A/N: Hey everyone, I am SO SO sorry this took so long, motivation and inspiration were doing their best to avoid me, but I finally got it done. I apologize if it's completely awful I went through an edited it a bit, but my brain is not in a reading mood and I wanted to get this posted. I will try and not go that long between chapters ever again but who knows what will happen. Anyway, follow, favorite and leave a comment telling me what you think.

Also I do not own Doctor Who or any recognizable dialogue, I wish I did but I don't.

Chapter 18- Old New Friends

Rose POV

I woke the next, well not morning since we were drifting in the vortex, but I woke from the feeling of little hands pressing down on my side and smiled knowing Oliver was trying to crawl on top of me.

"Oh, no no no Ollie, don't wake mum," the Doctor whispered and went to pick him up but I turned onto my back and lifted Oliver into the air making him squeal and giggle, I laughed and brought him down attacking his cheeks with kisses. Then I set him down next to me and smiled up at the Doctor, who was looking at me with a guilty stare.

"Don't worry he didn't wake me up, I actually woke up just before that," I explained to him as Oliver crawled toward the foot of the bed.

"Oh, good I didn't mean for him to do that I was just trying to pick up the toys that fell off the bed," he told me squinting and rubbing the back of his neck. I sat up and saw an array of toys spread out over the duvet and Oliver crawling through them.

"How long's he been up for?" I asked while I watched him bang two plastic blocks together before putting one of them in his mouth.

"Oh a couple hours, I don't know we've been playing," he smiled as he moved so he was sitting back on the pillows.

"You were on the bed this whole time?" I asked and received a nod. "How did you keep him off me for that long?"

"Probably luck, or he could tell you were sleeping and wanted to let you rest," the Doctor shrugged.

"He's six months old," I reminded him and then laughed as I got up out of bed. Oliver looked up when he felt the bed shift, the block still in his mouth, he dropped it quickly and began crawling towards me.

"Mama, mama," he called crawling as fast as he could over blocks and rings and little books. He made it to the edge of the bed and I scooped him up into my arms and rested him on my hip.

"Did you miss me while I was sleeping?" I asked and kissed his forehead.

"Mama," he babbled again as we both watched the Doctor climb out of the bed awkwardly around the toys that were scattered all over his side of the bed.

"How about some breakfast, yeah?" I asked bouncing Oliver a bit as he rested his head on my shoulder. I started walking towards the door and he let out a tiny yawn, which let me know he hadn't slept well. I kissed the top of his head while we walk down the corridor to the kitchen. When I entered the Doctor was already working at the counter top so I sat down with Ollie in my arms still, feeling his mind calming from where his forehead was resting against my neck and I could tell he was almost asleep. I was gently rocking myself from side to side in my chair, trying to keep my mind as calm as possible so I wouldn't wake him.

I could hear the sound of eggs cracking and sizzling in a pan and the sound of the toaster lever as the Doctor tried to be as quiet as he could. He set my favorite mug down in front of me full of steaming tea, and I smiled up at him in thanks he returned the smile and went back to cooking. I continued rocking my tired time tot for a few minutes until the Doctor set a full plate down in front of me.

"Here, let me take him to his crib so you can eat," the Doctor murmured holding his arms out to take Oliver.

"No I'm alright, I've got one free arm. Plus I think he's feeding off of my mood," I answered quickly trying to keep my mind as calm as possible. The Doctor looked at me with his brow furrowed for a moment before noticing Oliver's forehead pressed against my neck and he nodded. We ate in silence other than the quiet sound of Oliver breathing through a stuffy nose.

"So are you still planning on going into Adipose industries today?" I whispered to the Doctor, who rubbed the back of his neck in thought. "I mean I know you said we were going to start traveling again like we used to, but I don't think we should bring Oliver along until we're through with teething. Trying to listen in with a fussy baby doesn't usually work out well," I smiled tilting my head so it was resting on Oliver's as I stabbed a bite of egg onto the prongs of my fork.

"I completely agree with you there Rose," the Doctor answered, "lets stick with the plan we made last night," he suggested before scrubbing his hands through his hair and leaning forward on his elbows against the table top. "I want to see this through, if they are seeding the planet I want to know why. I don't want to leave it in Jacks hands," he explained in a huff.

"So what exactly do you think is going on?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Well we know they're seeding the planet, but there are no humanoid species that reproduce that way. Yesterday I didn't detect a shimmer or anything on her and no shapeshifting species reproduce that way either. Basically she has to be working for someone and I want to figure out who," he explained as I soaked in the information.

"So you want to figure out what species she's working for so you can alert the shadow proclamation," I guesses and he grinned with a nod.

"Yeah, it's not that simple though cause I still am not sure how exactly I'm going to put a stop to it," he replied rubbing his hands through his hair.

"You never do though," I smiled, "it's that sort of your thing, just make it up as you go."

"Very true," he grinned back then looked down at our now empty plates, "I'll clear up, why don't you go lay down with him or something, I'll come tell you before I leave," he stood and kissed the top of my head, picking up both plates and taking them to the sink. I stood awkwardly with Oliver in my arms and headed down the corridor to the media room where I could lean back comfortably on the sofa.

Some time later I was leaned back on the sofa, with a time tot on top of me as I aimlessly flipped through channels on the telly. I finally settled on some alien soap when the Doctor strolled in with a fresh suit on and his hair fixed up. He smiled when he saw us and I grinned back.

"You look beautiful," he murmured just loud enough so I could hear him.

"Oh be quiet, I haven't even brushed my hair yet," I shot back half-heartedly while he strolled towards us.

"Doesn't matter, you'll always be gorgeous to me no matter what," he said with a gentle smile and I couldn't help but return it.

"Are you heading out now?" I asked after a few beats of silence.

"Yeah I am, you sure you're alright with that?" he retorted.

"I'm sure, just call me when you need me," I grinned with my tongue between my teeth.

"Oi, cheeky Rose Tyler, very cheeky. But yes I will call you if I need you," he nodded and took the few steps he needed to cross the media room to where I was laying back on the sofa. He leaned over me and planted a sweet kiss on my lips that broke off much too soon for my taste before pulling back and giving me one last grin before he was gone.

I let out a sigh as I looked down at my sleeping boy, so precious and innocent. Its been over six months now and I still can't believe he's real some days, the one thing I never thought I'd have in my life with the Doctor.

After a few hours of telly and telepathic conversations with the Doctor as he sat in a storage cupboard waiting for quitting time at Adipose industries, Oliver woke looking for food and seemed to be in a much better mood than what he had been for the last several days. Like his father so often does, he seemed to have put off sleeping until he absolutely could not anymore, I hadn't gotten much detail from the Doctor about how long he'd been sleeping but I knew what he was getting wasn't enough and it wasn't good sleep.

So now I was watching as he sat in his highchair gnawing on frozen banana baby food and staring at me. His mind was buzzing very loudly today and he seemed to have much more energy now that he'd actually had some sleep.

You didn't tell me Ollie hasn't been sleeping, I thought to the Doctor through our link.

Well he was sleeping but only about an hour every night, so not as much as he usually does, he defended. Sending a wave of irritated amusement toward the Doctor, I stood up, seeing that Oliver was done with his food and playing with the leftovers on the tray, and grabbed a flannel to wash him off. Letting him out, I picked him up and headed down the corridor toward the bedrooms. Stopping in Oliver's first to get him dressed.

Setting Oliver down on the floor of our room with his collection of toys I headed off to take a shower and get dressed myself. The Doctor was still sitting in the broom cupboard, waiting for the end of business hours, I had the feeling I would need to be ready to jump into action.

When the Doctor finally left the cupboard I had just finished drying my hair and was applying a bit of mascara. He headed straight to the elevator and up to the top floor. I grabbed Oliver and took him to find his carrier, since it would be a lot easier to run with him strapped to me. And no I wasn't hoping for something to go wrong, I thought to myself as the Doctor climbed into the suspended maintenance scaffolding, I didn't know who I was trying to kid though I was itching to run and I was ready the second something went wrong to jump in and help. I felt the Doctor's amusement at me as he activated the motor sending himself down, until he saw a large office and stopped. He went to grab for the sonic when a young woman being led by two guards entered in front of Miss Foster and he ducked out of sight, reaching for his stethoscope instead.

I was digging through the bottom of Oliver's wardrobe trying to find his carrier while the Doctor listened to Miss Foster talking to the young woman her guards had just tied up. She went on about her genius plan and how she'd traveled so far to find a country that was so obese. I was dashing toward the console room, holding Oliver on my hip with one hand and holding the carrier with the other. We'd been spot on about our theory of it creating a living being. Then she gloats about her name 'as in foster mother' she taunts.

"And these are my children," she said coolly as I reach the console room and begin strapping Oliver into the complicated contraption, I'd done it before but with the Doctors help. The Doctor peaks over the edge of the maintenance scaffolding and into the window of the office, looking at the small creature and the events taking place. I finally got the last strap into place and Oliver was ready to go when we needed to, when the Doctor looked toward the door of the office and spotted a woman peeking through the window the same time she spotted him. There was recognition followed by surprise as he looked at the woman whose face bloomed into a large grin.

Donna, he mouthed to her and I laughed at her mouthing back of DOCTAH, Oh My God.

How? He asked her.

It's me, she gushed pointing at herself.

Yes I see that, he responded, using hand gestured to help the lip reading along.

Oh this is brilliant, Donna mouthed and the Doctor was confused by what she meant.

What the hell are you doing there? He asked her. What he was too busy conversing to notice was the people in the room they were both spying on had noticed them and were waiting for them to notice.

I was looking for you, she answered and I gave him a mental nudge that he ignored.

What for? He asked and she began mouthing and gesturing nothing either of us could understand, until she looked to the side and noticed Miss Foster staring directly at her with her arms crossed.

"Are we interrupting you?" She asked them. Run the Doctor mouthed to Donna and grabbed the control of the scaffolding.

I tried telling you I sent to him as I pulled the straps of the carrier over my shoulder and clipped in under my breasts, tightening it so he was secure.

"Get her," Miss Foster pointed toward the door as the Doctor pointed the sonic at it, locking them in, before sonicing the motor so it would pull him up faster. Doctor what do you want me to do? I asked him running out of the TARDIS.

Just get inside, she may lock down the building, use the door I used earlier, I burnt out the electronic lock, he answered as he ran across the roof and into the stairwell. He was rushing down the stairs and he ran straight into Donna, they crashed into a hug and she gushed over how he even had the same suit, followed by an annoyed wondering if he ever changed clothes.

They heard the stairwell doors open a few floors down and began running back up, I stood in the maintenance tunnel waiting to be needed. They went back onto the roof as Donna gabbed about looking for him, and he paid no attention, sonicing the motor to the maintenance scaffolding. She argued about getting in it and he explained he locked the controls so only a sonic device could control it, and it would be very unlikely and I got a feeling that statement would be very ironic in a minute or so.

Everything for them went smoothly for the first few floors, and suddenly they started freefalling. I ran down the hallway toward the stairwell, determined to help even though I had no Idea what I would do when I got up there. The Doctor finally got his sonic aimed at the motor and it came to a screeching halt. He tried to sonic the window open but it wouldn't budge, so she must have deadlocked it.

What floor are you on, can you tell? I asked him as I ran up floor after floor and he and Donna struggled with the window. There was a sparking noise and they looked up to see one of the cables burning. It broke, the Doctor was able to catch himself but Donna tumbled out, somehow grabbing onto the broken cable and saving herself, but dangling high above London. He looked up knowing she would try and snap the other one and aimed his sonic at her hand, making her device spark, she dropped it and it fell from the edge of the building.

Using her sonic he got the window open and tumbled in and ran through the floor to the stairwell, we met on one of the landings and ran back down towards where Donna was hanging from. We ran into Miss Foster's office, where the young journalist was still tied up and went straight to the window.

"Is anyone gonna tell me what's going on?" the young woman asked, "and why've you got a baby?"

"Aren't you a journalist?" I asked her as the Doctor pulled the window open.

"Yeah," she answered simply.

"Well then make it up," the Doctor snapped as he grabbed at Donna's kicking legs.

"Doctor, here I'll grab her feet and pull, you help her as she comes in," I ordered, grabbing Donna's feet and pulling. Her hands slipped off their hold and she slipped, the Doctor grabbing her torso so she wouldn't get hurt on the window frame. The Doctor put her down on her feet and released her once he knew she was steady.

"I was right, it's always like this with you 'in'it," she accused and then spotted me, "who the hell are you?" She asked brashly.

"I'm Rose," I answered with a frown.

"Oh my god, you found her?" She asked the Doctor.

"Well, she found me, but no time for stories now," he answered as he grabbed my hand and we rushed toward the door.

"Um, you've got a baby strapped to your back," Donna shouted as she ran after us, as if I didn't know he was there.

"Oi," the journalist shouted and he poked his head back in for half a second to sonic her free. We ran through the floor headed toward the other end, and met Miss Foster and her guards in the middle. We came to a halt and the Doctor put Oliver and I behind him.

"Well, at last," she said as she removed her glasses.

"Nice to meet you, I'm the Doctor this is Rose," he answered in a chipper voice.

"And I'm Donna," the ginger added with a wave.

"Oh, well I thought you were partners in crime but it seems to me we have a trio, and evidently off-worlder's judging by your sonic technology," she stated in a cheery voice.

"Oh yes I've still got your sonic pen. It's sleek, very sleek I like it." He stated showing it off to me.

"Very sleek," I agreed with a grin.

"So if you were to sign your real name that would be?" The Doctor asked curiously.

"Matron Cafilia of the five straight and clasabindi nursery fleet, intergalactic class," she answered peeking around the Doctor and trying to get a peek at Oliver where he was strapped to my back.

"A wet nurse," I taunted her.

"Using humans as surrogates," the Doctor added disapprovingly.

"I'm employed by the Adiposian first family to foster a new generation after their breeding planet was lost," she answered with a calm and collected grin.

"What do you mean lost how do you lose a planet," I sneered.

"Oh politics are none of my concern," she stated, "I'm only here to take care of the children on behalf of the parents."

"What like an outerspace super nanny," Donna snarked.

"Yes if you like," Miss Foster nodded with a large grin, "why are you interested in hiring? Your little blonde nanny seems to be doing a terrible job, putting the poor little babe into danger," she taunted.

"Oi, I'm mum and don't you even think about touching my little boy or I will erase your ENTIRE existence," I shouted at the woman, pointing at her from behind the Doctor's arm. I felt warmth pass through me and things started to turn golden, squeezing my eyes shut I pushed the power back, trying to turn it off.

"So those little things, they're made of fat, yeah," Donna started sounding unsure of herself, "but that woman Stacy Campbell, there was nothing left of her." Doctor what's she talking about? I asked him telepathically.

That must have been the signal we got yesterday he answered as Miss Foster spoke.

"Oh in a crisis the Adipose can convert bone and hair and internal organs," she answered coolly, "makes them a little bit sick poor things," she added with a pout.

"But what about poor Stacy?" Donna asked stepping toward the woman.

"Seeding a level 5 planet is against galactic law," the Doctor warned in full oncoming storm mode. I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze hoping to bring him back down.

"Are you threatening me?" Miss Foster asked, fear flashing in her eyes for only a moment before returning to her calm cool demeanor.

"I'm trying to help you matron, this is your one chance," he warned. I wasn't looking at him but I knew the exact face he was making, blank eyes, withdrawn with the ruefulness of what he may have to do and trying to shield himself from it, if only a little. "Cause if you don't call off, I'll have to stop you."

"And how do you think you could stop bullets," she answered in the same tone. I jumped as the men pointed their guns at us and my heart sped up.

"Oh, hold on hold on hold on hold on," the Doctor shouted jumping completely in front of me. I could regenerate, but Oliver was still too little, "one more thing, before dying," he continued stalling, Rose try and make it to the door, don't run, he told me and I began slowly backing up, not even taking full steps, "Do you know what happens when you hold two identical sonic devices against each other?" He asked grabbing his from his pocket and holding up both.

"No," she answered with a heavy sigh.

"Nor me, lets find out," he said cheerily, before placing the ends of both sonics together, I booked it to the stairs trying to get as far from whatever was about to happen at possible, then an ear splitting noise reverberated through the room, the air seemed to shake and I covered my own ears but could still hear Oliver screaming behind me. I could hear glass shattering as I tried to continue, but the noise was throwing off my equilibrium. It came to a halt and I could hear the footsteps running toward me. Oliver was crying and then suddenly his weight was gone from my back.

A hand grabbed mine and I looked to see the Doctor holding Oliver on his opposite hip. We ran to the stair well and he released my hands, activating the sonic and scanning a still bawling Oliver to see just how bad the damage was all while booking it down the stairs. We took the back hall and ran straight to the broom cupboard the Doctor had hidden in today, and he passed Oliver into my arms. Throwing the door open he began tossing all of the supplies out into the corridor. I bounced and rocked the still weeping Oliver trying my best to console him.

"Well, that's one solution hiding in a cupboard, I like it," Donna grinned and I rolled my eyes but couldn't help my smile.

"I've been packed up in this thing all day cause the Matron's got a computer core running through the center of the building," he explained quickly, pushing on a panel at the back of the cupboard that then slid open to reveal a very alien computer, "triple deadlocked," he continued then reached into his pocket and pulled out the sonic pen, "but now I've got this, I can get into it," he grinned and began inspecting the screen and all the wires of the huge machine.

"She's wired up the whole building and we need a bit of privacy," he said before unplugging two wires and holding the ends against each other, creating a line of electrical current, "that should be enough to stop them," he muttered and then went back to work. I watched the Doctor work, still rocking Oliver who was now only quietly whimpering, and Donna was watching me. The Doctor would hand me wires to hang onto and I would, watching as he soniced them.

"You've got a family now," Donna whispered to the Doctor.

"Yeah I do," he mumbled back absent mindedly with a small smile touching his lips.

"So how'd you get back, I thought you were lost?" Donna asked me now.

"Determination for my son to not have to grow up without his dad, and a really amazing group of scientists, as well as modifying preexisting technology," I told her with a small grin.

"You've got a baby," she murmured in a sort of quietly awed tone. I smiled and nodded.

"What about you, you were gonna travel the world the last time I saw you?" the Doctor asked. She told her story about how everything was the same and it was like he was never there, I knew the feeling but I let her talk. Talking about her brief two week trip to Egypt.

"I must have been mad to turn down that offer," she murmured, again another statement I could relate to, but my chance happened about two seconds later.

"What offer?" the Doctor asked confused.

"To come with you," Donna answered.

"Coming with me," the Doctor said confused again. Then the computer activated a mechanical voice shouting 'inducer activated' and a quiet siren began to play.

"What's it doing now?" Donna asked sounding panicked like she probably knew but didn't want to be wrong.

"She's started the program," he shouted diving toward the controls again. Moments later the voice added 'inducer transmitting' in it's cold monotone voice. He started working frantically, moving wires and sonicking thing, flipping switches. "So far they're just losing weight, but the Matrons gone into emergency parcinogenesis," he explained frantically as he kept working.

"And that's when they convert?" Donna asked frantically.

"Skeletons, organs, everything a million people are gonna die," he shouted still pulling at wires and then reached into his pocket, "I've got to cancel the signal," he adds and pulls out the pendant and starts to dismantle it, "this contains the primary signal. If I can switch it off, the fat goes back to being just fat," he explained, attaching the pendant to the end of a wire. The siren increased and the mechanical voice shouted 'inducer increasing' seconds later.

"NO, NO, NO!" the Doctor shouted in panic as he rubbed the back of his hair, "she's doubled it, I need, it's too far I haven't got time. I can't override it, they're all gonna die!" he shouted in panic.

"Is there anything I can do?" Donna asked calmly.

"Sorry Donna this is way beyond you," He shouted, frantically flipping switches.

"Tell me what do you need?" she asked again

"He need a second capsule," I told her quickly, chewing on my bottom lip.

"Yes, yes I need it to boost the override, I've only got the one though," he rambled staring at the screen as Donna pulled a capsule out of her pocket and held it up to him, "I can't save them," he continued and Donna and I just stared at each other grinning.

"Doctor," she said calmly.

"What?!" he shouted as he turned to look at her and his manic grin bloomed across his face when he saw the capsule. He grabs it from her and quickly unscrews it, grabbing another wire and wiring it into the computer. With one last screech the power flickered off. With a gleeful laugh the Doctor grabbed Donna, Oliver and I into a hug. The building seems to shake with a loud sound from outside and we break apart.

"What the hell was that?" Donna asked in a whisper.

"The nursery," the Doctor answered quietly.

"When you say nursery, you don't mean a crèche in Notting Hill," Donna whispered sarcastically.

"A nursery ship," I clarified, and she nodded her understanding. The computer reactivates, the voice declaring an 'incoming signal' an untranslated voice came over the speaker and Donna began to panic as the Doctor tried to listen.

"Hadn't we better stop them?" Donna asked, and the Doctor held up a finger to quiet her.

"Hold on," he whispered, "it's instructions from the Adiposian first family." He listened in and read the symbols showing across the thin screen, "She's wired up the tower block to convert it into a levitation post. Ooo, oh we're not the one's in trouble now she is!" He shouted before grabbing my hand and sprinting out of the cupboard and down the hall. This time thankfully we took the elevator up to the top floor and then made our way to the roof. We stood there watching as Adipose were lifted up to the ship for a moment before Donna spoke.

"What you going to do then? Blow them up?" Donna asked seriously.

"They're just children, INFANTS, they're babies, they didn't do anything wrong here," I shouted, shocked as I clutched Oliver closer to me.

"Exactly, they can't help where they come from," the Doctor agreed.

"Well that makes a change from last time," Donna answered flicking her eyes towards me.

"That was different, the Adipose aren't dangerous, they won't devour the whole planet," he murmured not looking away from the adipose.

"You do him a world of good," Donna said to me.

"Yeah, he tends to go along with what I say," I grinned, "he fancies me," I mock whispered and gave the Doctor a wink.

"I would think so, seeing as you have a baby," Donna laughed, one of the little adipose began to wave at us then and we all waved back, "I'm waving at fat."

"Honestly as a diet play it sort of works," the doctor said out of the blue.

"There she is," I shouted pointing at the Matron and we all rushed over to where she was levitating near the edge of the roof.

"Matron, listen to me!" the Doctor shouted to get her attention.

"Oh I don't think so doctor, if I never see you again it'll be too soon," the Matron answered in her cool voice.

"Why does no one ever listen. I'm trying to help. Just get across to the roof, can you shift the levitation beam?" He asked reaching out toward her.

"What so you can arrest me?" she asked like we were stupid for thinking that would work.

"Just listen I saw the Adiposian instructions, they know it's a crime, breeding on earth. So what's the one thing they wanna get rid of, their accomplice," he tried to explain.

"I'm far more than that, I'm nanny to all these children," she said proudly with her arms spread wide.

"Exactly, mum and dad have got the kids now they don't need the nanny anymore," the Doctor shouted and her eyes widened in realization, but it was already too late. The levitation beam turned off and she plummeted toward the street below. I covered one of Oliver's ears, pressing the other to my shoulder and burrowed him between the Doctor and I to shield him from the sound of the Matron falling to her death.

We turned away and slowly made our way back down to the street, the Doctor tossing the sonic pen into a bin on the sidewalk as we went. The young journalist walks up then, somehow tied to a chair again.

"Oi, you three, you're mad. Do you hear me, MAD! And I'm gonna report you! For… madness," she ranted before hobbling off toward the police lining the streets.

"Some people just can't take it," Donna said with a shake of her head.

"No," the Doctor agreed.

"And some people can, so TARDIS?" I added and looked at the Doctor with my eyebrow raised, he gave me a nod and I looked over at Donna, "come on then," she practically squealed as we walked off toward the alley where the TARDIS was parked.

"That's my car!" Donna shouted when we entered the alley way, "That's like destiny. And I've been ready for this, I packed ages ago just in case," she gushed and opened the boot of the car, then turned and faced us and her face fell. "Is it alright though?" she asked.

"Well," the Doctor started before scrunching his face up and looking towards me.

"You did say we were gonna start traveling again," I shrugged and smiled, "might as well have an extra set of hands with this one too," I gestured to Oliver who was just resting his head on my shoulder observing everything and tugging on his pained ears.

"You've got to understand though Donna, things are different now, we travel, but we try to stay out of trouble as best we can. We have Oliver to worry about and his safety comes first," the Doctor explained seriously.

"Of course, as long as I can come." Donna grinned for just a second and then stopped again, "I can come right?" she asked uncertainly.

"Yes you can come," I told her with a grin.

"Oh that's amazing, you are wonderful, well I know it's a lot of luggage, but the TARDIS goes anywhere so I packed for all sorts of weather," she babbled as she unloaded the luggage from the boot of the car and started stacking some of it in the Doctor's arms.

"Is that a hat box?" I asked with a giggle.

"Planet of that hats, I'm ready. You don't need any injections do you?" She asked as she picked up her luggage and started moving toward the TARDIS.

"No, the TARDIS takes care of you," the Doctor answered quickly as he tried not to run into us with his arms stacked high with luggage. I rushed ahead of them and unlocked the door, pushing it open so they could set the luggage inside.

"This is so exciting, I can't believe I'm actually doing this," she gushed after we had all the luggage in the TARDIS, "are you ready?" She asked and went to step in the doors but stopped and looked down at her hand, "Car key's! I've still got my mums car keys!" she shouted and ran off towards the road. A thought occurred to me and I rushed after her.

"Donna," I called to her as I approached her standing on the sidewalk, looking up and down the street.

"Hang on, I'm just gonna hide them in a bin or something and tell my mum where they're at," she said as she began walking down the sidewalk.

"No don't do that, listen take your car home, say bye let someone know you're going to be gone. Beside's we've gotta make sure his ears are alright first and I don't want you sitting around bored or getting lost wandering around the TARDIS before we have a chance to show you around while we do that. So take the car home and we'll meet you there, okay?" I asked.

"You promise?" She asked right back.

"I swear to you," I answered her, she gave a nod and walked back past me to go to the alleyway. I saw the police barricade and noticed there was a small group of people standing against it, one person in particular looked too familiar, but it was impossible and I knew that. He wouldn't be here unless something was really wrong and everything was fine when I left.

"So we're gonna get Donna from her parent's place?" The Doctor asked from right behind me suddenly making me jump. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, just thought I saw someone, but it's impossible, just someone who looks similar," I answered with a smile as I turned away from the man who I could have sworn was not only my best friend but my ex-boyfriend, but Mickey was in the other universe, where he had a job and a life and everything he wanted.

We were in the medbay and the Doctor was running a scan on Oliver, who did not want to sit still. We had concluded that Oliver would have an earache for a couple of days but was, for the most part, fine. The Doctor was currently trying to put drops in his ears that would help him heal, but it seemed the time tot was not having it. He finally got the drop into Ollie's ear and turned him onto his other side to get the other ear. It took us about ten minutes to successfully get a drop into that ear and the Doctor picked him up, rubbing his back to try and soothe him.

"Lets go pick up Donna," I grinned heading into the corridor with the Doctor behind me, "you're being very quiet by the way," I commented as we walked.

"Sorry, it's just been a long day, I mean Oliver got hurt and it was me who did it. Sometimes I just want to park the TARDIS and have a normal-ish life until he's a teenager."

"Doctor, it was sore ears, or a bullet, you made the right choice. He'll be a little fussy cause his ears hurt, he's already being fussy about his gums." I consoled him.

"You are being very relaxed about this," he said suspiciously.

"Well, we knew that today we were going into trouble. It wasn't a surprise. We're going to be careful, I'm sure we'll run into some danger but I know we'll get out of it with only bumps and bruises or burst eardrums at the worst," I explained, trying to show I had faith in him and his ability to keep us safe. "I mean trust me, I'm hurting cause my little boys hurting, but being positive and happy is the best thing I can do for him right not, not dwell of the fact that he's hurt," I added as I walked up the steps to the console and plopped down on the jumpseat.

I held out my arms for Oliver and the Doctor just shook his head taking him to the console with him. He balanced Oliver in one arm and piloted with the other, pulling the materialization lever and landing with a soft thud. Immediately there was knocking on the door and he sauntered down the ramp to open it, the lock clicked and then Donna was barreling up the ramp and into the console room.

"Oh, it hasn't changed a…" she drifted off when she saw the pack and play and I couldn't help but giggle.

"It's changed a little," I remarked, looking over to the Doctor where he was leaning against the railing and hiding a grin against Oliver's head. "Well Donna, why don't we go find your room and show you around a bit, then let you get settled in since its already been a long day," I told the ginger as I stood and smoothed out my trousers.

"I have a room?" Donna asked a bit shocked.

"Oh yeah, the TARDIS will have created one for you, she already put your luggage in there too, we just have to find it," I explained as I held my arm out for her to take. We linked our arms and headed down the corridor the Doctor flipping the dematerialization lever to send us floating in the vortex and then following close behind with Oliver.