Disclaimer: I don't own anything. If I did then people in glee wouldn't make Grant the bad guy (even though he is super good at it x3)

Summary: What would happen if McKinley (New Direction) and Dalton (Warblers) have to have their school reunion at the same place? The location is Central City, the home of The Flash. What makes matters worse, during this trip a certain journalist from City Central is there to interview them? What is Barry Allen- or Sebastian Smythe going to do?!

A/N: Just to inform some of you guys, there is a little mention of Oliver. And if you see any mistakes, please inform me, I don't mind and I love all the support.

Last time

They soon pulled out of their group hug and said goodbye. Right before they left Gitters, Blaine stopped and turned towards Barry. "Hey," he said getting Barry's attention. "12 o'clock, remember?"

"I'll never forget, Killer."

The next morning Barry opened his eyes and was met with two very familiar faces.

"Are you awake yet, sleeping beauty?" The taller figure asked.

Barry groaned, pushing his head further into his pillow, wishing for the two to leave. Let's just say that his wish was not granted. "No, no, no. It's time to wake up. You said you would be at Jitters by somewhere round 12, but it is already two o'clock." The smaller one argued.

But Barry didn't move, so the two tried another way of waking him. Walking out of Barry's room, the two headed downstairs and made their way to Iris.

"Hey guys. Is everything alright?" She asked.

"No." Blaine replied. "We can't get him up, and we were wondering if you could help us?"

"Sure!" She answered smiling brightly. "Just give me one minute."

She walked outside the house and went into the shed. Searching through the shed for a couple minutes, she found what she was looking for and made her way back into the house. As she walked in, the boys noticed that in her hands was a bucket.

"Um, why do you have a bucket?"

Iris rolled her eyes. "Well, Kurt, sometimes no matter what I would do Barry wound just not wake up, so I resorted to this."

"Oh, ok. And what is this?"

Ignoring Kurt's question, Iris entered the kitchen and went to the sink. Lifting the bucket into the sink, she turned the tap to the cold water on, filling up the bucket.

As the bucket finished filling with water, Iris lifted it and started to make her way upstairs. "Well? Are you two coming?" She asked Blaine and Kurt.

"Sure." They both replied, follow in her up the stairs. Opening the door to Barry's room, they carefully walked towards the sleeping brunette.

"On three," She whispered.



"BARTHOLOMEW HENRY ALLEN! WAKE UP" Iris yelled pouring the bucket on Barry.

"AHHH, IRIS! WHY?" Barry yelled, now awake and off the bed. Shaking his wet hair, he noticed that his bed and clothes were now soaking wet. "Iris," he whined. "Now I have to clean everything."

Laughing at Barry's reaction, she shook her head. "I'll deal with the bed; you deal with getting changed and these two." She said, pointing to Kurt and Blaine who were trying to hide their laughter.

"I'll leave you to change," she said exiting the room.

Barry shivered as he walked into the bathroom to dry and change.

"So," Blaine said at the other side of the door. "How come you slept until now?"

"I had some…work problems" Barry answered slowly. It was the truth, he did have work problems. Just no CCPD related work.

"So…How come you went by a different name?" Kurt asked.

Barry slowly opened the door as he finished dressing. "Let's say that that topic is a touchy subject for me," he whispered sadly, while stepping out, hoping that Kurt would not ask any more questions about his past. Barry was now dressed in light denim jeans, black converse, and a white t-shirt that is covered by his 'Star Labs' jumper.

"What is Star Labs?" Blaine questioned.

His once frown turned upside down as Star Labs was mentioned. "I'll tell you on the way to Jitters. Like you said, the guys have been waiting for hours." Barry replied, pulling the two down the stairs and out the house.

As they walked, Blaine and Kurt started to learn a lot more of Barry, in a good way.

"Wait, wait, wait a minute! So you're telling us that you- the smirky, confident, sly boy of Dalton- is a science nerd?" Kurt asked astonished.

The three laughed as they made their way to Jitters. "Yeah, dancing and singing is great, but I'd pick science over it any day. Also, dancing and singing is not something people normally see Barry Allen doing, normally it would be falling down the stairs or exploding a room."

"Oi!" A bunch of voices shouted as they entered Jitters. Turning their gaze towards the voices, they are met with the biggest group in Jitters. What made Barry feel scared was that some of the New Directions were also here. Right in front of him were all the guys, along with Santana, Finn, Noah and Mercedes.

Seeing that Barry was a bit frozen, Blaine took hold of his wrist and pulled him towards the group with Kurt beside him. "What's wrong Meerkat?" Santana said smugly. "Sebastian Smythe lost his confidence."

But Barry did not answer back, he just kept quiet. While pretending to be Sebastian, Barry did things he would regret for the rest of his life. There he was running away from bullies, only to become one.

"Smythe?" She questioned, still waiting for an answer.

"So," Kurt said loudly, breaking the silence and drawing the attention away from Barry. "How did you guys not get kicked got yet? This is one of the biggest groups for a coffee shop."

"Eh, we asked the owners." Noah said, sipping his coffee in hands.

"So, they just let you in because you asked nicely?" Barry asked quietly, surprising most of the New Directions by his attitude change.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because I've lived here long enough to know that Jitters would not let a big bunch of random people to stay hours, taking up nearly half of their space."

Noah chuckled. "Well, caught me there. We did ask, but in order for them to agree we had to add a couple greens. "

"Meaning you bribed them?"


Silence again took over the group; all that could be heard was the customer's conversations. Noticing the awkwardness between them all, Thad cleared his throat and got their attention. "So, what is that you're wearing," he asked pointing his finger at Barry.

Looking confused, Barry looked towards where he was pointing; the Star Labs jumper. "What? This thing?" he asked pulling at his jumper.

Right before Barry could say a word, Kurt answered for him. "Oh, that's his Star Labs jumper; obviously. Star Labs is the place that helped Barry when the hospital didn't have the right equipment to stabilize him after getting struck by lightning."

"Hold up! You're telling us that Meerkat survived being struck by lightning? Is this a joke?"

"I wish," Barry said giving a sad chuckle. "I went into a coma, woke up around nine months later and everything was like a whole new world."

"They helped you though right?" Trent asked worriedly.

"Yeah, they helped me so much." 'In more than one way,' Barry thought. Without Cisco, Caitlin and Dr Wells' help, Barry would have died or got hurt too many times to count. Lost in thought, Barry didn't notice that Nick and Jeff were out their seats and creeping behind his back.

"Barry-poo, wake up" They yelled, scaring Barry who fell out his seat. Glaring at the two Warblers as the group chuckled, Barry lifted himself off the floor and back onto his seat.

"Screw you guys." He said frowning.

"Not that they wouldn't mind" Kurt said, laughing at the two arguing. "-But I think that you have your eyes on a certain dark haired girl."

"Who? Iris? NO, no, God no. Iris is like my sister, partially is after everything we've been through. Anyways, I am already dating someone." Barry argued.

"Oh," Thad exclaimed as everyone started to notice the bush that was appearing across Barry's face. "And who is this someone?"

"It's just- just someone alright!" Barry said as his blush started to turn a darker shade.

"Will you at least answer some of my questions, twink?" Santana said, more as a statement than a question.

Knowing there was no way to get past this he agreed. "Fine, what questions?"

"Are they male or female? Name? Tall or short? Attractive? Smart or dumb? Rich or poor? Romantic or awkward? Where do they come from? And lastly…well, that all of them for now."

"Um, ok… Uh, they are a male, his name is Oliver. He is kind of tall, and of course he attractive. He is intelligent and I guess he can be romantic but he is kind of new to this "dating way," as am I, and he is from Starling City." Barry answered feeling awkward how he is explaining his love him.

"You missed a question." Finn stated.

Barry sighed. "I don't care about his money; all I want is to be with him."

Kurt smiled, liking how Barry acts as him real self. "Well, that's glad to hear. So how did you guys first meet?"

"Oh, well," Barry laughed nervously. "Funny story. Um, I went over to Starling because I wanted to investigate a bit more on a certain topic and…bumped into him."

"Oliver, huh? What is his last name?" Brock questioned smirking. Barry started to feel a bit freaked when Santana and Noah also looked at each other and smirked.

"By any chance," Santana moved out of her seat and closer to Barry, who tried drinking a coffee from the table to distract himself. "This Oliver doesn't happen to be Oliver Queen, does it?"

Barry choked on the coffee, as the other laughed as they got the answer to the question.

"Wha- why do you think that?"

Surprisingly it was Finn who answered. "Well, dude, you said that he is from Starling, his name is Oliver, that he is not the best with relationship, and you didn't want to mention if he was rich or not."

"So…are you guys exited for the reunion?" Nick asked, changing the conversation once again.

"Because we are." Jeff said.

"Well, I am. If they didn't get that mix up, we wouldn't even be here, getting to know each other properly," Kurt replied.

"Hey, Barry?"

"Yes, Kurt?"

"Remember when you were talking about Star Labs?"

"Yes, I remember, considering that it was not long ago. Why?" Barry asked starting to tilt his head.

"Do you think we could ever…you know- go and check it out?"

"Like a tour?" Blaine asked.

"Uh, I guess so but I need to check with them because it is not as good as it used to be, you know?"

Soon enough, Barry excused himself from the group and started to call Caitlin.

Bring. Bring. Bring.

Finally after the third ring, the call was picked up.

"Hey, Caitlin? Can I ask you something?"

END A/N: Hey, sorry about the character being really out of character, but I'm trying my best. Thanks for everyone's reviews so far and thanks to Angel of Darkness and to the resent guest for the ideas, I will try to add them in soon. So, to sum up; thank you all xxx

Last edited on 03/05/16 after finding a few problems. So sorry if you got exited for ch5. But don't worry it will be out maybe in a week or two as I have tests and then work experience.