The Rogues were all strolling through the Central City Shopping Mall. After a job gone wrong, tensions had been building up at the base. Captain Cold had figured it would be in everyone's best intentions if they all got out of the house for a little bit. Just to cool their heads. He had handed each Rogue a 50 dollar bill and given specific instructions not to steal. One of his teammates getting arrested for pickpocketing after barely escaping a bank robbery would not put Len in a good mood.

The moment they had arrived in the parking lot, the team had split. Roy headed to the art store, Hartley to the music store, Lisa to some clothing shop, and Mick and Digger to the food court. Leonard assumed Evan and Axel had gone off to some toy store or whatnot. He had just decided to wander around and window shop for a new parka.

Suddenly, Len saw a streak of blonde hair run towards him. It was Axel, and from the looks of it, he wanted something.

"Hey Cold," the kid sputtered, out of breath. He spoke quickly. "I know you only gave us 50 bucks, but there's this new video game that just came out, and it costs 60. I only need 10 more dollars. Could you spare me a little more cash?"

Leonard shook his head. "You got your cut Axel. I'm not wasting money just so you can get another one of those M rated zombie games."

Trickster put on his best puppy dog face. Len was pretty sure he had gotten lessons from Lisa. "Pllleeaassee! I could have just swiped it, but I remembered your rules, and it's just ten more bucks. I promise I'll pay you back, and I'll do the dishes for a month without complaining."

With a sigh, Captain Cold reached into his pocket and handed the teen his 50. He added, "You can keep the change. Just try to do something smart with some of it."

Axel smiled in delight. He jumped up and down. He hugged Len with a tight squeeze. "Thanks Dad."

For a moment everything seemed okay. Then Axel's words and actions dawned on them.

"Cc..Cold. I meant Captain Cold," the boy stuttered, quickly letting go. Before Len could say anything, Trickster had run off in embarrassment. Leonard just stood in shock.

Ten minutes later, Pied Piper walked up. "Hey, there's this really nice instrument that's just a tad bit out of my price range. I heard you gave Axel more cash. Could I have some extra money too?"

Snart shook his head. "I am way too old for this."