Merlin: Oh I see why you wrote the third chapter now!

Me: Yup *popping the 'p' sound a bit more* well now you know how you and Edeline are bonded to each other.

Gwen: So... what happens now?

Morgana: *side eyes me* Yeah, what happens now?

Me: Well the rest will be revealed through time. *Arthur struts into the room then directs himself to me* Yes?

Arthur: Well, obviously you're going to give the readers a coronation chapter seeing that you just made Edeline heir to a throne! The people want to read this! Also, they want to know what Jayden did in his final moment.

Me: *looking at Arthur dubiously* The readers or you, cabbage head? Look that's why I am here for the new chapter! Edeline isn't with us again she had to attend urgent matters but she'll be back next time *sees Merlin sulk a bit 'Oh for pity's sake she'll be back Merlin!'* Anyways thank you to all who have thus far read and commented on the story I truly appreciate it! So on with the story!

Merlin: Please comment and review and I hope you all enjoy this chapter of Not The Only One! I know we all will *all fighting for a spot in the computer except for me*

Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin, the Arthurian legends, etc. I am only responsible for my own plot-line and characters.

The Coronation & The Moment of Truth P.1

Omniscient P.O.V~

(The Next Day Mid Day)

Arthur and Merlin after the night before went to Arthur's chambers and did their usual routine, except they both knew that their relationship as manservant and employer had changed... they were now friends. They were still saddened by Edeline's situation but neither (mostly Arthur) would bring up the conversation. As Merlin cleaned the Prince's chambers his mind began to wonder, but soon his thoughts were shaken by the sound of trumpets and horses' neighs. Arthur then stood by his window and Merlin followed, the sight before them both astounded and impressed them. In the courtyard there was a large group of knights bearing the chest of Abolin all in horseback as well as on foot, there were also some nobles and peasants who like the knights came by foot or by cart to Camelot. The journey to Camelot from Abolin was a two days ride, one day and a half if one did not rest, which is what Arthur surmised that the people did.

They all chanted: "Good King Jayden is dead! All hail Edeline, Queen of Abolin! Long live the Queen!"

"How could they have known so quickly?" Merlin asked as he looked at Arthur for an explanation.

"King Jayden might have known his reign was at an end... he must have sent word to his kingdom before he passed," Arthur reasoned as he knew that Edeline, in the state she was in, would not have been able to inform her kingdom. Just as Merlin was about to comment the people entered the castle and Merlin was leaving the prince's chambers.

"Merlin! Where do you think you're going?" Arthur inquired as he went after his manservant who was already out the door.

"I'm curious as to what they are going to do," Merlin said as he kept walking. Arthur then walked ahead of him and blocked him from going a step further.

"Merlin, I know you are an idiot sometimes but this is not the time to be one! It isn't our place to go snooping around," Arthur said as he crossed his arms. Merlin looked at him with bored eyes and then responded.

"Arthur, aren't you a bit curious as to what they are doing here? Besides, it is your duty to make sure the kingdom runs smoothly as your father is unavailable to do so at the moment. C'mon Arthur, let's see what is going on," Merlin persuaded as he looked at Arthur's pondering face. Arthur reasoned with himself that he was curious and that Merlin was right. So he just nodded and both headed towards the throne room where the crowd of people was. They sneaked around and stayed hidden in the back of the room making themselves unnoticed, that is until Morgana and Gwen bumped into the boys.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" both Morgana and Arthur whispered harshly at each other, while Gwen and Merlin hushed them.

"I'm here to represent my father, you know doing my duty as the crowned prince."

"Oh, liar! You were curious to see what they were going to do just like the rest of us!" Morgana

"SHHH! Both of you stop it, it looks as though it's starting!" Gwen exclaimed as she saw two knights (one youngish and another one slightly older) approach to the front of the hall and addressed the audience. The older man spoke.

"People of Abolin, the good King Jayden is dead and with his passing, we shall honor his last will. King Jayden thus left the throne to his heir, Princess Edeline Rosalind de Beauchamps."

"WHAT?" Arthur whispered loudly to the group as he now realized that Edeline had a whole kingdom on her shoulders just like he had (and will have) one day.

"Shh, listen there's more," Morgana answered as she pointed at isle in the middle of the gathering towards the elder knight, there Edeline walked with her face showing no sign of emotion. She was wearing a purple dress, with a white veil covering on-top of her hair (Note: in medieval France white was considered a mourning color since the show was filmed in France I'm going to simply state Edeline near a French territory or in between England and France). At seeing their monarch they all knelled before her, while Merlin, Arthur, Gwen, and Morgana quickly hid behind pillars and nearby tapestries to conceal themselves. Once they heard all of them rise again they slowly got out of their hiding place and returned to watching the celebration. They saw Edeline knelled on the ground before the senior knight.

"Edeline Rosalind de Beauchamps, do you promise, before your people, to reign with dignity and wisdom as your ancestry before you?"

"I will," it was forced and rather difficult response for Edeline, and the young Camelotians knew all too well.

"Do you promise to respect your people, ancestors, and father and follow the customs of your kingdom, withhold its tradition with loyalty and pride?"

"I will," Edeline responded a little stronger and with a single tear running down her cheek. Something inside of her was giving her strength to get through the ceremony. A warm presence, the same presence that she felt when she touched Merlin's hand for the first time.

"Finally, do you swear to hold a fair trial to all, show mercy and compassion when needed, protect your people, and maintain the peace and alliances?"

"I, Edeline Rosalind de Beauchamps, daughter of King Jayden Allister de Beauchamps and Queen Clara Rosetta de Beauchamps, pledge my life and soul to the protection of my people, alliances, and maintaining the peace. I swear that I will do all that is required of me and much more. ," Edeline responded with a confidence and assertiveness that shocked all who had seen the young girl earlier. It was the beginning of her reign and she knew that she must start it the same way that her father and grandfather had: Strength, Confidence, and Acceptance. Her people had accepted her and she had accepted her father's passing (that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt any less). Her father and mother were both confident in her abilities and she was confident in her father's teachings and guidance. Strength, she needed to show her strength to move her kingdom forward at such a loss, no matter how much it did hurt her she needed to be strong, not just for herself anymore but for her people.

"Then, I, Sir Avery, senior knight, advisor and friend to the King, crown you from this day on Edeline Rosalind de Beauchamps, Queen of Abolin," Merlin then saw the rather glamorous crown that was made for Edeline. It was far more intricate than the ones that he'd seen on Camelot's king and prince, he wondered though how fast they had made it... It took a rather long time to have such a beauty accomplish so how did they-


Long live the queen!

Long live the queen!

Long live the queen!

The people kept repeating the chant for who knows how long but Edeline, now facing her people, felt as though there was somewhere else she needed to visit. Then she heard that same voice that had woken her up the day her father had passed. Edeline, Edeline, come find me. I'm in the cave underneath the castle. Come find me, Edeline...

Who are you? Edeline thought as she faced her people and spotted familiar faces among the crowd she was about to walk towards them, but the doors of the hall busted opened and a perplexed and vexed figure stalked up to her.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?! Edeline, what is going on?!" Uther Pendragon exclaimed as he addresses the young queen in such a manner, causing the senior knight to step forward and respond to the king.

"Uther, it has been a long time hasn't it?"

"Who dares addresses me- Avery?" Uther inquired as he observed the man before him, for you see Sir Avery was once a citizen of the old Camelot and helped Uther claim the kingdom as his own; he always disagreed with Uther and was the polar opposite of him that some even thought how it was possible these two men were friends. The answer was rather simple, Jayden had always been there to stop their bickering and set a compromise.

"Well, Sir Avery, but yes close enough,"Avery answered as he got in between Edeline and Uther; he did not like the way Uther treated Edeline, aside being his Queen she was like the daughter he never had and never could have.

"Avery, what are you doing here?"

"I came to fulfill our friend's last request. I came to crown his heir as our monarch."

"Jayden wouldn'-"

"Oh but he would and he did! Inspect the document for yourself! Edeline... Queen Edeline is his heir! She is Abolin's heir. She is our queen!" Handing the piece of parchment that had the royal seal and Jayden's signature at the end of the note. It was dated the from the night before his death and this surprise Uther even more. His friend had known he was to die, and he took every precaution to ensure the safety of his child on the throne.

"Queen Edeline? You are telling me that the ceremony took place here," Uther answered once more in shock. He was not expecting Jayden asking for the ceremony in Camelot.

"It was his last request... Our people needed to see their monarch before their departure," Sir Avery answered with a cool confident tone.

"Is she not to depart with her people?"

"No, King Jayden made it clear that Queen Edeline should stay here... Much like our tradition states our monarchs must be apart from home for four to five years. Do you not recall Jayden's absence and his stay here and his involvement in the lengthy war-"

"Yes, I remember... So Edeline is to be my semi-permanent guest?"

"Yes, in a manner of speaking yes. She will govern our people and will receive news but she must stay here. She may also visit her home on occasions, but she shall reside in Camelot until that time is over. It is our tradition," Sir Avery claimed as he quite pridefully bared another document to Uther. Uther, on the hand, was rather perplexed and embarrassed by the whole situation; indeed his friend had made his daughter heir and monarch to his kingdom an act that he himself couldn't face. An act that he had taken precaution and reading and rereading. Edeline

Edeline! Edeline, come find me...

Edeline directed herself to her people and she spotted Morgana, Arthur, Gwen, and Merlin. She squared her shoulders and with a strong voice said, "My people, my father left this world to reunite with my mother once more leaving behind the mortal things in this world including his family," she closed her eyes to control her emotions and swallowed the lump in her throat, "It is a difficult and depressing time for all who knew him. His death through a distressful time has proven to us how honorable and courageous he is... was, believing in the good of the world and defending a friend in his time of need. He was a great man and an equally great king, I hope to be every bit as honorable and great as a monarch as he was. As for me, it is no easy task for me to be standing here and addressing you in such occasion. I lost a father, mentor, and friend, the man who taught me so much and whom I loved dearly... yet, I know deep in my heart that he is in a better place and is here guiding me through the beginning of my reign. So citizens of Abolin with this my first speech and vow as your monarch I, Edeline Rosalind de Beauchamps will protect our kingdom from danger and evil so long as I live and breathe." with that the crowd began to cheer and chant their "Long Live the Queen" again. Suddenly Edeline heard the same voice from earlier. Edeline, Edeline... Edeline. She paled a bit, but the voice made her feel safe almost compelled her to go to it. She moved to Sir Avery and whispered to him while still having a small smile on her face.

"Sir Aver, I-I need to be alone, please make sure to prepare my father's...departure,"

"Yes, my queen. Although is it wise to be absent from your father's... departure?"

"Please Sir Avery, do as I asked you to do. I will be there momentarily, I just need to be alone for a bit," Edeline requested pleading with her eyes to the senior knight.

"As you wish your majesty,"Sir Avery complied as he began to address the people of the change of venue.

Edeline began to walk down the hall towards the door addressing her people here and there. As soon as she got out, however, she ran down the hall. Then she heard the voice again.

Edeline... come closer... closer still...

Where are you? Who are you? Edeline questioned as she tried to located the voice. As she passed the halls, servants, and knights would get odd looks, but she would ignore them and continued her search.

I am what once was, a noble race... come find me.

Where are you? Edeline asked again trying to find a direction to follow.

I'm under the castle, follow my voice.

Edeline kept running, saw no guards in sight, and continued running guided by the voice in her mind until she came across a dark entrance. She looked back and saw an unlit torch and grabbed a hold of it. She concentrated her power and without words lit the torch and entered the cave. At first, Edeline saw nothing but then a creature that seemed as ancient and majestic as time itself landed in front of her.

A dragon?! How is it possible?

"My dear as you can see and tell anything is possible. I was beginning to wonder when we were to finally meet, I've been expecting you for quite some time now. It is truly an honor to meet you, Queen Edeline," Kilgharrah answered bowing his great head towards Edeline.

"You were expecting me? How long and how do you know my name?"

"I've been expecting you for as long as I've been expecting Emrys to arrive,"

"Emrys? But he's just folklore! A myth, a person of legend, stories that the druids and magical communities speak of. He's not real," Edeline reasoned as she had heard stories and myths of the coming of Emrys in her youth told by both of her parents.

"Oh no Edeline, Emrys is as real as you are and as real as I am. You're linked to him, as I am, as all the magical creatures, and as Arthur. You, Arthur, and Emrys have a great destiny lying on your shoulders."

"A great destiny, on my shoulder? What destiny? What does Arthur have to do with this?"

"Arthur is destined to be the king who unites all the lands and create Albion. Without him, the future of your kingdom will be chaos, and the fabric in which our world is created will be destroyed. Magic and Emrys will be destroyed. Emrys though powerful will need the protector of Albion, the once and future king's protector, his protector, you."

"But how can I protect them?"

"You are quick to accept your destiny, now that is a surprise. Why?" the dragon looked bemused and a bit entertained.

"You are imprisoned here, you have been for twenty some years why would you lie to me? Not to mention it feels like it's right for me to be here... my father mentioned some things to me that seemed strange at the moment but now... it all makes sense. I cannot change what is written but it does not mean I am fond of this situation. The options though few don't really leave much to the imagination, the legend of the Once and Future King- Arthur and his destiny feels right. Emrys though powerful?... How am I of use if Emrys is by his side? I'm a simple witch and-"

"You are no simple witch, Edeline. You and Emrys were bestowed a gift that compliments each other's power. You were formed of the same kind of magic from the same earth of Albion. You were destined to be together. You maintain that balance between magic and earth. You are a force of your own which is why the elements obey you without hesitation as well as Emrys. You are to make sure his destiny is complete and make his journey to his destiny as smooth as possible as well as protect the magical realm and its creatures. You are to make sure Arthur starts to realize the injustice of Uther's hatred of magic and set him off on the right course in becoming a just and magnificent king. You are to make sure their destinies are completed and they both become the great figures that they are destined to be. Only you and Emrys have this destiny riding on your shoulders."The dragon began to fly away and Edeline suddenly realized one thing.

"Wait! I don't know where to find Emrys! I don't even know what Emrys looks like! Do I know him? What is the prophecy you speak of?"

The dragon chuckled at the young queen's questions and simply answered this.

"Time will reveal to you all the answers you seek. Know this, Emrys is a lot closer than you think."

"WAIT!" Edeline then was left alone to her thoughts thinking of what the dragon had just informed her and of her destiny and role. I hope I find Emrys soon. Edeline then left the cave and went quickly to the courtyard where her people were waiting for her to start her father's final farewell. On the way she stopped to remove her veil in doing so she had to remove her crown. It felt heavy in her hands and the weight of her responsibility was much greater than before. Before she had a mentor to advise her of her decisions and guide her through he growth as a monarch, now... she was on her own. She placed the crown back on her head and walked to the courtyard bidding a final farewell to her father.

Edeline P.O.V~

A few weeks later...

"Merlin, how nice to see you. I'm sorry for what happened at the audience with Uther, were it in my power I would-" I said as I got up from the table and stopped my writing.

"I came to say goodbye. Queen Edeline," Merlin cut me off a bit nervous but determined to say this new news.

"Merlin, you don't need to address me with the title, your a friend," I said as I smiled slightly at the man before me. I was still not out of my sorrow or mourning for my father, but Morgana, Gwen, Merlin, and surprisingly Arthur were helping me move forward. The first days were tedious as I nearly addressed Uther as "father" and I didn't have the energy to get up form the bed or smile. I was becoming very ill, that is until one night when I was in bed Gauis, Arthur, Morgana, Gwen, and Uther around deeming me gravely sick and then Merlin came in with various concoctions walked into the room and just as he was about to address Uther, Arthur, and the rest, Merlin slipped and all the potions, medicines, and water fell on him with a clatter. The look on Uther's face, Gaius shaking his head, Arthur's frustration, Morgana's and Gwen's worry were enough for me to let out a hearty laugh. Gauis then seeing my change of appearance and a glow to my being deemed that I needed company and laughter, for laughter is the best medicine in this situation. Thus began Merlin's afternoon's and evenings visits to my chamber, where he would tell me about his day and sometimes give me the hilarious secrets of himself or embarrassing events that happened to Arthur (though Arthur denied it). So far the pasts weeks I had grown accustomed to Merlin visiting me, though today his news shocked me, and yet I knew I would have done the same in the position that he was in.

"Merlin, you don't have to explain anything to me. I know that your loyalty to your family is first. I will see you when you return,"

"Edeline, I won't be returning... She's my mother and she's alone back at Ealdor and-

"You don't need to explain Merlin. I understand... Well it's been a pleasure getting to know you and- Oh Merlin!" I said as I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. He was startled by my actions but chuckled a bit and embraced me back. We stayed like that for what seemed hours, in reality it was a couple of seconds, and MErlin vroke the silence again.

"Wow and you thought washing the prat's socks was an honor! It's not everyday that you're embraced by a queen!" he stated as I felt a smile forming on his face.

"I'll miss you, Camelot won't be the same without you," I said laughing a bit at the first part he said, "Know that you'll always have shelter in my kingdom."

"Thank you and I'll miss you, too, Edeline. If you ever pass by Ealdor, you'll always have a place to stay," Merlin offered as his eyes glistened with sadness and appreciation. We separated from our hug and then dried our apparent tears.

"Well, I better go and pack, I have a long journey ahead," Merlin said as he retreated towards the door.

"Wait! Merlin," I said just realizing something that might be of use to him. Merlin waited but was a bit perplexed with my outburst. I opened a box and pulled out a medallion with a purple stone in the middle, it had the crest of Abolin and dragons around the sides.

"It was my father's, he used it in every battle and it never failed to bring him victory in battle and bringing him home safe and sound... I hope that it may be of use to you," I said as I mentally enchanted the protection spell that activated the medallion

"Thank you. I will cherish it," Merlin said as he placed the medallion around his neck, not noticing the glow the stone had just shone. He smiled and bid me farewell once again. Oh I can't just let him walk away with out help, If only I had aid from someone who knew him and be willing to help... Wait!

Suddenly a plan was in motion and I ran out of my room and headed to Morgana's room. Things would certainly not stay the way anyone, not even Merlin, thought they would be.

Gwen's Cottage midday (same day)

"Morgana thank you for doing this," Edeline whispered as she helped Morgana dress in the chain-mail, at the same time adjusting her own armor.

"Edeline, you and Merlin are my friends! Of course I would help! Besides I didn't need much convincing after what Uther's verdict was. Hunith was devastated and any savage capable of hitting a woman deserves to be put in his place," Morgana said as we hid in Gwen's home listening in on the conversation with Merlin.

"Here. Tell me how it feels," Gwen commanded as she handed Merlin something.

"Yeah yeah, that feels really good. It's very you know, swordy." Merlin replied in the same humor that was endowed to him. Gwen must of been uneasy about his answer because she proceeded with urgency to give him more equipment.

"I've packed some armor for you," the moment Gwen said those words Morgana clasped my hand gave me a reassuring smile and proceeded to move to the door.

"I won't be able to carry all that." I manage to hear Merlin say before entering with Morgana.

"You won't have to," Morgana said confidently as she entered the room with me.

"We're coming with you, Merlin," I said as I gave him a smile and a determined look. To say Merlin was shocked is to say that a lark can fly, that is a bit too obvious.

"What do you mean?"

"You're going to need all the help you can get," Gwen said also with confidence and with a caring tone as she knew Merlin's combat skills, "I can mend armor and sharpen swords."

"I know how to fight," Morgana stated quite proudly

"And I know how to make a battle strategy," I added as Merlin kept looking at us with amazement.

"But you can't. I mean, why would you?"

"If it was the other way round, you'd help us. You already have. You saved my life," Gwen confirmed as she looked at Merlin with gratitude.

"You helped me get the druid boy out of Camelot," Morgana casually answered as I stared at her astonished with that statement. Druid boy?

"And you've helped my father in his last moments... and you've helped me try to get better these past weeks." I contributed as Merlin considered these things.

"We owe it to you, all three of us," Morgana said as she looked at each one of us with a determined look.

"I-I don't know what to say, but Edeline you shouldn't come! You're queen and you have a kingdom in your hands," Merlin tried to argue with me (urging me not to go)/

"A kingdom that I am far away from, so no one will know. Besides, I am thinking of my kingdom, if this Kanen comes so near Abolin the safety of my people would be in great peril. It is my duty to keep my people safe Merlin.

After we had all packed and made our excuses to Uther we all went on the trail to Ealdor thinking about what would lay in store for us in the village and what this Kanen brute was really like.

"They shouldn't be here," I heard Hunith say to Merlin, as I stayed still. It was a long road ahead and the woods was no place for us to let our guard down. I was looking at the stars, reminiscing of old times and was a bit hidden from view from my place on the ground. I then realized that Hunith and Merlin were having a heart to heart thinking that we were all asleep, "Especially the Lady Morgana and Queen Edeline. Aren't they the king's wards?"

"Not that you'd know it. They're the only people I know who aren't frightened of him," Merlin warmly said to his mother. I felt awful for eavesdropping on their conversation, but I couldn't force myself to sleep or ignore their conversation.

"It won't make any difference to Kanen that they're women," Hunith solemnly responded. I could hear the concern in her voice and the sense of motherly protection toward us.

"I know, but I couldn't talk them out of coming," Merlin told Hunith a bit defeated as he remembered our conversation from earlier. There was a bit of silence and I assumed they both had decided to fall asleep,but then Merlin broke the silence.

"I'm going to make him pay for what he did to you." Never in my short acquaintance with Merlin have I heard him this threatening or serious which caused me to be afraid, odd as it was his seriousness made me worry slightly for Merlin.

"Promise me you'll be careful. No one can find out about you." I was perplexed at that statement. What was Merlin hiding from us?

"They won't. They never do." Merlin replied a bit defeated from the statement as if he'd heard it so many times.

"Get some rest," Hunith bid Merlin goodnight in her own way. Their interactions caused me to miss my interactions with my own parents when I was younger, father would urge me to go to sleep while mother would read to me a story. As I got older I would stay up for a while and look at the stars with mother, I would end up falling asleep in her tower and father would somehow carry me back to my room. He would whisper things to me about my future and advice. I closed my eyes and I could have sworn I heard someone use magic tregan, a warm feeling like when one uses magic came over me. I slowly adjusted myself on the ground and slept for a while.

A few hours later I woke up from my dreamless sleep and heard something in the forest, I got up quickly and it seemed that I wasn't the only one who heard it. Merlin got up quickly and I approached him.

"My guess is that you heard the same thing I did," I whispered enough for only Merlin to hear me.

"Yes, it was coming from there," he pointed where the hooves steps where coming from. Merlin quickly got his sword and I grabbed mine."

"Edeline, you shouldn't come it could be dangerous!" Merlin whispered harshly as I went with him.

"Merlin, I'm came with you on this mission knowing how dangerous it can get, besides we stand a better chance if it's two against one. Especially if one of use knows how to fight properly," I answered as I kept looking around our surroundings.

"How do you know it's only one person?"

"Instinct. Now let go," I directed Merlin to the noise we heard.

"Look, you go on ahead, I'll be right behind you hiding. If anyone comes near you I will be ready alright? That way it'll be a lot easy to ambush and to know the enemy. If anything happens to me, I'll make a wolf cry to signal if I've been compromised or am on the run. Got it Merlin?" I said as we drew drew closer to a clear landing.

"Alright, I don't like this one bit but alright," Merlin said as he went on ahead looking around. I quickly hid behind and then proceeded to examine our ground using magic. I was right there is one other person. I said as I hid behind any shrubbery that was available for me to hide. I had a clear view of Merlin and he seemed to know I was there beside him, but I sense the other person near us too and he was far too close for my liking. All the fog coming from the forest made it hard to see where the body was coming from, wherever it was coming from I was ready to attack and defend my friend.

Merlin, seemed to sense my distress and saw the fog thicken as well so he quite panickinly started to look around and essentially freak out about it. I was ready to come out of my hidding place when I saw a body poke Merlin in the back with their sword

" I'd ask you for money, but I know you don't have any." A rather cocky and arrogant voice answered playfully. Dear lord above help me not to murder this man for doing such a reckless thing! How could he sneak up to us like that! He knows he could've gotten hurt!

"Arthur!" Merlin exclaimed as he carelessly swung his sword around with him almost severely injuring Arthur. However, Arthur, with his training as a knight, managed to duck down in time.

"Put the sword down, Merlin. You look ridiculous." Arthur said as he marched towards the camp. I got out of my place and Arthur looked surprised.

"Edeline! What are you doing here?"

"I'm Merlin's guard. If you would have hurt him Arthur you'd be dead where you're standing," I said as I walked to Merlin to see if he was alright and then walked faster than before to get to the camp. Merlin then proceeded to catch up to Arthur and filled him in on Kanen and his men as well as Ealdor. I stayed up with them until Arthur was filled in and I was beginning to fall asleep where I was siting. I had accidental rested my head on Arthur's shoulder and subsequently moved it to Merlin's. Which time both men looked at me and were in silent agreement

"We should all get some rest. It's going to be a long day tomorrow," Arthur requested (although it sounded more like an order) I was in no mood to protest so I proceeded to bid them goodnight and I fell asleep waiting for tomorrow to arrive.

Me: What do you all think? Sorry for the long break, but I'm back! Please comment and review for what you want the next chapter to have!