This is my first story but don't go easy on me.

Disclaimer: I don't own Victorious or any of the characters. They all belong to Dan Schneider.

Kay kay? cool.

Only you.

It was a 2 am on a Saturday and Beck and Jade were asleep in Beck's RV. He was abruptly awoken by Jade... Crying? But Jade does't cry. He turned to look at her and she was in fact crying.

"Hey" Beck said in a soft tone.

"Hey" She replied in a hoarse voice from crying.

"What's wrong, babe?" He asked slightly worried.

Beck tried to remember the last time she cried, which lead him back to a few years ago; Tori's second day when her and Beck kissed. He mentally face palmed himself for being so stupid as to kiss her and wonder why Jade didn't leave him.

"Bad dream" She shrugged.

"You wanna talk about it?" He asked, putting an arm around her.

She sighed shakily and looked him in the eyes. He saw a mixture of pain, anger and worry.

"It was about you and Vega" She told him in an icy tone and chuckled humourlessly.

"I'm sorry" He said in a voice full of regret.

"You guys were kissing and then she told me that you never loved me and that you and her are perfect for each other. And She is perfect for you, I mean she's skinny, she has a better voice than me, more friends and no problems. You should be with her, Beck." She said, another tear sliding down her pale cheek.

"I shouldn't be with her and you know why?" He asked, wiping the tear away with him thumb.

"Why" She said in a dead tone.

"Because she is too skinny for me, nobody has a better voice than you, if you had more friends that would just be a reason for me not to spend time with you which would not make me happy and your problems... They make you, you. And I don't want to be with anyone other than you. got that?" In a sweet, yet reassuring voice.

Jade looked up at him, gazing into his brown eyes and all she saw was truth and love. She nodded and leaned into his arms. They got into a spooning position and they lay there like that for about half an hour. After that Beck was the first one to speak.

"You wanna know something else?" He whispered.

"What?" She replied in the same tone.

"I don't love Tori. I never have and never will. I love you, Jade and only you."

She turned to face him, getting lost in his eyes.

"Only me?" she said quiet and vulnerable, the side of her that she only let Beck see.

He leaned down to kiss her softly and she responded. It was a slow kiss full of passion and love. They broke apart and Beck stared into his girlfriends blue/green eyes.

"Only you."

They smiled and Jade cuddled into Beck as he held her stroking her hair. They knew that They didn't need to doubt his love for her and and hers for him ever again. And with that they both fell asleep in each others arms.

What did you think? Thanks for reading :)