Disclaimer: Stargate SG1 isn't mine, I'm just borrowing it for my own funsies.

Post Moebius Part II [end season 8]

Any reviews appreciated. I'm shameless, I know (= [s/j!]

I'm also a shameless Sam/Jack shipper.


Enjoy, friends!


So they'd saved the earth and apparently the timeline has been repaired. Again.

And finally, at long last, Jack's team was coming to his cabin for fishing. All three of them, his favorite people in the universe.

Jack found himself humming even as he flipped on his favorite classical music station on the enormous radio on his back deck. It always surprised people that he liked classical. He found it soothing; and it kept them guessing about him. He liked rhat too. Smoke rose from the barbecue as he poked and prodded at the steaks.

"Hellooo?" His absolute favorite person called as she rounded the side of the house.

"Come on back, Carter!" Jack called out, not bothering to temper the grin that had spread across his face at hearing her voice. He took a swig of his beer and then held it up in greeting to her. "Have lunch yet?"

"Oh, uh, no... sir," she said hesitantly, eyeing the very well done meat dubiously. He snorted in reponse.

"You can put that in the fridge till Danny and T get here," he added, nodding to the Tupperware she carried. "And help youself to any drink you want."

"Thank you, sir," she said with a brilliant smile. "I will."

She nodded and headed in through the open back door. Jack twisted the tongs nervously in one hand for a moment. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt so nervous. Maybe when the head-sucking Ancient head-sucker had sucked his head and he thought he was going to die for real this time? No. This was more nerve-wracking.

But at last, this was his chance.

Jack dropped the tongs and abandoned his beer and hurried in after her. She had just grabbed a beer and settled the container into the fridge when he walked in. She turned.

"Sir!" She said with a slight jump. "I didn't even hear you. She deftly popped the lid off her beer and took a quick sip of it, watching him.

Jack stood frozen on the spot watching her in return. Her eyes flicked away, then back to him.

"Colonel... is everything okay?"

"Jack," he said stupidly. Her lips parted slightly in surprise and question.

"Sorry?" She asked, uncomprehending.

"Carter - Samantha," he said with a wicked grin. For such a genius, it seemed to take her forever to grasp some things. Again, the questioning eye flick away and back, as though seeking an answer to why her CO had just gone wacko. "I have to tell you-"

"Hello!? Jack! Sam?" Daniel called out from somewhere between the front and side doors. "We're here!"


Jack was going to murder his friend; he knew plenty of places in the galaxy he could dispose of the body, too. Daniel had the worst possible timing in the history of the universe.
