Gideon paced back and forth outside of the emergency room in the waiting room, chewing through what was left of his nails; then spitting them to the carpet. He should've never tried to beat Tucker, he knew how competitive that hot head was; he swore he could never understand why. He sighed and finally sat down in a waiting room chair, he had to tell Soos, if nothing more than an explanation as to why Tucker wouldn't be at work for a while. He pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts until he reached "Soos-New Boss" and hit the call button. He bit his lip as he listened to the dial tone.

Soos sat with Dipper, Wendy, Mabel and Melody around the table in the kitchen, scarfing down his infinite pizza slice as best he could, seeing as how it regenerated with every bite he took;all the while, everybody had to stick with regular pizza, courtesy of Gideon. Soos smiled to himself, a wave of nostalgia washing over him as he gently ruffled Mabel's hair, causing her to duck away from his hand. She began to pat her hair down into place, as Wendy and Dipper laughed at her, she had pizza sauce in her hair; which she ended up embedding into her hair. Everyone was having such a good time, nobody heard the phone going off.

"This is Mr. Mystery of the Mystery Shack, sorry I can't come to the phone right now. Leave a message and I'll try and get back to you." Gideon growled in frustration, then sighed as it beeped, allowing him to leave his message, "Soos, I-it's Gideon...Look, somethin' happened downtown t'night and I'm sure y'all hear 'bout it on the news but...Tucker got int'a an accident, he crashed his motorcycle int'a Manly Dan's truck. I'll call back when I learn somethin' 'bout his condition, ok? Bye now." He hung up and sighed again, this really was all his fault. He put his face into his palms and sobbed softly, the necklace hanging around his neck glowing a soft blue; he quickly tucked it into his shirt before continuing to sob into his hands.

It wasn't until Wendy had to leave for the night did Soos realize he had a message, he picked up the phone and hit the messages button, "Soos, I-it's Gideon...Look, somethin' happened downtown t'night and I'm sure y'all hear 'bout it on the news but...Tucker got int'a an accident, he crashed his motorcycle int'a Manly Dan's truck. I'll call back when I learn somethin' 'bout his condition, ok? Bye now." Soos then nearly dropped the phone, he rushed to get this coat and shoes, causing Melody and the rest of the group to look at him with both curiosity and worry.

"Soos...what happened?" Melody asked as she gently placed a hand on his shoulder, making him slow down and look at her. He sighed and went into a short explanation on the situation. Everyone gasped, and Mabel began to tear up, causing Wendy to quickly get her a tissue.

"I'll need a ride up to the hospital." Soos said as he started to collect change for a cab.

"No way man, I'll drive." Wendy said as she twirled the keys to her truck around on her ring finger, causing him to nod in thanks before kissing Melody ("I KNEW IT!" "Mabel, be quiet!") and joining Wendy out in her truck, they both waved as the departed. Dipper and Mabel soon went up to their room, both of their minds on the boy in the hospital;however, both for different reasons. Dipper paced the floor before his bed, chewing absentmindedly on a pen as he thought, while Mabel was talking into her pillow. Dipper sighed as he then walked over to his sister, sitting beside her and patting her back.

"It's alright, I'm sure he'll be ok." He said as he tried to make her roll over to look at him, and he smiled as he was successful; she turned and then laid her head on his lap, looking up at him. He smiled and began to calmly stroke her hair, causing her to curl up into a tired ball, and yawn softly. He then reached over and pulled a blanket over and laid it across her, then lifted her head off his lap and onto a pillow; she had fallen asleep on him. He smiled softly as he then lifted himself from her bed, and walked over to the window, looking out into the night. He knew he heard that name before...and not just when Soos would mention it either, he heard it somewhere that he couldn't very well recall.

He didn't even remember what he looked like, seeing as how when he came into the shop he didn't get the best look at him; still, it gnawed at the back of his mind of where he heard it before. He sighed and sat on his bed, too deep in thought to boot Waddles off of it as he laid down, "Good Pig..." He muttered as he rolled over to face the walls, the weight of exhaustion being to drag down on his eyelids, why did he seem so tired lately? He yawned softly and simply marked it up to the events of the past few days;and finally let his eyelids slide down, allowing him to be consumed by sleep once more that day.

A boy began to stroll into the forest, a small military camouflage bag resting upon his shoulder as he sung softly to himself, "We'll meet again~. Don't know where, don't know when~" He stopped when he heard something behind him, but just shrugged it off. Why was this part of Dipper's dream? and more importantly, why was he going into the deeper part of the forest?! Dipper tried to stop him by jumping in front of him, but he was about as tangible as a ghost, he should know, he's met a few. He shivered at the cold feeling of being passed through , and groaned. This wasn't a dream, it was a vision! He hated these, but Dipper knew he had to follow the guy to his destination...or go spy on Wendy; he much rather would've chosen the latter, but he knew this was shown to him for a reason.

The boy walked until he reached a very small clearing, then walked under a tree, seemingly kneeling down to look at something, "Who the hell leaves something this cool lyin' around?" He asked as he sat down, revealing to Dipper it was the stone body of Bill Cipher he had found, he gasped. He again tried to stop him from even looking at it, but he couldn't seem to get his attention. The boy then noticed it's hand was sticking out, and looked at it, "Well, nice to meet you too." he said as he reached out his hand to shake it with the statue's own.

**Author's Note: Sorry about the cliffhanger, but I don't want this chapter to go on for too long. Also, I had an idea that I would like to ask a few people, so anybody who'd like to be on my private team of...people who come up with ideas and shit, just message me. Thank you for reading my horrible crap,^^