I'd Come for You

A/N: This story's idea originally came from ThatGeekyGirl and I just added in my twists. I'd Come for You, my fellow authors. Enjoy.


Slash P.O.V.

As my eyes open, life blurs and clears up repeatedly. I can make out the beams of a building. The windows are tinted, I notice, because the light is dim.

I groan and attempt to sit up. A foot presses on my chest, attempting to keep me down. A foolish gesture. Raphael will-wait! Raphael, the building, Leonardo, it's all coming back. I fell, explaining why my body feels like a punching bag. Raphael was protecting Leonardo. He paralyzed me. But he still reached for me…

"Raphael…" I groan

"See, Master Shredder, I told you this was one of the Turtles allies."

Now my mind is clear. My eyes can see everything now. Above me is a mutant dog-like being with its bones outside of its body. And on my other side of me is a man who I'm guessing is the Shredder.

"You," I growl, jerking to my feet, sending the dog flying. Shredder dodges my swing and flying kicks and punches like a champion. Raphael was right. Shredder is a monster of a fighter.

He swings around behind me. My feet move to slowly as something hits the back of my head and send me to the ground.

I pant as Shred head says," Are you done and ready to co-operate yet?"

I lift my head to look at Shredder as he walks around me and I spit my answer at him, "Whatever you want, I won't give it to you."

The dog laughs. A fish on metal legs comes and stands by his side, also laughing. I squint, trying to see what they are thinking.

The Shredder crosses his arms, glaring down at me," I have a proposition for you…Turtle."

I hesitate. Then I think monster. "I told you, I'm not doing anything for you!"

"What about for Raphael?" the dog growls. I swivel my head to look at hm. A rare feeling of fear fills me.

"If you hurt him, I'll take your heads off!"

"Don't get you spikes' in a twist," the fish, who I'm guessing is Fishface growls, "We said we had a proposition."

I glance around. I know there are ninjas hiding, watching. Maybe, this one time, I'll listen.

Shredder remains above me, ready to fight if necessary. He starts," I know you dislike all of those turtles except Raphael. We watched you take them down. You want the best for Raphael, to be a twosome. Well, if you bring me his siblings, you will get to protect Raphael and be his true…brother."

"Raphael will come after his family and you'll just get rid of him, too." I point out in a rough voice.

"Precisely," Shredder says, confusing me," the only turtle I want is Leonardo, Yoshi's eldest. You get the other two for your own benefit."

I narrow my eyes. As much as I hate Leonardo, it makes me suspicious as to why this monster only wants him. "What's so special about Leonardo?"

"Everything. That's all you need to know. Bring me him, get the other two, and Raphael is yours. I can assure you."

I think his words over. If I bring those three, Raphael will be free of his sewer family, no matter what I do to Donatello and Michelangelo. And Splinter loves Leonardo indefinitely. Those two will be out of the way. Then it's just me and Raph. Just as we wanted.

I look up at Shredder. He doesn't take his eyes off of me as I stand. "Deal," I say, sticking out my hand even though I know he won't shake it.

Instead, his eyes seem to start glowing with bloodlust. And I have no doubt that it's for Splinter and Leonardo.

And just like that, our deal I sealed with Leonardo's blood and Raphael's freedom.

A/N: Well there's the first chapter. I have half-half feelings about this so I would love to hear your opinion. Till the next chapter, The Next Authors oath.