This is a test story...I really enjoy writing this, and I'd like some feedback from other readers. Be kind...or not. Tell me what you think! I have been so focused on An Unexpected Fate, but I wanted to try something new.

Chapter 1

When all hell broke lose in New York, I was sitting in my apartment, not to far from where the fight was happening. News reporters were still crazy enough to go into the devastation and document what was happening. I was sort of familiar with what was going on, and that was only because I knew one of the people who were fighting. Iron Man, or as he's truly called, Tony Stark had found me a long time ago at a charity party. Over time, I was lucky enough to get to know him. As I thought about it, I wasn't sure if I really was lucky to know him. The man could be a real pain.

I remember when Thor came to earth, and no one could forget the Hulk. Captain America had made the news for ages when they had found him. His story had been an interesting one to follow. As for the others, I was not too familiar with. Pulling my knees up to my chest, I glared at the TV as a leviathan came out of the huge wormhole that Loki, Thor's brother had opened up in the sky. Sighing, I went to turn off the TV when my phone rang. Grunting in irritation, I picked it up and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked bluntly.

"You know...I was just thinking. Now would be a great time for you to show up."

Tony's voice echoed clearly in the speaker, even though he was out there battling. I sighed, and ran a hand through my hair.

"No," I answered quietly. "I'm sorry."

"Oh come on, Kayden! You have something we need!"

"Yea, and when people find out what I am, then I'm screwed, Tony!" I snapped back, glaring at the TV. "I'm not risking my life for you humans."

"You are being unreasonable. I'm handing you over to the Captain," Tony snorted.

"" I trailed off when a new voice came onto the phone a few seconds later.

"I take it I'm talking to Kayden?"

"Yes, and who am I talking to?" I answered cautiously.

"Captain Steve Rogers," he answered. "Quick version. Tony told me who and what you are...and I'll be honest, we could really use the help out here, ma'am. You have my word that we'll keep you safe. It's a war zone out here...people are dying. I only hope you can make the right decision and make it fast."

Without letting me reply, he hung up on me. I almost crushed my phone when I looked back at the TV. It was showing footage of the so called Avengers fighting off whatever alien that they came into contact with. I sat there in silence for about five minutes, and made a life changing decision. Getting to my feet, I broke my phone in my anger, and then went to the roof of my building. They had no idea what they were asking of me, but when I turned toward where the wormhole was, I saw just how awful it was. It was also getting closer to my own home. If I sat here for much longer, this building was going to be a pile of rubble.

" we go..."

Closing my eyes, I brought out the beast in me and pushed my body to transform. Jumping into the air, I felt the wings spring from my back and I changed. When it was over, I was no longer human. Scales covered my entire body, and claws had replaced my fingers and toes. A long tail whipped to the side, and strong jaws snapped shut from the light pain that had my body aching. Spreading my black wings wide, I focused on the task at hand and flew toward the fight. They wanted to bring a dragon to the fight, so here I was.

I watched as a leviathan exited the wormhole and roared its arrival. Sizing it up I rumbled, seeing that the monster was much bigger than I was. I couldn't do much talking, because I considered myself a monster as well. Opening my mouth, I roared and the sound caused many of the alien creatures to pause in surprise. Knowing from this point that I was screwed, I decided to tap into the rage. They were attacking my home, and they had to die. My fire would be the most help in this. I had no idea where these creatures had come from, but they had to go.

The leviathan turned at my roar, and opened its own mouth to return my challenge. I lifted up slightly and took a breath as I felt the fire gather in my belly. As the creature's mouth opened again, I let loose a tongue of flame and listened as the huge beast choked in agony. Raising my claws, and dug them into the armor and to the flesh underneath and ripped into it. Not terribly long after that, my enemy was dead. Pumping my wings again, I soared into the air, and approached the wormhole when someone came to my side.

"About time!" Tony shouted. "Hulk found Loki and we are trying to close the portal. Can you aim your fire at the portal?"

Tilting my head, I lifted my lip to show my teeth, which were much more impressive than his little suit. Iron Man waved and bolted off. Making my way down through the buildings without hitting anything, I watched three of the Avengers battling on the ground and trying to save civilians. Opening my mouth I roared, causing the enemies to pause. It gave all three of them time to kill the aliens. Expertly using my tail, I killed a whole line of them as I pulled up toward the wormhole again.

Opening my mouth, I let fire spew everywhere and had to go after another leviathan. This time I wasn't so lucky, and didn't escape unharmed. It had bitten me on the back and thrown me into a building before Thor had managed to kill it. The roar of pain that had left my mouth when I had been in the leviathan's grip, had made the Hulk screech in fury. I hit the ground, close to where the others were and managed to crush several aliens underneath me. Blowing hot air through my nostrils, I slowly pushed myself up when I noticed Captain America coming over. He was followed by another guy, and Thor himself.

"Great timing, I think you managed to kill way more than we have," he panted, sounding exhausted.

I lifted my lip a little, and gave a deep rumble as I tried to find my voice. "Yea well, going up against a leviathan that bites back isn't something I'd recommend," I sighed. "You must be Steve."

"I am. And I gave you my word. We'll make sure you are kept safe," he nodded. "This is Hawkeye, and Thor. Guys, this is Kayden."

"Pleasure," Thor nodded.

"I wish I could do that," Hawkeye muttered, in good humor.

Baring my teeth in a smile, I focused a red eye on them, and then lifted up when I heard another roar. They had to break from me when more of the aliens swarmed forward and I growled. Pushing myself to my feet, I kept my wings folded until I was able to leap back into the air. My back was screaming in pain, but I was still able to kill the monster in front of me. The weapons they were using burned painfully into my already injured back.

Snarling, I lasted about fifteen more minutes in the air before I decided to make my way back to the others that were still battling on the ground. They were going to start failing soon, I could see the exhaustion wearing on their bodies. The amount of damage I had taken so quickly wore me down, but I was a dragon. I was made to fight like this. Landing behind them, I lifted my head as fire gathered and I let it go, burning through at least twenty aliens.

"Thanks," Hawkeye panted, catching his breath.

Something came over the com that connected the Avengers to one another, and Steve swung around with his finger to his ear.

"Great! Do it!"

Focusing, I listened in on their conversation when I lowered my head while keeping the enemies at bay.

"No, wait," Tony answered.

"Stark, these things keep coming!"

"I got a nuke coming in. It is gonna blow in less than a minute," he answered plainly, obviously focused on something. "And I know just where to put it."

I snapped my jaws shut, making a loud sound and lifted my head to see if I could spot them. Moving my body, I created a protective circle around Thor, Hawkeye and Rogers. Shortly after that was said, Iron Man shot past us carrying the missile. Everything in my body coiled up, and I hissed. A hand touched my scales, catching my attention so I glanced down.

"No," Thor shook his head quietly. "There is nothing you can do."

A last blast of gunfire showered down on my back and neck as I watched Iron Man go up into the portal and I roared loudly. I wasn't sure if it was in pain or from anger, but fire shot from my mouth and onto the enemy. A few minutes later, we watched as the aliens dropped to the ground and the last leviathan fell, landing on several buildings. It was such a quick end, that we knew that Tony had achieved whatever he had needed to do. Lifting my head, I watched as the portal closed and just as it did, a small body escaped. I felt myself relax a little when I noticed it was Tony, and then I tensed. He didn't appear to be moving.

"He's not slowing down," Thor stated, his voiced filled with concern.

He began to spin his hammer, when the Hulk suddenly launched out of no where and caught him. The speed of his descent threw him to a building, and then they launched to the ground nearby. As everyone ran to see if he was alive, I used that time to transform back into human. My wounds had scabbed over, so when I was finally human they were just a little bloody. The fabric of my shirt hurt, and I blinked several times at the pain. It had been a long time since I had hurt this much, so I sat down on the hood of a destroyed car. A sudden roar from the Hulk had me jumping, and Tony gasped suddenly. My shoulders dropped, glad to see that he was alive.

"Oh god...can we just...not come in tomorrow?" Tony gasped.

"We're not done yet," Thor sighed.

He reached forward and helped Tony to his feet, trying to be gentle. Tony slowly turned and looked at me, smiling slightly when he saw me. He walked over, so I slowly got up to face him. He gave me a half smile, and reached out and touched my shoulder gently in greeting.

"Glad you decided to show up," he smirked.

"Mmhmm," I sighed. "I'm glad you're okay."

"Yea well," he shrugged. "I'm starving."

I laughed, and we walked back over to the others. The Hulk regarded me quietly, staring at me for so long that I was surprised his eyes didn't water. I stared back at him after a moment, and didn't shrink back when he came forward. His expression changed a little, to a bit of amusement and he nodded his head. He must have accepted that I was someone not to kill, and that he liked me. I wasn't sure how I felt about that.

"Well met to you too," I hummed softly, and he grunted in agreement.

Tony stood behind me, and I felt his metal hand brush my back and instantly I shuddered and fangs formed in my mouth. Turning to him, I glared at him for a moment and he gave me a look.

"Ow," I growled.

"You...should get that looked at," Tony shrugged.

I glared at him for a long moment, and fell silent when Rogers stepped forward. "All right, let's get this over with," he sighed.

We headed toward Stark tower, where I was assuming Loki was at. They took care of him as quickly as possible. I was introduced to everyone thanks to Tony. Natasha was Hawkeye's partner and she smiled at me.

"So you were the dragon flying around?" she asked.

"That was me," I nodded.

"That's pretty sweet."

"Ok, Shawarma?" Tony asked, as he got out of his suit.

"What the hell is that?" Natasha asked.

"I don't know, but it's food and I want to try it..." he nodded.

He went and found some new clothes for the Hulk and himself while we were left to wait for them. I grabbed a chair that was still whole and sat down. Footsteps caught my attention and I glanced up to see who was coming over. Steve crouched down in front of me and reached out to pat my knee.

"Where are you going after this?" he asked.

"That's a good question, because I'm sure I destroyed my apartment," I answered. "Not on purpose..."

"All right, well you stick with me then," he nodded quietly.

"That's very kind of you...but..."

"Nope, you've got no choice," Rogers shook his head. "How is your back?"

"It'll be fine," I answered softly. "I heal much faster than you humans do."

"Noted," he nodded, glancing at the cuts that were now gone on my face.

"Ok, food please," Tony whined.

The encounter with the Avengers in New York drew me into their world. I had no other choice after the attack, and soon found myself doing something I had never thought I'd do. Aligning myself with humans.