Arthur hadn't been king long, he had allowed magic to return to Camelot and Morgana was dead. Merlin had been appointed the official chief warlock of Camelot, Freya didn't die, her curse was lifted by the woman who put it on her in the first place and she was living with Merlin in the castle in their own chambers.

On one day they both had the day off Merlin took Freya for a ride outside of Camelot. They were going for a picnic besides a nearby lake. Freya was getting up to get some food out of the basket when Merlin put his hands on hers.

"What is it Merlin?" she asked confused.

"Freya I love you, I want to make you happy. Will you marry me Freya?" he asked tears falling down both of their cheeks.

"Yes! Yes I will" they kissed happily. Tears of joy still streaming down their cheeks, Merlin summoned some gold out of the ground, fashioned it into a ring and slipped it on to her finger. They spent the rest of their day off relaxing next to the lake. Simply enjoying each other's presence. They spent the rest of the way back discussing who they wanted to do what.

In Camelot everyone noticed the happy expressions on their faces. Next day after lunch Merlin and Freya went to Arthurs chambers. Merlin knocked. "Come" came a voice from inside, the knights Gwaine, Percival, Elyan and Leon were surrounding the kings table. They all noted the happy expressions on their faces. "Oh are you in the middle of something, we can come back later if you like?" Merlin said. "Don't be ridiculous Merlin, come in" the two of them entered. "Hello again Freya" Gwen said cheerfully.

"Hello your majesty" Freya said

"Call me Gwen"

"Gwen" Freya nodded, smiling

"Arthur, we've come to ask you something" Freya smiled at him encouragingly "willyouperformtheceremonyforourwedding?" Merlin asked.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that?" Arthur said

"Arthur will you perform the ceremony for our wedding?" Merlin asked. The room looked shocked.

"I'd be honoured Merlin, Freya. When are you planning on having it?"

"Next Spring" Merlin and Freya said at the same time. Everyone grinned.

"Gwaine, would you be my best man?" Merlin asked. Gwaine grinned at him.

"I'd love to mate, ooh I'm going to start planning your stag do" Merlin looked nervous. Freya chuckled at him. "Just make sure he's in proper shape for the wedding, I don't want an unconscious or sick Merlin on the day" she grinned at him. Gwaine winked at her. "If you need any help getting a good dress, I know a good seamstress" Gwen said to Freya. She smiled gratefully back, "Thank you Gwen" the two of them walked slightly away. Merlin smiled happily. He turned and left, looking at Freya.