and pointed towards the hearse.

"Sure. Sure Booth! I'd be honoured" Jack said, following Booth to the back of the hearse where the coffin holding Pops had been slid out onto a chrome stand. It was cherry wood. Deeply polished with shiny brass handles along the side. One of the funeral directors was laying wreaths of fresh flowers on the lid.

Booth, Jack, Aubrey and three senior members of the church stood either side of the coffin and gently, reverently lifted it from the stand and began slowly walking towards the church doors.

Brennan sat next to Booth, close enough to, but not touching. She had one hand on Christine's leg, hoping to keep her still. Christine had a bag of activities next to her. Colouring books and pencils, a story book, and some snacks.

Booth was like stone. Staring straight ahead at the coffin. The lid was closed. The young priest had suggested that they have an open coffin so that members of the congregation could come and pay their respects. Booth said no. Pops had not been to the church for at least twenty years. Probably more. Nobody in the congregation would even know who he was. So it remained closed. Giving Pops both dignity and privacy. Plus, Booth didn't want to see him again. Not like this.

Brennan was acutely aware of everything around her. The smell of candles burning. The scent of the flowers on the coffin. The sounds of feet shuffling and murmuring voices. The colours of the stained glass windows. She watched microscopic particles of dust dancing in the rays of coloured light that were coming down from the windows. She breathed in deeply and closed her eyes, slowly exhaling. She felt Booth's fingers slide across her leg and entwine with the fingers of her hand resting on her knee.

She opened her eyes and turned her head slightly and looked into the deep, dark pools that were his eyes. They were shining with unfallen tears. She licked her lips and blinked. His head dipped and he kissed her lips, long, slow, gentle. Then he sat up straight and stared at the coffin.


"shhh Christine. You need to whisper" Brennan whispered to Christine.

"But Mommy"

"Christine" Brennan leaned down and whispered "Please."

"I need to pee Mommy!" Christine's voice pierced the heavy silence of the church.

Brennan sat up and stared at Booth, who was looking at his daughter. The corner of his mouth twitched. Angela started giggling. Jack started giggling through his fist, his eyes filling up with tears. Brennan turned around and half the people behind them were trying not to laugh.

Christine stood up and started jigging up and down "Mommy. Pee!" she cried out.

Booth began to laugh. It was deep in his chest, and worked it's way up to his throat and then he began to bellow. Really laughing. Out loud.

"Booth" Brennan said, her face red with embarrassment.

"It's fine. Pops would be laughing right now. Go. Take her to the toilet. Pops isn't going anywhere" he laughed.

Booth stood up and turned around "Sorry everyone. Put when you gotta go, you gotta go" he said, his mouth turned up at the corners, his teeth, large and white showing.

Brennan grabbed Christine by the hand and quickly pulled her along the aisle and went out to the toilet block that was around the side of the church. When she came back inside, Booth was standing up talking to the priest. He was young. Younger than Booth. They were laughing. She looked around. People were chatting, smiling and laughing. She walked back down the aisle, feeling self-conscious as people smiled at her and said hello to Christine. They took their seats at the front and she smiled at Booth mouthing Sorry

Booth remained standing and stared at the congregation for a moment then stepped over to the podium and cleared his throat, speaking into the microphone.

"Hello? Uh Hi. Hi. Thanks. Thanks for coming to say goodbye to my grandfather. Henry Joseph Booth. Although his friends all called him Hank. I called him Pops. So for today, I'm going to be referring to him as Pops. I had a thing all written out " Booth waved around several sheets of paper, then screwed them up and shoved them down into his pocket.

"Pops always told me to speak from the heart. That's what I'm going to do. Pops was born in 1930. Only son of Rose and Bert Booth. Sadly none of his siblings are living. He was a Korean War veteran and served in the military police and the 82nd Airborne Division, which was what influenced me to walk that path myself, actually. Pops was a huge influence in my life. He basically saved my brother and I. We had a bit of a bad childhood. Our father Edwin, Pops only child, was a bit of a dick" he turned to the priest "Sorry Father. He wasn't exactly a great father. Thankfully Pops and Granny took us in and looked after us. He taught us everything. How to use a hammer and nails without smashing our thumbs. He taught me how to do simple household repairs. He taught me how to cook. Seriously, the man made the best grilled cheese in the world. Bones. Uh, my wife Temperance can attest to that" he said pointing to Brennan who waved and nodded.

"Pops taught me to be a good father. My son Parker, couldn't be here today as he lives in England. I know he would want to be here, but he was just out here recently when Bones, Temperance and I got married, so" he turned and looked at the coffin "Sorry Pops. I know Parker would have wanted you to know that he loved you, and you were the best grandfather. Well, great grandfather actually, to him and to our daughter Christine."

He looked back at the sea of faces. Max was there. And his mother Marianne had even put in an appearance with her husband. There were people from the FBI including Aubrey. Cam, Jack and Angela, Daisy, Jessica, Arastoo and even Clark, Wendell and Rodolfo were there from the Jeffersonian. His gaze stopped on Caroline Julian, and smiled at her. She had been a rock for him over the years he had worked with her. So many people, who had met and known his grandfather. The one face that was missing was Jared. Booth wanted to be mad at him, but all he felt was regret that his younger brother couldn't be bothered acknowledging the passing of the man that had raised him. His loss he thought to himself It's his loss Pops, and I know you won't agree with me, but I'm not going to contact him again. The ball's in his court now

Booth smiled out at everyone and took a deep breath.

"Pops was a good man. He was honest. He was caring. And he was wise. So wise." He shook his head and looked over at Brennan, grinning. " My wife told me about something Pops once said to her. Way back before we even thought we would get together. He knew. He knew we would, long before it occurred to either of us" he laughed and shook his head. "He said 'Everyone needs someone. Don't be scared. It all goes by so fast, and you don't want any regrets.' And he was, and is, right. Life is short. We all need to be brave and do everything. Take chances and don't be scared to try. So, I just want to say thank you Pops. Thanks for raising me. For loving me. For being there for me whenever I needed you. I love you. I miss you. I will always think of you and smile. I'll say again, what I said to you when I left the hospital. Goodbye old man"

Booth stood at the door of the church with Brennan by his side. Christine went outside with Jack and Angela. They smiled and shook hands with people they've never met and thanked them for coming. Finally the priest came up and shook Booth's hand. "You know I did know your grandfather. I wasn't a priest back then of course. I was an altar boy. But I knew him and your grandmother. She used to bake cookies and cakes for our bake sales. Her cinnamon cookies were the best I've ever eaten. Even today, I've never had a better cookie. He will be missed Seeley. But he is in the arms of God and his beautiful wife now. He is with his parents and his sisters. He is safe and warm and healthy. God bless and keep you and your family" he said, and nodded and turned and walked back into the silence of the church.

Booth stood with Brennan for a few moments looking up at the sky. "Do you think he saw? Do you think he'd be proud of me? "

Brennan grabbed his arm and pulled it, forcing him to look down at her "Of course he was proud of you Booth! He loved you so much. I don't really understand your belief that people become some sort of higher being, who watch their loved ones from above. Although, I will say that dream I had when I was shot was quite realistic, and it did give me comfort, so I'll say, if you believe he is watching you? Then that's what matters. It gives you comfort and it makes you happy. Then that makes me happy." she said.

Booth nodded and smiled. He looked around and held out his arms "Christine! Come on." he called out.

Christine came skipping over with Angela and Hodgins in tow.

"We're going to go to the local tavern down the road from the nursing home. Pops and I used to go there when I came to visit him. We've just arranged some finger food and drinks for a sort of informal get together with anyone who wants to come" Booth said to them. He walked over to their group of friends that had come and told them about the get together, then headed back to Brennan and Christine.

"Well. Let's go. I need to raise a glass for Pops. Then, I'll be satisfied that I've done my best for him" Booth said.

Brennan strapped Christine into her car seat and stood up, looking at Booth over the roof of the car.

He noticed her just staring "What?" he asked.

"Nothing. I just hope that our children will love and admire us as much as you do Pops. I'm proud of you Booth. Pops couldn't have asked for anyone better to be his grandson." she said.

"It wasn't hard Bones. He was easy to love" Booth said, smiling and then getting into the drivers seat.

Brennan stood there for a moment longer "So are you Booth. So are you"